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24. Perubahan Penutupan Lahan Di Taman Nasional Way Kambas

Land cover changes in Way Kambas National Park (TNWK) changes rapidly. Data on changes in land cover in 1996, 2002 and 2010 in TNWKanalyzed by using remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Analysis also includes changes in land cover in each zoning park management. The research was conducted in June-September 2012 at the Way Kambas National Park. Data collected in the form of Landsat ETM + and TM (1996, 2002, and 2010), field verification points, and attribute data in the form of zoning. Spatial data processed with ERDAS imagine software version 8.5 and Arc View version 3.3, while the data is processed by descriptive attributes and analyzed qualitatively. Land cover types in the Way Kambas National Park is divided into 9 classes of forest, wetland forests, wetlands, shrubs, reeds, open land, water bodies, lading, and no data (cloud and cloud shadow). The largest land cover on the forest zone and the intensive use of coarse grass while special conservation zone and the core zone has the largest forest cover in the form of forest.

Keywords: GIS, land cover, Way Kambas National Park


2. Inventarisasi Pohon Plus dalam Blok Koleksi di Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman

Plus tree inventory was an activity for collecting and compiling data. Collection block was an area within Great Forest Park region that contains different types of plant, either endemic or non-endemic plants, which serves for protection and preservation, research, science, education, support the cultivation, culture, tourism and recreation. The information about the existence of plus trees on the collection block still rare. So, plus tree inventory still necessary to fulfill the data. This research was held in Wan Abdul Rachman Great Forest Park Collection Block at February to March 2012. The aim of this research is to identify the trees which has plus tree criteria. Data collected by using line terraced layers method which placed systematically. The collected data include the types of trees, trunk diameter, branch height, trunk straightness, tree's health condition, fruit production, branch corner, sphericity form of circumference stem, and the location of the plus tree. Based on the results, there were 9 species of trees that identified as plus trees, 7 species of wooden trees, which are 3 taboo trees (Tetrameles nudiflora), 1 dadap tree (Erythrina fusca), 1 purple coral tree (Pterospermum javanicum), 1 sandpaper tree (Ficus ampelas), 6 kapok trees (Ceiba pentandra), 1 red cedar tree (Toona sureni), 1 mindi tree (Melia azedarach) and 2 species of MPTS trees, 1 durian tree (Durio zibethinus), and 1 mango tree (Mangifera indica). Total number of individual tree that meets the plus tree criterias are 16 trees.

Keywords: inventory, plus trees

3. Studi Perilaku Makan dan Analisis Vegetasi Pakan Lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus Auratus) di Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai

Javanmonkey (Trachypithecus auratus) an endemic primate of Java is vulnerable and listed in Appendix II of CITES. This study was done to observeits feeding behavior and food diversity. The results is expected to support its population in the wild from the destruction of habitat. It was conducted in March-April 2012 in Situ Sangiang Gunung Ciremai National Park, Majalengka, West Java Province. The method used is animal scan sampling was applied feeding behavior and purposive sampling to determine the vegetation diversity. Its feeding monkey between 07:00 to 11:00; 13:00 to 14:00; and 15:00 to 17:00 time in tree stratum (> 15 meters), mostly on haripingku (Dysoxylum densiflorum). Other food plant shantap (Sterculia oblongata), kigambir (Uncaria gambir), nangsi (Villebrunea rubescens), kiara (Ficus globosa), hamirung (Vernonea arborea), mara (Macaranga tanarius), tisuk (Hibiscus macrophyllus), kiara koneng (Ficus annulata Bl.), mahoni (Swietenia mahagoni), saninten (Castanopsis argentea), and nunuk (* not identified).

Keywords: feeding behavior, Gunung Ciremai National Park, Javan monkey

7. Kontribusi Hutan Rakyat terhadap Pendapatan Petani di Desa Buana Sakti Kecamatan Batanghari Kabupaten Lampung Timur

This study objective is to determine the contribution of private forest management on farmers total income. This study was conducted in March-May 2012 in the Buana Sakti Village, Sub District of Batanghari, District of Lampung Timur. The number of respondent of this study were 40 private forest farmers. Data were collected by direct field observation, interview, and literature review. Data were then analyzed using qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. The results revealed that the average area of private forest owned by farmers were 0,98 ha. The private forest were managed by monoculture, polyculture and agroforestry system. In monoculture system the farmers planted Acacia mangium, in polyculture system the farmers planted Acacia mangium and Hevea brasiliensis while in agroforesty system the farmers combine their land with Acacia mangium, with honey enterprises. The results showed that private forest contribute Rp 17.619.649 every year (70,54%) of the total farmers household income of Rp 24.984.774 every year.

Keywords: contributions, farmers income, private forest

16. Potensi Penyerapan Karbon Pada Sistem Agroforestri Di Desa Pesawaran Indah Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran Provinsi Lampung

This research aims to determine dominant vegetation and amount of carbon absorption of agroforestry systems.This research held at Pesawaran Indah Village, Padang Cermin Sub Distric, Pesawaran Distic, Lampung Province on April - June 2012. It is used Summed Dominance Ratio (SDR) methode, vegetation of INP (Indeks Nilai Penting) and than to calculate the carbon absorption by allometrik equation. Agroforestry land lies on fisiography category.There are three fisiography to ease in obtaining the data. There are low land, middle land, up land and forest hamlet. On low land the dominanat vegetation for tree phase is Teak (Tectona grandis), and for pole, sapling and seedling phase is dominant Cacao (Theobroma cacao).On middle land the dominanat vegetation for tree phase is Avocado (Persea americana), the pole, sapling and seedling phase is dominant Cacao (Theobroma cacao).On up land the dominant vegetation for tree phase is Waru (Hibiscus macrophyllus), the pole, sapling and seedling phase is dominant Cacao (Theobroma cacao). On village forest the dominant vegetation for tree phase is Taboos (Crescentia pujeta), pole phase is Champaca (Michelia champaca), sapling phase is Bamboo (Gigantochloa apus) and seedling phase is hevea (Hevea brasiliensis). The results of carbon above absorption on agroforestry lands at Pesawaran Indah Village is 118,96 Mg/ha (low land), 104,16 Mg/ha (Middle land) and 89,01 Mg/ha (up land) and 526,43 Mg/ha (forest hamled).

Keywords: agroforestry, carbon, dominant vegetation

18. Pengaruh Beberapa Dosis Pupuk Dan Beberapa Media Tumbuh Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Jabon (Anthocephalus Cadamba)

Jabon wood (Anthocephalus cadamba) is a fast growing species. Currently, jabon wood is play an important rile for timber industry, included plywood, lamina, and the other timber industry. To improve the quality of wood jabon, necessary for the addition of fertilizer and improved media. Application of multiple doses of fertilizers with several media compositions was expected could increase the growth of jabon wood seedling. This observation aimed to know the effect and interaction of media composition and fertilizer on the growth of jabon wood seedling. The observation was conducted in greenhouse of Agriculture Faculty, Lampung University for 4 months. The observation was compiled factorially (3x4) in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 replications. The first factor was the composition of the soil medium consisting of red-yellow podzolic (100%); red-yellow podzolic + sand (1:1); red-yellow podzolic + rice husk (1:1), while the second factor was the dose of fertilizer consists of 0 g, 0.5 g , 1 g, and 1.5 g. The observed variables are added height, diameter, number of leaves, root length, and total dry weight. The results showed that media composition significantly affected, diameter, number of leaves and total dry weight. Fertilizer did not significantly affected height increment, diameter, number of leaves, root length, and total dry weight, there was no interaction between several media compositions with fertilizer. The best treatment to all growth parameters was red-yellow podzolic soil + sand (1:1) with all fertilizer doses.

Keywords: fertilizer, jabon wood, podzolic,red-yellow, rice husk

19. Studi Populasi Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca Fascicularis) Di Pulau Condong Darat Desa Rangai Kecamatan Ketibung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan

The Condong Terestrial Island is one of the island belong to tourist area, Pasir Putih, in Rangai village. This island has a natural vegetation and become conservation area for all living things.One of them is the long tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis), or the crab-eathing macaques. The objective of this research is to know about the number and the population density of long tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) at Condong Terestrial Island. The research has been done from January 16th to February 5th 2012. This research was using concentrated method. Data was collected by visiting the existence of long tailed macaques. Population of longtailed macaques was calkulated by noting the time and the number of individuals admitted at any point of observation, the number of crab-eating macaques in and out at any poin wast recorded on tally sheets to avoid repetition of the calculation. The observation was conducted during the daytime started from 6am to 6pm. The result of this research shown that the total number of this long tailed macaques is about 140 individu with population density is about 28 ekor per hectare.

Keywords: Condong Island, Macaca fascicularis, population density, population study

22. Inventarisasi Jenis Tumbuhan Obat Di Hutan Mangrove Desa Margasari Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai Lampung Timur

Mangrove forest in Lampung Mangrove Center (LMC) Margasari village at East Lampung is one area that still has good condition to keep a variety of potential to be explored such as medicinal plants. Purpose of this study was to determine of species, diversity, and functional properties of mangrove plants for medicine. Research conducted in April 2012 in village 12 Translok at Margasari village East Lampung. Data retrieval is using method checkered lines, and interviews with the public, as well as literature. Number of sample plots used 12 pieces. Data were analyzed using the formula density, relative density, frequency, relative frequency, important value index, and diversity index Shannon. Based on the result of the research have been known 7 species of plants as medicine, among others: api-api (Avicennia marina) to cure rheumatism and toothache; jeruju (Acanthus ilicifolius) cure for cancer and diabetic; nipa (Nypa fruticans) medication for asthma and diabetes; bakau (Rhizophora apiculata) for antiseptic; beluntas (Pluchea indica) for body odor; jenu (Derris trifoliata) for a laxative; and tapak kuda (Ipomoea pescaprae) to cure wounds and ulcers. Api-api is a dominant plant and widest spread because it has an important index as value high as 144.24% and frequency 67.5%. Beluntas plant has the highest density of 12,708.33 individual/ha.Mangrove forest Margasari village at village 12 Translok have low diversity, because the calculation of the index obtained values Shannon H'=0.44.

Keywords: inventory, mangrove forest, medicinal plant

189. Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Di Provinsi Lampung Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Insidensi Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD)

The conversion of forest area into non-forest area generally can causing the ecology and micro climate change especially rainfall. The impact of these changes in other side can increasing the probability in occurrence of vector-born disease such as Aedes aegypti mosquito couse of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). Besides of environmental factors, poverty level, rainfall, and housing conditions the suspected also affect the incidence of dengue. This research aimed to determine of changes in forest cover and land, poverty level, and housing conditions as well as the impact to the incidence of dengue fever in Lampung. Data collected included primary data of land use changes of Lampung Province and the secondary data such as the data of precipitation rapid, poverty level, healthy  house proportion and Incidence Rate of dengue. The dynamic of changes in forest cover and land per distric/city identified through by Landsat image interpretation 5, 7 and 8 in 2002, 2009 and 2014. While the impact on DHF analyzed using multiple linear models. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the changes of the people forest cover -1.2634 (p=0.001), intensive agricultural 0.5315 (p=0.016), the number of precipitation rapid 0.06869 (p=0.087) and the poverty level -0,2213 (p=0,038) and urbanism region in the towns and villages 28.75 (p=0.010) toward the incidence of dengue in Lampung from the year 2003 to 2014. Based on the reseacrh result that the goverment should be able to increase the percentage of forest area cause able to decrease the incidence DHF.

Keywords: forest conversion, incidence DHF, land use changes

576. Current Distribution of a Luxurious Wood Species, Diospyros spp. with Its Climatic Information, based on Global Biodiversity Website

Ebony (Diospyros spp.) is a fancy wood distributed in eastern Indonesia. D. celebica Bakh, D. lolin Bakh, D. pilosanthera Blanco, D. ebenum Koenig, D. ferrea (Wild.) Bakh and D. rumphii Bakh are categorized as "Fancy Wood Class I" in the Indonesian market. These woods are an important product with the highest tax compared to other grades. This study aimed to identify the distribution of six ebonies based on data global biodiversity web service (Global Biodiversity Information Facility) and their climatic condition based on global climate data (WorldClim). Data from the web service, species occurrence, and climatic conditions were processed using QGIS. Species occurrence data was then extracted using GBIF occurrence. Furthermore, species occurrence data was then overlaid with climate data using point sampling tools. The results found that three ebonies scattered in the tropics and three others (D. celebica Bakh, D. rumphii Bakh, D. lolin Bakh) mostly occurred in Indonesia. Annual rainfall and temperature conditions ranged from 1,722 − 4,013 mm and 23.4 − 27.2°C for the three species of ebony in Indonesia. The distribution and climatic conditions of ebony are the initial information for further research, such as the species distribution model related to climate change and the genetic conservation agenda.

Keywords: ebony, global data, occurrence data, precipitation, temperature

478. Pengaruh Karakteristik Kimia terhadap Sifat Mekanis dan Keawetan Alami Tiga Jenis Kayu Kurang Digunakan (Effect of Chemical Characteristics on Mechanical and Natural Durability Properties of Three Lesser-Used Wood Species)

Chemical, mechanical, and natural durability properties of three lesser-used wood species from North Kalimantan, namely nyatoh (Palaquium lanceolatum), pisang putih (Mezzettia leptopoda), and sepetir (Sindora wallichii) woods, were analyzed to seek the interrelationships among them and give an overview related to their utilization. The results showed that pH values of three wood species were categorized into moderate to weak acid levels. The extractive contentsin hot and cold water as well as in NaOH 1% of sepetir wood were higher than those of nyatoh and pisang putih woods. In contrast, the solubility in ethanol-benzene of nyatoh wood was the highest. The ash content in the three wood species were categorized intomedium level. Lignin contents in sepetir and nyatoh woods were classified as moderate, while lignin content in pisang putih wood was high. Holocellulose and hemicellulose contentsin sepetir wood were higher than those in nyatoh and pisang putih woods, whereas alpha cellulose in sepetir wood was the lowest. MOE values of the three wood species were classified as strength class of IV-V, while MOR and compression parallel to the grain were classified as strength class of IV. The hardness value of nyatoh wood was higher than that of other woods.The durability of the three wood species was classified into poor (low durable). The relationship between chemical characteristics and mechanical properties of wood was primarily influenced by its major components (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin), whereas natural durability was influenced by its minor components (extractives and inorganic materials).

Keywords: lesser-used wood species, mechanical properties, natural durability, parameters interrelationship, wood chemical characteristics

471. Characterization and Potential of Coelogyne rochussenii Orchids from Bukit Rimbang and Bukit Baling Wildlife Sanctuary as Explant Source

Conservation is an effort to return natural resources to their habitat to restore the ecosystem balance, which can be done in-situ and ex-situ. Coelogyne rochussenii orchid conservation efforts are essential to maintain its sustainability. The purpose of this study was to characterize C. rochussenii orchids from Bukit Rimbang and Bukit Baling Wildlife Sanctuary as a source of tissue culture explants to support ex-situ conservation efforts. Orchid plant samples were obtained through exploration in three locations with an altitude of 92 masl, and then the characterization of leaf morphology, pseudobulbs, roots, and fruit were carried out. The characterization results showed that the young pseudobulbs, young leaves, healthy roots, and physiologically ripe fruits of the C. rochussenii orchids obtained could be used as a source of explants to support ex-situ conservation efforts.

Keywords: ex-situ conservation, physiologically mature, young pseudobulbs

457. Penilaian Risiko Ergonomi dalam Kegiatan Pemungutan Getah Pinus: Analisis Postur Kerja Statis (Ergonomics Risk Assessment in Pine Resin Harvesting: A Static Postural Analysis)

Pine resin is one of the non-timber forest products commodity that has excellent prospects. Pine resin harvesting is generally divided into two main activities: tapping and collecting works. Collecting activity that is commonly done under manual technique is classified as manual material handling that can trigger musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). This work posture study offers an overview of MSDs disruption level faced by workers. Therefore, the proper corrective action can be taken. Motion sequences in selected work cycles were captured by using the Kinovea software. Work posture analysis was performed by a combination of the natural range of motion (SAG), Rapid Upper-Limb Assessment (RULA), and Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). SAG analysis shows that the body's parts having a high probability of being injured are the back and shoulders. Work posture analysis using RULA and REBA verified that bending or half bending may cause MSDs. The ergonomics risk in these positions might be higher due to the influence of load and repetitive factors. Reducing the posture of bending/half bending, reducing the weight of the resin bucket, and taking a short break/rest in between work activities should be considered as potential strategies in reducing the ergonomics risks that may occur during the resin collection work. 

Keywords: forestry workers, musculoskeletal disorders, non-timber forest products, oleoresin, natural range of motion

456. Hubungan Letak Aksial dan Variasi Ketebalan Papan terhadap Penyusunan Skedul Pengeringan Kayu Cemara Gunung (Casuarina Junghuhniana Miq.) (Relationship Between Axial Location and Board Thickness Variation on the Development of Drying Schedule of Cemara Gunung (Casuarina Junghuhniana Miq.))

The research aimed to determine drying characteristics, developing drying schedule, and its relationship to the axial position of the sample on the stem, board thickness, specific gravity, and percentage of heartwood. This research used cemara gunung (Casuarina junghuhniana Miq.) as samples with 6 replications and 2 factors that are the axial location (bottom, middle, and top) and board thickness (2 cm, 3 cm, and 4 cm). The drying schedule development followed the Terazawa Method, in which the samples were dried within a temperature of 100°C for 72 h. The proper schedule was then applied and evaluated. The research obtained 11 variations of the drying schedule. The chi-square analysis results indicated that the board thickness and percentage of heartwood were significantly correlated with the development of the drying schedule. The drying schedule using board thickness of 2 cm, 3 cm, and 4 cm can be dried with an initial temperature of 60°C, 50°C, and 47°C, respectively. The wet-bulb depression was 4°C, 2°C, and 2°C, respectively, and the final temperature was 90°C, 80°C,and 65°C, respectively. 

Keywords: axial, board-thickness, Casuarina junghuhniana, drying-schedule, Terazawa method

432. Study of Forest Management Unit Performance in Indonesia

The existence of forest management institutions based on the site level is the philosophy of the birth of an FMU. The purpose of this study is directed to provide an overview related to the performance of FMU development carried out by the Government (central and regional) in Indonesia. This research was conducted during the period of February 2015 to February 2019 in eight KPH areas in seven provinces in Indonesia. Technical data and information through stakeholder interviews result from verification workshops and secondary supporting data collection. The data and information collected are then processed into a working paper on the FMU Development Performance Assessment tool using FWI 1.0 and FWI 2.0 Criteria and Indicators, compiled by Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI). The results are presented in the form of an index, by calculating the total value of all data units then divided by the number of data units. The KPH development performance evaluation index can be categorized into three classes, namely high, medium and low. The results of studies in eight KPH areas illustrate that FMU development at the site level still faces various challenges and problems. The main problems faced are focused on three main aspects namely; Regional Stability which includes clarity of boundaries and tenure conflicts; Institutional Aspects concerning political support and institutional capacity in supporting the operation of FMUs; and the planning aspect which concerns the bureaucratic chain and the stability of the FMU development platform at the site level. Comprehensive efforts from stakeholders are needed to encourage the optimization of FMU functions and roles at the site level.


Keywords : Performance, Forest Management Unit, Index

477. Stakeholder Analysis on Sungai Wain Protected Forest Management in Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan Province

Sungai Wain Protected Forest is one of the conservation areas in Balikpapan City which has an essential role in supporting the life of the city's people.Currently, its existence is threatened due to the various activities and overlapping interests of stakeholders involved in managing the forest. Therefore, forest management that is supported by these stakeholders is urgently needed. This study aimed to identify the stakeholders involved and explain their influences, interests,and roles in Sungai Wain Protected Forest management.Data were collected through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The respondents were selected using the purposive sampling method, and stakeholder mapping was used to analyze it. The results showed that the stakeholders classified as key players include the Balikpapan Protected Forest Management Unit (KPHL Balikpapan), the East Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Office, Pertamina UP V Balikpapan, and the NGO Foundation Pro Natura.Multi-stakeholder management could be an alternative model for managing the Sungai Wain Protected Forest to synchronize stakeholders' interests. The KPHL Balikpapan could actas a leading playerand become a driving force in the Sungai Wain Protected Forest's management efforts due to their appropriate main duties and functions. Hence, the coordination, communication, and cooperation between stakeholders could be well-formed to achieve the management objectives.

Keywords: forest management, multi-stakeholder management, stakeholders, Sungai Wain Protected Forest

10. Potensi Kayu Rakyat dan Strategi Pengembangannya (Studi Kasus) di Hutan Rakyat Desa Buana Sakti Kecamatan Batanghari Kabupaten Lampung Timur

This study aims to determine the potential of timber from private forest and to analyze the strategy to develop the management of private forest in Buana Sakti.This research held at March-May 2012. Tree data and timber potency were collected by using measurement plot of 20x20m with sampling intensity of 1%.The datas were then analyzed quantitatively. SWOT analysis is performed to determine the proper development strategy of private forest in Buana Sakti. The results show that the potential of timber in private forest of Buana Sakti is 111,79 m3 which comprise of timber teak, rubber, randu, jengkol, sengon, sonokeling, acacia, waru, clove, melinjo with the potential revenue of Rp. 159.959.000/ha. The calculations show that the INP most dominant plant species are acacia that is equal to 88,18% with 51,88% of total KR, FR 28,95%, 7,35% DR. The development strategy of private forest that needed to be applied are selecting the best quality and provide education to farmers about the important of forest.

Keywords: forestry, strategy development, wood forest products

396. The Role of Endomycorrhiza and Inorganic Fertilizer on Productivity of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril)

The productivity of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril) can be increased through fertilization. One of the biological fertilizers that can be applied as a companion to inorganic fertilizers is endomycorrhiza. The aim of this study was to find out the role of endomycorrhiza and inorganic fertilizer on productivity of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril). The study was conducted in the Laboratory of Plant Taxonomy (Mycology) and shading house of Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University. The experimental design used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 5 treatments. The variables observed were plant height, dry weight of plant canopy, dry weight of plant roots, number of filled pods and empty pods,wet weight and dry weight of pods, and percentage of endomycorrhiza colonization. The result showed the application of 50 endomycorrhiza spores and 5 g inorganic fertilizer (C) had significant effect on productivity of Soybean statistically, which was seen on number pods (51 pods each plant) and dry weight of pods (9.10 g), but had no significant effect on growth.

433. Diversity of Bird Species in Arboretum Forest River Gerong of PT Perta Samtan Gas, Banyuasin South Sumatera Province

Gerong river arboretum is a forest ecosystem are located in the area of PT. Perta Samtan Gas, Banyuasin Regency. Information about the diversity of bird species in the arboretum has never been reported scientifically. Therefore this study aims to analyze the diversity of bird species found in the Gerong River Arboretum. Observations were made using the IPA (Indices Ponctuele del Abondance) method. The results showed there were 20 species with 17 bird families observed in the Gerong River Arboretum region. Based on the diversity index shows H'= 3.89 with a high category, while the evenness index is E = 1.20 and the richness of bird species is Dmg = 5.19. In addition, there are 7 dominant bird species, 6 subdominant species, and 7 nondominant species. There is a protected species, namely Haliastur indus. Prinia familiaris species is the Near Threatened  category based on IUCN, while other bird species are included in the Least Concern (low risk) category.)

349. Kajian Biofisik Lahan di Sub-Sub DAS Khilau

Khilau is one of the areas that is in the status must be restored. The conditions of the area must be assessed, so it can be used to determine the suitable actions. The purpose of this study was to provide the results of a comparative analysis of baseline data on the conditions of the Khilau area. The data were tested in the laboratories to get the condition. The results of the study showed there were differences from the factors whereas the pH in some of the area was slightly sour whilst the others were sour. Climatic factors showed that some of the areas have the lowest temperature (26,5μ'C) with the highest humidity (87%). 

421. Structure and the Compotition of Vegetation on the Permanent Plot in the Forest of the Jambi Mendalo University Campus

The Forest of the Jambi Mendalo University Campus is one of the green open spaces in the Jambi University Campus environment and in the City of Jambi which has many functions and potential to be developed. Its main function is the source of oxygen and CO2 absorbent in the campus environment, the source of biodiversity of the germplasm of Sumatra's lowland forest ecosystems and as a means of education for students, elementary school students to high schools and the people of the city of Jambi. Until now data about existing plant species and their potential is still very limited. Existing research is limited to carbon sequestration, the distribution patterns of several tree species and the physical conditions of their environment. The study was conducted in 2019. Sample plots in the form of a single plot measuring 160 x 60 meters were placed purposively at the study site. Based on the results of the inventory and identification, there were 176 species (species), 116 genera (genera) and 55 families (families). Still found species of the Dipterocarpaceae tribe, namely Shorea leprosula, Shorea parvifolia and Parashorea sp. Of the 109 species of stadia seedlings, 58 species are classified as saplings, 23 species of shrubs, 20 types of liana, 4 types of herbs, 2 types of ferns and 2 types of palm.

400. Peranan Endomikoriza dan Pupuk Anorganik Terhadap Produktivitas Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merill)

The productivity of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril) can be increased through fertilization. One of the biological fertilizers that can be applied as a companion to inorganic fertilizers is endomycorrhiza. The aim of this study was to find out the role of endomycorrhiza and inorganic fertilizer on productivity of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril). The study was conducted in the Laboratory of Plant Taxonomy (Mycology) and shading house of Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University. The experimental design used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 5 treatments. The variables observed were plant height, dry weight of plant canopy, dry weight of plant roots, number of filled pods and empty pods,wet weight and dry weight of pods, and percentage of endomycorrhiza colonization. The result showed the application of 50 endomycorrhiza spores and 5 g inorganic fertilizer (C) had significant effect on productivity of Soybean statistically, which was seen on number pods (51 pods each plant) and dry weight of pods (9.10 g), but had no significant effect on growth.

529. Potential and Utilization of Palmyra Palm (Borassus Flabellifer) In Community Forests With Agroforestry Patterns In Bangkala District, Jeneponto Regency

This study aims to determine the potential and utilization of palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer) in community forests with agroforestry patterns in Bangkala District, Jeneponto Regency. The data collected includes primary data and secondary data. Primary data comes from the results of observations and interviews with people who own and use palmyra palm in community forests with agroforestry patterns in Bangkala District, Jeneponto Regency. Secondary data was collected from reports and scientific publications from various agencies or institutions related to this study. The results showed that the average land area which is palmyra palm cultivated in a community forest with an agroforestry pattern is 0.66 ha/householder or about 57.39% of the total land area they own. The potential for productive palmyra palm is around 136 individuals/household or 216 individuals/ha. Palmyra palms are planted with a random cropping pattern combined with several secondary crops such as maize and cassava. Some are also trees that grow naturally and are then maintained for use by the community. Palmyra palm products are generally sold in the form of sap, sugar, mats, baskets, roofs, and home furnishings, and some are used to fulfill daily needs. All communities use the palmyra palm as a food source in the form of sap and brown sugar (100%). Around 33.33% of the people use palmyra palm  in the form of roofs and the rest for baskets (8.25%) and home furnishings (0.091%)

395. Potensi Inokulasi Jamur Trichoderma spp. dan Endomikoriza Terhadap Produktivitas Capsicum frutescens L.


Chili is an agricultural commodities that are used in many food product. Inorganic fertilizer give negative impact to environment therefor biological agents such as Trichoderma spp. and endomycorrhiza fungi are required to improve soil condition. This study aimed to observe the application of Trichoderma spp. and endomycorrhiza and also to determine the optimum dose for productivity of Capsicum frutesens L. The study was carried at the laboratories of Plant Taxonomy (Mycology) and as well as the greenhouse of Biology Study Program Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Udayana University. The study used randomized block design that consists of 5 treatments namely (A) sterile soil; (B) 50 spores of endomycorrhizae; (C) inorganic fertilizer; (D) 5 mL of Trichoderma spp. and 50 spores of endomycorrhiza; (E) 10 mL of Trichoderma spp. and 50 spores of endomycorrhiza. The observation was conducted on plant growth, chili yield, fresh and dry weight of chili, dry weight of biomass, and endomycorrhiza infection. The results showed that the application of Trichoderma spp. and endomycorrhiza had lower value than inorganic fertilizer in almost every parameters. Meanwhile treatment B give the highest value for percentage of endomycorrhiza infection and treatmen E showed better productivity than the other combination.


Key word : chili growth, fungal infection, production

378. Tingkat Kenyamanan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Perum Bumi Way Urang Kalianda


 Kalianda City has green open space known as Perum Bumi Way Urang. RTH Perum Bumi Way Urang is in a housing complex. RTH is a place to interact socially with the local community, as well as places for other creatures to live and develop sustainably. However, the assessment of the comfort of RTH is unknown. The convenience of RTH is important in maintaining the balance of community activities. If cool conditions are created, then the comfort in doing activities is better. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of comfort of the RTH of Perum Bumi Way Urang Kalianda. The importance of this research as a reference for the government in planning and decision on the development of green space perum Bumi Way Urang is ideal and comfortable for the future. The method used to determine the comfort level of open green space is the Temperature Humidity Index (THI) method and the percentage of canopy density. THI is a formula used to determine the level of comfort in temperature and humidity while the percentage of canopy density is used to determine the density of tree canopies. In the tropics the determination of comfort quality is one of them using the formula proposed by Niewolt and Mac Gregor (1998), with the division of categories that are uncomfortable with THI values of> 26, an area is said to be if the THI value is at 25-26 and comfortable if the value THI is on the interval 21-24. The results showed that the comfort level of open green space was in the morning (THI = 25-26; moderate). The highest density of tree canopies is in the bungur lilin tree.

Key words: green open space, temperature humidity index, canopy density

310. Keanekaragaman Hayati Flora dan Fauna Di Kawasan Hutan Pertamina Bukit Datuk Dumai, Provinsi Riau (Biodiversity Flora and Fauna in the Region Forest Bukit Datuk Pertamina Dumai, Riau Province)



Penelitian keanekaragaman hayati flora fauna telah dilakukan di kawasan hutan Pertamina Bukit Datuk Dumai, Provinsi Riau. Struktur dan komposisi jenis pohon dengan diameter setinggi dada 10 cm, pancang dan semai diteliti  dari  petak ukur permanen berukuran satu ha. Dijumpai 32 jenis pohon berdiameter 10 cm dan berjumlah 354 pohon, tergolong dalam 22 suku, jenis terbanyak adalah Dipterocarpaceae. Jenis yang mendominasi tegakan tingkat pohon berturut-turut adalah keterung (Garcinia dioca L.) INP=39,67%, undal (Gironniera subaequalis Planch.) INP=30,39% dan para (Ochanostachys amentaceae Mast.) INP=30,26%. Belta: kelat putih (Hopea mengarawan Miq.), undal (Gironniera subaequalis  Planch.) dan meranti bunga (Shorea acuminata  Dyer.) dengan INP masing-masing 73,71%, 42,51% dan 35,24%, semai jenis selumar (Glochidion sp.) dengan INP 47,10%, kempas (Koompassia excelsa Taub.) INP 43,52% dan kelat putih (Hopea mengarawan Miq.) INP 24,62%. Jumlah jenis burung ditemukan 33 dengan indeks keragaman 2,63, indeks kemerataan jenis 0,75 dan indeks kekayaan jenis sebesar 6,52.  Ditemukan jenis rangkong yang menjadi ciri atau indikator hutan yang masih baik.  Peningkatan pengelolaan kawasan hutan Bukit Datuk sesuai kondisi vegetasi dalam bentuk blok.


Kata kunci : Struktur, komposisi, regenerasi, hutan rawa, fauna, burung

439. Corak budidaya jenis avifauna oleh masyarakat Kota Manokwari di Papua Barat, Indonesia


Masyarakat masih memanfaatkan jenis-jenis avifauna secara berlebihan. Teknik budidaya dari jenis avifauna dan bagaimana pemanfaatannya, merupakan focus dari kajian ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik survei. Pengambilan sampel secara acak menggunakan metode wawancara dan observasi. Sebanyak 10 kepala keluarga sebagai responden dipilih dari masyarakat yang memiliki hobi memelihara satwa liar di kota Manokwari. Obyek pengamatan adalah proses domestikasi informasi dasar memelihara satwaliar di kota Manokwari. Obyek pengamatan adalah proses domestikasi informasi burung yang dipelihara, kegiatan berburu pemanfaatan avifauna, sistim perkandangan, makanan, tanda-tanda estrus, penyakit dan pencegahan dan aspek sosial ekonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa umur pemelihara untuk kelompok hewan avifauna didominasi oleh kelompok umur 22-44 tahun. Pekerjaaan para pemelihara satwa avifauna di Manokwari didominasi oleh ASN dan TBI/Polri sebanyak 2 orang diikuti oleh kelompok wiraswasta, pelajar dan petani sebanyak 10%. Pemelihara memiliki pendidikan sekolah menengah atas (50%), diikuti oleh sekolah menengah pertama (40%) dan perguruan tinggi (10%). Jenis avifauna yang dibudidaya adalah nuri, kakatua, cenderawasih, mambruk, rangkok, elang dan kasuari. Mambruk dan kasuri mulai terasan sulit ditemukan yang dikategorikan statusnya menjadi near threatened dan least concern. Bahan kandang yang digunakan sebagai dinding kandang adalah berupa kayu (100%), atap kandang terbuat dari seng (100%), serta lantai kandang yang digunakan bervariasi yaitu bambu, kayu, semen dan besi beton. Satwa avifauna diperoleh dengan cara di beli dan berburu. Pemanfaatan avifauna meliputi pemeliharaan hewan kesayangan, hiasan dan konsumsi. Penjinakkan dilakukan dengan memandikan hewan, diberikan makanan (sisa dapur), memberikan air liur dan juga dengan meletakkan hewan tersebut di dalam kandang. Lama waktu menjinakkan adalah 4.8 bulan (1-24 bulan). Masyarakat menjadikan avifauna sebagai hewan hiburan dana tau hiasan yang memiliki nilai estetika.



Energi bahan bakar fosil di dunia akhir- akhir ini semakin berkurang di karenakan peningkantan volume kenderaan dan meningkatnya jumlah pabrik-pabrik industry. Terbatasnya persediaan minyak mengakibatkan kenaikan harga BBM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui laju pembakaran pada briket limbah kayu gergajian jati dan cempaka. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah rancangan percobaan dengan metode RAL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa laju pembakaran tertinggi yaitu sebesar 0,08982 gr/detik dan terendah yaitu 0,08315 gr/detik. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perbedaan laju pembakaran pada briket disebabkan karena tingkat kerapatan kayu cempaka dan jati yang berbeda. Pencampuran bahan perekat air yang tidak merata juga sangat mempengaruhi laju pembakaran pada briket. Semakin tinggi kadar air akan semakin rendah nilai kalornya. Hal ini disebabkan karena energi yang tersimpan dalam bahan uji sebagian digunakan untuk menguapkan air yang ada didalamnya.


Kata kunci: Briket, Serbuk Gergaji, Limbah Kayu



Fossil fuel energy in the world has been declining lately due to the increase in vehicle volume and the increasing number of industrial plants. Limited oil supplies resulted in an increase in gasoline prices. This research aims at investigating the rate of combustion in the sawn wood and cempaka valley wood briquettes. The analysis method used experimental design with complete randomized design. The findings reveal that the highest combustion rate is 0.08982 gr / sec and the lowest is 0.08315 gr / sec. factors that influence differences in the rate of combustion in briquettes are caused by different levels of cempaka and teak wood density. The mixing of water adhesives also greatly affects the rate of combustion in briquettes. The higher the moisture content the lower the heating value will be. This is because the high energy stored in the test material is partially used to evaporate the water in it.

Keywords: Briquette, Sawdust, Wood Waste

486. The Involvement of Local Community in Mangrove Forest Conservation in West Kalimantan

Mangrove forest conservation on the coast of West Kalimantanhas been successfully carried out and saved the environment from coastal abrasion (ecological benefit) and provided economic benefits for the community. This study aims to describe the role of the community in mangrove conservation activities in the coastal areas of West Kalimantan. Survey methods were used in this research. The data was collected through interviews based on questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Data processing was conducted by calculating the percentage and then analyzed by tabulation. Mangrove conservation activities are based on community experiences in saving the environment, boosting economic activities, and obtaining benefits from conservation results. The involvement of the local community uses the bottom-up approach, starting from planning activities, implementation, utilization, and evaluation. In general, the local community's level of involvement is still at the information and consultation stage. The involvement of the local community as an individual varies greatly, from those who are only involved as part of formality to the level of being actively involved, having decision-making authority, and being able to negotiate and deal directly with capital sources. It occurs due to the varying capacity of each individual. 

Keywords: forest conservation, local community, mangrove


The mangrove forests of the north coast of Timor Tengah Utara Regency (TTU) can function ecologically as a carbon sink and store. The research objective was to estimate the biomass and carbon stock in mangrove stands on the north coast of Timor Tengah Utara Regency. The method used was unharvested by measuring the river diameter (dbh, 1.3 m) with a carbon content of 46% biomass. This research was conducted in July - October 2020. The research location was determined using purposive sampling. Each location is placed with observation plots. There are 6 well-known plots in 3 research locations, namely the Wini coast, the Oepuah coast and the Tuamese coast. The calculation of biomass uses an allometric equation according to the allometric equation of each type found. The results showed that the largest contribution to carbon sequestration in the north coast of Timor Tengah Utara Regency was from the species Rhizophora sp, namely the species Rhizophora apiculata. The average biomass of mangrove stands on the north coast of TTU Regency is 16.95 tonnes / ha absorbing 29.24 tonnes of carbon C / ha and accumulating carbon stocks of 7.97 tonnes C / ha.

424. Ruang Terbuka Hijau Publik di Kota Jambi Berbasis Jumlah Penduduk dan Kebutuhan Oksigen (Public Green Open Space Development in Jambi City Based on Population and Oxygen Needs)

Jambi City is the capital of Jambi Province and the largest city in the province. However, the area of Green Open Space (GOS) in Jambi City was decreasing year by year. Continuous development in Jambi City must be balanced with the existence of adequate GOS. This study aims to identify the existence of public GOS in Jambi City and analyze the needs of public GOS in Jambi City based on population and oxygen needs. The study was conducted in March-October 2019 in Jambi City. The data collected consists of primary data obtained through field observations in public GOS and secondary data relating to population data, public GOS area, number of vehicles, and temperature changes. The data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the public GOS in Jambi City in 2018 reached 167.18 ha. The need for public GOS in Jambi City based on the need for population growth in 2035 is 1,414.01 ha. The need for public GOS in Jambi City based on oxygen demand that in line with the population growth in 2035 is 4,169.91 ha.

Keywords: green open space, Jambi City, needs analysis

390. Pendugaan Biomassa Atas Permukaan Acacia mangium Willd. pada Areal Revegetasi Pertambangan Batu Bara (Above-Ground Biomass Estimation of Acacia mangium Willd. in Revegetation Area of Coal Mining)

Acacia mangium Willd. is categorized as an invasive species in the revegetation area of coal mining. The presence of A.mangium causes a shortage the organic matter in the revegetation area. The abundance of A. mangium biomass could be used as a source of organic material for soil enhancer to improve soil fertility. The objective of this study was to develop allometric models of Acacia mangium and to estimate the potential above-ground biomass of A. mangium in PT Wahana Baratama Mining (PT WBM). This study was conducted in February - April 2019. A. mangium population and distribution were collected through vegetation inventory with 0.5% sampling intensity. The allometric models were established using a destructive method. The above-ground biomass allometric model for the four diameter classes are as follows: seedlings (B = 0,002002 - 0,02469D + 0,07322D2 with R2(adj)= 99,38%), saplings (B = 2,754 - 1,742D + 0,4093D2 with R2(adj)= 99,89%), poles (B = -9,16 - 1,153D + 0,5007D2 with R2(adj)= 99,96%), and trees (B = 0,134741D2,38 with R2(adj)= 96,94%). The allometric models were used to estimate the above-ground biomass potential total of A. mangium by using inventory data. The inventory result showed that the mean density of A.mangium is 13.187 individuals/ha with a mean diameter of 5,64 cm. The potential above-ground biomass of A. mangium in PT WBM revegetation area is estimated at up to 51,022.59 tons. The above-ground biomass of A. mangium has potential value to be utilized as a soil enhancer as well as meet the needs of organic material for the whole PT WBM revegetation areas.

Keywords: above-ground biomass, coal mining, Acacia mangium, reclamation, revegetation

411. Aplikasi SIG dalam Penilaian Kerusakan Pohon pada Hutan Kemasyarakatan



Pengelolaan Hutan Lestari memerlukan informasi terkait kondisi kesehatan hutan untuk kebutuhan pengembangan pengelolaan hutan Hutan Kemasyarakatan. Pengembangan penilaian kerusakan pohon ini bertujuan untuk mengukur dan menilai tingkat kerusakan pohon sehingga para pengelola hutan dapat mengetahui kondisi hutan dan keputusan apa yang harus dilakukan terhadap kondisi tersebut secara cepat dan akurat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai status kondisi kerusakan pohon yang ada di hutan kemasyarakatan berbasis spasial. Penelitian dilaksanakan di HKm Beringin Jaya Kelompok Lestari Jaya 8 Kabupaten Tanggamus. Tahapan utama pembuatan basis data Aplikasi SIG kerusakan pohon meliputi pembuatan peta digital, pembuatan peta kerusakan pohon, pembuatan peta DEM, pembuatan data kerusakan pohon dan konversi peta vektor ke dalam format raster. Analisis data spasial dilakukan untuk mengetahui pola sebaran plot sampel terhadap karakteristik lanskap (jarak jalan, dan kelerengan). Lokasi kerusakan pohon presentase 21% dan tipe kerusakan pohon sebesar 84 temuan, tingkat keparah paling banyak terjadi pada 20% dengan presentase 30%. Kelas kerusakan pohon pada Hutan Kemasyarakatan Kelompok Lestari Jaya 8 dikategorikan sedang/buruk.


Kata kunci: Pengelolaan hutan, Hutan Kemasyarakatan, Aplikasi SIG, kerusakan pohon.

427. The Suitability of Cornstalk and Sembilang Bamboo as Raw Materials for Particleboard

Cornstalk (Zea mays L.) and sembilang bamboo (Dendrocalamus giganteus Munro) are lignocellulosic raw materials that have potential as raw materials for particleboard. Particleboard is a panel product made from wood particles or other lignocellulosic materials added with an adhesive and compacted by pressing. The purposes of this study were to determine the effect of adhesive types and raw material composition on the physical and mechanical properties of particleboard from cornstalk and sembilang bamboo particles. The adhesive types used were urea formaldehyde (UF) and phenol formaldehyde (PF) with 10 wt% adhesive content. The composition of cornstalk and sembilang bamboo was set at ratios of 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100 (% w/w). The target density of particleboard was set at 0.80 g/cm3. The physical and mechanical properties of particleboard were evaluated according to JIS A 5908:2003 standard for particleboard.  The results showed that particleboard properties increased with increasing the amount of sembilang bamboo particles in the board, and all particleboards met requirements of the JIS A 5908:2003standard. Particleboard properties affected in ascending order were thickness swelling, modulus of rupture (MOR), internal bond (IB), and modulus of elasticity (MOE). Generally, particleboard with PF adhesive had physical and mechanical properties with higher quality than UF adhesive. Results indicated that the addition of sembilang bamboo particles in the mixture resulted in better properties. 

Keywords: adhesive type, cornstalk, particleboard, raw material, sembilang bamboo


Dung beetle berperan penting dalam menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem. Keberadaan dung beetle menjadi salah satu indikator rusak atau tidaknya ekosistem hutan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui preferensi feses sapi, feses kambing dan feses rusa terhadap keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan dung beetle di Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman (WAR). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan November 2018 sampai Januari 2019. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode trap  dan dianalisis menggunakan indeks keanekaragaman dan indeks kelimpahan relatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dung beetle lebih banyak ditemukan pada vegetasi tertutup jumlah individu 18 ekor dengan indeks keanekaragaman shannon winner (H=1,27) dengan kategori sedang dengan kelimpah terbesar pada spesies Aphodius marginellus karena vegetasi tertutup sangat sesuai dengan aktivitas dung beetle. Untuk menjaga populasi diharapkan pengelola Tahura WAR tetap menjaga kelestarian pada blok lindung Tahura WAR untuk keberlansungan Dung Beetle


Kata kunci: Dung beetle, keanekaragaman, kelimpahan relatif, dan Tahura WAR

416. Pengaruh Torefaksi dengan Reaktor Counter-Flow Multi Baffle (COMB) dan Electric Furnace terhadap Pelet Kayu Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba) (Effects of Torefaction with Counter-Flow Multi Baffle (COMB) Reactor and Electric Furnace on the Properties of Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba) Pellets)

The objective of this study was to improve the quality of jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba) wood pellets through torrefaction with Counter-Flow Multi-Baffle (COMB) reactor and electric furnace (EF). COMB is a reactor that can conduct torrefaction with a short residence time, approximately around 3 to 5 min. The torrefaction with COMB reactor was conducted at 260°C and 280°C C, with a residence time of 3 min. The torrefaction with EF used the temperature of 260°C and 280°C with a duration of 20 min. The pellet properties evaluated include the color changes, physical characteristics, and heating values. The result showed that the color of Jabon wood pellet was totally changed after torrefaction with COMB reactor reaching the highest overall color-change (E *) of 21,9 in the long pellets and 21,7 in the short pellets, while torrefaction with EF resulted in the highest E* of 28,6 and 23,2, in the long and short pellets, respectively. The initial moisture content of the long and short pellets of Jabon wood were 12,41% and 12,33%. After torrefaction with COMB the moisture content decreased to 2,85% and 2,61%, while after torrefaction with EF the values decreased to 2,77% and 2,58%. The initial density of the long and short pellets were 1,05 g/cm3 and 0,97 g/cm3. The density decreased to 0,91 g/cm3 and 0,76 g/cm3 after torrefaction with COMB reactor, and decreased to 0,87 g/cm3 and 0,75 g/cm3 after torrefaction with EF. The research result also showed that the initial heating value of long and short pellets of 17,69 MJ/kg increased to 31,79 MJ/kg (long pellets) and 32.02 MJ/kg (short pellets) after torrefaction with COMB reactor, and increased to 19.74 MJ/kg (long pellets) and 19.99 MJ/kg (short pellets) after torrefaction with EF. Torrefaction with COMB reactor with shorter residence time resulted in a higher improvement in bioenergetic properties of jabon wood pellets in comparison to torrefaction with EF.

Keywords: Anthocephalus cadamba, Counter-Flow Multi Baffle, torrefaction

309. Responds of Superior Teak (Tectona grandis) on Different Sulphur Concentrations

The tree improvement program has invented superior teak with an ability to improve its productivity. Yet the information about basic nutrient requirement of superior teak is less known. This study aimed to determine the optimal concentration of sulfur for the best growth of superior teak seedling and to identify the morphological symptoms of teak seedlings affected by several concentration levels of S. This study was conducted at a nursery on six months old teak seedlings. The experimental design was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four different solution treatments with three replication each. The treatments are K (control, aqua dest does not contain nutrients), S0 (solution contains nutrients except sulfur), S1 (solution contains nutrients with 0,5 full strength of S), and S2 (solution contains nutrients with full strength of S). Each treatment was replicated 3 times. Parameter observed included the height of seedling, the diameter of seedling, the nodal distance of seedling, the number of leaves, size of leaves and morphological symptoms of leaf. The results showed that at a concentration of nitrogen (N), phosphor (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) in full strength level, superior teak seedling which treated by S1 (S concentration of 421 ppm) resulted in the best growth. However, the morphology of teak leaves in all treatment showed abnormal.

Keywords: growth, morphology, sulfur, superior teak

458. Growing Site Characteristics of Agathis labillardieri Warb in the Natural Forests of Siwi Momiwaren, West Papua

Agathis labillardieri Warb is one of the copal-producing tree species that only distributed in Papua. In connection with regional development, the existence of this species has been a significant concern. Therefore, it is necessary to study the characteristics of A. labillardieri Warb in their natural growing areas in the natural protected forest of Siwi Momiwaren. The data were collected by using the line plot method systematic sampling method with nesting plot. The data were then analyzed to determine the species relative density, frequency, dominance, important value index (IVI), and growth characteristics. The results showed that A. labillardieri Warb had the highest IVI at all levels of growth, with the highest diversity index at the seedling level of 3.49. When viewed from the relationship of the presence of species with the characteristics of the growing site, the content of Mg and Na significantly affected the presence of this species in the natural forest area of South Manokwari Siwi Momiwaren.

Keywords: Agathis labillardieri Warb, growing site characteristics, Siwi Momiwaren, West Papua

332. Forest Land Tenure Rights on Indigenous Peoples in Honitetu Village West Seram District, Maluku

Forest land tenure systems for indigenous peoples are always debated by various parties regarding the overlapping interests and rights of forest land. Objective of this study is to analyze the types of indigenous peoples' rights to strengthen forest land tenure systems in Honitetu Village, West Seram Regency. The research approach used is Participatory Action Research by building constructs of meaning between researchers and society repeatedly to obtain an understanding of the information discussed. Data were obtained through key informant interviews and focus group discussions conducted repeatedly. The analysis was carried out at each stage of the interview and discussion by making categorization of data to get an understanding of each data obtained. The results of study show that the system of forest land tenure in indigenous communities in Honite village includes control by the whole community (petuanan), control by clan groups (soa) and control by individuals (families). In these three systems, various types of rights are attached to managing and utilizing forest resources. The set of rights contained in indigenous peoples will be even stronger if it includes the linkage of longtime dimensions, the dimensions of space for the use of vertical or horizontal space, the dimensions of the subject with fixed ownership and the dimensions of the object include the results of forest land that provides full benefits.

Keywords: forest land tenure rights, indigenous people, forest management

476. Lignin as an Active Biomaterial: A Review

Lignin is the second most naturally abundant biopolymer in the cell wall of lignocellulosic compound (15-35%) after cellulose. Lignin can be generated in massive amounts as by-products in biorefineries and pulp and paper industries through differing processes. Most lignin is utilized as generating energy and has always been treated as waste. Due to the high amount of phenolic compounds in lignin, it is considered as a potential material for various polymers, building blocks, and biomaterials production. Even though lignin can be utilized in the form of isolated lignin directly, the modification of lignin can increase the wide range of lignin applications. Lignin-based copolymers and modified lignin show better miscibility with another polymeric matrix, outstanding to the enhanced performance of such lignin-based polymer composites. This article summarizes the properly updated information of lignin's potential applications, such as bio-surfactant, active packaging, antimicrobial agent, and supercapacitor.

Keywords: active packaging, antimicrobial agent, bio-surfactant, lignin, supercapacitor

509. Effects on Morphology and Chemical Properties of Indonesian Bamboos by Carbonization

A simple carbonization technique was applied to utilize Indonesian bamboo resources. Several bamboo species as betung (Dendrocalamus asper), andong (Gigantochloa pseudoarundinacea (Steudel) Widjaja), hitam (G. atroviolacea), tali (G. apus), kuning (Bambusa vulgaris var. striata), and ampel bamboo (B. Vulgaris Scharadwere selected for carbonization. Carbonization was conducted using a laboratory electrical furnace at 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1,000 1,000°C. The morphological and chemical properties of bamboos before and after carbonization were then analyzed. Betung, hitam, tali, kuning, and ampel bamboos had type IVstructure which was the most common bamboo structure, while andong bambo had type III structure. Cracks in the fiber bundle were observed and became more visible with the increase of carbonization temperature.The pH showed a similar trend in all species.As a result of the electric conductivity test, carbonized andong and kuning bamboo showed higher value due to rich inorganic content.Kuning bamboo has a high value of potassium and silica content, which are suitable for use as fertilizer.The chemical structure transition of bamboo during the carbonization process was analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy, and significant changes were observed between 400 and 600°C. These results could be useful fundamental data for promoting high value-added bamboo utilization and improving research in Indonesian bamboo.

Keywords: bamboo charcoal, carbonization, Indonesian bamboo, inorganic content, FTIR

414. Pengaruh Tinggi Muka Air terhadap Kejadian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Gambut: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin (Effects of Groundwater Level on the Occurrence of Forest and Peatland Fires: A Case of Study in Musi Banyuasin Regency)

Ground water level (GWL) is one of the indicators to predict potential fires on peatlands. Other factors, such as rainfall and hotspots, could also trigger peatland and forest fires. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between rainfall GWL, rainfall, and hotspots as indicators of forest and land fires in Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province. The GWL data, hotspot distribution, rainfall data were processed using ArcGIS 10.6 software. Pearson bivariate correlation test was performed to determine the relationship between GWL, hotspot distribution, and rainfall. The results showed a decrease in rainfall, followed by an increase in hotspots, particularly during the dry season. The lowest rainfall and GWL occurred in July - August 2018. The increase in rainfall was not followed by the GWL increase that reflected a degraded and dry peatland condition, which could cause a decrease of peat ability to absorb and store water properly. The results also showed an inverse relationship between hotspots and GWL, which means that a decrease in the GWL will follow the increase in hotspots and vice versa. This explains that the increase of hotspots contributed to a drought on the GWL of the peatlands.

Keywords: ground water level, forest fire, hotspot, Musi Banyuasin, peatland, rainfall

420. Karakteristik Briket Arang dari Limbah Kulit Buah Pinang dengan Berbagai Komposisi Jenis Perekat (Characteristics of Charcoal Briquette from the Skin Waste of Areca catechu Fruit with Various Compositions of Adhesive Types)

The increase in energy demand requires the search for alternative energy. One of the potential alternative energies is charcoal briquette that could utilize biomass waste. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of charcoal briquettes from the waste of Areca catechu fruit. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments and five replications and then continued with Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at a level of 5%. The treatment applied was the composition of starch and sago adhesive with ratios of 5% : 0% (P1), 0% : 5% (P2), 3% : 2% (P3), 2,5% : 2,5% (P4), and 2% : 3% (P5). The result showed that the skin waste of Areca catechu fruit could be used as raw material for charcoal briquettes. The average moisture content and calorific value met the minimum requirement of SNI with an average value of 3.8% and 5602.18 cal/g, respectively. The results revealed that only P1 could meet the minimum requirement of SNI for volatile content, carbon ash content, and carbon bounded content at 14.2%, 7.9%, and 77.8%, respectively. Consequently, the charcoal briquette that could meet SNI on all characteristics was using P1 (starch adhesive 5%: sago adhesive 0%).

Keywords: Areca catechu, charcoal briquettes, sago adhesive, starch adhesive

435. Keragaman dan Pengendalian Tumbuhan Invasif di KHDTK Samboja, Kalimantan Timur (Diversity and Management of Invasive Plants in Samboja Research Forest, Kalimantan Timur)

Historically, and based on the latest conditions, Samboja Research Forest has a fairly high vulnerability to the presence of invasive species that can interfere with ecosystem stability and forest succession. However, data collection and risk assessment of invasive species have not been conducted in the forest area. The study was carried out to support the management of Samboja Research Forest, particularly in controlling invasive species. The study was conducted with exploration techniques in open areas, secondary forests, and primary forests. The density and frequency data of invasive plants were obtained using random plots in secondary and primary forest areas. The results showed the presence of 52 invasive plant species in the Samboja Research Forest area with dominance by shrubs and herbs. Based on plants distribution and density, four crucial invasive plant species in Samboja Research Forest were identified, namely: Acacia mangium, Spathodea campanulata, Miconia crenata, and Piper aduncum. The management of invasive species was carried out in two stages, short term, through manual weeding, and in the long term, with the prevention, eradication, and periodic risk assessment.

Keywords: invasive alien species, Kalimantan, eradication, Spathodea campanulata

418. Peak Discharge in Jemelak Subwatershed, Sintang District

Jemelak Sub Watershed is close to the junction of two big rivers, i.e., Kapuas and Melawi. Therefore, this location faces environmental issues such as a flood. To avoid its possible damages, information on peak discharge becomes critical, particularly in calculating the drainage structure. This study was aimed to predict the peak discharge in this area using a rational method. The maximum daily rainfall data from 1998 to 2017 were divided into two periods of 10 years and analyzed. In the first period, maximum rainfall ranges from 98.6 to 176.3 mm, while the second period fluctuates from 67.6 to 190 mm. Analysis of land cover described that 43.97% of secondary swamp forests turned into shrubs and swamp shrubs in the first period. Furthermore, about 800.71 ha of secondary swamp forest tuned into 582.80 ha of bare land, 181.04 ha of a plantation, and 36.88 ha of swamp shrubs in the second period. About 95.15% of shrubs were also turned into agricultural land mixed with shrubs in the second period. The result showed that the changes in the maximum daily rainfall and land cover simultaneously affected the improvement of the peak discharge by about 2.53% in the first period and 28.30% in the second period. If the peak discharge exceeds the river capacity, then the local flooding will occur along the river border.

Keywords: land cover, peak discharge, rainfall, Jemelak

452. Ergonomic Analysis of Traditional Pine Oleoresin Tapping: Musculoskeletal Disorders, Cumulative Fatigue, and Job Satisfaction

Pine oleoresin is a valuable non-timber forest product commodity in Indonesia. A traditional tapping using small-sized hoes ("kadukul" in Sundanese or "pethel" in Javanese) are widely applied. Given the protection of occupational safety and health is a worker's right, various ergonomic issues were discussed in this study. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) was examined by using Standardized Nordic Questionnaire and Wong-Baker Pain Rating Scale instruments, physical-mental-social fatigue was measured by Cumulative Fatigue Symptoms Index (CFSI), and job satisfaction was tested from eight variables such as wage, employment status, accessibility, health service, living facilities, work equipment, training, and social facility. This study revealed that most of the workers suffered from intense MSDs in the shoulder, arm, wrist, hand, thigh, calf, and foot (mostly right body side). This finding was in line with the CFSI analysis.  The common fatigue symptoms suffered by the workers were in the category of the physical dimension, such as in sub-dimensions of general fatigue, chronics fatigue, and physical disorder. The job satisfaction analysis confirmed that two variables, i.e., wage and employment status, influenced job satisfaction significantly in a positive association. Proper personal protective equipment and workaid, working techniques improvement that meets occupational safety and health standard, and safety behavior incentive should be considered as effective strategies in improving the worker's safety and health protection.

Keywords: forest harvesting, forestry worker, non-timber forest product, physical fatigue, safety

487. Assessment of the Physical Quality of Eucalyptus pellita Seedlings from Shoot Cutting by Age Level

The criteria for target seedling of Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell are at least 90 dayold, with consequences for the length of stay of the seedlings in the nursery. This study must assess the suitability as a target seedling first if it wants to plant the seedlings under 90days old in the field. The research aimed to evaluate and obtain the regression equation for the seedling's age with the seedling's morphological characters. The shoot seedlings cuttings aged 45, 60, 75, and 90 days after planting in the cocopeat growing medium were assessed. The study was used a survey method with a purposive sampling technique to obtain 60 samples by assessing the growth and appearances of the seedling. Furthermore, 15 samples were taken at random to determine the dry weight of the seedlings. Seedlings aged 75 and 90 days indicated the standard criteria as target seedlings for height, diameter, number of leaves, seedling's health, shoot appearances, and seedling roots. The two seedlings'age levels have a sturdiness index of 8.34-9.78; shoot-root ratio 3.9-4.5; and seedling quality index (SQI) 0.22-0.23. Seedling age had a powerful positive correlation with the sturdiness index and SQI (r = 0.84 and r = 0.96). The regression equation of the sturdiness index is y = 0.048x + 5.435 (R2 = 0.996) and SQI is y = 0.004x - 0.064 (R2 = 0.926). This research implies that 75 and 90-days seedlings can be considered as one of the criteria for the age of E. pellita shoot cuttings as the target seedling in the SOP of PT. Finnantara Intiga.

Keywords: cocopeat, Eucalyptus pellita, seedling quality index, shoot cuttings, target seedling

513. A Comprehensive Review on Process and Technological Aspects of Wood-Plastic Composites

This review deals with recent works on the process and technological aspects of wood-plastic composites (WPCs) manufacturing.WPCs relate to any composites that are built from wood and non-wood fibers and thermoplastic polymers. Recent progress relevant to wood-plastic composites has been reviewed in this article. The process and technological aspects of WPC, such as raw materials, fabrication, mechanical, physical, thermal, and morphological properties, were outlined comprehensively. The manufacturing process of WPCs is an important aspect of WPCs production. Manufacturing methods like compression molding and pultrusion have some limitations. Extrusion and injection molding processes are the most widely used in WPCs due to their effectiveness. Recent developments dealing with WPCs and the use of different kinds of nanofillers in WPCs have also been presented and discussedNanoclays are widely used as nanofillers in WPCs because they represent an eco-friendly, readily available in large quantity, and inexpensive filler. WPCs can be found in a wide range of applications from construction to the automotive industry.

Keywords: additive manufacturing, adhesion, fabrication techniques, mechanical and physical properties, wood-plastic composites

493. Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Budidaya Lebah Kelulut di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat

Usaha membudidayakan lebah kelulut semakin diminati masyarakat. Untuk melihat kelayakan usaha budidaya lebah ini dibutuhkan analisis finansial sebagai dasar pengusahaan lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis finansial budidaya kelulut. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Juni sampai dengan Nopember 2014 di tiga kabupaten di Pulau Lombok. yaitu Kab. Lombok Timur. Kab. Lombok Utara dan Kab. Lombok Barat. Adapun metode penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi survey, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Teknik sampling yang dugunakan adalah purposive sampling. Data yang didapat dianalisis dengan analisis finansial. Informasi kelayakan usaha budidaya kelulut melalui analisis finansial menghasilkan data Net Present Value (NPV) sebesar 39.677.558,47. Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR)>1 dengan nilai 1,59. dan Internal Rate of Return (IRR)> bunga pinjaman (7,75%) dengan nilai sebesar 21%. Analisis Break Even Point (BEP) atau titik impas didapatkan pendapatan sebesar Rp 3.187.500 dan besaran BEP unitnya yaitu 20 unit.

417. Analisis Biaya Produksi Furnitur: Studi Kasus di Mebel Barokah 3, Desa Marga Agung, Lampung Selatan (Cost Analysis of Furniture Production: A Case Study at Mebel Barokah 3, Marga Agung Village, Lampung Selatan)

Analysis of production costs and revenues is important to reduce the risk of financial losses and increase company profits. The results of this analysis can be used as a reference in determining policies that can determine the direction of company development. However, many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have not done a cost and revenue analysis, which can affect the company's sustainability in the future. The objective of this study was to analyze the total production costs and revenues of an SME in a one-year production period (August 2018 - July 2019). The study was conducted by calculating fixed costs and variable costs at Mebel Barokah 3, an SME that produces furniture based on orders. The total revenue, revenue-cost ratio (R/C), and the break even pont (BEP) were also calculated. The results showed that the total production cost was IDR 455,855,730/year and the total revenue was IDR 89,794,270/year. The value R/C reached 1.19 and the value of BEP reached IDR 211,644,908/year. The values indicated that this business was economically profitable and reached BEP at the sales of IDR 211,644,908/year. The company should consider the costs incurred, improve work efficiency, and expand the market to achieve business sustainability in the future.

Keywords: furniture, income, production costs, revenue, small and medium-sized enterprise

423. Tingkat Efisiensi Ekonomi Usaha Tani Kopi di Areal Kerja Hutan Kemasyarakatan pada Sub Kelompok 1 KTH Bina Wana Kabupaten Lampung Barat

Areal Kerja Hutan Kemasyarakatan Bina Wana adalah salah satu sentra penghasil kopi (Coffea robusta) yang diprioritaskan dalam pengembangan produk agroindustri lokal di Lampung Barat. Kopi merupakan salah satu komoditas yang memiliki potensi besar tehadap peningkatkan pendapatan petani di Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis pendapatan, tingkat resiko, dan tingkat efisiensi ekonomi usahatani kopi. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan selama tiga bulan pada Juli"Agustus 2019. Metode pengambilan data secara survei dan wawancara terhadap 24 petani responden. Analisis data menggunakan rasio R/C, koefisien variasi, dan analisis frontier stokastik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usahatani kopi dinyatakan menguntungkan dengan pendapatan mencapai Rp. 22.133.681/hektar dan layak diusahakan dengan nilai R/C sebesar 2,46. Tingkat risiko usaha yang dihadapi sangat rendah yaitu 9,4%. Rata-rata tingkat efisiensi teknis, alokatif, dan ekonomi usahatani kopi masing-masing 0,921; 1,003; dan 0,923. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa usahatani kopi sudah mencapai efisiensi teknis dan efisiensi alokatif terhadap kondisi efisien secara ekonomi.

Kata kunci: Usahatani, kopi, bina wana, efisiensi

351. Diversity of Avifauna at the Elephant Training Center Way Kambas National Park

Avifauna is one of the biodiversity that has a role in the ecosystem, namely as a seed spreader, helps pollination, and as an environmental bioindicator. The Elephant Training Center (PLG) is not only a conservation centre for Sumatran elephants but also serves as a habitat and preserves the diversity of all animals including avifauna species. One form of conservation efforts towards avifauna is to record the diversity of the avifauna species present in that location. This study aims to determine the diversity of bird species found in the Way Kambas National Park PLG. The study was conducted using the point count method at three observation locations: garden area, grassland, and swamp area with three repetitions. The results of the study found 33 species from 21 families (727 individuals) with moderate species diversity values (1 <H '<3). The diversity of bird species affects the existence of some species in a habitat so that it affects the quality of habitat and plays an important role as a bioindicator in an ecosystem. Bird conservation efforts need to be carried out and supported by all parties to maintain the existence of birds in their natural habitat.

Keywords: Avifauna, diversity, conservation, national park, elephant training center.

403. Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung di Kawasan Pengembangan Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA)

Burung merupakan salah satu hewan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bioindikator kesehatan biologis lingkungan di daerah yang terfragmentasi. Salah satu daerah yang sedang mengalami perkembangan pesat secara fisik adalah kawasan kampus Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA) yang sebelumnya merupakan areal hutan karet. Penelitian mengenai keanekaragaman burung didaerah ini diperlukan untuk mengevaluasi dan menyusun kebijakan pembangunan kampus yang berkelanjutan. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik point count, diterapkan pada lima zona utama yang terletak di pusat pengembangan fisik kampus ITERA. Berdasarkan penelitian ini didapatkan 19 jenis burung yang tersebar di setiap zona. Setiap zona memiliki tingkat keanekaragaman sedang (1< H< 3) dan indeks kemerataan komunitas masih stabil dengan nilai mendekati satu. Terdapat 3 jenis burung yang berstatus dilindungi yaitu, Cekakak Belukar (Halycon smyrnensis), Elang tikus (Elanus caeruleus), dan burung-madu kelapa (Anthreptes malacensis).

455. Sifat Antimikroba dan Pengaruh Perlakuan Bahan Baku terhadap Rendemen Minyak Sereh Wangi (Antimicrobial Properties and Effects of Raw Material Treatments on Citronella Oil Yield)

Citronella oil is one of the non-timber forest products (NTFP) and commercially obtained from the distillation of the leaves of the Cymbopogon nardus L. This study aims to determine the effect of the size of the distillation raw material and storage time of the raw material on yield and determine the antimicrobial properties of citronella oil from plants in the production forest Register 40 KPH Gedong Wani, Lampung Selatan Regency. The research was conducted using a complete randomized block design (RAKL) with two factors, namely the size of the distillation raw material (whole leaf, 5 cm, 10 cm, and 15 cm) and the storage time of the raw material (fresh, 2 days, and 4 days) which was carried out in 3 replications. The variables measured were yield, specific gravity, and solubility of citronella oil in alcohol. The inhibition ability test of citronella oil against bacteria using essential oil obtained from distillation at the highest yield conditions, namely fresh leaves and leaf size of 5 cm using the diffusion well method. The results showed that the storage time factor, the size of the distillation raw material, and the interaction between the storage time and the size of the raw material had a significant effect on the yield of citronella oil. The highest yield of citronella oil was achieved in the condition of fresh leaves with a size of 5 cm, namely 2,09%. Density and solubility in alcohol of citronella oil produced met SNI 06-3953-1995 standard, respectively 0,8718-0,8928 g/ ml and 1:2. Citronella oil has strong antibacterial properties against Propioni acne, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus cereus with inhibition zone diameters were 40.20 mm, 18.36 mm, 13.07 mm, and 18.80 mm, respectively. Citronella oil from plants in Register 40 KPH Gedong Wani has potential as a raw material for the cosmetic and disinfectant industry.

Keywords: antimicrobial, citronella oil, yield

362. Community Participation in Mangrove Management

Community participation has an important role in mangrove management because the community is the front guard in maintaining the sustainability of mangroves. This study aims to determine the level and type of participation of Kelompok Paguyuban Peduli Lingkungan (a mangrove group). The research was conducted in January-February 2018 in Sidodadi Village, Teluk Pandan Subdistrict, Pesawaran District, Lampung Province. Data obtained through in-depth and structured interviews were then analyzed qualitatively using Arstein and Hobley Theory. The results show that community participation is at the level of therapeutic participation and the type of passive participation. The involvement of various parties in the planning stage to implementation is needed to encourage increased community participation.

Keyword: community participation, level of participation, mangrove, type of participation

274. Survey dan Identifikasi Penyebab Penyakit Damping-Off pada Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) di Persemaian Permanen IPB (The Cause of Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) Damping-off Disease: Survey and Identification in Permanent Nursery, IPB University)

Damping-off generally occurs in seedlings that have just germinated. This disease can cause severe damage, decay, and seedling death. The research was aimed to compute disease incidence and severity of damping-off and to identify the causal of damping-off disease in Paraserianthes falcataria. The survey was examined by using scoring with a 10% sampling intensity. The identification of morphological characteristics was examined macroscopically and microscopically. The result showed that the disease incidence most frequently occurred on 5-month-old seedlings in an open area of 75,00%, and the lowest was on 3-month-old seedlings in an open area of 13,40%. The immense severity of the damping-off attack occurred on 3-month-old seedlings in the greenhouse area of 37,78%, and the lowest occurred on 3-month-old seedlings in an open area of 2,84%. The causal of damping-off disease on P. falcataria in Permanent Nursery of IPB University was Rhizoctonia sp. Pathogenicity test toward P. falcataria seed showed 100% of disease infection. Rhizoctonia sp. caused seed decay hence inhibited seed germination.

Keywords: damping-off, Rhizoctonia sp., sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria)

388. Aplikasi Ektomikoriza pada Media Tanam Bekas Tambang Kapur untuk Membantu Pertumbuhan Mangium (Acacia mangium) (The Application of Ectomycoriza In Ex-Limestone Mining Growth Media to Assist the Growth of Mangium (Acacia mangium))

Ex-limestone mining quarry has poor soil fertility, both biological, chemical, and physical condition due to the mining process. Marginal land conditions such as ex-limestone mining quarry require high survival seedlings. Application of ectomycorrhizal fungi is an alternative that can be done to improve the success of restoration. Acacia mangium is one of the plants that could be colonized by many types of mycorrhizal such as ectomycorrhiza. This research aimed to determine the growth of A. mangium seedlings in ex-limestone mining growth media and the effect of ectomycorrhiza application on the growth of A. mangium. The research used a completely randomized design with six treatments and five replications. Treatment consisted of 100% soil with mycorrhiza, 100% soil without mycorrhiza, 50% soil + 50% limestone tailings + mycorrhiza, 50% soil + 50% limestones tailings without mycorrhiza, 100% tailing with mycorrhiza and 100% tailing without mycorrhiza. The seedlings used in the study germinated from seeds taken from Lampung Timur Regency. The seeds germinated in sand for one month, then used as the research material. The measurement taken were height, diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, measured were root length, canopy dry weight, and total dry weight. The colonization of ectomycorrhiza is measured by counting the percentage of colonization. The symbiosis with rhizobium measured by number of root nodules. Data were tested for variance analysis, followed by Least Significance Different Test at significant level of 1% and 5%. The results showed that the percentage of A. mangium life was high, reaching 100%. All growth parameters showed that plant colonized by mycorrhiza has remarkably better values compared to non-mycorrhiza plants.

Keywords: limestone, ectomycoriza, mangium, phytoremediation


Gajah sumatera (Elephas maximus sumatranus) merupakan satwa dilindungi yang berstatus terancam punah (critically endangered).  Pawang memiliki peran penting dalam penentuan kesejahteraan, pelatihan dan pemanfaatan gajah dalam menunjang kinerja taman nasional.  Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui interaksi pawang yang bersifat dinamis, berulang dan bertahan dalam jangka waktu yang lama sehingga membentuk pola tertentu di ElephantResponse UnitSatuan Pengelolaan Taman Nasional Wilayah IITaman Nasional Way Kambas pada Bulan Januari " Februari 2019.  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi partisipan, wawancara, purposive sampling techniquedan analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan Model Miles and Huberman yang bersifat induktif yang dikontruksikan menjadi hipotesis dan teori.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pola interaksi pawang terdiri dari interaksi pawang dan gajah, pawang dan asisten pawang serta pawang dan masyarakat.  Interaksi pawang dan gajah berupa pemeliharaan, perawatan dan pelatihan gajah yang berdasarkan kriteria gajah jinak serta teknik pelatihan berjumlah 47 terdiri dari 24 perintah verbal (ucapan) dan 23 perintah isyarat, penggunaannya paling banyak pada saat patroli monitoring kawasan dan penggiringan.  Interaksi pawang dan asisten pawang berupa pemeliharaan, perawatan, pelatihan gajah, patroli dan mitigasi konflik manusia dan gajah.  Interaksi pawang dan masyarakat terjadi pada kegiatan blokade (penjagaan) dalam mitigasi konflik manusia dan gajah.


Kata kunci: ElephantResponse Unit, Gajah Sumatera (Elephas maximus sumatranus), Pola interaksi, Taman Nasional Way Kambas

453. Dampak Kebakaran Lahan dan Hutan Terhadap Kesehatan Gender di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

Kebakaran hutan dan lahan terjadi hampir setiap tahun di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Salah satu penerima dampak kebakaran lahan yang paling  rentan yaitu perempuan. Tujuan utama penelitian ini mengkaji dampak kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Kalimantan Tengah khususnya Kota Palangkaraya, Kab. Pulau Pisau dan Kab Kuala Kapuas. Analisis data dalam penelitian menggunakan tehnik analisis deskriptif berdasarkan data dan informasi sekunder. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah sebaran titik hostpot api pada tahun 2016-2020 menunjukkan jumlah yang bervariasi, tahun yang tertinggi terdapat pada tahun 2018 dan 2019. Dampak dari kebakaran lahan dan hutan yang terjadi di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah menyebabkan kabut asap tebal dan menimbulkan penyakit ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan) bagi masyarakat Kota Palangkaraya sebesar 2.139 orang, Kab. Pulau Pisau sebesar 664 orang dan Kab. Kuala Kapuas sebesar 2.245 orang. Peranan gender dalam menghadapi kebakaran lahan dan hutan sangat diperlukan dalam upaya pencegahan dan mengurangi dampak resiko terjadi akibat kebakaran lahan dan hutan bagi kesehatan serta kondisi sosial dan ekonomi.


Kata kunci: Gender, kesehatan perempuan, kebakaran lahan


335. Bio-Polyurethane Resins Derived from Liquid Fractions of Lignin for the Modification of Ramie Fibers

Lignin is a biopolymer from agro-forestry biomass which provides greater prospects for higher added value applications in renewable and sustainable products. In this study, technical lignin from black liquor was used as a pre-polymer for the preparation of bio-polyurethane (Bio-PU) resins. Briefly, the isolated lignin was fractionated using ethyl acetate (EtAc) and methanol (MeOH). The liquid fractions of lignin, such as lignin-EtAc (L-EtAc) and lignin-methanol (L-MeOH), were mixed with 10% of polymeric isocyanate (based on the weigth of liquid fractions) to obtain Bio-PU resins. The isolated lignin, fractionated lignin, and lignin-derived Bio-PU resins were characterized using several techniques. The obtained Bio-PU resins then were used to modify ramie fibers using vacuum impregnation method. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) revealed that the isolated lignin had quite similar characteristics to lignin standar. Fractionation of lignin with EtAc and MeOH altered its characteristics. FTIR, DSC, and TGA showed that solid fractions of lignin had similar characteristics to lignin standard and isolated lignin, while the liquid fractions had characteristics from lignin and the solvents. The absorption band of isocyanate (-N=C=O) groups was shifted to 2285 cm-1 from 2240 cm-1 owing to the reaction with the -OH groups in lignin, forming urethane (R-NH-C=O-R) groups at 1605 cm-1 in Bio-PU resins. Thermal properties of Bio-PU resins derived from L-EtAc exhibited greater endothermic reaction compared to Bio-PU-L-MeOH. As a result, the free -N=C=O groups in Bio-PU resins have reacted with -OH groups on the surface of ramie fibers and improved its thermal properties. Modification of ramie fibers with Bio-PU resins improved the fibers' thermal stability by 15% using Bio-PU-LEtAc for 60 min of impregnation.

Keywords: bio-polyurethane resins, impregnation, lignin fractions, ramie fibers, thermal stability

291. Marketing Channels of Sengon (Falcataria moluccana) on the Local Community Sawn Timber Industry in Sukamarga Village, Abung Tinggi Sub-district, North Lampung Regency

Marketing channel is one of the influencing factors for sustainability sawmills managed by local people that use sengon timber as raw materials. The research objective is to explain the marketing channel for sengon sawn timber derived from sawmills managed by local people. Data were collected through interviews and observation; where the fifth respondents for interviews; were selected by purposive sampling. The collected data were then analyzed qualitatively to determine the marketing channels of sengon sawn timber. The results show that there are four marketing institutions, namely: sawmill, woodshop in Kotabumi, industry outside of the Kotabumi, and broker. The four institutions form three marketing channels: (1) sawmill - woodshop in Kotabumi - industries outside of the Kotabumi, (2) sawmill - industry outside of the Kotabumi, and (3) sawmill - broker - industry outside of the Kotabumi. A business will be more profitable when the sawmill owner purchased logs directly from the farmers, henceforth the benefits of both the farmers and the sawmill owner will be maximized.

Keywords: marketing, marketing channels, Falcataria moluccana, sawmill, sawn timber

484. Identifikasi Kelayakan Chainsaw Pada Kegiatan Penebangan Untuk Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Pekerja Di PT. Perawang Sukses Perkasa Industri (PSPI)

Pada kegiatan penebangan menggunakan chainsaw, operator perlu memastikan bahwa chainsaw yang digunakan layak untuk dipakai dan sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditentukan, khususnya sesuai dengan standar operasional yang menjamin keselamatan dan kesehatan pada saat bekerja. Melakukan modifikasi pada chainsaw adalah tindakan yang tidak dibenarkan, karena akan membuat operator dalam keadaan tidak aman. PT. PSPI merupakan salah satu anak perusahaan HTI di  Provinsi Riau yang saat ini berproduksi pada hasil hutan kayu untuk bahan baku pulp dan paper. Kegiatan penebangan pohon di perusahaan ini masih menggunakan mesin chainsaw sebagai alat pemanenan. Dalam kegiatan penebangan menggunakan chainsaw, perusahaan dan operator perlu memastikan bahwa chainsaw yang akan digunakan layak dengan kondisi  yang sesuai dengan standar operasional yang telah ditentukan, yang bertujuan untuk menjamin keselamatan dan kesehatan operator pada saat bekerja. Penelitian identifikasi kelayakan mesin chainsaw dalam kegiatan penebangan yang dilaksanakan di PT. PSPI menggunakan 4 indikator yakni tipe alat, kondisi alat, modifikasi dan umur alat. Alat penebangan yang digunakan oleh operator chainsaw di PT. PSPI masuk dalam kategori cukup layak untuk digunakan dalam kegiatan penebangan dengan skor 70. Modifikasi knalpot pada mesin chainsaw tidak dapat dibenarkan dan diharapkan untuk tidak digunakan dalam kegiatan penebangan, dan seharusnya diperbaiki pada standar yang sudah ditentukan.


Partisipasi masyarakat berperan penting dalam pengelolaan mangrove, sehingga masyarakat dapat menjadi garda terdepan untuk menjaga mangrove agar tetap lestari.  Penelitian ini digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat partisipasi kelompok PAPELING dan tipe partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan mangrove.  Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Sidodadi, Kecamatan Teluk Pandan, Kabupaten Pesawaran pada bulan Januari-Februari tahun 2018.  Metode pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dan wawancara terstruktur.  Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara kualitatif menggunakan Teori Arnstein (1969) tentang tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dan Teori Hobley (1969) tentang tipe partisipasi masyarakat.  Hasil yang didapatkan diketahui bahwa tingkat partisipasi masyarakat tergolong partisipasi terapi dan tipe partisipasi masyarakat tergolong partisipasi pasif.  Keterlibatan dari berbagai pihak diperlukan untuk mendorong partisipasi masyarakat ke arah yang lebih baik mulai dari tahap perencanaan hingga pelaksanaan.

367. Efisiensi Penggunaan Citra Multisensor untuk Pemetaan Tutupan Lahan (The Efficiency of Multisensor Images for Land Cover Mapping)

Remote sensing technology and Geographic Information System are always enhancing and had produced various types of images recorded by multi-sensors. This study research aimed to compare the effectiveness and efficiencyof Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, dan SPOT 7 images for land cover mapping at Educational Forest of Great Forest Park Wan Abdul Rahman of Lampung. This study used the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and parameter comparison as the research methods. The value and AHP scores of each parameter (time, cost, image availability, accuracy and processing time) were obtained through an interview with practitioners and experts, while parameter comparison was analyzed by literature study and quantitative comparison. The results showed that the most effective and efficient image was Sentinel-2 since it gave the best value in terms of cost, accuracy, processing and the resolution of the image.

Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process, Geographic Information System, land cover, satellite imagery, Tahura WAR

91. Silviculture Effect in Community Forestry in KPHL VIII Batutegi to Farmers Income and Soil Fertility

Sekampung Hulu watershed that is located in Batutegi Forest Management Unit (KPH) is one of Watershed priority due to the most area has been cultivated by the community. 59% of the community cultivate the forest area have acquired community forest utilization license (IUPHKm). The objective of the license is so that the community could return the forest function at the same time increasing their prosperity. Agroforestry was silviculture system that is believed as the most appropriate mean to realize those objectives. This research was aimed to figure out the silviculture system done by the farmers in KPHL VII Batutegi and its relation with income increasing and soil fertility. Data collection was conducted on August-September 2016 in Batulima Resort KPHL VIII Batutegi, through interview method of 98 respondents of two Gapoktan (farmers group) that have IUPHKm. The research result showed that there is no significantly correlation between IUPHKm appropriations with the change of silviculture system. There was a negative influence of silviculture system to soil fertility and farmer income. Monoculture system on the IUPHKm area provide the highest income. It was influenced by the duration of forest land utilization that has reached 4,2 years in average, therefore harvesting has been done. The other influence factor was fertilization intensity, so that the plantation would be more productive.

Keywords: community forest, farmers' income, silviculture, soil fertility

460. Pengaruh Kombinasi Pupuk Hayati Endomikoriza, Trichoderma spp., dan Pupuk Kompos terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen) (Effect of Bio-Fertilizer, Endomicorrhiza, Trichoderma spp., and Compost Combination on the Growth of Sengon Seedlings (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen))

Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen) is a tree species commonly planted in community forests and managed using an agroforestry system. In order to grow a high-quality sengon tree, high-quality seeds are essentials. In addition, providing biofertilizers and organic fertilizers during the nursery phase is necessary. This study aimed to determine the effect of Trichoderma spp., endomycorrhizae, and compost fertilizer combination on the growth of sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen) seeds and to determine the optimum ratio to increase the growth of sengon seeds. The research was performed in the Plant Taxonomy Laboratory (Mycology) and Unda Anyar Watershed and Protected Forest Management Office in Bali. The research was performed with six treatments, namely: A (sterile or untreated soil), B (sterile soil and 10 g of compost), C (10 ml Trichoderma spp.), D (10 ml Trichoderma spp., 100 endomycorrhizal spores, and 10 g compost), E (10 ml Trichoderma spp., 150 endomycorrhizal spores, and 10 g compost), and F (10 ml Trichoderma spp., 200 endomycorrhizal spores, and 10 g compost). This study consisted of five groups with three sub-unit plants. The results showed that the combination of Trichoderma spp., endomycorrhizae, and compost fertilizer significantly increased plant height, amount of stem branches, fresh weight and dry weight of plant, and dry weight of root compared to control. However, the effect on the root fresh weight was not significant. A combination of 10 ml Trichoderma spp., 150 endomycorrhizal spores, and 10 g of compost fertilizer was the most optimal and effective in increasing the growth of sengon seeds.

Keywords: mycorrhiza, sengon seedlings, woody plants

399. Tingkat Ketergantungan Suku Anak Dalam Terhadap Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu Di Taman Nasional Bukit Dua Belas

Suku Anak Dalam merupakan suku tradisional di Indonesia yang hidup di dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Bukit Dua Belas. Suku Anak Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya dari hutan termasuk memanfaatkan hasil hutan bukan kayu yang sering dijual untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ekonominya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat tingkat ketergantungan Suku Anak Dalam terhadap hasil hutan bukan kayu yang ada dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Bukit Dua Belas. Penelitian dilakukan di Resort Air Hitam Taman Nasional Bukit Dua Belas pada bulan Januari-Mei 2019. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode wawancara terhadap responden yang berasal dari Suku Anak Dalam, pihak Taman Nasional serta pemerintah setempat. Tingkat ketergantungan didapatkan dengan  menghitung pendapatan Suku Anak Dalam dari hasil hutan bukan kayu yang berasal dari kawasan taman nasional dan dibandingkan dengan pendapatan totalnya kemudian ditabulasi dan dijelaskan secara deskriptif . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden  dari Suku Anak Dalam menunjukkan ketergantungan yang bervariasi mulai dari tingkat rendah (5,66%), sedang (15,09%), tinggi (5,66%) sampai sangat tinggi (73,58%). Secara total dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat ketergantungan Suku Anak Dalam terhadap hasil hutan bukan kayu dari kawasan taman nasional menunjukkan tingkat sangat tinggi (86,40%). Hal ini terjadi terutama karena Suku Anak Dalam yang memang hidup dan tinggal dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Bukit Dua Belas.

347. Preferensi Jelajah Harian Gajah Sumatera (Elephas maximus sumatranus) di Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (Daily Range Preferences of Sumatran Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park)

Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) is classified as a critically endangered species under the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list and is protected under Indonesian law. This study aims to analyze landscape characteristics based on the daily range of Sumatran elephants using Geographic Information System (GIS). The landscape data including land slope, land cover, distance from the source of disturbance and distance to water resources were collected in June - July 2018 and were overlaid to the points tagged from elephant collar GPS in 2011 and 2013 at the Pemerihan Resort, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park. Data were then analyzed using the GIS platform (ArcGIS 10.5) and then presented in tables and maps. The results showed that the highest preference for the land slope was ranging between 7-15%. The highest preference for land cover was in the form of bushes and forest vegetation, and the highest preferences for the distance from access road of more than 1.000 m. The results also revealed that the highest preferences for the distance to water resource in 2011 were 0-250 m, while in 2013 was 100-200 m.

Keywords: Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, daily range, preferences, sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus)

379. Nilai Ekonomi Arboretum Sylva Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak (Economic Value of the Sylva Arboretum of the Tanjungpura University Pontianak)

Sylva Untan Arboretum has high biodiversity. However, these values and benefits are not yet known by many parties, hence the existence of the Sylva Untan Arboretum could be changed. The purpose of this study was to determine the economic value of the Sylva Untan Arboretum. The study was conducted using a survey method. Primary data was collected through observation and interviews, while secondary data was collected from various literature. The economic value was calculated using three methods, namely the market price method, substitution cost method, and contingency method. The data were analyzed using an analysis of total economic value. The results showed that the economic value of Sylva Untan Arboretum was IDR 15,346,872,680 per year. Economic value in the form of service benefits (intangible) was higher than the tangible value. The measurement of the economic value of Sylva Untan Arboretum can be done using other approaches and methods that are more holistic as a comparison of existing economic values especially for several values, such as biomass value, water absorption, and land rent. The measurement of the economic value of the Sylva Untan Arboretum needs to be developed to make a positive contribution to the people living around it, as well as decision making in land use.

Keywords: arboretum, benefit, ecosystem, economic valuation

397. Demand Analysis of Termite Control Service in Jakarta

Termite is an economically important pest species in the pest control industry and considered as one of the urban pests. Although it had caused a great loss, only a few studies on termite control demand were found. This study attempted to identify determinants and build the econometric model of termite control demand in Jakarta. The findings are expected to give the pest control industry a better understanding of the pest control market. Two ad-hoc models, linear and double log models, were investigated using the Least Square Dummy Variable (LSDV) technique. The results showed that the double log model was found better than the linear model based on sign expectation and significance. The price of termite control service, building permits, price of structural metals and dummy variables for the large company were statistically significant determinants, whereas dummy variables for risk class were not. Termite control demand for medium and small companies was not significantly different, but both of them were significantly lower than demand for the large company. This study also found that the demand for termite control was elastic.

Keywords: demand analysis, econometric modeling, pest control, termite control, urban pest

370. Peran Modal Sosial Masyarakat Penambang Emas dalam Mempertahankan Tambang Ilegal di Taman Hutan Raya Sulawesi Tengah (The Role of Social Capital of Gold Miners on Defending Illegal Mining in Central Sulawesi Forest Park)

The approval of mining permits in the area of the Central Sulawesi Forest Park to a private company caused the emerging of illegal mining by the local community. This study aims to identify the characteristics and social capital of local community miners and their role in the conflict and community resistance. This is explorative research using a qualitative approach. Data was collected through a structured interview to 30 miners as respondents and in-depth interviews with various related stakeholders such as tribal leaders and local government. The results showed that although the social capital of the local community miners was relatively moderate, it could encourage community resistance to the government's efforts to close the illegal mining. The results were affected by a common knowledge that mining is the only source of income for the community. Also, the support of tribal leaders and village officers became a symbolic power that could propel the collective actions of the local community miners.

Keywords: forest park, illegal gold mining, social capital, conflict, collective action

372. Aplikasi Metode Forest Health Monitoring dalam Penilaian Kerusakan Pohon di Hutan Kota Metro (Application of Forest Health Monitoring Method in Assessing Tree Damage in Metro Urban Forests)

The assessment of tree condition is very important to ensure visitor safety and to maintain the sustainability of Metro Urban Forest. However, data and information on the condition of trees in six locations of Metro Urban Forest are not yet available. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess tree damage in each Metro Urban Forest. Evaluation of tree damage such as location, type, and level of tree damage was conducted for each tree in accordance with the damage criteria of the Forest Health Monitoring method. Data were then analyzed by calculating the damage index and tree damage level index. The results showed that the vegetation in Metro Urban Forests was dominated by trees with the healthy condition of 1.549 trees or 87% of the total trees, hence the Metro Urban Forests could be considered safe for visitors. The level of tree damage in each Metro Urban Forest is as follows: 3% in Islamic Center Urban Forest, 9% in Tesarigaga Urban Forest, 12% in Bumi Perkemahan Urban Forest, 13% in Linara Urban Forest, 23% in Terminal 16c Urban Forest, and 23% in Stadion Urban Forest at 23%. Overall tree damage in the Metro Urban Forest reached 232 trees or 13% of the total trees. Tree maintenance in each urban forest in Metro City is needed to maintain tree health, the safety of visitors, and improve the quality of the urban environment.

Keywords: damaged trees, Forest Health Monitoring, Metro Urban Forests

324. The Change of Plant Species Composition and Plant Pattern on Management of Damar Agroforestry

The changes in the composition of plant species and cropping patterns have occurred in the management of Damar agroforest in Desa Kesugihan, Lampung Selatan. There are some reasons that farmers consider to make decisions in choosing plant species and cropping patterns. This study aimed to identify the reasons of farmers in the decision making of plant species selection and cropping pattern on agroforestry management of damar. Primary data collection was conducted by using an in-depth interview method on seven key informants and participant observation. The collected data is qualitative data and analyzed descriptively based on the real-life choice theory by Gladwin. The results showed that there was a change of plant species composition and cropping pattern on resin agroforestry to become cocoa agroforestry. This is affected by income, production continuity, gestation period, ease of maintenance and harvest, local knowledge and tolerance of the main plant to be planted with another crop. The dominant crop pattern was a combination of cocoa as the main plant with cengkeh, petai, tangkil, and durian. Another crop pattern was a combination between resin as the main plant species with cengkeh, durian, coconut, and petai. Comprehension and contribution from related stakeholders in the development of community forestry are fully needed to support sustainable agroforestry management.

Keywords: agroforestry of Damar, decision making, plant composition, plant species selection, cropping pattern

328. Participation of Community in Development of Agroforestry in the Partnership Program in Gedong Wani Forest Management Unit

The establishment of Forest Management Unit (KPH) is a solution which being implemented by the government to overcome forest land conflicts in Indonesia, one of its implementation is by implementing partnership programs in agroforestry. This research purposed to analyze the factors influenced community involvement in the partnership program. The data collection were done by giving questionnaire and interviewing the community, the collected data then were analyzed with discriminant analysis (internal factors) and descriptive analysis (external factors). Based on the results of this research, the internal factor that gives positive impact tocommunity involvement is community knowledge about the partnership program. Then, the external factors that give positive impact to community involvement are socialization and community services provided by KPH and related stakeholders. An evaluation should be done immediately by KPH related to methods of socialization to farmer groups and KPH also need to improve services in community empowerment activities through other similar programs by involving related stakeholders to collaborate.

Keywords: agroforestry, community participation, forest management unit, forest partnership program, tenurial conflict.

348. The Public Perception towards the Development of Deer Breeding in Bandar Lampung

The existence of the deer population that continue to decline in its natural habitat need conservation efforts, such as through ex-situ conservation. Deer captive breeding is one of the ex-situ conservation efforts to ensure the sustainability of wildlife from the threat of extinction. This research aims to know the public perception towards the management and development of captive deer in an effort to improve the conservation of deer was ex-situ. This research was conducted in October - November 2018 in three stations of the captive breeding of sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) and timor deer (Cervus timorensis) in University of Lampung and timor deer (Cervus timorensis) breeding in Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman through interviews to respondents and then the data collected were analyzed descriptively. The results showed a positive public perception towards the development of captive breeding. The results also showed the community supports on the development of deer captive breeding, the management of captive breeding, habitat suitability characteristics, the existence of species and species treatment in captivity, and the development of deer captive as object conservation-based tourism.

Keywords: captive reeding, perception, deer

375. Efisiensi Pemasaran Agroforestri Berbasis Kopi Berdasarkan Keragaan Pasar: Studi Kasus di Pekon Air Kubang, Tanggamus (Marketing Efficiency of Coffee-Based Agroforestry Based on Market Performance: A Case of Study in Air Kubang Village, Tanggamus)

The main sources of community income at Air Kubang village, Air Naningan sub-district, Tanggamus District is from the cultivation and marketing of robusta coffee (Coffea robusta) that is managed using an agroforestry system. Coffee-based agroforestry also contributed a positive ecological impact on the surrounding communities such as the preservation of springs that are utilized by the community to meet household needs. A study on coffee marketing is urgently needed to determine the efficient marketing channels based on the market performance of each channel. The purpose of this research was to identify marketing channels of robusta coffee and determine the performance of each marketing channel. Data were collected in December 2018 in Air Kubang Village, Air Naningan District, Tanggamus Regency. The data were obtained through interviews with respondents such as farmers and marketing institutions involved in the marketing of robusta coffee. Market performances were analyzed through the calculation of marketing margin, profit margin, profit margin ratio, share, and marketing efficiency. The study identified three marketing channels as follows: (1) farmers - collector traders - wholesalers - retailers, (2) farmers - cooperatives - retailers, and (3) farmers - cooperatives. Analysis of marketing efficiency (EP) showed that the three marketing channels were efficient with the EP values <1. However overall results showed that the marketing of coffee for the three marketing channels was not yet efficient, showing high marketing and profit margins, uneven distribution of profit margin ratio, and low share received by farmers.

Keywords: agroforestry, marketing efficiency, marketing margin, robusta coffee

419. Effects of Hydrolysis on the Removal of Cured Urea-Formaldehyde Adhesive in Waste Medium-Density Fiberboard

The vast production of medium-density fiberboard (MDF) in the world is expected to generate a large quantity of waste MDF after its service life, which requires the recycling of waste MDF (wMDF). This work attempted to investigate the removal of cured urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins adhesive in wMDF using hydrolysis for a possible way of recycling wMDF. The wMDFs were fabricated with two kinds of recycled fibers (RFs): refiner recycled fibers (RRFs) and hammer mill recycled fibers (HRFs) from red and radiata pine. The wMDFs were also produced at different RFs contents, such as 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100%. The panels were then hydrolyzed with water and oxalic acid solution to remove the cured UF resins. The Kjeldahl method was applied to determine the nitrogen (N) content in the panel before and after hydrolysis. Regardless of the wood species and recycling process, the mass loss, pH, and formaldehyde liberation of wMDFs after hydrolysis were greater for oxalic acid than those in water, confirming a greater N content had been extracted by oxalic acid than water. The resin removal became greater as the RFs content increased. In addition, the resin removal was slightly greater in wMDFs made of HRFs than the RRFs. Moreover, red pine RFs gave higher resin removal than radiata pine. These results suggested that a proper combination of the recycling process and additives could make it possible to recycle wMDF panels in the future.

Keywords: cured urea-formaldehyde, hydrolysis, medium-density fiberboard, oxalic acid, recycling

358. Assessment of Forest Health in Various Forest Types in Lampung Province

In Lampung Province, awareness of the importance of forest health in achieving sustainable forest management in various types of forests is still low so that forest health problems have not received serious attention so far. This study aims to obtain indicators of forest health assessment and the status of forest health conditions in various types of forests in Lampung Province. This research was carried out in mangrove and community forests in East Lampung District, and protected and conservation forests in Tanggamus District in 2018. The stages of this study consisted of formulating guarantees of forest health indicators, making measuring plots, measuring forest health, processing data, and forest health assessment. The results showed that indicators for assessing the health of forests in mangrove forests are vitality and biodiversity, in community forests are productivity, vitality and site quality, in protected forests are biodiversity, vitality and productivity, and in conservation forests are biodiversity and productivity. The status of health conditions in each cluster of plots in mangrove forest is bad and good, in community forests is good and medium, in protected forests is bad and good, and in conservation forests are bad and good.

Keywords: indicator, forest health status, forest types, Lampung Province

462. Produksi dan Laju Dekomposisi Serasah Ceriops tagal di Cagar Alam Tanjung Panjang (The Production and Decomposition Rate of Ceriops tagal Litter in Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve)

Mangrove vegetation growsalong the coastal line and iscapable of thriving in salty water. Therefore, the study reported in this articlesought to describe the production and decomposition rate of Ceriops tagal litter in Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve in Randangan Sub-District, Pohuwato District, Gorontalo Province. A survey method was employed, and a purposive sampling technique was used for selecting the research site. The data of litter production was collected using a litter trap of 2 m x 1 m. Decomposition data was collected using a litter bag sized of 1 m x 1 m. The results showed that litter production containing leaves at Station I reached 46%, twigs 40%, and fruits 14%. At Station II, the production of litter containing leaves reached 42%, twigs 45%, and fruits 13%. At Station III, the production of litter containing leaves reached 48%, twigs 43%, and fruits 9%. The decomposition rate (R) of C. tagal litter at each station was obtained with an average on the 14th day of 0.42 g, 0.75 g, and 0.77 g, respectively. On the 28th day, it was 0.75 g, 1.00 g, and 0.89 g; on the 42nd day was 1.13 g, 1.27 g, and 1.22 g; and on the 56th day was 1.48 g, 1.62 g, and 1.59 g. The ratio of the decomposition rate of C. tagal litter on day 14 to day 56 increased. This condition was influenced by several environmental factors, including salinity, which ranged from 4.5-6.3°, ambient temperature at 27-28°C, dissolved oxygen at 2.0-5.0 mg/L, and soil pH between 5.9-8.0.

Keywords: Ceriops tagal, decomposition rate, litter production, Pohuwato

384. Keragaman dan Kelimpahan Artiodactyla Menggunakan Kamera Jebak di Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan I Pesisir Barat (The Diversity and Abundance of Artiodactyla Using Camera Traps in Forest Management Unit I Pesisir Barat)

Artiodactyla is a wild animal that has an important role in ecology. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity and abundance of species of order Artiodactyla in the Forest Management Unit (KPH) I Pesisir Barat. 19 units of camera traps were installed randomly within 14 observation stations (grid cells). Images of animals captured by camera traps on each grid cell were used to analyze the diversity and relative abundance of each species. The results of the diversity analysis showed that the Artiodactyla species found consisted of wild boar (Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758), muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak Zimmermann, 1780), lesser oriental chevrotain (Tragulus kanchil Raffles, 1821), sambar deer (Rusa unicolor Kerr, 1792), greater oriental chevrotain (Tragulus napu Cuvier, 1822), and Sumatran serow (Capricornis sumatraensis Bechstein, 1799). Species with the highest relative abundance were wild boar (42.33%) while the lowest was Sumatran wild goats (0.41%). The existence of Artiodactyla could play a role in maintaining the stability of the ecosystem particularly as a seed disperser and supports the presence of predators in the food chain process. Therefore, the KPH I Pesisir Barat forest areas as a habitat for wildlife must be sustainably managed.

Keywords: Artiodactyla, diversity, abundance, camera trap

364. Contribution of Woman Forest Farmers on Family Income at Private Forest in Air Kubang Village Air Naningan District Tanggamus Regency

The contribution of women forest farmers in managing their forest land can help improve the family's economy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the total income of woman, total family income and identify the contribution of woman roles on family income. Data was collected through interviews using a structured questionnaire to 55 respondents that selected by simple random sampling. Qualitative data analysis used to identify economics forms of woman forests farmers, whereas quantitative data analysis used to analyze total income of women forests farmers, total family income, and contribution of women forests farmers roles. The results showed that the average income of woman forest farmers was Rp 475.000/month, family income was Rp 1.428.000/month, and 42 women or around 76% had relatively small contributions because 50% from total family income and 24% or 13 people were able give their contribution that is big enough because >50% from total family income.

Key words: contribution, private forest, woman forest farmer income

445. Karakteristik Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) dari Kayu Jati Platinum Hasil Penjarangan dan Limbah Batang Kelapa Sawit (Characteristic of Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) from Thinned Platinum Teak and Oil Palm Stem Waste)

The aim of this study was to determine the physical and mechanical properties of cross laminated timber (CLT) made from oil palm (Elaeis guineensis. Jacq) stem waste combined with thinned platinum teak (Tectona grandis) wood. CLT was made into two types, namely CLT type A (teak-palm-teak) and CLT type B (teak-teak-teak). The CLT was 150 cm in length and 20 cm in width, with variation of the thickness of 3.0 cm, 4.5 cm, and 6.0 cm, and the glue spread of 300 g/m2. The results showed that CLT type B has better physical and mechanical properties than CLT type A. Generally, CLT made of lamina with a thickness of 4.5 cm showed the best performance of physical and mechanical properties. Platinum teak and palm oil stem waste have the potential to be used as a source of CLT raw materials because of the moisture content, flexural modulus (MOE), and fracture modulus (MOR) that meet the JAS 1152 standard.

Keywords: Cross laminated timber, platinum teak, oil palm stem, physical properties, mechanical properties

401. Daya Dukung Bioekologi Hutan dan Lahan di Kabupaten Manokwari, Provinsi Papua Barat (Biecological Carrying Capacity of Forest and Land in Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province)

Manokwari Regency has high environmental risks due to the high rate of population growth and increased migration. This condition could affect the biocapacity of forest and land resources as well as the ecological footprint that could fulfill the needs of the community in the Manokwari Regency. This study aimed to assess the bioecological carrying capacity of forest and land, changes in forest cover, and projecting the bioecological carrying capacity for the next 50 years in the Manokwari Regency. A quantitative descriptive approach based on secondary time series data analysis and land cover dynamics analysis was used. The ecological footprint approach was carried out by calculating the ecological footprint, biocapacity, and bioecological carrying capacity. The results showed that the bioecological carrying capacity in 2017 in Manokwari District decreased compared to 2012. Forest degradation tended to decrease at a rate of 372 ha/year. However, deforestation increased at a rate of 1,298 ha/year. The results indicated that the policy of converting forests to permanent non-forest lands in the last five years was very massive. The projected bioecological carrying capacity in the next 50 years showed that forest and land in Manokwari District tend to be overshoot.

Keywords: bioecological carrying capacity, change in land use, forests, land, Manokwari

368. Analysis of Ecotourism's Physical, Real and Effective Carrying Capacity in Pulau Pisang, Pesisir Barat Regency

Pisang Island is one of the leading objects of tourist destinations in Pesisir Barat Regency, Lampung Province and has a good potential to be developed for ecotourism. The present problems are the tourist visits that caused disruption and decline in the environmental quality it is important to know the maximum limit of tourist visits to prevent environmental damage. The purpose of this study was to analyze the carrying capacity of the ecotourism sites. The study was conducted in June 2018 - January 2019. The research method used a geographic information system (GIS). The tourism track data that was taken using a global positioning system (GPS) tracker processed using Arc Gis 10.3. The data obtained was then calculated to determine the ecotourism's physical, real and effective carrying capacity. The results revealed that the physical carrying capacity at Pulau Pisang was 175,000 individuals/day, while for real and effective carrying capacity were 27,887 individuals/day and 744 individuals/day respectively. The number of visitors who visit during working days was below the carrying capacity. However, the visit was over the carrying capacity during a holiday such as Idul Fitri days. Therefore, it is necessary to limit visitors during holidays so that environmental sustainability and the comfort of the visit could be maintained.

Keywords: ecotourism area, physical, real, effective carrying capacity, Pisang Island

391. Pengaruh Pematahan Masa Dormansi melalui Perendaman Air dengan Stratifikasi Suhu terhadap Perkecambahan Benih Aren (Arenga pinnata) (The Effect of Dormancy Breakdown through Water Immersion with Temperature Stratification on the Germination of Sugar Palm Seeds (Arenga pinnata))

Sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) has a hard and impermeable pericarp, which make an obstacle for it's germination. Scarification of seed is needed to breakdown the physical dormancy of seeds. One of the methods to break the physical dormancy is stratification by soaking seed in to the water in some different temperature level.  The aims of the study were to determine the effectiveness of stratification and to figure out the best water temperature in breaking the dormancy. A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) in four treatments (control, water immersion at 25°C, 50°C, and 75°C) with four replications was employed as research design.  Statistical analysis was conducted using homogenity of variance, variance analysis, and least significant difference tests. The result showed that the water immersion of arenga seed at 25°C and 50°C resulted in the germination percentage, germination rate and test germination that was comparable to control. Water immersion at 75°C reduced the percentage of germination and germination rate, however the treatment could increase the germination test. Water immersion of arenga seed at 25°C, 50°C, and 75°C were not effective to break the dormancy of sugar palm seed.

Keywords: aren seeds, dormancy, water immersion

329. The Palatability of Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) in Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary

Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) is a browser animal or shrub and foliage eaters that has wide needs and variety types of feed. The purpose of the research is to identify the feed types and the palatability of sumatran rhinoceros feed. Data was collected using Direct Observation method. The object of research was a female sumatran rhinoceros aged named ''Ratu''. The results shows that there were founded 61 feed species of rhinoceros in Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary. Those feeds were clasified in 30 different families. The drop-in feed was dominated by Moraceae and Rubiaceae was dominated the natural feed. Leaves were the most eaten part by sumatran rhinoceros both in drop-in feed (75%) or in natural feed (83%). The amount of feed which Sumatran rhinoceros could consumed in one day was 36-47 kg of the total supply as much as ± 100 kg/day. The most eaten quantites and the most prefered feed of sumatran rhinoceros were jack tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus) and merremia (Merremia peltata).

Keywords: Sumatran Rhinoceros, Feed , Palatability, Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary

361. Contribution of Agroforestry Plants to Farmers' Income and Welfare

The people who live adjacent to Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman depend their lives on land management in the block utilization of Tahura with the agroforestry system. This system is implemented with different plant compositions so that the effect on income is different. This study aims to determine the composition of agroforestry plants that provide the highest income and welfare level for farmers. The study was conducted in 2017 in Sidodadi Village, Pesawaran District, which borders Tahura Wan Abdul Rahman. The variables analyzed consisted of revenue and production costs in the management of agroforestry, farmer expenditure and the number of family member. The results obtained from the 7 plant compositions identified, composition II with the main plants of banana and cacao and other types of plants are clove, chili, areca nut, soursop, mango, rambutan, durian, coconut, pecan, duku, jengkol, petai, avocado, nutmeg , breadfruit, sugar palm, bayur and cempaka; provide the highest income with an average income of Rp. 21,640,777/family/year but this income is still in a sufficient category and is only limited to meeting basic needs. It is the composition of plants that are most widely used by the community.

Keywords: agroforestry, income, plant composition, welfare

243. Perbandingan Tingkat Kesesuaian Pohon Akasia (Acacia Auriculiformis),Cemara Bundel (Cupressus Retusa), Dan Kerai Payung (Filicium Decipiens) Sebagai Tempat Hidup Anggrek Dendrobium

Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) is one of the most popular orchid genera consisting more than 2000 species, which is widely known for its long vaselife, various, shapes and colors, high frequency of flowering per year and long and flexible stalks, so it is easily assembled for
flower arrangements. The objectives of this research was to study the effects of different host trees and position of plant attachment at the tree on growth of Dendrobium seedlings. This experiment was conducted with treatments arranged factorally (3 X 2) in a completely randomized design with three replicates. The first factor was the species of host three consisted of Akasia (Acacia auriculiformis), Cemara Bundel (Cupressus retusa) and Kerai Payung (Filicium decipiens) and the second factor was position of plant attachment on the tree, which consisted of attachment at the bottom ( 0,5 m above ground ) and the upper was ( 1,5 m above ground ). Each experimental unit consisted of two Dendrobium seedlings. The results showed that in general both host trees and position of attachment did not affect number of shoots, number of leaves, plant height and the longest root length. however, different host trees and its interaction with the position of attachment affected the number of roots, resulted in the highest number of roots obtained in Kerai Payung (Fillicium decipiens) at 1,5 m above ground.

Keywords: Acacia auriculiformis, Cupressus retusa, host tree, Filicium decipiens, orchid.

9. Analisis Finansial Pola Tanam Agroforestri di Desa Pesawaran Indah Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran Provinsi Lampung

Agroforestry in Indonesian language simply means as planting trees on agricultural land. Land's management with sustainable agroforestry systems expected to be able improve field productivity. It has needed to do financial analysis for agroforestry cropping patterns. It based on some of dominant plant species in agroforestry cropping patterns. This study conducted in the Pesawaran Indah Village of Padang Cermin Subdistrict on Pesawaran District in March-May 2012. The study aims to determine a profitable agroforestry cropping patterns based on financial analysis. Sampling used by purposive sampling technique. Financial analysis of agroforestry cropping pattern used the NPV, BCR and IRR with feasibility age of 20 years and an interest rate of 12%.The results showed that there are 9 agroforestry cropping patterns applied. Analysis showed that agroforestry cropping patterns is financially viable to be applied. Among 9 cropping pattern, pattern VI which is combination of Cocoa, Coconut and Banana has the highest profit with NPV is Rp 71.392.802,34,-, BCR of 7,39 and an IRR of 96%.

Key words : agroforestry, financial analysis, pattern

590. Identification Of The Traditional Agroforestry Model In The Region


This study aims to identify traditional agroforestry models, determine the vegetation structure of the constituent plants and produce spatial data on ecological mapping of traditional agroforestry developed by farming communities in the highlands of North Central Timor Regency. This research was carried out in the North Central Timor Regency, especially in the highlands from June to August 2021. The method used in this research is descriptive exploratory method with data collection techniques consisting of observations, surveys, interviews and documentation of the highlands of North Central Timor Regency.The data analysis used in this research includes: descriptive analysis of traditional agroforestry models, vegetation structure analysis (ANVEG), and spatial ecological analysis of agroforestry. The results showed that there are two traditional agroforestry models in the highlands of North Central Timor Regency, namely: agrosilvopasture poan and agrosilvofishery mamar spread over seven plots. The results showed that there are two traditional agroforestry models in the highlands of North Central Timor Regency, namely: agrosilvopasture poan and agrosilvofishery mamar spread over seven plots. The results of vegetation analysis (ANVEG) at each level of the agroforestry model were: (1) Agrosilvopasture poan, the highest INP was at the seedling level of 67% for avocado, 182% for sapling for betel nut, 150% for pole for areca nut and 105% for tree for betel nut. . (2) Agrosilvopasture poan, the highest INP was at 190% seedling level on red bean, 123% sapling on banana plant, 300% pole on spruce, and 300% on pine tree. (3) Agrosilvopasture poan, the highest INP was at 183% seedling level on coffee plants, 300% sapling on coffee plants, 259% pole on coffee plants, and 150% trees on lamtoro plants. (4) The highest agrosilvopasture INP was at 127% seedling level for porang, 167% for turi, 300% for coffee and 154% for turi. (5) Agrosilvopasture poan, the highest INP was at 100% seedling level on coffee plants, 300% sapling on coffee plants, 128% pole on mahogany plants, and 131% on teak trees. (6) Mamar agrosilvofisheri, highest INP at 100% seedling level in coffee, 147% stake in mahogany, 154% pole in mahogany, and 119% tree in betel nut. (7) Agrosilvopasture poan, the highest INP was at 116% seedling level on pineapple plant, 138% sapling on 138 plant, 165% pole on mahogany plant, and 127% tree on candlenut plant. The results of the spatial analysis of agroforestry ecology are the distribution of traditional agroforestry in West Miomaffo District, Fatunisuan Village at an altitude of 768 masl with the agrosilvopasture poan model, Eban Village at an altitude of 1182 masl with the poan agrosilvopasture model, Suanae Village at an altitude of 939 masl with the poan agrosilvopasture model, Manusasi Village 1 is at an altitude of 988 masl with the agrosilvopasture poan model, Manusai 2 is at an altitude of 977 masl with the agrosilvopasture poan model, and East Miomaffo sub-district, namely Taekas Village is at an altitude of 748 masl with the mamar agrosilvofisheri model, and Jak Village is located at an altitude of 734 masl with agrosilvopasture poan model.

Keywords: Traditional Agroforestry, Up land, Mapping

552. Population Distribution of Amorphophallus at Several Altitudes in Mount Poteng, Raya Pasi Nature Reserve, West Kalimantan

Amorphophallus is a protected and endangered plant. Some Amorphophallus species can only grow in certain environmental conditions. Differences in environmental conditions could cause differences in morphology and distribution of Amorphophallus. This study aimed to obtain the morphological characteristics of Amorphophallus and study the distribution of its population at several altitudes in Mount Poteng, Raya Pasi Nature Reserve, West Kalimantan. The study used an exploratory survey following the river's flow at the Raya Pasi Nature Reserve, especially in Mount Poteng. The results found three species of Amorphophallus: Amorphophallus borneensis (109 individuals), Amorphophallus gigas (9 individuals), and Amorphophallus hewittii (27 individuals), showing clustered distribution patterns with a Morista index of > 1. The similarity index of six comparisons for each altitude showed five altitudes with similar categories and one altitude with a very different category. The results revealed that the Amorphophallus distribution positively correlated with air temperature and soil temperature but negatively correlated with air humidity. However, all correlations were weak. The morphological differences of the three Amorphophallus species were in the forms of the stem pattern, stem height, and fruit shape. The distribution of Amorphophallus can be found at an altitude of 200 − > 500 masl, which is not far from the river flow.

Keywords: altitude, Amorphophallus, Mount Poteng, Raya Pasi Nature Reserve

446. Distribusi Vertikal Asplenium nidus L. di Kawasan Hutan Imbowiari, Kepulauan Yapen, Papua (Vertical Distribution of Asplenium nidus L. in the Imbowiari Forest, Yapen Islands, Papua)

Asplenium nidus L. has an important role as one of the bio-indicators of the cenderawasih bird nest and is massively found in the Imbowiari Forest, Yapen Islands Regency, Papua. Until now, there is no study on the investigation of their vertical distribution. This study aimed to identify the vertical distribution of A. nidus and the relationship with the height of the host trees. The population and samples of this study were all A. nidus existing in the Imbowiari Forest, and the samples were all A. nidus that is in the observation plot. This study employed a track path method consisting of 3 transects containing 15 observation plots. The results revealed 63 A. nidus in the area of Imbowiari Forest with the total number of host trees of 49. The A. nidus and host tree relationship was shown by the equation Y = 0.014X + 1,016 with R2 = 0.058. There was no correlation between the height of host trees and the vertical distribution of A. nidus.

Keywords:  Asplenium nidus, Imbowiari Forest, vertical distribution

343. Keanekaragaman Jenis Avifauna Di Pusat Latihan Gajah (PLG) Taman Nasional Way Kambas

Avifauna is one of the biodiversity that has a role in the ecosystems, such as a seed spreader, aiding pollination, and as one of the bioindicators of the environment. Elephant Training Center (PLG) besides as sumatra elephant conservation site, also serve as a habitat and the preservation of the diversity of the entire fauna including species of avifauna. One of the conservation efforts towards the avifauna is to record the kind of diversity of avifauna in this area. The purpose of this research was to determine the diversity of bird species in PLG Way Kambas National Park during January'February 2018. The research was using a point count method at three points of the observation location that were the park area (PC 1), grassland (PC 2) and swamp area (PC 3) with 3 repititions. The result showed there were 33 species from 21 family (727 individuals). The first habitat type has (H= 2,363) diversity index. The second habitat type has (H= 1,875) then the third habitat type has (H= 1,648) were classified moderate. Equity index in first habitat (J= 0,834) was classified stable, in the second habitat (J= 0,692) and third habitat (J= 0,715) was classified labile. Richness index in first habitat (R= 3,489) was classified moderate, in the second habitat (R= 2,381) and third habitat (R= 1,605) was classified low.

Key words: Avifauna, diversity, conservation


Because the quality of the urban environment is deteriorating in tandem with the city's development, Green Open Space should be viewed as more than just a complement to the city. To determine how successful green open space is at determining visitor comfort, it must be able to change the microclimate and reduce noise. The goal of this study was to find out how different levels of thermal and visual comfort are in different green open spaces in Palopo City. This study took place in Palopo, in the South Sulawesi region. The goal of this study is to look at the level of thermal comfort in Palopo City's five green open spaces, as well as people's impressions of thermal and visual comfort. The thermal and visual comfort in the five Green Open Space (RTH) locations were classified as uncomfortable because they surpassed the conventional comfort requirements, particularly temperature > 27oC. The findings of interviews with visitors' opinions of thermal comfort in five moderately sized green open spaces revealed that, due to the lack of vegetated areas, the green open space in these places could not yet provide freshness connected to temperature for urban regions. Visual comfort perceptions of respondents in five green open areas with moderate categories: Lapangan Pancasila, Lapangan Gaspa, and Taman Baca. Meanwhile, the other two green open areas, Lapangan Pancasila and Taman I Love Palopo, are rated as high. The respondents' perceptions of the architectural form of supporting buildings at each green open space location, existing facilities in green open space, cleanliness in each green open space that was maintained, and tree types that affected the beauty of five green open spaces were categorized as medium & high.

Keywords: Temperature, THI Index, Green open space

39. Perkecambahan Benih Aren (Arenga Pinnata) Setelah Diskarifikasi Dengan Giberelin Pada Berbagai Konsentrasi

Dormancy of sugar palm seed (Arenga pinnata) was caused of hard seed coat structure, making its difficult to absorb water during of germinating. Dormancy in seed can be resolved by giving of treatmeant physically, mechanically, or chemically. This research aimed to determine the effect of physical treatment and chemical treatment on the germination of sugar palm seeds and determine which affect gibberellin concentration most favorable to the germination of sugar palm seeds. In this research, dormancy in seed be resolved in chemically that way with soaking of water with temperature early 75 0 C let to be chilled during 15 minute, and then soaking in condensation of giberelin with concentration of giberellins is 0 ppm, 50 ppm, 100 ppm, 150 ppm, and 200 ppm for 24 hours.  The method used in this research is Complete Random Design (CRD) which consisting of five treatments and four replications. The results showed that the treatment accorded significant effect on germination percentage, germination, and the average days to germinate. Addition of soaking in a solution of 150 ppm giberellin for 24 hours gives the best effect with an average germination percentage by 65%, compared with addition of soaking in giberellin solution of 0 ppm, 50 ppm, 100 ppm, 200 ppm giberellins for 24 hours with an average germination percentage by 15%, 34,5%, 53,125%, and 26,875%.

199. Evaluasi Pertumbuhan Sambungan Eucalyptus Pellita F. Muell Dengan Teknik Veneer Grafting

Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell is one of the promising species for pulp production in Indonesia. Tree breeding activities of this species have been developed to investigate a high productivity of Eucalypt through the selection of genetically improved individual trees. Vegetative propagation technique is an important tool needed to multiple the trees. Veneer Grafting is one of the recommended propagation techniques. The objective of the research is to study the compatibility of several E. Pellita clones that are produced from plus trees. Implemented by Completely Randomized Design (CRD), the research was used 36 E. pellita families and 6 hibryds of E. pellita x E. brassiana as the treatment with 4 replications. The result showed that the clone of E. pellita was significantly different effecting growth variation of clone adaptability, shoot number, shoot length, and shoot diameter. Clone adaptability was range from 0  - 100%. Shoot number was around 1-3 stems. Shoot length was range 0.17 cm - 17.82 cm and the shoot diameter was 0.10 mm - 2.27 mm in range. The clone (number 19) from Keru To Nata WP Papua New Guinea was invented as the best in adaptability (100%) during the observation period, while clone (number 33) was the best growth performance in shoot number, shoot diameter and shoot length.

Keywords: Growth, Eucalyptus pellita, veneer grafting

579. Estimation of Seed Production and Germination of Ficus hispida and Ficus racemosa

Ficus hispida and Ficus racemosa are Moraceae species that commonly grow on riverbanks. Actions to propagate generative plants required more observation due to mutualistic symbiosis between F. hispida and F. racemosa with Ceratosolen solmsi and Ceratosolen fusciceps as pollinating insects. This study aimed to obtain data on seed production, germination, and the interaction of F. hispida and F. racemosa with pollinating insects. Research activities included seed extraction, seed germination testing, and calculation of the number of pollinating insects found in syconia. The results showed that the number of entered insects was related to syconia's receptive phase and diameter. F. hispida produced 3679 seedlings, while F. racemosa produced 2086 seedlings in one period. The number of seeds could cover a 6 ha area with a 4 m x 4 m spacing of planting. The germination percentage of F. hispida and F. racemosa was low to moderate. F. hispida seed germination was only 57.2% and F. racemosa was 68.6%. Thus, the seed should be germinated immediately after extraction.

Keywords: Ficus hispida, Ficus racemosa, germination, seed production

74. Carbon Stock Estimation of Mangrove Forest in Village Margasari Sub-District Labuhan Maringgai District East Lampung

Increasing CO2 in the atmosphere and decreasing amount of forest as absorb CO2are factors which was the underlying repercussion of climate change. One of solutions for decreasing CO2 concentration through the forest vegetations development and emendation. Mangrove forest estimated that effectively absorb carbon through photosynthesis. The purpose of the studyis to estimate the stand and litter carbon stock of mangrove forest. The research used line transectmethod. The first line and plot determined randomly then the next lineand plots was sistematically. The observation plots had measurement with amount of 20m x 20m with spacing between plot in line 20 m with total 20 plots. Each plot was measured diameter just  5 cm. Each plot made observations litter sub plots with amount of 0,5 m x 0,5 m. Carbon estimation of stand biomass using allometric equations B = 0,1848D2.3624 and litter biomass using total dry weight. Carbon concentration of organic material typically contains around 46% thus multiplying the biomass by 46%. The average biomass of mangrove forests amounted to 431,78 tons/ha. Carbon estimated of mangrove stand was 197,36 ton/ha and litter carbon was 1,25 ton/ha, based on the research total of carbon mangrove forest was198,61 ton/ha.


Keywords:carbon above ground,line transect, mangrove forest

150. Karakterisasi Pelet Kayu Karet (Hevea brasiliensis) Hasil Torefaksi dengan Menggunakan Reaktor Counter-Flow Multi Baffle (COMB) (Characterization of Rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) Pellets Torrefied with Counter-Flow Multi Baffle (COMB) Reactor)

Indonesia has the largest rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) plantation area in the world. Rubberwood is mainly planted for latex production and as latex production declines with age, rubberwood is generally felled. The logging waste and industrial waste of rubberwood-based products could be utilized as raw materials to produce biomass pellets. The quality of biomass pellets can be increased through torrefaction, a thermal process in the temperature range of 200-300°C under an inert atmosphere. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of torrefaction on the characteristics of rubberwood pellets. The torrefaction of rubberwood pellets was conducted using the Counter-Flow Multi Baffle (COMB) reactor, a reactor that could perform torrefaction within a short residence time of up to 5 min. The temperature used in this study was 200°C, 250°C, dan 300°C with a residence time of 3 min. The color change, physical properties, chemical composition, and heating value were evaluated. The results showed that the pellets color changed from light brown into black pellets, showing the overall color change (E*) of 29,12, 54,27, and 66,71, after torrefaction at 200°C, 250°C, and 300°C, respectively. The equilibrium moisture content of the pellets decreased from 12,25% to 3,54%. The water immersion test also showed that the torrefied pellets have a better hydrophobicity, which is an advantage when pellets are stored in a humid condition. The oven-dry density of pellet decreased from 1,15 g/cm3 to 1,09 g/cm3, 1,04 g/cm3, and 0,96 g/cm3, after torrefaction at temperatures of 200°C, 250°C, and 300°C, respectively. Torrefaction caused a decrease of cellulose and hemicellulose contents, an increase of lignin content, and a remarkable increase in the heating value of 1,71-18,32% with increasing torrefaction temperature. The results proposed that torrefaction using the COMB reactor could provide a great improvement in the quality of rubberwood pellets to improve the additional value of the products.

Keywords: black pellet, Counter-Flow Multi Baffle, rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis), torrefaction

71. Space Using of Sumatra Slow Loris (Nycticebus coucang) Release by International Animal Rescue Indonesia (IARI) in Protected Forest Batutegi Kalijernih Tanggamus Lampung

Nycticebus coucang had the closely related to their habitat. The observation research to determine using of (1) forest stratum, (2) substrate space (3) canopy space (4) vegetation types and (4) daily behavior of N.coucang in Protected Forest KPHL Batutegi Block Kalijernih, Tanggamus Lampung, February-May 2014, used the explore, one zero sampling and rapid assessment methods. The results of the 60 days observation was found 50 hours N.coucang behavior observed for a total of 3652 data, N.coucang used (1) forest floor (57%), understory layer (42,7%), canopy layer (0,2%), (2) A substrate (4,3%), B substrate (13%), C substrate (43,7%), D substrate (38,3%), E substrate (0,4%) and F substrate (0,08%), (3) middle (24,6%), top middle (16,7%), middle down (14,7%), middle edge (20,8%), top edge
(13,4%), bottom edge (0,9%), (4) vegetation type are stake (46,2%), pole (33,6%) and tree (20%), (5) to did daily behavior are travelling (56,7%), feeding (7,5%), forage (25,9%), grooming (5,7%), active (3,6%), inactive (0,2%), and defecating (0,02%).

Keywords: Selection and space using of forest, Nycticebus coucang, KPHL Batutegi

186. The Application of Rhizobium and Urea on Paraserianthes falcataria Seedling Growth

Paraserianthes falcataria is naturally had symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Rhizobium). Urea is fertilizer with high content of nitrogen (46%). The research aimed to study the effect of Rhizobium inoculation on P. falcataria seedling growth; the influence of various concentrations of urea on P. falcataria seedling growth and the interaction of Rhizobium and urea at Rhizobium colonization and seedling growth. The research design was factorial completely randomized design, consisting of two factors, the first factor was the Rhizobium inoculation and the second factor was the doses of urea wich were 0, 2, 4 and 8 grams. The results showed that Rhizobium inoculation could increase the high, diameter, formation of effective nodule, and dry weight of P. falcataria seedling; added 4 grams urea produced the best growth; while Rhizobium inoculation without fertilization produced the highest Rhizobium colonization and the best growth.

Keywords: Nitrogen, Paraserianthes falcataria, Rhizobium, Urea

371. Species Diversity of Trees and Carbon Stock in Resort Pemerihan, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park

Pemerihan Resort is a part of the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBSNP). The area of Pemerihan Resort is also part of a lowland tropical rainforest ecosystem with high carbon stocks and biodiversity levels. However, the biodiversity at Pemerihan Resort is threatened by human activities. The aim of this study is to understand species diversity of trees and the carbon stocks in Pemerihan Resort. The plots used include 5 clusters of the National Forest Inventory (NFI) plots within an area of 1 ha for each plot. Data collection was conducted by a census of all trees in the cluster plots and measurements of the diameters and heights of all trees. The measurements of the tree biomass were conducted by non-destructive sampling methods. The trees measured are 20 cm only. Species diversity of the trees was analyzed by Shannon-Whiener index. The carbon stock was analyzed using the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) referring to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The results showed that Pemerihan Resort is a mixed Dipterocarpaceae ecosystem and a type of normal forest. The dominance of Dipterocarpaceae is 38%. Pemerihan Resort has 611 of individual trees within 99 species and 38 families. The Diversity index (H') of Pemerihan Resort is 2.70. This is a moderately diverse and very stable environment. Tree carbon stock in Pemerihan Resort is 277.64 tons c/ha. The resort is included in the primary dryland category and High-Density forest (HK 3). The results of this study are useful as the basic data in conducting conservation efforts in the BBSNP area.

Keywords: Carbon, diversity, tree, species, species, family

480. Tingkat Kesejahteraan dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pengeluaran Rumah Tangga Masyarakat Sekitar Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (Welfare Level and Factors Affecting Household Expenditure of Communities Living Nearby Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park)

Poverty and not being prosperous are identical with the people who live around the National Park. This condition is caused by several factors such as difficult access, limited facilities and infrastructure, low education levels, uncertain household income and clack of law enforcement. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of welfare and the factors that affect household expenditures in the community around Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park. This research was conducted in Sukananti Village, Way Tenong District, Srimenanti Village, Air Hitam District, and Tebahliokh Village, Batu Brak District, West Lampung Regency. This study involved 160 respondents who were randomly selected proportionally. Data collection was carried out in January-March 2020. Objective 1 was analyzed using  welfare analysis based on indicators of the Badan Pusat Statistik (2014). Objective 2 was analyzed using multiple linear regression model. The study reveals that 89.38% of community households around Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park is considered prosper, whereas 10.63% are not yet prosper. Factors that  affecting household expenditure are the number of family members, size of landholding and household income.

Keywords: welfare, expenditure, multiple regression analysis

357. Biodiversity Flora and Fauna in the Region Forest Bukit Datuk Dumai Riau Province

Research on the biodiversity of flora and fauna in conservation forests in the petroleum/oil refinery industri is rarely done, this activity aims to obtain information on the biodiversity of flora and fauna, especially bird species. This research was conducted in in the Bukit Datuk Dumai forest area, Riau Province. Ploting a plot of 100 m x 100 m (1 ha) is made for flora biodiversity, for bird plots with a radius of 25 m scattered randomly at that location. The structure and composition of tree species with a diameter at breast height 10 cm, saplings and seedlings were examined from a permanent measuring plot of one ha. There were 32 species of trees with a diameter of 10 cm and numbering 354 trees, belonging to 22 family, the largest species being Dipterocarpaceae. Species that dominate tree level stands are Garcinia dioca L. IVI = 39.67%, Gironniera subaequalis Planch. IVI = 30.39% and Ochanostachys amentaceae Mast. IVI = 30.26 %. The species in sapling level are Hopea mengarawan Miq., Gironniera subaequalis Planch. and Shorea acuminata Dyer. With IVI respectively 73.71%, 42.51% and 35.24%, seedlings of species Glochidion sp. With IVI 47.10%, Koompassia excelsa Taub. IVI 43.52% and Hopea mengarawan Miq. IVI24.62%. The number of bird species was found 33 with a diversity index of 2.63, an evenness index of 0.75 and a species richness index of 6.52.

Keywords: structure, composition, regeneration, swamp forests, fauna, birds.

195. Penambahan Bahan Pembenah Tanah untuk Mempercepat Kolonisasi Ektomikoriza dan Pertumbuhan Damar Mata Kucing (The Additional of Soil Conditioner Substances to Accelerate Ectomycorrhiza Colonization and Growth of Shorea Javanica)

Shorea javanica is family of Dipterocarpacae that could associate with ectomycorrhiza. Ectomycorrhiza colonization were influenced by many factors, such as the soil condition. The purpose of this research were to know the proper concentration of soil conditioner substances to increase growth and accelerate ectomycorrhiza colonization process. This research was done in May to August 2016 by using Randomized Complete Design. Ectomycorrhiza used was suspension spore of Scleroderma columnare 20 ml/polybag. With different treatment of the concentration of Bio-Nature 50 (BN50) addition and given as much as 20 ml / polybag which were a) no added ectomycorrhiza and BN50, b) added ectomycorrhiza inoculum, c) added ectomycorrhiza inoculum and 0,1 % BN50, d) added ectomycorrhiza inoculum and 0,2 % BN50, and e) added ectomycorrhiza inoculum with 0,3.% BN50. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance followed by Least Significant Difference test. The experimantal results showed that additional 0,1 % concentration of BN50 could increase growth of S. javanica. The additional of BN50 0,1 %, 0,2 % and 0,3 % in the media that have been inoculated give equally good results in accelerated ectomycorrhiza colonization on root system of S. javanica.

Key words : Bio-Nature 50, ectomycorrhiza, Scleroderma columnare, Shorea javanica, soil conditioner.

465. Opportunity and Problems of Sericulture in Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi)

This study was intended to formulate development strategy of sericulture in Wajo Regency. The study was carried from March to September 2015 in Sabbangparu subdistrict and Tanasitolo subdistrict. Data collected through field observation, interview and literature study. Result of the study showed that the strength factor was silk culture in Wajo community, land availibility and suitibility. The weakness were low quality of cocoon and silk product, farmer capacity to manage the sericulture, the different stakeholder vision of development. The opportunity that can be achieved were increasingly community social economic so that the demand of silk fabric incline, financial support from the government, established  Awota KPHP Model that facilitate silk development. The threat faced were silkworm disease in sericulture area, the low price of synthetic silk yarn that resemble to natural silk that attract the lower income community. Wajo Regency was very potential to develop because natural resource, human resource, culture, social economic and government support.

296. Carbon Stock in Repong Damar Agroforest at Pahmungan Village, Pesisir Tengah Sub-District, Pesisir Barat Regency

The area of Repong Damar in Pahmungan Village is a form of mixed forest ecosystem managed by local communities. The diversity of plant species in Repong Damar is expected to contribute on carbon sequestration at the atmosfer, therefore it was necessary to conduct research that aims to find out the structure and composition of vegetation as well as to determine the potential of carbon stock in Repong Damar. The research was used the Important Value Index method, allometric equations, and Completely Randomized Block Design. The result of this research showed that species of Damar Mata Kucing (Shorea javanica) has the highest dominancy in all of growing stage. This result was estimated because Damar Mata Kucing able to survive and develop them selves both on the environmental conditions. Repong Damar classified as forest which has high carbon stock that range between 174,22 up to 254,09 ton/ha so it can be categorized as forest with good condition. Potential of CO2 sequestrated that range between 639,37 up to 932,52 tons/ha. The results showed that none of the three classes of altitude had significant differences in carbon stocks because in all three classes of altitude still had the same environmental conditions.


Keywords: carbon reseve, Pesisir Barat, Repong Damar.

496. LHK Ministry Regulation Implementation Study No. 39 2017 in working area Perhutani (IPHPS)

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 39/2017 concerning IPHPS in Perum Perhutani's working area is the government's breakthrough on opening forests' access to the public. The policy certainly requires a field implementation study so that the execution would be consistent with the objectives of the IPHPS program. This research aims to assess the execution process of social forestry per the Ministerial Regulation No. 39/2017 concerning IPHPS on 2 of Perum Perhutani's working areas which located in KTH Bhakti Alam Lestari. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with purposive sampling as its data collection method. The analysis used in this is the interactive model and the triangulation techniques, and resources is the method for data validity analysis. The result of this research shows that forest farmers welcomed the program well because they already understand the IPHPS program from socializations. And also, because there is a public disappointment for the PHBM program, especially for the shared result that did not follow the previous agreement. The farmer is a part of Bhakti Alam Lestari Forest Farmer Group which has received the SK IPHPS since March 2018. As for its implementation process at the field, applications submitted by farmers have already followed the existing regulations but many pros and cons still occur between the community and Perhutani regarding the proposed land requirements. There are still many differences of view between Perhutani and KTH on interpreting the existing regulations, especially about land requirements. The absence of marking for working area boundaries is an obstacle found in the field, and it is the reason why the program is delayed. The issue must be resolved immediately by the KLHK to ensure and maintain the farmers' trust towards the government so they will not feel inhibited by the implementation of IPHPS.

437. Fenomena kerusakan hutan mangrove di Luwuk Timur Kabupaten Banggai, Sulawesi Tengah

The phenomenon of damage to mangrove forests develops very dynamically according to the results of the interaction between humans and mangrove forests. This study aims to determine the phenomenon of mangrove forest destruction in East Luwuk district, Banggai Regency. This research is qualitative research using descriptive analysis. This research uses purposive sampling and snowballs sampling techniques. Techniques for obtaining data using closed interviews, open interviews, in-depth interviews, observation. The results showed that the phenomenon of mangrove forest damage was caused by the taking of trees/stems/branches/chains of mangrove for firewood energy, the conversion of mangrove forests into farms owned by the community and companies, and the conversion of mangrove forests into paddy fields and led to non-continued activities of paddy fields. The above phenomenon can be overcome by carrying out restoration, rehabilitation, and reclamation in areas that have been damaged and recommend to the company to apply silvofishery patterns that are able to meet the welfare of the community and maintain mangrove ecosystem sustainability

577. Ecological Index and Estimation of Environmental Service Values of Carbon Sequestration of Trigona SP

This study aimed to determine the ecological index, oxygen potential and the value of the economic benefits of environmental services for the production of oxygen for honey bee feed Trigona sp. The research method used was a survey method by determining sample plots by Purposive Sampling with 11 sample plots with a size of 20 x 20 m for trees, 10 x 10 for poles. , 5 x 5 saplings, and 2 x 2 for seedlings and understorey. The data analysis method was descriptive analysis towards vegetation, species diversity index (H'), species evenness index (E), dominance index (D), oxygen production, and the value of environmental services of carbon sequestration. The IVI values at the levels of tree, pole, sapling  were of 300, and understorey is 199.37, respectively.  The highest species diversity index value was at the understorey level of 1.66 indicates that the species diversity in a plot is moderate.  The highest species evenness index (E) at the pole and sampling levels proves that the evenness index are moderate.  The value of the dominance index at shows that all levels have a spreading dominance pattern.  The O2 production was 6.07 tons/year. The environmental services value of carbon dioxide sequestration is Rp. 614,255/ton/year  

459. Institutional Evaluation of the Community Plantation Forest (CPF) Permit Holders in Langkat District

To date, the Office of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership for Sumatera region has recorded a total of 25 Social Forestry (SF) permits namely 17 Forestry Partnership (FP) permits, 4 Community Plantation Forest (CPF) permits and 4 Community Forestry (CF) permits in Langkat District. These permits covering a total area of 1.754 hectares. CPF in Langkat District has been permitted since 2012 and most commercial productions of forest resources, both timber (charcoal) and non-timber, are in place. Due to this, we decided to conduct a research in the location. The research aimed to analyze the institutional of CPF holder groups and its social influence of Social Forestry (SF) program organized by the government of Langkat District. Census method was applied to determine a total of 175 respondents which include following cooperative groups namely Bahagia Keluarga Bahari, Wahana Hijau, Tunas Baru and Rakyat Pantai. The research was using the descriptive analysis method. Data was obtained from interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on group institutional aspect and scoring analysis on social aspect. The result showed that the cooperatives of Bahagia Keluarga Bahari, Rakyat Pantai and Wahana Hijau had a decent institutional, while Tunas Baru had poor institutional due to lack of member found in the location. The behavior of all four social groups was decent. The assessment on social aspect showed that only Rakyat Pantai had a good category, while the others were medium category. Since obtaining their CPF permits, the Cooperative Groups of Rakyat Pantai, Wahana Hijau and Keluarga Bahari experienced several social changings. By conducting this study, it is expected that Tunas Baru restructurized its group institutional and resolve land tenure conflicts. Keluarga Bahari is expected to complete their administration documents in order to to request loans from central and regional governments. The Cooperative Groups of Rakyat Pantai and Wahana Hijau are expected to innovate and strengthen the market network to improve the economical value of the products.  

Keywords: community plantation forest; social forestry; evaluation

498. Efficacy of Liquid Smoke Produced from Medang Wood (Cinnamomum sp.) against Schizophyllum commune

The efficacy of liquid smoke obtained from medang wood (Cinnamomum sp.) against Schizophyllum commune fungus was evaluated. This study aims to evaluate the antifungal properties of liquid smoke from medang against S. commune fungus. Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) medium was used to determine the efficacy of the liquid smoke of medang wood on S. commune fungus growth. Three kinds of liquid smoke were obtained from the pyrolysis of medang wood at 370, 400, and 430°C. The efficacy of liquid smoke from medang wood for antifungal is a factorial 3 by 4 in a completely randomized design; the first factor was pyrolysis temperature of liquid smoke from medang (370, 400, and 430°C), and the second factor was the treatment of concentration of liquid smoke from medang wood (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0%, v/v). The results showed that pyrolysis temperature affected liquid smoke from medang, and the concentration of liquid smoke was significantly different for inhibition of fungal growth. The results indicated that the pyrolysis temperature of liquid smoke production and the concentration of liquid smoke had a significant effect on S. commune fungus growth inhibition. Medang wood liquid smoke effectively inhibited the growth of S. commune fungus about 98.57% at a concentration of 2.5% with liquid smoke pyrolysis temperature used is 430°C.

Keywords: efficacy, inhibition of fungal growth, liquid smoke, medang wood, Schizophyllum commune

495. The Contribution Value of Conservation Institution to Animal Welfare Aspects at Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park, Banjarnegara

The main function of conservation institutions is to control breeding and wild plants and rescue wild plants and animals while maintaining the species purity. This role requires conservation institutions to contribute toanimal conservation to save and conserve wild animals ex-situ. This research aims to determine the contribution value of Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park as an implementationof animal welfare. The data was collected through interviews and field observations. The results showed that the implementation achievement of animal welfare at Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park was classified as good with an achievement value of 76.61. However, the contribution value of Serulingmas Wildlife Recreation Park to the animal conservation aspects was still categorized as low, which was mainly due to the low animal births. Increasing the success of animal births could be carried out through coaching on technical aspects such as improving animal health management and facilities.

Keywords: animal welfare, ex-situ conservation, conservation institution, wildlife conservation

479. Tree Health Management Strategy in Cianjur Urban Forest

Urban forests have a high intensity of exposure from external factors such as air pollution and human activity disturbances. As a result, fallen trees and tree defects often occurred and can endanger the people around the city. This study aimed to assess tree health in Cianjur Urban Forest and formulate tree health management strategies. The tree health assessment used the Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) method. The management strategy was formulated using the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Matrix and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). Tree sampling using FHM plots determined about 534 trees from 30 species. The results showed that Cianjur Urban Forest had high land productivity and biodiversity. The canopy condition was 86.41% in good condition. The results revealed that 92.70%, 5.34%, 1.31%, and 0.56% of the trees were in healthy, lightly, moderately, and heavily damaged conditions, respectively. The tree species that suffered the most damage was Acacia denticulosa. The most types of tree damage were leaf damage and rotten wood. Cianjur Urban Forest benefits the community as a place for natural tourism, sports, education, and expand job opportunities. However, the management of Cianjur Urban Forest has not been implemented effectively. There are three priority strategies to improve tree health management in Cianjur Urban Forest, i.e., conducting the assessment, evaluation, and action on damaged trees, community cooperation, institutional strengthening development programs, and optimizing collaboration and government commitment with managers.

Keywords: Forest Health Monitoring, SWOT analysis, QSPM matrix, urban forest

497. Delivering Benefits from State Forest: Lesson from Partnership of Nature-Based Tourism Development in KPH Yogyakarta

While many studies have examined Forest Management Unit or Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan (KPH) management in Indonesia, studies that focused on specific partnership policies in developing nature-based tourism in KPH remain understudied. This study offered a case of partnership in nature-based tourism development in the Mangunan area, KPH Yogyakarta, Indonesia. To understand to what degree the partnership benefits locals and forest areas, a triangulationapproach includes secondary data collection, interviews, and field observations were employed. In the case considered, it is evident that the deliberative policies of KPH Yogyakarta foster social innovations in nature-based tourism development and serve the pathway in delivering simultaneous benefits for locals and forest areas. In drawing its conclusion, the study highlights that the nature-based tourism development in the Mangunan area has fostered locals' roles in managing state-forest areas by which they generate numerous benefits. Furthermore, this study provides valuable insights that would allow us to better grasp the positive impacts of innovative policies in managing KPH.

Keywords: forest management unit, nature-based tourism, social forestry

470. The Removal of Cured Urea-Formaldehyde Adhesive towards Sustainable Medium Density Fiberboard Production: A Review

Medium density fiberboard (MDF) is an engineered wood product that has density and specific gravity similar to solid wood, ranging from 600 to 800 kg/m3 of density and 0.6 to 0.8 of specific gravity. This makes MDF suitable to partially replace solid wood, particularly for interior application. Approximately over than 100 million m3 of MDF are produced in 2020, resulting in a large amount of waste MDF will be generated in the next 20 years. MDF is produced using urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins adhesive. UF resins adhesive is a poly-condensation product of urea and formaldehyde via an alkaline acid two-step reaction. Sustainable MDF production is required as the world is facing climate change and deforestation. Recycling is a way to support sustainable production in the engineered wood products manufacturing. Many attempts have been done to find ways to recycle waste MDF. The main problem is UF resins, which bond the MDF panel fibers. In order to re-manufacture the waste MDF into new recycled MDF, UF resins should be eliminated from the waste MDF before being used. The presence of UF resins in MDF can interfere with the utilization of the recycled fibers, whether it will be used as a raw material for new MDF or other composite products. This paper reviews the process of removal of cured UF resins from waste MDF panel by considering the hydrolytic stability of cured UF resins for MDF recycling, providing a comprehensive review of how cured UF resins can be removed from waste MDF and characterization of recycled fibers obtained from recycling prior to re-manufacturing of recycled MDF panel.

Keywords: hydrolysis, medium density fiberboard, resin, recycling, resin removal, urea-formaldehyde

468. Pemodelan Spasial Kesesuaian Habitat Elang Jawa (Nisaetus bartelsi) di Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (Spatial Modeling of Javan Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus bartelsi) Habitat Suitability in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park)

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) is a conservation area as the habitat of endemic species in Java Island, such as the Javan hawk-eagle (Nisaetus bartelsi). One of the spatial models of habitat is the Ecological Niche Modeling (ENM) approach. This study aimed to determine habitat suitability for the Javan hawk-eagle in TNBTS. The research was conducted from September 2019 to January 2020. The habitat suitability model used the present coordinate point data and the Javan hawk-eagle habitat environment variables. The data were then analyzed to build a Javan hawk-eagle habitat suitability model using the Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) algorithm. The results showed three models of habitat suitability categories, i.e.: high of 15,131.18 ha (30%), medium 11,216.61 ha (22%), and low 23,298.41 ha (48%). The evaluation of the Javan hawk-eagle habitat suitability model in TNBTS has an excellent model accuracy with an AUC value of 0.97 and a standard deviation of 0.93.

Keywords: endemic, habitat, Javan hawk-eagle, maximum entropy, spatial modeling

461. Household Livelihood Strategy Based on Capital Assets in Fire-Prone Areas, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatra

Forest and land fires are problems that have not been resolved and occur almost every year. Various policies related to forest and land fires began to be promoted nationally and have restricted communities in managing their land. This causes a vulnerability in society. Farmers are required to carry out various methods and strategies to overcome economic problems. This research aims to analyze the livelihood assets and livelihood strategies of farmer households. The study was conducted from February to June 2020 in Pulu Beruang Village, Tulung Selapan Sub-District, and Kayu Labu Village, Pedamaran Timur Sub-District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. This research is a survey research using a mixed sequential explanatory approach by using the triangulation principle. The quantitative data collection is done through a household survey using a questionnaire to 75 respondents in Pulu Beruang Village and 70 respondents in Kayu Labu Village. Qualitative data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), and field observation. The results showed that Pulu Beruang Village had a greater asset score in human capital and financial capital. In comparison, Kayu Labu Village had a greater score in natural capital. Physical capital and social capital in both villages had scores that were not distinctly different. Hence, they did not have a different effect on community resilience. Livelihood assets owned by the community influence their household livelihood strategies. The household livelihood strategy in Pulu Beruang Village uses human capital and financial capital, agricultural sector and non-agriculture, especially trading, and swallow's nest business. Meanwhile, the livelihood strategies of farmers' households in Kayu Labu Village rely on their natural capital and agricultural sectors, such as fisheries and purun crafts.

Keywords: forest and land fires, livelihood asset, livelihood strategies

474. Dampak Jangka Pendek Penjarangan Hutan Campuran terhadap Keanekaragaman Serangga Terbang di KPH Banten (Short-Term Impact of Thinning of Mixed Forest on the Diversity of Flying Insects in Forest Management Unit of Banten)

Forest thinning is a sylvicultural practice that aims to provide better growth space for increasing tree growth and stand quality. Forest thinning is a form of forest disturbance that has an impact on the forest environment, including flying insects. This study aimed to assess the impact of thinning of mixed forest stands on the diversity of flying insects. Eight circular plots of 0.1 ha were laid out systematically on thinning plots of 15.3 ha. Parameters observed in the plot included environment factors (stand composition, temperature, humidity, and canopy cover), abundance, species composition, and biodiversity index of flying insects (diversity index, species richness index, evenness index, and similarity index). The sweep net was used to collect the flying insects. Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the index of biodiversity of flying insects before and after forest thinning. Forest thinning caused a decrease in abundance, species composition, diversity index, richness index, and evenness index of flying insects. Forest thinning led to a decrease in the abundance of herbivorous flying insects and an increase in the abundance of predatory flying insects. Flying insect species found before thinning was not identical to those after thinning.

Keywords: diversity index, flying insect, forest ecosystem, forest tending

510. Toposequent Effect on Soil Morphology and Classification of Ultisol Soil in the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia

Morphology in forest soils has developed over a long time due to the non-intensive management of forest soils. Damage to forest soil occurs when there is logging activity, fire, or land use change. Some forest was used as productive land for example agroforestry and forest production. As with landuse in agriculture, intensive management of forests can also reduce soil productivity. Inaccuracy forest land use would cause environmental or economic damage, so basic soil management data in forest areas is needed. However, the soil morphology of the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve (AHFR) in  Malaysiahas never been observed. The objective of this study is to assess the soil characteristic and soil morphological properties of the AHFR.  Studying the characteristics of soil morphology in toposequent conditions is necessary to find out the differences in soil from different heights and the effects of erosion, transportation, and deposition on the soil. This study was conducted in the AHFR, Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Peninsular Malaysia. Mapping of the area under investigation was carried out by conventional soil survey techniques with a physiographic approach using maps with a scale of 1:30,000. The results showed that AHFR has some different soil morphological characteristics and classification in subgroupamong five different slope positions with similar soil order, which is a Ultisol soil. The soil in the AHFRis formed from highly weathered soil due to high rainfall in this location. Thresults of this study are important for soil development, identification management, and land use priority such as erosion control on steep-slope forest areas, regeneration and reforestation, and it can also be used for forest education, practice, research, and training activities.

Keywords: Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve, forest soil, soil morphology, toposequent, Ultisol soil

511. Qualitative Anatomical Characteristics of Compression, Lateral, and Opposite Woods in Pinus merkusii and Agathis loranthifolia

This study aimed to observe andcompare the qualitative anatomical characteristics of compression (CW), lateral (LW), and opposite (OW) woodsin the stem wood of Sumatran pine (Pinus merkusiiand Agathis (Agathis loranthifolia). The anatomical characteristics were observed using optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. CW showed a gradual transition from earlywood to latewood in both species, circular tracheid shape, many intercellular spaces, irregular tracheid tips, helical cavities, and slit-like bordered pits. CW of Sumatran pine showed an indistinct growth ring, whileCW of Agathis showed a distinct growth ring. Helical ribs occurred only in CW of Sumatran pine. LW and OW showed an oval tracheid with an angular outline, regular tracheid arrangement, and tapered tracheid tips in both species. LW and OW showed mainly uniseriate bordered pits in Sumatran pine, while LW and OW of Agathis frequently showed multiseriatebordered pits. CW, LW, and OW showed fusiform and uniseriate rays in Sumatran pine, while those of Agathis showed uniseriate rays. In conclusion, CW showed distinctive qualitative anatomical characteristics to LW and OW in both species, while LW and OW mainly showed similar characteristics. In particular, there were considerably distinctive characteristics between CW from both species.

Keywords: Agathis, anatomical characteristics, reaction wood, Sumatran pine




Grows place (site) can affect on the quality of the tree. This study aims to determine the quality of wood, namely the physical properties of Gelam wood which grows in peatswamps and not peatswamps. The method used refers to British standards. Parameters measured were specific gravity, moisture content and radial/tangential shrinkage. Statistical analysis using t test. The results obtained showed that the density of gelam wood in swamps was lower than gelam from non-peatswamps and it is significantly different. Specific gravity ranges from 0.45-0.70 (based), 0.47-0.72 (air dry) and 0.51-0.85 (oven dry). Moisture content is higher in wood in peatswamp. Tangential and radial  shrinkage  was not significantly different between wood which  plant on the peat and non peat. Dimensional stability was indicated by the average shrinkage ratio (Tangensial/Radial) was 1.44.

Keywords: melaleuca cajuputy, physical properties, peatswamp, site.


ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yaitu mengidentifikasi karakteristik petani, menghitung kontribusi terhadap pendapatan petani. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu simple random sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 90 petani.  Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan studi literatur. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Mengidentifikasi karakteristik petani dengan cara wawancara, kontribusi dinyatakan dengan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan petani memiliki karakteristi berupa umur rata-rata petani 50 tahun, tingkat pendidikan petani rata-rata Sekolah Dasar (SD), jumlah tanggungan rata-rata petani 3-4 orang, pekerjaan sampingan petani yaitu buruh pabrik, tukang ojek serta warung dan luas lahan petani rata-rata 1,5-2 ha. Perhitungan kontribusi dari hasil pertanian terhadap pendapatan rata-rata Rp. 8.755.863/kk/bulan atau sebesar 68,83% hasil ini menunjukan bahwa kontribusi petani dalam mengelola lahan pertanian terhadap pendapatan petani sangat besar.


Kata kunci: karakteristik; kontribusi pendapatan.



ABSTRACT. This study has the aim of identifying the characteristics of farmers, calculating the contribution to farmers' income. The sampling method used was simple random sampling with the number of respondents as many as 90 farmers. Data collection uses observation techniques, interviews and literature studies. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. Identifying the characteristics of farmers by means of interviews, contributions stated with. The results showed that farmers had characteristics in the form of the average age of farmers 50 years, the education level of the average primary school (SD), the number of dependents on average farmers 3-4 people, side jobs of farmers namely factory workers, motorcycle taxi drivers and stalls and the average farmer's land area is 1.5-2 ha. Calculation of contributions from agricultural products to the average income of Rp. 8,755,863 / kk / month or equal to 68.83% of this result shows that the contribution of farmers in managing agricultural land to the income of farmers is very large.


Keywords: characteristics; income contribution.

287. Persepsi Individu Kunci dan Wisatawan tentang Pengelolaan dan Hambatan Ekowisata di Lampung Mangrove Center

Abstrak. Lampung memiliki kawasan hutan mangrove yaitu Lampung Mangrove Center (LMC). LMC berpotensi untuk dijadikan ekowisata dengan syarat pengelolaan berjalan dengan baik. Penelitian mengenai persepsi individu kunci dan wisatawan tentang pengelolaan dan hambatan pelaksanaan ekowisata menjadi penting untuk dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis persepsi individu kunci dan wisatawan tentang ekowisata. Lokasi penelitian di Lampung Mangrove Center Desa Margasari Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai, Kabupaten Lampung Timur, Provinsi Lampung. Metode penelitian menggunakan  metode wawancara dengan teknik snowball sampling dan studi literatur yang dilaksanakan pada bulan April 2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi individu kunci dan wisatawan berbeda mengenai ekowisata di Desa Margasari. Persepsi individu kunci dan wisatawan berbeda mengenai ekowisata di Desa Margasari. Individu kunci menilai pengelolaan sudah berjalan baik (100%) wisatawan menilai pengelolaan ekowisata masih buruk (80%). Seluruh wisatawan (100%) menilai bahwa sarana dan prasarana perlu adanya perbaikan di segala sektor. Hambatan pengelolaan ekowisata di Desa Margasari menurut wisatawan dan individu kunci adalah akses transportasi umum yang minim, pemerintah belum bersinergi dengan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan ekowisata dan citra buruk Lampung Timur sebagai daerah konflik penambangan pasir.

Kata kunci : Desa Margasari, Ekowisata, Hutan Mangrove, Persepsi

344. Penggunaan Beberapa Media Tumbuh Untuk Bibit Mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla)

Abstrak. Mahogany plants (Swietenia macrophylla) are the type of production forest plant that is able to overcome thescarcity problem of raw materials in the wood management industry, but there are some obstacles in their cultivation process. One of those inhibiting factors is the limited availability of top soil for nurseries media. Potential organic matter that could be mixed with top soil were husk charcoal compost, and sawdust compost. The purpose of this study wasto obtained the best growth media for mahogany seedlings. This study used experimental method with Randomized Complete Block Design. The parameters measure were seed height, seed diameter, and number of leaves observed once every month for three months,leaf area, root length, root dry weight, shoot dry weight, total dry weight observed after at the end of the experiment. The obtained datawere analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and continued with Least Significant Different (SLD). The results showed that the growth media consisted husk charcoal compost and top soil with composisition of 50% and 25% were performed better at increasing the mahogany growth than other treatments.

Key words : Growing media, husk charcoal, mahogany, sawdust, Swietenia macrophylla


A suitable and proper policy is crucial to gain development of forest areas. Therefore, good planning with supporting data is crucial. All information considering farmers' conditions and interests in Desa Talang Mulya which is situated around Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman is urgent. So far, policies and programs launched have only been general and inappropriate to implement for the whole farmers. It's necessary to carry out a study by involving variables of social and land use conditions as a basis. Clustering can be used to determine quality, fast and appropriate policies for the development of Tahura WAR in present and future. K-Means Clustering algorithm and the Elbow Method can be used as a quick and precise solution to find the most ideal number of clusters or agroforestry farmer groups. Results showed that farmers could be best clustered into 4 groups (K=4) validated using the Elbow method. Agroforestry farmers could be best clustered into 4 clusters validated using the elbow method based on 10 variables of farmer's social and land Cultivation Properties. Proportions of total farmers are Cluster 1 (30%), Cluster 2 (40%), Cluster 3 (23.3%) and Cluster 4 (6,67%) with specific and different characteristics in each group.

622. aaa


644. Color Change and Physical Properties of Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba) Wood after Oil Heat Treatment



Wisata bukit Salapar dikenal oleh sebagian kalangan masyarakat Kalimantan Barat, hal ini dikarenakan kurangnya informasi tentang potensi obyek tersebut dan belum ada kajian ilmiah mengenai penilaian potensi daya tarik wisata serta diperlukannya data mengenai pengembangan obyek wisata Bukit Salapar tersebut. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendapatkan nilai potensi daya tarik wisata alam Bukit Salapar Desa Cipta Karya Kecamatan Sungai Betung Kabupaten Bengkayang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dan wawancara langsung terhadap responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel responden menggunakan metode Accidental sampling dan Purposive sampling. Pengolahan data menggunakan metode Skoring data mengenai potensi ODTWA yang diolah menggunakan buku Pedoman Daerah Operasi Objek dan Daya Tarik Wisata Alam (ADO-ODTWA) Direktorat Jenderal PHKA Tahun 2003. Penilaian potensi wisata Bukit Salapar memperoleh skor (417,96) dan termasuk dalam kategori (B) atau cukup potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai obyek wisata alam di Desa Cipta karya Kecamatan Sungai Betung Kabupaten Begkayang.
Kata kunci : bukit salapar, daya tarik wisata, potensi wisata.


Salapar hill tourism is known by some people in west kalimantan, this is due to the lack of information about the potential of these objects and there is no scientific study regarding the assessment of potential tourist attractions and the need for data regarding the development of the salapar hill tourism object. Based on these lines, the purpose of this research is toobtain the value of the potential value of the natural tourist attraction of salapar hills, cipta karya village, sungai betung district, bengkayang regency. This research uses survey methods and direct interviews with respondents. Scoring method data on ODTWA potential processed using the guidebook for operation areas for natural tourism objects and attractions (ADO-ODTWA) directorate general of PHKA in 2003. The assessment of the tourism potential of Salapar Hills obtained a score of (417,96)) and was included in category (B) or potential enough to be developed as a natural tourist attraction in Cipta Karya Village, Sungai Betung District, Bengkayang Regency.

Keywords : salapar hill,tourist attraction, tourism potential.


Acacia (Acacia mangium) is the main species of industrial forest in Indonesia. Root rot cause by Ganoderma was became serious problem in acacia industrial forest. There are two species of Ganoderma associated with acacia, namely G. philipii and G. steyartnum. In Lampung, both species were not reported yet, however the symptom of ganoderma root rot was found on acacia in Lampung. The objective of study was to comprehend the ganoderma root rot disease on acacia growing at arboretum in University of Lampung. The study was carried out included characterization of symptoms and signs of disease in the form of fruiting body of Ganoderma on dead acacia. The fungal was isolated from fruiting body and basidiospora was observed directly on fruiting body. The result showed that ganoderma root rot on acacia is already exist in Lampung. Morphologically, Ganoderma on acacia in Lampung were different from G philipii of Riau, North Sumatra and Borneo, but more similar with G steyrartanum of Wonogiri and Yogyakarta. Based on it, Ganoderma on acacia in Lampung was suspected as G steyartanum. This report was a prelimenary report of ganoderma root rot disease on acacia in Lampung, and the first report of G steyartanum in Sumatra.

536. Population and Habitat Suitability Index Model of Bali Starling (Leucopsar rothschildi) in West Bali National Park

According to International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) red list, Bali starling (Leucopsar rothschildi) is categorized as an endangered species. Thus, preventing this species from extinction becomes very crucial.  One of the most important activities for this purpose is a soft release method to avoid birds' mortality, which has been done in West Bali National Park (WBNP). However, this method creates the dependency of birds to the artificial treatment and may affect the distribution of Bali starling. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the population and habitat and create a suitable model for Bali starling in WBNP. Data were obtained by surveying the Bali starling population, including the number of individuals, distribution, age structure, sex ratio, natality, and mortality. Vegetation analysis was also conducted to determine habitat conditions. Finally, map interpretation data was used to develop a suitable habitat model for Bali starling in WBNP. The results showed that 63 Bali starling were found near the resort office, released bird sites, and binding bird cages. It indicated that the habitat of Bali starling has shifted from the soft release site. Based on the analysis of the habitat model, the selected variables only give a moderate determination coefficient (R2 = 40.9%) with the suitable habitat for Bali starling mostly were in the area of resort office, release site, and binding bird cages. It was also indicated that Bali starling could breed in the WBNP, but it tends to have a shifting habitat in the wild.  

523. Agarwood Formation in Gyrinops versteegii Seedling Stage using Four Types of Inducers

Agarwood is decayed wood that contains aromatic resins. It is formed biotically by bacterial, fungal, and physical infections due to injuries, such as broken branches, insect and mammal attacks, lightning strikes, and fires. The natural formation of agarwood has encouraged the development of artificially induced agarwood through inducer inoculation. This study aimed to determine the formation of agarwood at the seedling stage, the quality of agarwood produced, and the best inducer to induce agarwood. The research was conducted in March-June 2021 at the Greenhouse of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mataram University, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The research method used was a complete randomized design consisting of four inducer treatments such as distilled water (control), liquid inducer, gel inducer, and paste inducer. Each treatment was repeated three times. Twelve experimental units were obtained. Data were analyzed using an analysis of variance, followed by the least significant difference test if the results were significant. The results showed that inoculation of G. versteegii at the seedling level using four inducers could produce agarwood that is classified in kamedangan class. Inoculation using a gel inducer resulted in the highest kamedangan quantity, and the liquid inducer produced the longest transmission of 10.83 cm and the best kamedangan quality.

Keywords: agarwood, Gyrinops versteegii, inoculation, Lombok, seedling

573. Study on the Growth of Falcataria moluccana at 14-Month-Old and the Productivity Rice Plant (Oryza sativa) IPB 3S in Agroforestry System

Agroforestry is a forestry and agriculture plant utilization system using sustainable land management to gain more products. Falcataria moluccana is a forestry plant that has been cultivated mostly in an agroforestry system by the Indonesian people, particularly on Java Island. Appropriate F. moluccana species selection and planting space in an agroforestry system are expected to improve plant growth and suppress the damage level that occurred in F. moluccana. The agroforestry system with F. moluccana and rice plant (Oryza sativa) is one of the alternative ways to support the national food needs. This study aimed to analyze the growth of various provenances of F. moluccana at the age of 14 months and analyze the productivity of IPB 3S rice in two planting spaces of F. moluccana. This study used a completely randomized two-factorial design, with the first factor being the provenance of F. moluccana, i.e., Solomon F1, Solomon F2, and local Kendal, and the F. moluccana spacing of 1.5 m x 3.0 m and 1.5 m x 1.5 m was the second factor. The F. moluccana growth parameters, rice plant growth parameters, and rice plant productivity in agroforestry systems were analyzed using an analysis of variance (ANOVA). If a significant effect on each parameter at a 5% confidence level occurred, the parameters were further analyzed with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The study found that provenance had no significant effect on the growth of 14-month-old F. moluccana. The results also showed that the growth of 14-month-old Solomon F2 had a relatively higher value on the parameters of height and diameter. The highest productivity of IPB 3S rice was found in the local F. moluccana shade at a spacing of 1.5 m x 1.5 m, reaching 0.201 tons/ha. The highest rice productivity was due to the magnitude of the light intensity received by rice of 5414.30 lux.

8. Komposisi Tanaman Agroforestri Dan Kontribusinya Terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Di Desa Pesawaran Indah Kabupaten Pesawaran Lampung

Agroforestry is a land use management system by combining agriculture and forestry and or husbandry to achieved yield optimalization (Indriyanto, 2006). Agroforestry systems with mixed garden pattern consist various types of plants that perform a different composition of plants so there are varied incomes from one place to another. This study aims to: (1) identifying the composition of agroforestry based on INP and its effect on income, (2) analyze the composition of the contribution of agroforestry products to total farm household income. Methods of data collection for species composition using purposive sampling while for the respondent farmers using stratified random sampling. Data analysis using quantitative descriptive analysis method. The results showed that the largest contributes of the composition of plant in three zones, namely the upper, middle, and bottom obtained on the composition of IX which is located in the lower zone of Rp 23,127,404, -/ha/yr with highest INP of cocoa is 94.86%. The magnitude of the average farmer's total income from each source of income from agroforestry to Rp 36.992.171/ha/yr and non-agroforestry amounting to Rp 9.312.500/yr. The magnitude of the contribution of agroforestry systems to farmers' incomes Pesawaran Indah Villages of 91.44%, meaning that agroforestry provides a major contribution to the household income of farmers.

Keywords: agroforestry, composition of plants, contribution of agroforestry


95. Kontribusi Agroforestri Terhadap Pendapatan Petani Di Desa Sukoharjo 1 Kecamatan Sukoharjo Kabupaten Pringsewu

Agroforestry is one form of land use in multicrown consisting of a mixture of the trees, shrubs with an annual or plants often accompanied by cattle in one plots of land. System agroforestri of benefits economical and ecological that matter to farmers, one of which can provide income for farmers. Research is to calculate what large contribution agroforestri and to know faktor-faktor affecting farmers income. The study is done in the Village Sukoharjo 1 Sub-District Sukoharjo District Pringsewu. Contribution agroforestry expressed in the percentage revenue agroforestri with total revenue farmer. To analyze factors affecting farmers' income analyzed by linear regression of multiple.From the reckoning, contribution agroforestri against revenue is 88.31% or Rp 50,14,.696.00/kk/ha/year and results regression analysis variables influential real against earnings agroforestri is age, the area of field, the amount of labor, tribe, religion, landslope and credit assistance.

Keywords: agroforestri, the contribution of income, income factors

193. Analisis Vegetasi Dan Tingkat Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Pengelola Agroforestri Di Desa Sumber Agung Kecamatan Kemiling Kota Bandar Lampung

Agroforestry was a form of sustainable forest management in ecological, economic and social. This research was aimed to identify the diversity of plant species, determining people's income from agroforestry, and analyzing the welfare of agroforestry farmers based on Importance Value Index (IVI) and to determine the level of farmers prosperity using the income approach based the price of rice (Sajogyo, 1997). Six groups of farmers were sampled randomly using cluster sampling formula to obtain 41 heads of agroforestry farming families. The field of Tanjung Manis farmers group in tree phase was dominated by durian tree (IVI = 734.08%), avocado (IVI = 398.70%) and cocoa (IVI = 178.37%). The field of Mata Air farmers group was dominated by candlenut (IVI = 61.48%) and rubber (IVI = 361.93%). The field of Umbul Kadu farmers group was dominated by coffea (INP = 461.12%), cocoa (IVI = 242.24%) and durian (IVI = 210.70%). The field of Cirate farmers group was dominated by melinjo (INP = 193.50%) and rubber (IVI = 151.90%). The field of Pemancar farmers group was dominated by jengkol (INP = 179.93%), melinjo (IVI = 105.59%) and durian (IVI = 102.38%). The field of Sukawera farmers group was dominated by avocado (IVI) = 234.57%) and rubber (IVI = 226.49%). The farmers group at Sumber Agung village that has the highest income was Umbul Kadu (21.28%), Sukawera (20.11%), Tanjung Manis (16.11%), Pemancar (14.65%), Mata Air (14.18%) and the lowest was Cirate (13.67%). The farmers group in Sumber Agung village that have been categorized as prosperous comprising 66.67% and yet prosperous comprising 33.33%.

Keywords: analysis of vegetation, diversity, income, welfare

171. Keberadaan Burung Rangkong (Bucerotidae) Di Gunung Betung Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman

All species of hornbill (Bucerotidae) in Indonesia are protected by Law No. 5 of 1990 about Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems and Government Regulation No. 7 of 1999 about Preservation of Plants and Animals. One of area that was identified as hornbill habitation in Sumatra is Betung Mount Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman (Tahura WAR). The aims of this research are to provide the information of hornbill existence and their habitation in Betung Mount Tahura WAR. This research was conducted in May 2015 used the exploration method and concentrated area. The results showed at Betung Mount there is one species of hornbill that was observed both visually and audio, its rhinoceros hornbill (Buceros rhinoceros). Hornbill often found in steep areas and trees with high (> 17 m) and diameter large (> 30 cm), hornbill did their activity in the Ficus and Litsea sp tree. The trees are used as foraging, roosting, shelter and nesting for hornbills. Threats and interferences of hornbills and their habitation caused of deforestation and land expansion of coffee, cocoa and rubber plantations.

Keywords: habitation, Hornbill, Tahura WAR

173. Pengaruh Zat Alelopati Dari Alang-Alang Terhadap Pertumbuhan Semai Tiga Spesies Akasia

Allelopathy is the compound released by the plants (example: blady grass) to the environtment and where another plants is living and could obstruct or extinguish to another plants. The purpose of research were to figure out the effect of allelopathy from the blady grass toward the species of acacia seedlings, to figure out the weakest affected seedling species by blady grass allelopathy, and to figure out interaction between concentration of extracted blady grass and seedling tree species. The research was designed based on factorial in a complete random design. Factor I was the seedlings, consisted of acacia, mangium, and acacia alba, while factor II was concentration of extracted blady grass allelopathy, consisted of non extracted allelopathy, extracted allelopathy 25%, extracted allelopathy 50%, extracted allelopathy 75%, and extracted allelopathy 100%. Every treatment was repeated 5 times. The number of the seedlings for each experimental unit was two seeding. The observed variables were height, diameter of the stem, number of leaves, and living percentage of the seedlings. This observation data was tested by Bartlett test to find the variance homogenity. Then it was analyzed by using variance analysis, and tested by least significant difference (LSD). The calculation were done at 5% significant level.  The result of this research showed that allelopathy of blady grass were significant to the growth of acacia, mangium and acacia alba seedlings. Based on the LSD at 5% was known that the concentrate of blady grass allelopathy had strongest negative effect to the growth seedlings was 100%. Seedling that was the most resistant to the allelopathy of blady grass is mangium seedling. It was known from the analysis of variance test there was an interaction between the seedling and the concentration of blady grass allelopathy that effect the height, leaves number, living percentage of seedlings.

Keywords: allelopathy, blady grass, and acacia

83. Pengaruh Zat Alelopati Dari Pohon Akasia, Mangium, Dan Jati Terhadap Pertumbuhan Semai Akasia, Mangium, Dan Jati

Allelopathy is the compound released by the plants to the environtment where actualy another plants is living in. The purpose of this research were to find out the effect of allelopathy which came from earpod wattle (Acacia auriculiformis), black wattle (Acacia mangium), and teak (Tectona grandis) to the seedlings plants of earpod wattle, black wattle, and teak, and also to find out the effect of allelopathy above mentioned that had the weakest effect. This research was designed based on factorial in a complete random design. Factor I was the seedlings which consist of earpod wattle, black wattle, and teak, while factor II was the allelopathy which consists of non allelopathy was used, the use of allelopathy from the extraction of earpod wattle leaves, the extraction of black wattle leaves, and the extraction of teak leaves. The variable that was observed were seedlings height increasing, seedlings stem diameter increasing, number of leaves increasing, and living percentage of the seedlings. This observation data was tested by Bartlett test to know the homogenity of variance. Then it was analyzed by analysis of variance, then it is continually tested by least significant difference test. All the counting were done at 5% significant level. The result of this research showed that allelopathy which one came from earpod wattle, black wattle, and teak were not different effect for seedlings from allelopathy source in the same species. The giving of black wattle allelopathy had significant different effect in height earpod wattle seedlings. That also the giving of teak allelopathy had significant different effect in height black wattle seedlings. The earpod wattle allelopathy had significant different effect in diameter of stem earpod wattle, black wattle, and teak seedlings.

Keywords: allelopathy, extraction of earpod wattle, black wattle, and teak, seedlings growth

17. Keanekaragaman Jenis Amfibi (Ordo Anura) Pada Beberapa Tipe Habitat Di Youth Camp Desa Hurun Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran

Amphibian is one of important ecosystem component, both ecologicaly and economically. Research about amphibian in Indonesia is still very limited. In Sumatra, one of Indonesia's largest islands, there hasn't been much attention on research about amphibians. This study aimed to compari the diversity of nocturnal amphibians (Ordo Anura) about at Youth Camp on habitat types. This study was implemented at three different types of habitat, (1) forest, (2) plantations, and (3) rivers. The data was collected by visual encounter survey using line transect method. Identification was book using identification guidebook. The data was analyzed descriptively as well as statistically to calculate species richness and shannonwiener biodiversity index and evenness index. There were 105 individuals comprising 15 species of amphibians and 5 families: Bufonidae 3 species, Megophrydae 1 species, Microhylidae 2 species, Ranidae 7 species, and Rhacophoridae 2 species. Forest habitat found 8 species, plantation habitat 5 species, and river habitat 7 species. The biodiversity index of amphibian at three habitat being categori and evenness index are forest habitat J=0,695, plantation habitat J=0,578 and river habitat J=0,477.

Keywords: amphibians, diversity, Hanura, Youth Camp

377. Keanekaragaman Amfibi Ordo Anura di Blok Perlindungan dan Blok Pemanfaatan Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu, Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman (The Diversity of Amphibian from Order Anura in the Protected and Utilization Blocks of Integrated Educational Conservation Forest, Wan Abdul Rachman Great Forest Park)

Amphibians are part of biodiversity that spread in various places in the world. Amphibians have an important role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem as part of the food chain system. However, lack of public understanding caused the potential of Anura amphibians to have not been explored optimally hence research on Anura amphibians in the Wan Abdul Rachman Great Forest Park (Tahura WAR) is very important to support Anura's conservation efforts. This study aims to understand and identify the diversity of Anura order amphibians in the Protection and Utilization Blocks of the Tahura WAR on forest and river habitat types. Data was collected by using Line Transect and Visual Encounter Survey method. Data collection using Line Transect was conducted by making a narrow transverse path at the observation site, while the Visual Encounter Survey was conducted by making a wildlife observation path with 3 replications. Analysis of the data used included amphibian diversity, community similarity index, and species evenness. The results found 25 individuals of Anura amphibians in the Protection Block and 40 individuals in the Utilization Block of Tahura WAR. Overall, 65 individuals were found consisting of 3 species of amphibians from 2 families i. e., 2 species of the Ranidae family and 1 species of the Bufonidae family. The results showed that the species diversity index, species richness index, and community similarity index in the Protection and Utilization Blocks of Tahura WAR were categorized as low. Reforestation needs to be done so that the Anura habitat is maintained.

Keywords: amphibian, biodiversity, order Anura, Tahura WAR

588. Projection of Shadow Price of Beef Cattle in the Bali Beef Fattening Industry

Any changes in supply and demand result in the imperfect development of a market mechanism, so a disequilibrium price occurs. Price changes, sometimes, do not reflect the prevailing price, issued by an agricultural business. Therefore, this research aims to project the shadow price of beef cattle (output) in the Bali beef fattening industry, utilizing cost production theory. Technically, the comparison of the total of the shadow prices of beef cattle employed two methods, such as a total of revenue and total cost. The research was conducted in the Regency of Lombok Tengah from July to September 2020. Then, the site and group of farmers were determined by purposive sampling. The criteria of samples were farmers performing the Bali beef fattening industry with an intensive raising system, utilizing cross-section data collected via interview and questionnaire. In conclusion, it is found that the shadow price of beef cattle was higher than the market price. It caused non-responsive market price changes unless a great change occurred. The shadow price was established by a greater marginal cost than marginal revenue.  


139. Kompetensi Sumberdaya Manusia Pada Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi Di Lampung

Areas of Production Forest Management Unit (KPHP) Model has been established in Lampung that includes KPHP Register Model 47 Way Terusan Lampung Tengah regency, KPHP Bukit Punggur Lampung Tengah regency, KPHP Gedong Wani Lampung Selatan regency and KPHP Muara Dua Way Kanan regency (Wulandari, 2011). One of the sinifeant factor management KPHP is the competent human resources. Currently competence of human resources in KPHP especially in Lampung Province is not known yet, so it is necessary to do the mapping of human resources, which will be used as material for consideration on improving the competence of the employees KPHP in Lampung Province. The purpose of this research is to identify the competence of human resources that exist in every KPHP in Lampung and formulate the recommendations to increase the competence in need by KPHP in Lampung Province. The research was conducted in April 2014 in KPHP Gedong Wani Lampung Selatan regency and KPHP Way Terusan Lampung Tengah regency. Competence human resources in KPHP Gedong Wani in the field of forest planning of 49.15 % and in the field of the utilization of the forest of 28.33%. Competence human resources in KPHP Way Terusan in areas of forest planning is 35.07% and in the fields of the utilization of the forest of 36.33. Human resource competence in KPHP Gedong Wani and KPHP Way Terusan in Lampung Province, have different educational background like Forestry Senior High School, bachelor of Forestry of non-forestry, as well as Master of Forestry. Lack of training that followed, led to lack of forest planning and forest unilization within technical and non-technical. So they need training for employees in accordance with the needs of not-technical competence.

Keywords: competence, human resources, production forest management unit

387. Aplikasi Ektomikoriza (Scleroderma sp.) pada Semai Mangium (Acacia mangium Willd.) Menggunakan Media Tailing Pertambangan Emas Skala Kecil (Application of Ectomycorrhiza (Scleroderma sp.) in Mangium (Acacia Mangium Willd.) using Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining(ASGM) Tailings)

Artisanal small-scale gold mining tailings frequently used hazardous toxic materials that could contaminate land, rivers, and lakes which harmful to the environment and health. Phytoremediation is one way to overcome the mining waste. Mangium (Acacia mangium Willd.) is one of plant that often used for mining land phytoremediation. However, it was difficult for mangium to be able to survive on land with such extreme conditions, therefore additional input is needed. Using ectomycorrhiza fungi could be an alternative. This study aimed to measure the adaptation of mangium in gold mining tailings and analyze the function of ectomycorrhiza (Scleroderma sp.) in the growth of mangium. The experimental design used a completely randomized design with six growth media as treatments with five replications. The growth media used were: (1) topsoil with mycorrhiza, (2) topsoil without mycorrhiza, (3) topsoil + tailings with mycorrhiza, (4) soil + tailings without mycorrhiza,(5) tailings with mycorrhiza, and (6) tailings without mycorrhiza. Data were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance followed with a Least Significant Difference test. The results showed that the survival rate of mangium life in tailing media with mycorrhizae was fairly high with a percentage of life reaching 60% even though the growth was less when compared to topsoil media with mycorrhiza that reached 100%. The highest growth rate was achieved by mangium in topsoil media without tailings and mycorrhiza (control). This research showed that ectomycorrhiza did not have any significant effects on mangium growth in gold tailing.

Keywords: Acacia mangium, ectomycoriza, gold tailings, phytoremediation, Scleroderma sp

58. Nilai Objek Wisata Air Terjun Way Lalaan Provinsi Lampung Dengan Metode Biaya Perjalanan (Travel Cost)

Attraction Waterfall Way Lalaan is one form of environmental services are less developed but has significant economic potential if managed properly. It is therefore necessary to study with the aim of determining the value of the waterfall attraction Way Lalaan visitor characteristics and determine the effect on travel expenses. Benefits of the research results are used as consideration in future management of this attraction. The study was conducted in March-April 2013 with as many as 96 respondents with direct interviews with travel costs were proxied visitors. Determination results of visitor travel expenses will be tested using multiple linear analysis with Minitab 16 software.The results showed the cost of travel for visitors Rp16,284,500/orang/kali visit. The average cost of a trip Rp 203,104 person/visit. Recreational value of Rp. 487,449,600/year. Variables outside the province, age and marital status simultaneously have a real influence on the cost of the trip. The value of the standard deviation (S) is Rp 151,589. The amount of influence the dependent variables simultaneously (R-Sq) was 61.9% and R-Sq (adj) which means the amount fluctuates depending on the variables influence the correlation of independent variables were added to a dependent variable is equal to 54.8%, while 45.2 % influenced by other variables.

Keywords: falls value, multiple regression analysis, travel costs, Way Lalaan waterfall

392. Keragaman Tegakan Di Sepanjang Aliran Air Panas Hutan Lindung Momiwaren Manokwari Selatan

 The Momiwaren protected forest area is one of the areas in South Manokwari Regency that has hot springs. This area is not in the volcano area. However, the resulting hot springs cause sulfur aromas surrounding the area. This area is a protected forest overgrown by various types of trees. For this reason, it is necessary to determine the structure and composition of plants in this area due to the presence of hot springs in this location. This research was carried out in the South Manokwari, Momiwaren Village. The results showed that the number of vegetation types in the area along the hot water stream was as many as 106 types which were divided into several levels: Seedling phase consisting of 35 species with 88 individuals and was dominated by Vatica rassak with important value index (IVI) of 35,770%; sapling phase consists of 55 species with 129 individuals and was dominated by Vatica rassak with IVI of 27.506%, Pole phase consists of 29 species with 45 individuals and was dominated by Vatica rassak with IVI of 28,069%, and tree phase consists of 22 types with individual numbers 56 and was dominated by Vatica  rassak with IVI of 59,803%. The results of this study indicated that the spread of Vatica rassak exists at all levels of plants and was a dominant species along the stream of hot water spring.


589. Identification of Environmental Issues on the Ecoregion of Volcanic and Fluvio-Volcanic Landform in Badung Regency

Badung is one of the regencies in Bali province, which is formed by varied landforms with different characteristics. The objective of this study was to identify environmental issues that arise in volcanic and fluvio-volcanic ecoregions in terms of abiotic, biotic, and cultural aspects. The method used to determine the sample in this study was purposive sampling. Meanwhile, the methods used in data collection were surveys and interviews, then analyzed using an ecoregion concept approach and based on resources in the research study area. The research study approach uses a descriptive-analytical approach. The results showed several environmental issues in the research area, mainly caused by human activities, such as agriculture, nature tourism, and fishery. However, several issues were insufficiently coped. Among them, there is an incompatibility in the use of water springs and the accumulation of garbage around the springs in Sibangkaja Village. It might be due to the lack of awareness of the surrounding community towards household waste management. In addition, the handling of river pollution from liquid and solid waste in Sangeh Village has not been managed optimally.

Keywords: Badung, ecoregion, environmental issues, fluvio-volcanic landform, volcanic landform

196. Pertumbuhan Riap Diameter Pohon Bakau Kurap (Rhizophora Mucronata) Di Lampung Mangrove Center

Bakau kurap (R. mucronata) is a true mangrove. The height of this mangrove could reach 27 m and rarely exceed 30 m. The diameter trunk of this mangrove could reach 70 cm. R. mucronata stands was found in Lampung Mangrove Center (LMC), it was located in Margasari Village district Labuhan Maringgai, East Lampung Regency. The purposes of this study were to determine the diameter increment, growth models and stand growth past of R. mucronata at LMC. The research was conducted on July to August 2015. The method used measurement of diameter time series for three years (2013, 2014, and 2015) on circle form permanent plots with a radius 7 m of length are divided into three thinning blocks (A, B, and C). Block C was the control block or block that was not thinned and large thinning in blocks A and B, respectively 54.5% and 41.7%. The results indicated that the biggest diameter increment of three block at the age of 22nd years = 0.467 cm year-1. The estimation model of stand diameter (D) and diameter increment (MAI-d) based on the age of stand (X) could be formulated as follows: 1) Blok A D = 8,996 X0,021; MAI-d = 0,451 X0,035, 2) Blok B D = 8,215 X0,124; MAI-d = 0,412 X0,039, 3) Blok C D = 7,159 X0,074; MAI-d = 0,359 X(-0,012). Forecasting growth stands diameter R. mucronata age of 32nd years on the blocks A, B and C in a row were 10,280cm, 9,463cm, and 7,796cm while the diameter increment were 0,467cm, 0,430cm, and 0,354cm.

Key words : Diameter increment, forecasting, Lampung Mangrove Center, Rhizophora mucronata

535. Population and Habitat Suitability Index Model of Bali Starling (Leucopsar rothschildi) in West Bali National Park

Bali starling (Leucopsar rothschildi) is categorized as an endangered species based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) red list. Thus, preventing this species from extinction becomes very crucial.  One of the most important activities for this purpose is a soft release method to avoid birds' mortality, which has been done in West Bali National Park (WBNP). However, this method creates the dependency of birds to the artificial treatment and may affect the distribution of Bali starling. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the population and habitat and create a habitat suitability index model for Bali starling in WBNP. Data were obtained by surveying the Bali starling population, including the number of individuals, distribution, age structure, sex ratio, natality, and mortality. Vegetation analysis was also conducted to determine habitat conditions. Finally, map interpretation data was used to develop a suitable habitat model for Bali starling in WBNP. The results showed that 63 Bali starling were found near the resort office, bird release sites, and binding bird cages. It indicated that the habitat of Bali starling has shifted from the soft release site. The habitat suitability index model of Bali starling in WBNP was Y = 17.145 + 6.640PC1 - 4.055PC2, showing the selected variables only give a moderate determination coefficient (R2 = 40.9%). The artificial treatment created by the WBNP authority seems to be another great factor influencing the existence and distribution of Bali starling in WBNP. It was also indicated that Bali starling could breed in the WBNP, but it tends to have a shifting habitat in the wild.  

Keywords: Bali starling, Geographic information system, Habitat suitability, Population

73. The Diversity Amphibian (Order Anura) on Diefferent Habitat Types in Balik Bukit Resort Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park

Balik Bukit Resort Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBSNP) is a protected area where various amphibians habitat. The conditions and quality of habitat, of course determines the diversity of amphibians. This study aimed to analyze the diversity to detect that the
amphibians (order Anura), comparing the diversity of amphibians (order Anura) based on different types of habitat and identifying amphibian habitat conditions (order Anura) in Resort Balik Bukit of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park. This study uses three replications in each habitat type (primary forest, bush and swamp) and using Visual Encounter Surveys in amphibian biodiversity data retrieval. The data have been analyzed using the Shannon Wiener index, and community similarity index by calculating the evenness. Research shows that the value of diversity is still classified as being on the three types of habitat with the highest diversity found in primary forest habitat that habitat conditions in Resort Behind the hill is still ensure the growth and proliferation of amphibians order Anura.

Keywords: Anura, Amphibians, Environmental Indicators, Resort Balik Bukit TNBBS

260. Tingkat Kenyamanan di Berbagai Taman Kota di Bandar Lampung

Bandar Lampung is a city that is fast on the development, these would have an impact on the incresing life necessities thus prompt the development to increase the quality and quantity of supporting infrastructure. Green open space is required as a urban landscape stabilizer. City park is part of the green open space that helps to improve the ecological and environmental quality around the park is located. The purposes of the study were to determine the role of city park create the comfort level used Temperature Humidity Index method, to recognize the tree characteristics and to figure out the visitor assessment of facilities in Dipangga Park, Kalpataru Park and Retention Basin Way Halim City Park. The results showed that the tree characteristics on the all of the park had low density and do not meet standarts that should be required the parks. Based on the THI value all of the city parks were categorized as uncomfortable that is > 26. All of parks reaped good visitors assessment only on the ease of access from their homes. While on the assessment of cleanliness, neatness, toilet, facilities seating, places of worship and a children's play facilities reaped the worst assessment.

Keywords: Bandar Lampung Urban Park, Comfort Level, THI

96. Potensi Penyerapan Karbon Pada Tegakan Damar Mata Kucing (Shorea Javanica) Di Pekon Gunung Kemala Krui Lampung Barat

Based on evolving issues and given the importance of the role of forests in a bsorbing carbon from the air and forest biomass, need a lot of research that could encourage the further development of carbon in biomass. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential for carbon stored in standing damar mata kucing (Shorea javanica). The experiment was conducted at Pekon Gunung Kemala Krui West Lampung, from May to Juni 2013. Methods used are non-destructive method. This method is away of sampling to perform measurements with out harvesting. Estimation oft he potential of carbon up take in stands with diameter >30cm using equations that have been validated. Estimate the relationship and influence of biomass and carbon is to make regression test. The results showed that the total biomass of 249,72 tons/ha and carbon sequestration in stands of damar mata kucing and 124,86 tons/ha. Based on the results of statistical tests in order to get the linear regression equation of the potential for carbon sequestration in Pekon Mount Kemala, namely Y(biomass) = -518,59 + 15,31 (density) + 9,02 (height)(R2 = 0,970) and

Y(carbon)= -259,43 + 7,67 (density) + 4,51 (height) (R2 = 0,97).

Keywords: damar mata kucing, carbon sequestration, non-destructive method, SPSS

526. Pemanfaatan Tanaman Kehidupan Sebagai Bahan Baku Akustik Kayu

Berbagai tanaman kehidupan disekitar kita, pemanfaatannya hanya terbatas pada saat memproduksi buah, kulit, dan lainnya. Pohon-pohon kehidupan akan mengalami penurunan produksi disaat sudah mulai tua. Sementara itu, penelitian dan informasi terhadap eksplorasi sifat akustik yang berasal dari kayu-kayu lokal masih sangat terbatas, kebanyakan dari kayu-kayu import. Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Republik Indonesia Nomor 97/M-DAG/PER/11/2015, tentang Ketentuan Impor Produk Kehutanan, kegiatan impor kayu mulai dibatasi sehingga perlu memaksimalkan pemanfaatan terhadap jenis-jenis kayu lokal. Diversifikasi  jenis harus terus dilakukan untuk mengganti kayu-kayu impor. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis beberapa sifat akustik kayu dari tanaman kehidupan antara lain kayu Durian (Durio zibethinu) dan Kayu Kemiri (Aleurites moluccana) yaitu sound damping dan sound absorption. Sifat akustik ini dihubungankan  dengan sifat dasar kayu lainnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kayu durian dan kayu kemiri dapat dijadikan bahan baku akustik kayu. Hasil tersebut didukung dengan nilai modulus of elastisitas (MOE), kerapatan,  kadar air, diameter pori, dan jumlah pori dari kedua jenis kayu tersebut.

176. Respon Setek Cabang Bambu Betung (Dendrocalamus Asper) Akibat Pemberian Asam Indol Butirat (AIB)

Betung bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) as multipurpose plant could be developed with vegetative and generative propagation. Branch cuttings was the easiest way in the betung bamboo vegetative propagation. One of plant growth regulators that could be used to spur betung bamboo branch cutting was indole butyric acid (IBA). This study was conducted to evaluate the betung bamboo branch cutting response from various concentration of IBA and to know the best concentration of IBA to spur the growth. The experiment was conducted in Palembang's Bamboo Plantation Collection and Development Research Institute of Forest areal, Tanjung Agung, District Tanjungan, South Lampung Regency, from March to June 2012. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments: IBA 0 ppm (control), 100 ppm, 200 ppm, 300 ppm, and 400 ppm of concentration. Each of experimental unit consisted of five cuttings with five replications. Percentage of life, length of shoot, number of shoot, number of leave, shoot's diameter, and root's length were the observed variables. The result showed that betung bamboo branch cuttings were responsive to IBA, and IBA 200 ppm concentration gave better results to the betung bamboo branch cuttings than IBA 0 ppm (control), 100 ppm, 300 ppm, and 400 ppm concentration. Based on this study, it was recomended to use 200 ppm of IBA for betung bamboo branch cutting.

Keywords: betung bamboo, branch cutting, indole butyric acid

174. Nilai Tukar Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Petani Agroforestri Di Hutan Kemasyarakatan Bina Wana Jaya I Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung Batutegi Kabupaten Tanggamus

Bina Wana Jaya I Community forest (HKm) group is one of HKm which has obtained a right access utilization permission managed using agroforestry systems in KPHL Batutegi based on the decree of forestry minister and the regent's decree since 2009. According to the the forestry minister regulation no. p.88/Menhut-II/2014, HKm program driven in order to increase the community welfare. One of the approach used to find out the community welfare is NTPRP concept based on subsistence requirement. The objectives of the research were to calculate the agroforestry farmers' NTPRP at Bina Wana Jaya I Community forest and identificated NTPRP factors. The data analysis was done based on NTPRP concept and explained by quantitative descriptive. The result showed that generally, the farmer welfare was categorized as prosperous with NTPRP 1,07. If NTPRP was categorized based on management of land from narrow to wide, the narrow management of land were not in the prosperous category. NTPRP factors framer consists of income from farming and non-farming (agroforestry, non-agroforestry, farming labourer and non-farming labourer) and expenditure consists of consumption and production cost.

Keywords:  community forest (HKm), protection forest management unit (KPHL), exchange household income of agroforestry farmers (NTPRP)

641. The Effect of Ratio of Carbon and Nitrogen Sources on Pathogenicity of Entomopathogenic Fungus Metarhizium sp. 1570 on Termites

Bioassay of the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium sp. 1570 for the control of subterranean termites Coptotermes sp. has been done. This study aimed to observe the effect of the ratio of carbon and nitrogen sources on the growth of Metarhizium sp. 1570, its pathogenicity against termites, and fungal invasion through scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Metarhizium sp. The isolate was cultured in Cxapek-Dox medium with varying ratios of glucose and yeast extract as carbon and nitrogen sources. Toxicity tests were carried out on the termites. The parameters observed were the number of conidia, the percentage of termite mortality, and the observation of fungal invasion through scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the addition of 2% glucose and 1% yeast extract (CN3) produced the highest number of spores, which was 6.23 x 107 conidia/ml. In both the spray and bait methods, the culture filtrate of Metarhizium sp. fermented in liquid CD media with 3% yeast extract as a single nutrient source (CN7) showed the highest pathogenicity against termites.  However, if compared to these two test methods, the percentage of termite mortality in the bait method shows lower than in the spray method. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations show that the fungus invades the termite body through cuticle degradation. Based on phylogenetic analysis, isolate M1570 was identified as Metarhizium anisopliae.

12. Pengaruh Naungan Pohon terhadap Keanekaragaman Dung Beetle di Blok Pemanfaatan Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman (Effects of Tree Shading on the Dung Beetle Biodiversity in the Utilization Block of Wan Abdul Rachman Great Forest Park)

Bioindicator of the level of destruction of tropical forests and habitats can be seen from the presence of dung beetle. Dung beetle plays an important role in regulating the function of ecosystems. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of tree shading on the dung beetle diversity in the the Utilization Block of Wan Abdul Rachman Great Forest Park (Tahura WAR). The method used was the trap method. Traps were planted parallel to the soil, then the collected data was analyzed with diversity index (H`), evenness index (E), and abundance index (E). The results found three species of dung beetles, namely Cattarsius mollosus, Onthopagus sp, and Aphodius marginellus. Diversity index of dung beetle in the area with tree shading (H '= 1.09) was greater than without tree shading (H' = 0 ,9). The evennes index (E) and abundance index (R) of dung beetle in the area with tree shading were E = 0.99 and R = 0.66, while without tree shading were E = 0.82 and R = 0.96. Comparison of the diversity of dung beetle in the the area with tree shading and without shading was 21: 8. This means that the dung beetle could maintain a stable population under tree shading. Dung beetle prefers the area with tree shading due to its suitability for the flight activity, suitable habitat condition, and the availability of food sources. The management of Tahura WAR is expected to increase land cover so that the existing ecosystems could remain sustainable.

Keywords: biodiversity, dung beetle, Tahura WAR, tree shading

175. Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung Di Hutan Rakyat Pekon Kelungu Kecamatan Kotaagung Kabupaten Tanggamus

Bird is one of the wild animals that often utilized by people. Since the condition of natural ecosystems pressed continually, the conservation efforts for bird also need to be done. Qece 4ionservation efforts also need to be done in other areas, one of them is at the  community forest. One of the community forest identified as bird habitats is the community forest in Kelungu Village. Besides as timber production, community forest also serve as protection and preservation place of birds diversity. This research necessary because of the lack the data about the diversity of bird species in this area. The purposes of this research was to determine the diversity of bird species in the community forest Kelungu Village, Kotaagung Subdistrict, Tanggamus, Lampung Province. The research was conducted in June 2015 using a direct observation method (point count) at three points of the observation location that were the border between the community forest and the settlement (PC 1), between the palm garden and protected forest (PC 2), and river border lines (PC 3) with 3 repetitions. The results showed there were 27 bird species from 16 families (3018 individuals). The first habitat  type has (H'= 1.701) Shannon Weiner diversity index. The second habitat type has (H'=2.630) then the third habitat type has (H'= 2.58) were classified moderate. Evenness index in first habitat (J= 0.578) was classified relatively, in second habitat (J= 0.817) and third habitat (J= 0.801) were classified stable. Similarity index (PC I and II = 0.773) and (PC I and III = 0.773) were classified high category, (PC II and III = 1) very high category.

Keywords: birds, biodiversity, community forest, and Kelungu Village

21. Pengaruh Jumlah Ruas Cabang Terhadap Pertumbuhan Setek Bambu Hitam (Gigantochloa Atroviolacea)

Black bamboo (Gigantochloa atroviolacea) is one of the famous bamboo species used, because it has many functions. The effort to maintain bamboo population is by cultivation. Generative cultivation of bamboo is difficult, so that vegetative cultivation by branch cuttings is carried. The aim of this research were to know the effect of number of internodes on black bamboo branch cuttings and the best influence on percentage of life and growth. The experiment used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 treatment sand 5 replications. The treatment were number of black bamboo branch, which were 2, 3,and 4 internodes. Eachbranchesplantedin polybag had filledwith top soil.The growth variables that measured were the percentage of life, number of shoots, length of shoot, diameter of shoot, number of leaves and length of root. The results showed that the number of black bamboo branch internodes influenced on length of shoot and number of leaves. Black bamboo branch with 4 internodes was the best result to growth of black bamboo branch cuttings because of highest value on length of shoot (3.84 cm) and number of leaves (4.90 sheet).

Keywords: black bamboo, branch cuttings, number of internodes

527. Tree Health Assessment of Lauraceae Collections in Bogor Botanic Gardens using Forest Health Monitoring Method

Bogor Botanic Gardens (BBG) is an ex-situ plant conservation area with thousands of plant collections. The trees of the Lauraceae in BBG experienced the highest number of deaths among other families. However most of them were categorized as young planting years (0-15 years). A tree health monitoring in the Lauraceae needs to be conducted to provide an overview, trend, and value of the level of damage. Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) method was carried out on two plots consisting of 149 trees. FHM can identify the types and levels of damage through monitoring and recording a series of tree damage. The results showed that among 149 trees, with 103 healthy, 9 lightly damaged, 10 moderately damaged, 15 heavily damaged, and 12 dead. The damage was primarily found in the stem (63 trees), the crown branch (51 trees), and the roots (13 trees). The severity of the damage was mainly at a mild level (0-19%). The cause of the damage is discussed. Further observations and frequent monitoring of the health of the Lauraceae need to be conducted by management to reduce the number of dead collections of the family.

Keywords: botanic gardens, Forest Health Monitoring, lauraceae, tree health 

31. Populasi dan Kondisi Lingkungan Rafflesia arnoldii di Rhino-Camp Resort Sukaraja Atas Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (TNBBS)

Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park is the habitat of endangerd species rafflesia (Rafflesia arnoldii) which parasiting on Tetrastigma sp. One of it, concentrated in Rhino Camp TNBBS which situated nearby Sanggi-Bengkunat avenue which high potentially to be suppressed. Obviously, these could trigger a high distraction which could affect on its environmental condition and population changing. The purpose of the study were to recognized the populations and environmental conditions of rafflesia in Rhino Camp
Sukaraja Atas Resort, TNBBS. The research conducted in February 2016 used survey method.

The study showed there was 49 idividual rafflesia, under two conditions: 67% alive and 33% already died. Its ambient conditions based on abiotics conditions has temperature range about 25-290 C, under medium canopy density (32-68%), humidity about 95%, soil
acidity catagorized as acid (pH= 5,5), slopes included as approximated steep (30-45%), elevation about 490-558 meters above sea level and situated on ±7 m from the nearest water sources. In addition, its biotics components consist of Tetrastigma lanceolarium; defined as rafflesia's host plant. While its pollinator was predicted mostly from Diptera: Lucilia sp, Sarcopaga sp and Dorsophila spp and Caliphora vomitoria, Hymenoptera: Lasius fuliginosus, also Coleoptera: Staphilinidae sp. Living presentage of rafflesia indicate that
Rhino camp TNBBS is sustainable habitat for rafflesia.

Keywords: envirnoment, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, population, Rafflesia arnoldii

440. Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Obat oleh Masyarakat Sekitar Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Bukit Kelam, Kabupaten Sintang, Kalimantan Barat (The Utilization of Medicinal Plants by Communities around Bukit Kelam Nature Park, Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan)

Bukit Kelam Nature Park has a high diversity of flora, including medicinal plants. This study aimed to analyze the medicinal plants in Bukit Kelam Nature Park with high use value (UV), agreement of community's (informant consensus factor/ICF) in utilizing plant species for specific usage categories, and preferred medicinal plants for the treatment of particular usage (fidelity level/FL). Data was collected through field surveys and interview with respondents in Kebong, Merpak, and Kelam Sejahtera villages. Purposive sampling was used to determine the number of the respondent, and the number of respondents was 30% of the total number of the households (351 respondents). The results showed that 84.61% of respondents used 198 species of medicinal plants. Eleven species had high UV, and 5 of them were Curcuma longa (0.3761), Piper betle (0.2422), Psidium guajava (0.2308), Syzygium polyantum (0.1510), and Eleutherine bulbosa (0.1481). The high ICF for the usage category were for body odor, bad breath, diet, acne, nosebleeds, coughs, diarrhea, hypertension, and internal injuries. Fifty-eight species had high FL values (100%), and 5 of them were Erythrina subumbrans (fever), Heliconia rostrata (diabetes), Hippobroma longiflora (dysentery), Cassia alata (skin infection), and Baccaurea motleyana (sore eyes).

Keywords: Bukit Kelam, conservation, local wisdom, traditional medicine

149. Kajian Perilaku Dan Analisis Kandungan Gizi Pakan Drop In Siamang (Hylobates Syndactylus) Di Taman Agro Satwa Dan Wisata Bumi Kedaton

Bumi Kedaton Zoo and Tourism Park is an effort of natural conservation to save animals threatened of extinction, and one of those animals is siamang (Hylobates syndactylus). The objective of this research was to find out behavior and drop in feed nutrition content for siamang by using focal animal sampling method and proximate analysis. Observations were conducted before the cages and in the kitchen where the feed weighting was conducted, so that it would not disturb the animal activities. The result showed that siamang daily behavior in the cage was dominated by locomotion activities; 43.5% and 41.18% for males and females respectively. There were 7 types of feed administered to siamang and muli banana had the highest nutrition content amongst these 7 types of feeds. The nutrition necessity fulfillment for siamang in the cage was not sufficient.

Keywords: Siamang, daily behavior, drop in feed, bumi kedaton zoo and tourism park

551. Cajuput (Melaleuca cajuputi (L.) Powell) Oil Yield and Cineole Analysis in Ex-Coal Mining Land with Monoculture and Agroforestry Patterns

Cajuput (Melaleuca cajuputi) has the potential to be developed with monoculture and agroforestry patterns in ex-coal mining land. This study aimed to analyze the oil yield and cineole content of cajuput planted with monoculture and agroforestry and patterns in ex-coal mining land. The research design used a split-split plot design with three factors: planting pattern, fertilizer dosage, and lemongrass (Cymbopogon nardus) plant spacing. The variables measured included the oil yield and cineole content of cajuput. This study was conducted in cajuput monoculture and agroforestry patterns with lemongrass G2 variety and Sitrona 2 Agribun variety, with various spacing. The study was conducted for six months, with one harvest of cajuput leaves in the sixth month. The results showed that lemongrass's planting pattern and plant spacing significantly affected cajuput oil yield. However, treatment of the dosage of fertilizer had no significant effect on cajuput oil yield. The treatment of lemongrass plant spacing only significantly affected cineole content, but planting patterns and fertilizer dosages had no significant effect. The cajuput agroforestry with the Sitrona 2 Agribun variety produced the highest oil yield (2.84%) and cineole content (50.70%), compared to the monoculture pattern and cajuput agroforestry with G2 variety. The lemongrass plant spacing of 0.5 m x 0.5 m produced the highest oil yield (2.73%) and cineole content (52.98%) compared to 1 m x 1 m plant spacing Cymbopogon nardus.

Keywords: agroforestry, cineole, essential oil, ex-coal mining, Melaleuca cajuputi

180. Status Kesehatan Pohon Pada Jalur Hijau Dan Halaman Parkir Universitas Lampung

Campus of University Lampung was one of the urban green open spaces which has ecological, social, cultural, and aesthetic. The frequency of broken branches and fallen trees indicated that many of trees were in unfavorable conditions. Identification of the tree health status was an important effort in order to manage trees properly, according to silviculture theorems. The study aimed (1) to figure out the trees health status in the green line along the street and parking area in University of Lampung, (2) figure out pests and diseases and also and human disturbance that cause the tree damage. The Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) method was employed to identifie the tree health status. The result of research showed that, majority (92.29%) of trees in the green line and the parking area of Lampung University were in health condition, and only a small percentage (7.81%) were identified in light damaged, medium demaged, and hard damaged. Generally, there were nine types of tree damage that most found. Those damage were discoloration of leaves (10.48%), open wounds (10.38%), fruiting bodies (4.11%), cancer (3.80%), epifit (2.26%), leaf buds damage (1.23%), fractures branches/trunks (1.54%), branchis (0.92%), and resinosis (0.51%).

Keywords: Forest Health Monitoring (FHM), urban forest of Unila, tree health, plant diseases

571. Effects of Initial Water Temperature and Soaking Duration on the Germination of Canarium (Canarium indicum) Seeds

Canarium (Canarium indicum) seeds have mechanical dormancy, i.e., seeds have a hard outer seed coat, which causes inhibition of germination. Mechanical dormancy can be broken by mechanical and chemical scarification. One way of chemical scarification is water soaking. This study aimed to analyze the initial effect of temperature of the soaking water and duration of soaking on the germination of canarium seeds. The research design used was a two-factor experiment in a completely randomized design. The first factor is the different initial water temperature and the second factor is soaking duration. The initial water temperature consists of 60°C, 70°C, 80°C, 90°C, and 100°C, while the soaking duration consists of 0 h, 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h. The results showed that the initial water temperature had a very significant effect on germination percentage, peak value, mean daily germination, and germination value. The soaking duration did not significantly affect germination percentage, mean daily germination, and germination value, but it significantly affected the peak value. The interaction of initial water temperature and soaking duration significantly affected the germination percentage, mean daily germination, peak value, and germination value. The initial water temperature and soaking duration affected the germination of canarium seeds.

Keywords: Canarium indicum, dormancy, germination, initial temperature, soaking duration

298. Estimation on the Change of Above-Ground Carbon Stock in Arboretum University of Lampung

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas that could increase earth temperature. Through the photosynthesis process, plants absorb CO2 then convert it into carbohydrates, then sequester it in the body of plants. The purpose of the study is to estimate the changes in the carbon stock at the Arboretum University of Lampung. The methods used were stock difference by counting the carbon changes or difference between carbon stored in 2010 and 2016. While the stand biomass estimation measured by trees general allometric equations with non-destructive sampling. The results showed that the total carbon was 46% of the total biomass. Carbon stock in 2016 were about 226.75 ton/ha, showing an increase of 59.72% or 84.78 ton/ha compared to in 2010's. The increase was due to additional growth of 804 trees as a result of plantation activity and natural regeneration.

Keywords: Arboretum, biomass, carbon, necromass, University of Lampung.

339. Diversity of Soil Nematode in Utilization Block Integrated Educational Conservation Forest, Wan Abdul Rachman Great Forest Park

Change of land forest in Wan Abdul Rachman Forest Park became agroforestry, affect of cover condition and decrease the content of soil matter. Nematode was one of the soils biotas that can be used as an indicator of change in the soil status. The aim of study is to know the community and diversity of nematodes on the Utilization Block, Integrated Educational Conservation Forest, Wan Abdul Rachman Great Forest Park. The research was conducted in April to May 2018. The soil samples were taken on arboretum one, arboretum two, arboretum three and arboretum four in Integrated Educational Conservation Forest, Wan Abdul Rachman Great Forest Park. Nematode observations were conducted in the Plant Pests Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. Nematodes was identified to genus level based on morphological traits. The analysis used were including the index of diversity, dominance and similarities between genus arboretum. The results showed that there were 30 genus of nematode consists of 19 plant parasitic nematode genera, six nematoda bacterial-feeding, three nematode fungal-feeding and two predator nematodes. The dominant nematode genera were Criconomella, Helycotylenchulus and Rotylenchulus. The abundance of nematodes ranges from 171-617 individuals/300 cm3 soil. The diversity of soil nematodes based on the Shannon-Wienner index ranges from 2.47-2.80. The Shannon-Whienner Index criteria were classified as moderate. The Simpson Index ranges from 0.89-0.93. The highest similarity index genus in arboretum three and four with a value of 0.81 and the lowest in arboretum two and three which is 0.54.

Keywords: nematodes community, Integrated Educational Conservation Forest, Wan Abdul Rachman Great Forest Park

99. Perubahan Tutupan Hutan Di Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman (Tahura War)

Changes in forest cover due to land tenure is a serious threat to Great Forest Park Wan Abdul Rahman. This study aimed to analyze changes in forest cover in 1994, 1997, 2000, 2014, and the things that happen related to changes in land cover in Great Forest Park Wan Abdul Rahman. Techniques of remote sensing and geographic information systems used to monitor and evaluate changes in forest cover that have occurred since the year 1994 - 2014 and determine forest cover changes that occur in each block management. Landsat satellite image data in 1994, 1997, 2000, 2014 were collected and analyzed. Furthermore, direct observation in the field is done for assessment of accuracy as well as the literature study to look at the chronology of events related to the change of the forest. The results showed forest area in 1994 was 9,090.1 hectare or 40.9% of the total area Great Forest Park Wan Abdul Rahman. In 2000 the highest forest cover has decreased be 5,428.7 hectare or 24.4% of the total area. 2014 forest cover has increased to 8.953 hectare or 40.2% of the total area.

Keywords:  classification image, land cover change, Great Forest Park Wan Abdul Rachman

525. Effectiveness and Institutional Conditions in Social Forestry Program: Case Study of Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH) Sumber Makmur, Forest Management Unit (KPH) Malang

Changes in the Social Forestry or Perhutanan Sosial (PS) scheme have been made by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, particularly in the state-owned forestry enterprise (Perhutani) working area. A forestry partnership is one of the schemes being developed to replace the previous scheme, Community Forest Management (PHBM). However, increased PS area permits are not always accompanied by increased farmer trust and understanding of the program. This study aimed to determine the institution's effectiveness and institutional condition in the era of PS policy, which is currently a government priority program. One of the community groups granted a management permit is the Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH) Sumber Makmur, located in the Forest Management Unit (KPH) Malang. This study was conducted from December 2020 to March 2021 using a qualitative descriptive method as in-depth interviews and questionnaires with assessment indicators. Respondents were chosen randomly from the entire population using the Slovin formula. The results showed that the institutional effectiveness of LMDH Sumber Makmur still tended to decrease. The confidence level of farmers in the PS program was only around 28.9%, and the level of understanding was 26.7%. The results also showed a low percentage value of farmer participation, external support, the availability of facilities, and gender perspective. Consequently, the government needs to monitor institutions and community groups running PS programs to see institutional developments in each location. Institutional development is essential as an entrance for people to manage forests independently.

Keywords: Forest Village Community Institution, institutional conditions, institutional effectiveness, social forestry


540. Botanical Exploration and Conservation in Pasir Banteng and Pasir Pogor, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park

Cibodas Botanic Gardens (CBG) shall keep performing botanical exploration and ex situ conservation as part of the effort to rescue tropical montane rainforest plants, which tend to decrease in their natural habitat. Pasir Banteng and Pasir Pogor, Mount Gede Pangrango, were selected due to the potential threat and limited information on plants collected from these sites. The objectives of this study were to collect valuable plants, which have a conservation value and explore their potential usefulness. The study has begun by establishing a list of collectible plants. Then, the field activities were conducted by a plant collection explorative method along the hiking route, from 750 to 1,500 m asl, low-mid mountain as height as CBG, with no specific sampling point (found and collected). These plants have field treatment, were delivered to CBG, and would later be maintained in the garden. The study has obtained 31 species collected from Pasir Banteng and 20 species from Pasir Pogor. There were 35 families, with Orchidaceae being the most collectible. Some crucial findings were nine species included as least concern (LC) and a species as endangered (EN), based on their conservation status. At least six new species were identified as the garden enrichment of the CBG. In addition, at least fifteen species have potential utilization as construction materials, 29 species as ornamental plants, twelve species as medicinal plants, and some plants possessing multi-utilization. The results were significant in adding the collection's richness and enhancing the conservation value of the plants conserved by CBG. It was also contributed to describing the plant species information of these sites.

Keywords: botanical exploration, ex-situ, Pasir Banteng, Pasir Pogor, plant conservation

548. Estimation and Economic Valuation of Above-Ground Carbon in Forest Area with the Special Purpose of Gunung Bromo, Karanganyar, Central Java, Indonesia

Climate change and the increasing greenhouse effect are serious problems of global concern today. The existence of forests plays an essential role in carbon sequestration and storage to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration in the atmosphere. Forest Area with the Special Purpose (KHDTK) of Gunung Bromo has an area of 126,291 ha that is designated as an educational forest.  The area has been managed by Universitas Sebelas Maret since 2019 and consists of three main tree species, namely Pinus merkusii, Swietenia mahagoni, and Dalbergia latifolia. This study aims to estimate the potential uptake and economic valuation of carbon stocks in the KHDTK of Gunung Bromo. Stratified Systematic Sampling with Random Start was used as an inventory method in this study. The estimation of above-ground carbon uptake used general allometric equations (non-destructive method). Furthermore, the carbon economy valuation referred to the range of calculating the average carbon price for each program specification. The results showed that the estimated carbon of tree stands in KHDTK of Gunung Bromo reached 75.81 tonnes C/ha with a carbon economic valuation of USD 758.1/ha or equivalent to IDR 10,856,863.80/ha. Exploring the potential for biodiversity (flora and fauna) and environmental services such as carbon sink will support the ecotourism program in KHDTK of Gunung Bromo.

Keywords: biomass, carbon estimation, economic valuation, KHDTK of Gunung Bromo

44. Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Berbasis Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu Ekosistem Mangrove Di Desa Margasari Lampung Timur

Commonly of mangrove forest area in Indonesia has been degraded severely including that lives on East Lampung. It is because of lack conservation applied in as utilization. It needs on home industrial development based on non-timber forest products of mangrove ecosystem in order to reduce the pressure of mangrove area utilization, as has been practiced by some people of Margasari Village. The indicated of the home industries sustainability, however has not been known yet. This research was conducted on April until May 2013 and the aim was to analysize the feasibility of jeruju leaf (Acanthus ilicifus) and pidada fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris) processing business to be some processed product and to analysize the simulation of interest rate and price to determine fiscal policy for business development. The respondent of this research were all of the member of home industry business of Karya Wanita and Peduli Lingkungan Hidup (LPH). The selecting of the respondent was conducted purposively. The method were observation and direct interview whereas the analysis of feasibility which was used was Gross B/C. The result of the research showed that the processing of jeruju leaf (Acanthus ilicifus) and pidada fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris) from 'karya wanita' Group could be conducted because it had Gross B/C score more than 1 that was pangsit and the score was 1.10 and peyek (1.04). For the group of Peduli Lingkungan Hidup (LPH), the good product was peyek (1.42). Gross B/C score more than 1 with 1% interest rate that was peyek (1.09), pempek (1.02), pangsit (1.10), dan sirup (1.009).  For the group of Peduli Lingkungan Hidup (PLH), the good product was peyek (1.48).

Keywords: gross B/C, home industry, mangrove forest, non-timber forest

63. Dampak Partisipasi Wanita Dan Faktor Demografi Dalam Pengelolaan Hutan Kemasyarakatan (Hkm) Terhadap Pendapatan Keluarga Di Kabupaten Lampung Barat

Community Forest (HKM) is a community development schemes through strengthening factors of production of non-timber forest products in the form of access to forest lands, protected primary forest. It is not yet known impact of women's participation in community forest management on family income in the village Tribudi Syukur and Tribudi Makmur. To the end, the research conducted in order to know the impact of demographic and participation of women in community forest management on family income in the village Tribudi Syukur and Tribudi Makmur, Kebun Tebu sub district, West Lampung, Lampung province. This research was conducted in the Community Forest, at Village Tribudi Syukur and Tribudi Makmur. Data retrieved using the method of data collection simple random sampling. Analysis of data used linear models was assisted using Minitab 16 software for parameter optimization. The results showed that the factor land size and income of women farmers with a significant effect on the income of women's participation in community forest management. Meanwhile, the chief factor of the family, the woman's age, the age of the male, female participation rates, female education, male education, number of dependents, and the distance to the arable land were not significantly associated with women's participation in the management of the community forest income.

Keywords: community forest, women's participation, income

265. Aspek Sosial Ekonomi pada Sistem Agroforestri di Areal Kerja Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HKm) Kabupaten Lampung Barat, Provinsi Lampung

Community Forest (HKm) is one of the schemes of Social Forestry, in which the management of its working area implements the agroforestry system. This study aims to determine the structure of income and farmer welfare, agroforestry contribution to farmer income and the factors that influence the income of farmers who do agroforestry in HKm working area. The study was conducted at the Group of HKm Bina Wana, Rigis Jaya II and Mitra Wana Lestari Sejahtera, West Lampung District. The results show that agroforestry activities contribute to farmer income of 66% and the rest from other sectors. Based on income from agroforestry
activities it is known that 93% of farmers are in the prosperous category. Factors that significantly affect farmers' income are the area of cultivated land, the number of plant species that have been produced and the training followed by the farmers. In accordance
with the provisions of the farmers' land area within the HKm area is no longer possible to be expanded, therefore farmers should enrich with more types of multi-use plants and follow training to increase knowledge so that land management is more optimal to increase revenue.

Keywords: agroforestry, income, the contribution of income, income factors, welfare level

138. Struktur Pendapatan, Tingkat Kesejahteraan Dan Faktor Produksi Agroforestri Kopi Pada Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung Batutegi (Studi Di Gabungan Kelompok Tani Karya Tani Mandiri)

Community forestry program is an effort to save the forests while providing benefits to society. Society was given license to manage forests laden not develop plant species monoculture systems but with agroforestry systems. Canopy multi strata agroforestry systems of benefits economical and ecological that matter to farmers, one of which can provide income for farmers. So that the implementation of agroforestry systems community forestry land is expected to be a solution the needs of land as a factor of production as well as to the recovery of the forest is mainly a function of the life support system. The goal of the research determined the structure of income, the factors that influence of income and welfare level of coffee agroforestry as participants community forestry program. To analyze factors affecting farmers' income analyzed by linear regression of multiple and welfare of farmers based price of rice by Sajogyo 1997. From the reckoning, income of farmers amounted of coffee agroforestry to Rp 14,649,631/KK/Year and Rp 6,321,690/KK/year of activity non agroforestry dominated farming and as much as 38,10% of farmers prosperous based on income from the activity coffee agroforestry at community forestry. The results regression analysis variables influential real against earnings agroforestry is the land area and the dependents of family.

Keywords: income, income factors, welfare level

353. Private Forest Management in Tulang Bawang Barat

Community forests have important values for rural communities. The purpose of this study is to determine the social and economic characteristics of the community that affect community forest management in Tulang Bawang Barat Regency. The study was conducted for 2 months in August to September 2016 in the Tulang Bawang Barat Regency, Lampung Povince. Data was collected by field observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The total number of respondents in this study was 50 respondents of community forest farmers who were taken purposively. To describe the social and economic conditions of the respondents, as well as analyze the characteristics and practices of community forest management, the data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that productive age, adequate level of education, extent of land tenure, social, ecological and economic motivations are factors that influence farmers' decisions to manage community forests. Farmers cultivate their community forest in a simple way, without using good community forest cultivation guidelines. Local government policies are very necessary to support the sustainability of community forest development, in order to achieve economic, ecological, and social needs obtained from community forest management.

Keywords: social economy characteristics of community, participation, community forest farmers, rural community

410. Keadaan Vegetasi Hutan Berbasis Masyarakat di Desa Aik Bual dan Desa Setiling, Pulau Lombok (Vegetation Condition of Community-Managed Forests in Aik Bual Village and Setiling Village, Lombok Island)

Community-based forest management practices vary according to biophysical and management factors. This study aimed to explain the vegetation conditions of community-based forest management in Aik Bual and Setiling village, Lombok Tengah. The study site was divided into protected forest areas (HL) in Aik Bual Village with a legal community forest permit (Aik Bual-HKm), HL in Setiling Village with no legal community forest permit (Setiling-Non Permit), and HL in Aik Bual Village with no legal community forest permit (Aik Bual-Non Permit). Field measurement was conducted in July 2018 by establishing 12 plots of 20 m x 20 m. The results showed that Aik Bual-HKm, Setiling-Non Permit and Aik Bual-Non Permit had 24, 13 and 22 species, respectively.  The results illustrated the possible differences of vegetation diversity in community-managed forests with and without legal permission.

Keywords: agroforestry, land tenure, protected forest, vegetation analysis

559. Keadaan Vegetasi Hutan Berbasis Masyarakat di Desa Aik Bual dan Desa Setiling, Pulau Lombok (Vegetation Condition of Community-Managed Forests in Aik Bual Village and Setiling Village, Lombok Island)

Community-based forest management practices vary according to biophysical and management factors. This study aimed to explain the vegetation conditions of community-based forest management in Aik Bual and Setiling village, Lombok Tengah. The study site was divided into protected forest areas (HL) in Aik Bual Village with a legal community forest permit (Aik Bual-HKm), HL in Setiling Village with no legal community forest permit (Setiling-Non Permit), and HL in Aik Bual Village with no legal community forest permit (Aik Bual-Non Permit). Field measurement was conducted in July 2018 by establishing 12 plots of 20 m x 20 m. 

382. Kemampuan Adaptasi Tanaman Mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla) terhadap Cemaran Merkuri pada Tailing Penambangan Emas Skala Kecil (Adaptation Ability of Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) against Mercury Contamination from Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining)

Contamination of mercury (Hg) in illegal gold mining waste could be reduced by the plant. The study aimed to examine the adaptability of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) seedling in the growing media of tailings contaminated by mercury. Tailings were taken from the gold refining industry located in Bunut Village, Padang Cermin Sub-district, Lampung Province. The study was designed in a completely randomized design for 5 treatments and 4 replications used combination of topsoil : tailings in a ratio of 100% : 0%; 75% : 25%; 50% : 50%; 25% : 75%; and 0% : 100%. Data were processed by analysis of variance at the 0,05 significance level followed by the Least Significant Difference test. The results showed that mahogany seedling had the adaptability to the media with a maximum tailings concentration of 75%. The higher concentrations of tailings tended to decrease the percentage of life, increment of diameter, increment of the number of leaves, leaf area, the increment of root length, and biomass of mahogany. The higher concentrations of tailings resulted in a better plant height increment compared to the lower concentrations, however, all concentrations of tailings in the planting medium reduced the height of the mahogany seedling.

Keywords: adaptability, mahogany, mercury, tailing

116. Ukuran Kelompok Simpai (Presbytis Melalophos) Di Hutan Desa Cugung Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung Model Gunung Rajabasa Lampung Selatan

Cugung forest managed by Protection Forest Management Unit Model (KPHL) of Rajabasa Mountain, its a natural habitat for simpai (Presbytis melalophos). Its size and structure are not known. Research was done to observe its group size and population structure in Cugung forest using concentration count method. Group size was 11 individuals, with 4 reproductive age and 5 young individuals and 2 infants. Sexual ratio is 1:2.

Keywords: simpai, group size, a cugung forest

546. Characterization of Cones and Seeds of Damar (Agathis labillardieri) from Plantation in Klasaman, Sorong

Damar (Agathis labillardieri) is endemic species to New Guinea, occurring naturally in Papua and West Papua Province, Indonesia. The species is economically valuable due to its resin and wood. This research aimed to study the cones and seeds characteristics of A. labillardieri collected from Sorong Nature Park at Klasaman, Sorong, Papua Barat. The characteristics observed included cone size and weight, number of scales, empty and filled seed, and seed moisture content. The germination test was also performed. Although the stands could produce cones, not all scales contained seeds, and not all seeds were filled seeds. On average, 53 filled seeds per cone or only 50.3 ± 5.7% of the total seeds found as filled seeds. The seed was characterized as a recalcitrant seed with high moisture content and rapid germination. On average, the seed moisture content was 38.9%, with an average germination time of four days. The combined factors that may contribute to the low natural regeneration of A. labillardieri are low filled seeds, seed sensitivity to desiccation, and high mortality in newly emerging seedlings during recruitment. Therefore, facilitating the forest floor for immediate germination of recalcitrant seeds as in A. labillardieri is suggested.

Keywords: Agathis labillardieri, filled seed, germination, natural regeneration, recalcitrant seed

553. The Composition of Undergrowth Vegetation in Forest Area with the Special Purpose of Gunung Bromo, Karangayar, Central Java, Indonesia

Data on the biodiversity is essential to support the Forest Area with the Special Purpose (KHDTK) of Gunung Bromo as an educational forest and training center. This study aimed to obtain basic information on undergrowth vegetation composition under pine stands. Furthermore, the important value index (IVI), species diversity index (H'), species richness index (R), and evenness index (E) were determined. The data was systematically obtained by marking 35 plots of 2 m × 2 m. The distance between plots was 100 m. The results showed that the undergrowth vegetation consisted of 39 species from 26 families. The habitus of undergrowth vegetation was herb (15 species), shrub (14 species), liana (3 species), fern (6 species), and palm (1 species). Eragrostis tenerum was the dominant species with an IVI of 58.84%). Centrosema pubescens showed an IVI of 18.38%, while the other species showed less than 10%. Furthermore, H' was classified as moderate (2.35), R was classified as moderate (4.69), and E was classified as uneven (0.64). This condition indicated that the undergrowth species that grew in KHDTK of Gunung Bromo was limited and uneven. It was considered due to inhibiting factors such as allelopathy in pine leaf litter and low light intensity. Undergrowth species that grow in KHDTK of Gunung Bromo showed several potential utilizations, such as medicinal plants (30 species), ornamental plants (9 species), food sources (5 species), forage (4 species), culture and crafts (4 species), and conservation (3 species).

Keywords: important value index, KHDTK of Gunung Bromo, species composition, species diversity, undergrowth vegetation

140. Karbon Tersimpan Pada Kawasan Sistem Agroforestry Di Register 39 Datar Setuju Kphl Batutegi Kabupaten Tanggamus

Datar Setuju Resort is the one of six resort located in Register 39 KPHL Batutegi. This area is managed by implementing agroforestry system. Research aims to determine amount of stock carbon applied by publics in Register 39 Datar Setuju, held on March 2015 at Register 39 Datar Setuju KPHL Batutegi Tanggamus Regency. Beside to knowing amount of the stock carbon, this research also conducted to determine the dominant vegetation. Reseachers used Summed Dominance Ratio (SDR) and Importance Value Index (IVI) methods to determine the most dominant vegetations and used allometric equation to find out amount biomass and necromass of trees. Research results show that the most dominant vegetation on tree phase was cemara (Casuarina junghuniana) IVI large was 109,91%, for pale phase was dadap (Erythrina sp.) IVI large was 300%, for stake phase was kopi (Coffea arabica) IVI large was 300%, and for seedling phase was rumput teki (Cyperus rotundus) IVI large was 200%. Stock carbons at agroforestry system area Register 39 Datar Setuju KPHL Batutegi on HKm Sinar Harapan amount of 123,33 ton/ha, on HKm Bina Wana Jaya 1 amount of 265,20 ton/ha, and of HKm Bina Wana Jaya 2 amount of 146,20 ton/ha, average of stock carbon value at Register 39 Datar Setuju amount of 178,24 ton/ha.

Keywords: stock carbon, agroforestry

221. Pengaruh Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan terhadap Insiden Penyakit Tuberkulosis Paru: Studi di Provinsi Lampung (Effect of Land Use toward Pulmunary Tuberkulosis Incidence: Study in Lampung Province)

Deforestation and land conversion is one of the effects of high nativity rates and urbanization that affect the ecological situation. The imbalance of ecological system become a factor of increasing pulmunary Tuberkulosis incidence (TB). TB is a disease of pulmunary infections that caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and it is spread directly. This research was conducted to determine the contribution of land use changes incidence of TB in the Lampung Province. Land use changes be resultant through landsat imagery interpretation utilize Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software. Parameter used statistical software, used the F test on the real level of 10%. The result showed that there were several factors that have real influence, namely; community forest with a coefficient of 1.0314 (Pvalue=0.040), Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS) coefficient of -0.3691 (Pvalue=0.042), density population coefficient of 0.011661 (Pvalue=0.008) and the percentage of poor residents coefficient of 0.6641 (Pvalue=0.006). While forest, plantation, developed land, health facility and healthy house did not have significant effect toward incidence of TB in Lampung Province.

Keywords: deforestation, geographic information systems(GIS), incidence of TB, land use.

266. Faktor Pendukung dan Peran Brigade Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan pada Balai Taman Nasional bukit Way Kambas

During the last 20 years, Way Kambas National Park's area has experienced of the habitat damage, is among other things caused by a forest fire and to be triggered do not only natural faktor but also effect of is act human being. Role and also worker very needed to take care of and look after Way Kambas National Forest. Objective of this research is to learn the relation between supplementary faktors and roles of brigade of forest fire to forest fire prevention at Way Kambas National Park. Population as well as samples were 41 peoples. Data was analyzed by rank Spearman correlation. Result of research showed that the role and also in contribution of activity of forest fire control was at moderate category and no significance result on correlation between supplementary faktors and roles of brigade of forest fire.

Keywords: role, forest fire, national park, brigade

184. Pengaruh Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Terhadap Angka Kesakitan Malaria : Studi Di Provinsi Lampung

Ecological disruption as a result of changes in the area of forest cover to other land uses can affect the microclimate and impact toward malaria morbidity. Malaria is an infectious disease caused by protozoa a genus of Plasmodium that transmitted by female Anopheles sp. mosquito vectors. The environmental factors that play a role in the risk to transmission of malaria related to vector breeding places. The purpose of this research is establish the impact of land use changes toward malaria morbidity. This study was conducted from March to September 2015. Dynamics of land use changes in regency/city be identified through interpretation of landsat imagery in 2002, 2009, and 2014 with supervised classification and resulted in percentage of land use, the influence of impact toward malaria morbidity processed using multiple linear regression models. Parameter optimization using statistic software. The result showed that the impact of positive variable that significant toward malaria morbidity are mangrove forest and total population, while impact of negative variable that significant are extensive swamp and health personnel. Variable which not impact that significant toward malaria morbidity are forests, community forests, undeveloped land, dry land, other land uses, population density, precipitation, unhealthy housing, urban, and physiographic.

Keywords: land use, malaria morbidity

100. Perencanaan Lanskap Ekowisata Hutan Mangrove Di Pantai Sari Ringgung Desa Sidodadi Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran

Ecotourism is a utilization of mangrove forest ecosystems in a sustainable manner through tourism activities that are responsible to environment. The application of the ecotourism concept in the mangrove forest area in Sari Ringgung Beach Sidodadi Village of Padang Cermin Pesawaran is expected to reduce the damage to mangrove ecosystems by increasing public awareness of the mangroves existence. This research objectives are to develop a plan of mangrove forest ecotourism through the exploration landscape potential in the form of biophysical elements and social community. Ecotourism planning activities consist of an potential inventory, analysis, synthesis, scheming concepts, and tread design. Inventory data results are categorized into the potential and constraints are analyzed logically to obtain the synthesis results. Space zoning development plan was produced at the planning stage as the basic design of the space concept, circulation paths, and green governance. Mangrove forest in Sari Ringgung Beach has ecotourism potential including physical and visual condition, plants diversity and mangrove wildlife animals, visitors crowd, and good community support. Ecotourism plan is designed by the spatial distribution of ecotourism into 15 ha as reception area, 2 ha as service area, 68 ha as buffer area, and 12 ha as ecotourism area. Ecotourism access is developed in three path circulation are: paving block path in the dry land route, boardwalk path to cross the wetlands, and ships route to cross the open beach. Coconut and Pine selected as a space filler plants and various types of mangrove as wetlands rehabilitation plants.

Keywords: ecotourism, mangrove, landscape planning

187. The Effect of Scleroderma columnare Inoculum Doses to Enhance Ectomycorrhizal Colonization and Growth of Shorea javanica Seedling

Ectomycorrhiza helped plants to absorb nutrients and water. Shorea javanica belong to Dipterocarpaceae family and highly dependent on ectomycorrhiza to growth. Spore inoculation was one way to inoculate ectomycorrhiza fungi. This study aimed to get the best doses of spore Scleroderma columnare on colonization and enhancing growth of Shorea javanica seedling. This experiment used randomized complete design with 5 treatments and 3 replicates. The treatments were 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 ml/polybag spore inoculum of S. columnare. Data obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance (anova) and continued with Least Significant Different (LSD). The results showed that added of 10 ml (6,5 x 107) gained higher root colonizatition (%). Dosis of 10 ml (6,5 x 107) and 20 ml (1,3 x 108) spore inoculum were able to improve plant growth on the parameters such as plant height, shoot dry weight, total dry weight, and total leaf area.

Keywords: Dose of Inoculum, ectomycorrhiza, Scleroderma columnare, Shorea javanica

57. Keanekaragaman Jenis Pohon Di Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman

Educational Forest is place for the public, especially students and researchers to study the interrelationship between the components of the forest ecosystem. Information on the types of trees is one of the basic information for education and the development and management of educational forest. This study is performed to fill a gap where information regarding biodiversity in Educational Forest of Tahura Wan Abdul Rahman is lacking. Sampling intensity used was 0.12% of the 1,143 ha forest area of education, so that is an area of 1.37 ha sample plots. Sample plot consisted of 10 plots in the sub-blok protected and 24 plots in sub-blok social forestry. It was found that 60 tree species were registered, which comprised of 41 species of trees scattered in the sub-blok protected and 19 species in sub-blok social forestry. Diversity Index in the sub-blok protected was 1.45 and is dominated by the kind of Kenari (Canarium commune) with 26.98% of Key Value Index. Diversity Index in the sub-blok social forestry was 1.09 and is dominated by Durian (Durio zibethinus) with 67.28% of Key Value Index.

Keywords: tree diversity, forest biodiversity conservation education integrated, Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman

104. Karakteristik Petani Dalam Pengembangan Hutan Rakyat Di Desa Buana Sakti Kecamatan Batanghari Kabupaten Lampung Timur

Effort to conserve forest as one source of food for farmers is organized by developing a community forest. This effort is carried by culture various types of forestry, agriculture, and livestock. To encourage the development of community forest, it is necessary to investigate the farmers characteristics who worked in the forest. The purpose of this study is to describe the characteristics and income level of farmers in developing community forests. The study was conducted in  March 2014 in the Village of Buana Sakti. The formal education of fifty percent (50%) of farmers in Buana Sakti Village were up to elementary school, while for their informal education are less active in extention activities, talks, and workshops. The availability of credit in Buana Sakti Village come from two sources: Village cooperative (KUD) and BRI bank. Buana Sakti Village has three shops of input. The income of private forest farmers in Buana Sakti Village comes from forest trees product, agriculture crops, livestock, and other work (civil servants, laborers, merchants, artisans, village chief). The average farmers income are Rp 25,286,960 each year, while for the interaction farmers in Buana Sakti Village has a strong interaction with each other. Farmers should be more active to participate in extension activities, talks, and workshops conducted by the extension workers or the relevant agencies so that the knowledge and information obtained will be more and more analysis on the characteristics of farmers is needed in developing community forest to inprove forest sustainability.

Keywords: Buana Sakti, characteristics, community forests, farmer

618. Plant Diversity and Carbon Stocks in Urban Green Open Space of PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk., Tangerang, Banten

Efforts to mitigate climate change, namely reducing greenhouse gas emissions, can be carried out, among others, by utilizing the presence of trees in urban areas which have an important role as carbon sinks. In order to determine the potential of tree species in absorbing carbon, a research was conducted in the Green Open Space (GOS) of PT. Gajah Tunggal, Tangerang. This study aims to determine the potential of tree species in absorbing carbon by means of a census, which measured the diameter and height of trees, as many as 152 species were included in 46 family consisting of 8,636 belonging to the tree category and 5,254 stems belonging to the bamboo species. The average age of the tree is over 7 years. The results of the calculation of the potential biomass, carbon content and CO2 absorption from the green open space with a diameter of 2 cm are dominated by three species, namely Eucalyptus deglupta Blume, Roystonea regia (Kunth) OFCook) and Pterocarpus indicus Will. The amounts are consecutive: 123.54 tons, 58.06 tons C equivalent to 213.09 tons CO2; 103.91 tons., 48.84 tons of C equivalent to 179.23 tons of CO2; 87.74 tons., and 41.24 tons of C equivalent to 151.35 tons of CO2. The total biomass, carbon content and CO2 absorption of tree and bamboo species is 880.82 tons or 413.98 tons C equivalent to 1,519.33 tons of CO2. This company's CO2 emissions in 2020 amounted to 406,073.72 tons of CO2.


Efforts to preserve natural resources and local culture, can be done by developing a tourist village. The management and development of a tourism village area is not only determined by the potential of natural resources, but also by the role and participation of the community in managing, and making various efforts in developing existing potential as objects of attraction that have high selling points. The purpose of this study was to analyze the participation of the people of Soya Village in developing the potential of Soya tourism village, Sirimau sub-district, Ambon City. The data collection method uses the method of observation and indepth interview. Data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative and correlation test. The results of the study revealed that the level of community participation in Soya Village in the planning, management and development stages was at a very supportive level. Rank Spearman correlation test results state that there is a significant relationship between the role of society with the level of participation.


Keywords: community participation, soya tourism village, Ambon City


586. The Pattern of Elephant Movement at Various Patches on Home Range in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park

Elephant movement patterns in different patches are not only important to know the trend of the elephant movement in various patches, but it becomes very important when it is also known patch characters and when they came to the patch. This study aims to describe the movement pattern of elephants in various types of patches in the home range and link it with species richness, diversity, importance value index, and the type of feed the elephants elephant. The study was conducted by placing 100 plots in the home range is based on the intensity of the movement of elephants in various types of patches; primary forest, secondary forest, shrubs and gardens in BBSNP. Movement data of elephants taken from GPS Collar available in WWF Lampung. The results showed that although the average value of species richness, diversity, evenness in primary forest at different growth rate is high, but when viewed from the proportion of elephants feed species and the density of trees feed, then in primary forests intensity of movement been lowest compared to the jungle secondary, shrubs and gardens.


elephant movement pattern,  home range, patch type

547. Identification of Endophytic Fungi of Balangeran (Shorea balangeran Korth.) by Morphological Characterization

Endophytic fungi are the potential biological agent that could stimulate plant growth and inhibit plant disease. The existence of diverse and abundant endophytic fungi encourages continuous exploration. One of the plants that have potential as a source of endophytic fungi is balangeran (Shorea balangeran Korth.). The study aimed to identify the species of endophytic fungi from the leaf and twig of S. balangeran based on morphological characteristics. Fungi isolation was conducted by multiple sterilizations and purification. Furthermore, the macroscopic and microscopic morphological characteristics of the endophytic fungi isolates were also identified. The results showed nine colony characteristics of endophytic fungi. Endophytic fungi of Colletotrichum sp1. (SbD 1.1), Phomopsis sp. (SbD 1.3.1), Colletotrichum sp2. (SbD 1.3.2), and Beauveria sp. (SbD 3.1) were only found on the leaves, while Aspergillus niger (SbB 5.1), Colletotrichum sp3. (SbB 5.2), and Nigrospora sp. (SbB 5.3.2 and SbB 6.3) were only found on the twigs. Endophytic fungi Phyllosticta sp. (SbD 1.2) were found in the leaves and twigs. The growth rate of endophytic fungi showed that Colletotrichum sp3 (SbB 5.2) was the fastest, and Phyllosticta sp. (SbD 1.2) was the slowest among the nine isolates. Endophytic fungi that have been isolated will be analyzed for their benefits as a biological agent in future research.

Keywords: endophytic fungi, identification, morphological characterization, Shorea balangeran

550. Effect of Endophytic Fungi on the Growth of Sengon (Falcataria moluccana)

Endophytic fungi have been reported to promote plant growth and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. This study aimed to determine the effect of endophytic fungi application isolated from the sengon (Falcataria moluccana) seeds on the growth of sengon. The seed-borne endophytic fungi were applied when the session was three weeks old by sprinkling each suspension of endophytic fungi (103 to 106 spores/ml) on the soil around the plant roots. The experimental parameters evaluated were height, diameter, and total wet and dry weight. This study showed that endophytic fungi treatment has no significant effect on the stem diameter, total wet weight, and water content; but significantly affected the height and total dry weight. Cladophialophora sp. and Ascotricha sp. fungi increased the height growth of sengon, while Aspergillus sp. fungi increased the total dry weight against the control. Ochroconis sp. treatment was not significantly different from the control. The shoot-root ratio values range from 1.13-1.43, indicating that the seeds already have roots supporting plant growth. The Dickson quality index range from 0.65-1.03 suggested that the seedlings have good biomass distribution. Consequently, endophytic fungi have the potential to increase the growth of sengon seedlings.

Keywords: endophytic fungi, Falcataria moluccana, seedling growth, sengon

61. Identifikasi Jenis Epifit Dan Tumbuhan Yang Menjadi Penopangnya Di Blok Perlindungan Dalam Kawasan Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman

Epiphytic is one among the plants that attaches and grows on other plants for sunlight, water, air, and minerals. The existence of epiphytes is very important for forest ecosystems due its ability to provide a place for the ants and the other organisme. The objective of this study were to identify the species of epiphytes, species of cantilever plant, and to know the number of cantilever plant species associated with the species of epiphytes in Wan Abdul Rahman Great Forest Park. This research was conducted at the protection block, Wan Abdul Rahman Great Forest Park, particularly in the area of Way Balau Sub-watershed. This research was conducted during September to October 2013. Epiphytes and cantilever plants species were inventoried in a sampling intensity of 0,2% taken from 796,50 ha of total area of protection blocks, therefore the large of sample plot is 1,593 ha. The size of each sample plot is 400 m2 or 20 m x 20 m, therefore the total number of sample plots are 40 plots. Observed variables were the species and the number of epiphytes , species of cantilever plant and its number, and the importance alue index for each species. The result of the study showed that plant are 7 species of epiphytes and 16 species of cantilever plant. The highest importance value index (IVI) of epiphytes is paku sepat (59,14%). The highest IVI of cantilever plant is pulai (30,91%). The most abundant cantilever plant growed by epiphytes is pulai (Alstonia scholaris), pinangsi (Villebrunea rubescens), enau (Arenga pinnata), and medang gabong (Litsea firma). Result of the study showed that epiphytic mostly found on the cantilever plant that has thicker bark, groove bark, stringy bark, and a tough bark.

Keywords: block protection forest park wan abdul rahman, epiphytes , epiphytic plants crutch

514. Postural Analysis on Manual Pine Resin Collecting Work: Lifting Index and L5/S1 Compression-Shear Forces

Even though pine oleoresin harvesting is labor-intensive forestry work involving manual material handling (especially lifting) and is massively carried out in Indonesia, there is a lack of ergonomics studies on manual pine oleoresin harvesting. This study focused on lifting-related postures in pine oleoresin harvesting. A Three Dimension Static Strength Prediction Program Version 7.1.0 was used to identify the injury risk on the lower back (lumbosacral joint, L5/S1) using biomechanical criteria (compression and shear forces) at extreme postures. Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) and Lifting Index (LI) were calculated for a comprehensive analysis. The exceeding compression and shear forces indicated that the L5/S1 injury risk on oleoresin collecting work (part of oleoresin harvesting) is high. The psychophysical analysis confirmed the findings, as several main postures in this work were categorized as intense manual lifting due to the excessive score of LI.  A significant reduction in the L5/S1 compression and shear forces were shown at a simulation using a proposed load threshold (using the calculated RWL).

Keywords: biomechanics, ergonomics, forestry work, manual lifting, oleoresin harvesting

648. Participation of People with Disabilities in Mangrove Forest Conservation through Tourism-Based Conservation in the Bajulmati Watershed, Malang

Even though they have some obstacles in carrying out their daily activities, people with disabilities have huge desire to participate in conserving forests. One of their ways is through nature conservation activities. The purposes of this study are to obtain an overview of (1) the forms of tourism-based nature conservation, (2) the form of participation for people with disabilities in mangrove forest conservation, and (3) the perceptions of people with disable towards mangrove forest conservation through nature conservation in the Bajulmati watershed of Malang. This study used qualitative methods with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out using a flow model, which included the stages of data selection, data reduction, data presentation, and verification/drawing conclusions. Data validation was done by triangulation of materials, libraries, and methods. The results of this study are; (1) the form of tourism-based nature conservation is river traversing activities, (2) the forms of participation of people with disabilities in the preservation of mangrove forests are having a counseling program on mangrove forest conservation and planting mangroves tree, and (3) the perception of people with disable towards the preservation of mangrove forests in the Bajulmati watershed of Malang are very useful because in addition to recreation, people with disabilities can participate in maintaining the mangrove forest on the south sea coast. 

356. Ex-Situ Wildlife Conservation in Taman Satwa Lembah Hijau Bandar Lampung

Ex-situ conservation carried out by Taman Satwa Lembah Hijau Bandar Lampung (TSLHBL) is an effort made to protect species of plants and animals outside the original habitat. This study aims to determine the suitability of ex-situ wildlife conservation efforts in TSLHBL using observation and interview methods. Data was processed by evaluative comparison methods with conformity indicators for wildlife welfare of the Indonesian Zoo Association (PKBSI) and the Indonesian Society for Animal Welfare (ISAW). The results of the study of the suitability of cages and animal playgrounds from twenty-five cages found 44% of cages that were not according to PKBSI and ISAW namely: Owa Jawa (Hylobates moloch), Owa Sumatera (Hylobates agilis), Merak Hijau (Pavo muticus), Rusa Timor (Cervus timorensis), Elang Hitam (Ictinaetus malayensis), Elang Brontok (Nisaetus cirrhatus), Elang Bondol (Haliastur indus), Beo (Gracula religiosa), Bangau Tong-tong (Leptoptilos javanicus), Binturung (Arctictis binturong), Buaya Muara (Crocodylus porosus), and Buaya Irian (Crocodylus novaeguineae). Of the twenty-six species of animals, only species of Merak Hijau (Pavo muticus) whose amount of feed does not match the amount of feed that should be given. Animals that produce offspring are only one deer in 2016, while other animals have no offspring. The utilization of wildlife in TSLHBL is for research, photo taking, visuals and animal attractions.

Keywords: ex-situ conservation, wildlife conservation, wildlife parks lembah hijau

228. Social Behavior of Sambar Deer (Cervus unicolor) and Spotted Deer (Axis axis) in Gunung Madu Plantations Inc. Sanctuary Lampung Tengah

Ex-situ habitat conditions that are different from in-situ habitat will affect its social behavior patterns within the captivity Cage In Gunung Madu Plantations Inc. Sanctuary. The aim of the research was to identify social behavior of Sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) and spotted deer (Axis axis) in Gunung Madu Plantations Inc. Sanctuary, Lampung Tengah. To collect the data, Adlibitum sampling and scans sampling method was used in the research, which done in January 2016. Social behavior occurs: (1) grooming behavior mostly done by doe N  (69.64%) and the smallest carried by deer A, B, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, P, Q (0%). (2) The results shown that rubbing antlers behavior mostly done by K (41.94%) and the smallest carried by deer A, B, C, D, L, M (0%).(3) while interacting with human behavior was done by doe O and P (8.8%) and the lowest is done by doe B (2.9%), away from human interaction highest deer carried by stag 16,4% and the lowest carried M male spotted deer, spotted deer male N, O, P and Q of 0.00%. (4) grazing behavior mostly done by doe Q (8.67%) and the smallest carried by stag A (2.58%).

Keywords : Social Behavior, Rusa Sambar, Rusa Totol

215. Kondisi Populasi Dan Pola Penyebaran Anggrek Eria Spp. Di Resort Balik Bukit Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan

Forest area of Balik Bukit Resort allocated as regions of natural preservation. This area has many potential/natural resources that could be developed. This area is located at Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park which have diverse types of flora, including various types oforchids. Approximately there were 154 typeof orchids in this area(Indonesia Institute of sciences, 2011). This research aims were to know the population and distribution patterns of Eria spp. orchids. This research was conducted in August 2015. The method used is the doubleplots systematically method with sampling intensity (SI) 0.1%. The size of each swath of 20 m x 20 m and the total area of the Balik Bukit Resort was 3,560 ha, so that the total number of sample plots were 90 units. The observed variables were types of Orchid, Orchid populations and patterns of spread of Eria spp. Based on the results of the study, there were 10 different types of Eria spp.. Eria iridifolia found most of 22.50 individuals/ha compared to other types of orchids Eria. Followed by the type of E. erecta of 14.72 individuals/ha E. flavescens and type of 8.33 individuals/ha. Whereas other types is E. discolor, E. javanica, E. junghunii, E.mucronata, E. oblitterata, E. retusa, E. robusta has a density of 1 - 4 individuals/ha. Distribution pattern of the orchids E. discolor, E. erecta, E. flavescens, E. iridifolia, E.javanica, E. mucronata, E. obletterata, and E. retusa enter into the category of a huddle. While the orchids E. junghunii belonging to the category of uniform and the orchids E.robusta into random categories.

Keywords: distribution pattern, Eria spp. orchids, population

85. Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kebakaran Hutan di Indonesia dan Implikasi Kebijakannya

Forest fire is one of the crucial environmental and forestry issues as well as local and global concern. The longstanding efforts have been conducted to overcome this problem, but the success was relatively low. This study aims to determine the factors that affect the extent of forest and peat fires in Indonesia. The analysis of forest fires was carried out on three major islands, i.e. Sumatra, Kalimantan and Papua using time series data from 1969 to 2012. The data were analyzed using econometric models. The results indicated that the factors affecting the forest and peat fires included the price of logs, export prices of CPO, el nino, budget of the Ministry of Forestry, the economic crisis and the number of hotspots. The identified determinant which has a major impact on the extent of forest and peat fires is the number of hotspots. Controlling the number of hotspots significantly reduced the magnitude of forest fires. For that reason, there is a need for a paradigm shift in the control of forest fires from forest fire fighting activities into preventive effort by reducing the number or preventing the occurrence of hotspots as an early indication of a forest fire.

Keywords: forest fires, hotspots, prevention

299. Influence Factors in Land Use of Wan Abdul Rachman Forest Park

Forest land use is an activity which is committed by the community near the forest to fulfill the needs of their life. This research intended to determine factors that influence land utilization in Wan Abdul Rachman Forest Park. Utilization of forest land was assumed as the number of plant species that planted in forest land. The analysis of this research used multiple linear regressions to test factors that influence the number of plant species. This research showed that the number of plant species was influenced by duration of farming and land area size. It was revaled that longer duration of farming and larger community's land would increase the number of plant species that has economic values.

Keywords: land area, number of plant species, duration of farming, utilization of forest land.

42. Inventarisasi Hama Persemaian Di Hutan Tanaman Rakyat Desa Ngambur Kecamatan Bengkunat Belimbing Kabupaten Lampung Barat

Forest pest inventory is research activity to gather and arrange the data of pests existing in seedling periode. Pest inventory activites are used to determine pest types, the number and crop damage order to apply appropriate control. This research was aimed to identity the pest types and its attack levels at community plantation forest nursery. This research was conducted at Community Plantation Forest in Ngambur Village of Bengkunat subdistrict, West Lampung on April to May 2012. The collected data was identified taxonomically. The data was included of pest types, pest density, attack levels, and demages. All samples were collected using systematic method in diagonal pattern. The results was obtained 9 types in kadam nurseries, white albizia, and umbrella tree, which caterpillars (Daphnis hypothous), locust (Locusta migratoria),moths (Hyblaea puera), bag worm (Pteroma plagiophelps), bug (Cosmoleptrus sumatranus), mealy bug (Planococcus citri), leaf caterpillar (Doleschallia polibete), yellow butterfly (Eurema spp.), snail (Achatina fulica) and 1 type of insect predators that weaver ants (Oecophylla smaragdina). Insect population was high enough but not damage the plant nursery while the most dangerous insect pest was a bag worm (Pteroma plagiophelps) and moth (Hyblaea puera). Bag worm larvae cause severe damage, the loss on the leaves. The extent of damage by insect pests classified in the category of still mild attacks. Pest control can be done mechanically or chemically.

Keywords: community plantation forest, inventory of pests, Lampung, nursery

172. Analisis Pendapatan Dan Kesejahteraan Petani Agroforestri Di Kelurahan Sumber Agung Kecamatan Kemiling Kota Bandar Lampung

Forestry development always pay attention and aims to realize sustainable forest management (SFM) because its function is very important in supporting life and social welfare. This study aims to (1) identify the structure of agroforestry farmers' household income (2) to analyze the distribution of the income of farmers agroforestry (3) to analyze the level of poverty of farmers agroforestry. The samples in this study using simple random sampling method as much as 41 respondents. The results obtained from this study are: (1) The structure of the income of farmers at the village Sumber Agung agroforestry comes from agroforestry farming income of Rp 11,675,317.07 (68.67%), and the effort is not agroforestry Rp 5,327,804.88 (31.33%). (2) The distribution of the income of farmers at the Sumber Agung village agroforestry tend not evenly among farmers, with a gini ratio value of 0,4. (3) The poverty rate agroforestry farming family at the Sumber Agung village average are in the category of near poor and poor, amounting to 60.97%.

Keywords: income, income distribution, level of poverty

350. Identification of Medicinal Plants in The Area of KPPH Farmer at Talang Mulya on Wan Abdul Rachman Great Forest Park

Forests are a source of various types of medicinal plants. Plants that live wildly in forest areas are also included in the Forest Park area, Wan Abdul Rachman. Type identification is the first step for the use and preservation of these medicinal plants. Therefore a study was conducted which aims to determine the types, density of each population and the degree of dominance of each population of medicinal plants. This research was carried out in the farmer's group cultivated area of Kelompok Pengelola dan Pelestari Hutan (KPPH) Talang Mulya Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman. This research was conducted using a double plot method. The number of sample plots is 87 plots, each measuring 2m x 2m. The variables observed included plant species, the density of each population and the degree of dominance of each population of medicinal plants. The results of this study were identified 29 types of medicinal plants belonging to 18 plant families. The majority of medicinal plants are dominated by awar-awar, while the lowest is the curcuma and pepper. There are quite a lot of medicinal plants in the area cultivated by KPPH Talang Mulya farmers, but there are medicinal plants which are threatened by populations such as temulawak, allegedly because they are used by the community without cultivation.

Keyword: forest, forest park, medical plants.

604. The Role of Urban Forests as Carbon Sink: A Case Study in the Urban Forest of Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Forests have a role as carbon sinks and come under the spotlight when the world is facing the climate change problem. Urban forests have functions as the most effective carbon sinks. Banda Aceh City only has 7.15 ha of urban forest, and the vegetation that grows in the urban forest is essential for carbon emissions reduction. This study aimed to determine the potential tree biomass and carbon sink value in the BNI Urban Forest, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. This study used vegetation analysis by inventory method with the census sampling method. The diameter of all trees was measured, and tree biomass, carbon stocks, and carbon sequestration were calculated. This study identified 16 tree species in the BNI Urban Forest with a total of 318 individuals, showing Casuarina equisetifolia as the most dominant tree (163 trees). The above-ground biomass, carbon stock, and carbon sequestration by the vegetation in the BNI Urban Forest were 24.66 tons/ha, 11.59 tons/ha, and 42.51 tons/ha, respectively. This study presented the vegetation conditions and the potential of carbon sequestration, which can be used to monitor and evaluate the benefits of the existence of urban forests in Banda Aceh.

Keywords: carbon sequestration, carbon stock, green open space, tree biomass, urban forest

430. Penaksiran Riap Biomassa dan Riap Karbon pada Famili Sapindaceae di Kebun Raya Purwodadi (Biomass and Carbon Increments of Sapindaceae Family in Purwodadi Botanic Garden)

Global warming has adverse effects on human life, which can be prevented by planting many trees. Sapindaceae family has various purposes, particularly as fruit producers. However, research on the potential of the Sapindaceae family as a carbon sequester is still lacking. This study aimed to determine the annual increment of biomass and carbon absorption of 22 species from the Sapindaceae family in Purwodadi Botanic Garden. Data were collected using a non-destructive method in the Purwodadi Botanic Garden in July-September 2019. The research tool used in this research included stationery, roll meter, and tally sheet. Biomass was measured with the Kettering equation. The results revealed variations in the value of biomass and the carbon increment of each species. Three species of the Sapindaceae family that have biomass and high carbon increment were Litchi chinensis, Filicium decipiens, and Schleichera oleosa.

Keywords: biomass increment, carbon increment, global warming, sapindaceae family

147. Perbandingan Emisi Karbon Dengan Karbon Tersimpan Di Hutan Rakyat Desa Buana Sakti Kecamatan Batanghari Kabupaten Lampung Timur

Global warming is the increasing of the average temperature in the atmosphere, ocean, and mainland on Earth. Increasing of global warming was caused by air pollution of carbon emissions, among others, the use of LPG, the gasoline, and the electricity. The carbon emissions can be reduced by absorption of vegetation. This study compare the carbon emissions by in Buana Sakti Village with carbon stored in the private forest of Buana Sakti Village. The research objective was to determine the ratio of carbon emissions from the use of LPG, the gasoline, and the electricity with carbon stored on the vegetation in the private forest. The method used in this research is to calculate carbon emissions in the use of LPG, the gasoline, and the electricity. Carbon sequestration obtained from the calculation of the biomass of trees, understorey, and nekromassa. Carbon emissions by in Buana Sakti Village is 6,16 tons and the carbon stored in the Buana Sakti Village is 95,03 tons. From the data obtained, the private forest is able to tackle carbon emissions resulting from the use of LPG, the gasoline and, the electricity in the Buana Sakti Village. Therefore, the private forest must be preserved so that the amount of carbon in the atmosphere remain balanced and the public can still take advantage of the results of the private forest.

Keywords: carbon emissions, carbon stored, private forest

79. Identifikasi Dan Pemetaan Tanaman Aren (Arenga Pinnata) Plus Di Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Tahura Wan Abdul RachmanIdentifikasi Dan Pemetaan Tanaman Aren (Arenga Pinnata) Plus Di Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman

Great Forest Park of Wan Abdul Rachman has a suitable conditions for plus palm sugar (Arenga pinnata) plant, so that its plant has a great potential to be developed in the region. Related to its cultivation and development, the identification of plus palm sugar plant is needed in order to fulfill demand the planting material. The purpose of this research are to identify, to figure out the deployment location, and to create a spreading map of plus palm sugar plant. This research was conducted in the Integrated Conservation Education Forest At Great Forest Wan Abdul Rachman, collection of data was conducted by interview to all of the plus palm sugar plant tappers in the region, in order to collect the information about all the plus palm sugar plant that has productivity more than 15 liters/tree/day. The obtained result from the interview then it was verificated and categorized based on plus palm sugar plant criteria. Data of plus palm sugar plant, then recorded and overlayed in the map of base area At Great Forest Wan Abdul Rachman, to create a spreading map of plus palm sugar plant. This research showed that there were 16 plus palm sugar plant identified. Most of the plus palm sugar (93.75 %) growth on altitude of 400 - 525 upper sea level.Palm plus that have high productivity its those that growth with less of competition and managed in a good way.

Keywords:Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman, distribution map, identification, plus palm sugar plant

472. Green Open Space Development Pattern Using Landsat 8 OIL In Kecamatan Gresik Kabupaten Gresik, East Java

Green open space is a fortress of land or one that is open without any buildings that have size, shape and boundaries. The increase in the number of urban residents every year will affect the pattern of urban areas, namely the provision of green open space (RTH). Regulation Mentri Pekerjaan Umum No. 05/PRT/W/2008 concerning Guidelines for the Provision and Utilization of RTH in Urban Areas. The decrease in the quantity of green open space is one of the causes of increasing population or urban areas and is supported by changes in the use of industrial land. The measurement of green open space measurement utilizes remote sensing technology, so far it is more audible among students of satellite imagery with various spatial resolutions. This study uses Landsat satellite imagery 8 OLI (Onboard Operational Land Imager). Landsat 8 OLI imagery was launched in 2013 carrying bands 1-9, this image has a spatial resolution of 30- 15 m. The analysis used by researchers is the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), one of the methods that can be accessed by the density of the canopy and shrubs of green open space by using satellite images, land use maps to see land use classes and using the method of testing the correctness of interpretation to determine the types of plants that there is a green open space. Landsat 8 OLI imagery data used in (2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019) and the RTRW Plan Map as indicators of land use.

257. Analisis Preferensi Pakan Drop In Rusa Sambar (Cervus unicolor) dan Rusa Totol (Axis axis) di Penangkaran PT. Gunung Madu Plantations Lampung Tengah

Gunung Madu Plantations (GMP) has built deer sanctuary as a part of conservation effort for sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) and spotted deer (Axis axis), this faunas has suppresed by extinction in its natural habitat which means need to be protected by ex-situ concervation effort. Important to conduct the research with aimed to recognize deer's preference towards its served feeder (drop-in) and its availability. The research conducted in October to November 2015 in GMP's deer sanctuary . The method used in the research palatability test method and direct observation method through 8 tail sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) and 10 tail spotted deer (Axis axis). According to the result, food preference of deer in GMP's Deer Sanctuary were elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum)25.9 %, sauhen grass (Penicum colonum) 22.25%, rayutan (Hypoestes polythyrsa) 21.87%, lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) 21.24% and rice mixture (Oryza sativa) 8.74%.

Keywords: Preference, Sambar deer (Cervus unicolor), Spotted deer (Axis axis), Sanctuary

258. Analisis Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung Air di Divisi I dan Divisi II PT. Gunung Madu Plantations Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Provinsi Lampung

Gunung Madu Plantations (GMP) Inc. contained high biodiversity, one of that is water birds in its plantation. Division I and Division II are known as the places where diverse water birds inhabited. Gunung Madu Plantation Inc. It self didn't have database of water birds biodiversity yet. According to these, the research need to be done to analyze water birds biodiversity in Division I and Division II of GMP Inc. The research was conducted in October-November 2015, which used of point count method. The study showed about 10 species were found with total individual about 3420 individual, which included within 4 families; Ardeidae, Alcedinidae, Anatidae and Rallidae. The biodiversity index about (H'=2,137), which categorized as mediocre level, in stable condition and eveness point about (J=0,928).

Keywords: biodiversity, water birds, point count

125. Ukuran Kelompok Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca Fascicularis) Di Hutan Desa Cugung Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung Gunung Rajabasa Lampung Selatan

Gunung Rajabasa is in register 3, under Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung (KPHL, Management Unit of Protected Trees) Gunung Rajabasa. Cugung is village under KPHL Gunung Rajabasa owns a local forest with high diversity, especially long-tailed macaques. Research was conducted in October - November 2014. Habituation was done, concentration count was applied in 4 location its groups size in Cugung is 17-22 individuals. Group composition is 4-5 males, 6-9 females, 1-3 young males, 1-3 young famales and 1-2 infants.

Keywords: Local Forest , KPHL Gunung Rajabasa, long-tailed macaques, group size

405. Interpretasi Sifat Fisik Tanah Untuk Proses Percepatan Pertumbuhan Keanekaragaman Hayati Tanaman Hutan Melalui Dung Beetle

Habitat tanah hutan yang dijadikan sebagai tempat hidup dung beetle  merupakan indikator dalam kesuburan tanah yang dapat diketahui melalui kadar air, kepadatan, analisa saringan, berat jenis dan volume tanah. Salah satu binatang serangga yang menjadi peran dalam fungsi siklus nutrisi dan aerasi tanah adalah dung beetle. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini penting untuk mengetahui sifat fisik tanah terhadap proses percepatan pertumbuhan biodiversitas tanaman hutan melalui dung beetle. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat fisik tanah sebagai tempat tinggal dung beetle. Tempat penelitian di Arboretum III Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Universitas Lampung pada Blok Pemanfaatan Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman. Penelitian dilakukan di Tahura WAR dan di Laboratorium Mekanika Tanah Fakultas Tehnik Universitas Lampung, pada November-Desember 2018. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu kadar air 49,56%, berat jenis tanah 2,44 gram, berat volume tanah kering 0,99 gr/cm3, persentase lolos saringan no. 40 dengan diameter saringan 0,475 adalah 71,08%, dan kadar air optimum  sebesar 28%. Pada sifat fisik tanah tersebut terjadi proses penggalian tanah, proses penggemburan, proses penyimpanan feses dan proses penyelamatan biji tanaman hutan. Penelitian lanjutan diperlukan untuk melihat kapan biji-biji yang diselamatkan oleh dung beetle tumbuh.

148. Kajian Perilaku Dan Analisis Kandungan Gizi Pakan Drop In Beruang Madu (Helarctos Malayanus) Di Taman Agro Satwa Dan Wisata Bumi Kedaton

Honey bear population in the wild is currently declined due to land clearing and poaching. The effort that is be made to prevent the extinction of honey bears is through ex situ conservation, as practiced by Taman Agro Satwa dan Wisata Bumi Kedaton in Bandar Lampung. The behavior and nutrient content of drop in feed are affect of succesfully honey bear ex-situ conservation in TASWBK. The aim of this research are to analyze the daily behaviour , the kind of drop in feed, valatability of feed and find out the value of nutrient content in drop in feed in the captive. This research has done on mei, 2015. The research metode of daily behaviour used focas, the kind of drop in feed used descriptive analyze. Nutrient content of drop in feed use proximat analyzed and methode of approach the composition of material food indonesia. And supported by interview and literatur study. The locomotion behaviour of male and female honey bear has the highest proportion, there are 55.35% and 51.06%. The lowest percentage of male and female honey bear behavior there are feeding behavior (16.79% and 12.13%). The kind of drop in feed thats given by TASWBK there are papaya, tubers and muli banana. The biggest number of consumption drop in feed that is papaya (6.120 gr/day) for male honey bear and (3.930 gr/day) for female honey bear. The highest of feed nutrient contents per day, there are water and content ash from papaya amounted to 5,306.04 grams, 36.72 grams and 30.6 grams, fiber and fat from muli banana of 12.85 grams and 7.35 grams.

Keywords: honey bear, daily behavior, nutrient content of drop in feed in Taman Agro Satwa dan Wisata Bumi Kedaton

5. Analisis Finansial Usaha Budidaya Lebah Madu Apis Cerana Fabr. di Dusun Sidomukti Desa Buana Sakti Kecamatan Batanghari Kabupaten Lampung Timur

Honey consumption in Indonesia 10 gr/capital/year, nevertheless the honey production only 3 gr/capital/year (Murtidjo, 2011). Due to the highest demand of honey so it is needed honey bee enterprises. The purpose of this research was to know on financial feasibility of the Apis cerana Fabr. honey bee enterprises. The research was conducted at Sub Village Sidomukti Village Buana Sakti Sub District Batanghari East Lampung on March - April 2012 used method interview with questionnaires and observation-directly used R/C Ratio and BEP (Break Event Point). The results showed that the Apis cerana Fabr. honey bee enterprises in Sub Village Sidomukti using stup and glodok (traditional stup). Based on economic life stup and glodok for two years so financially viable honey bee enterprises performed using stup media with the value of R/C ratio > 1 is 1,616 with number to be produced to reach the breakevent point were 75 stup or at price  Rp 174.807,94/stup so the honey bee farmers will get benefit of Apis cerana Fabr. honey bee enterprises.

Keywords: Apis cerana Fabr., financial analysis, honeybee

4. Manajemen Penangkaran Lebah Madu (Apis Cerana Fabr.) di Desa Buana Sakti Kecamatan Batanghari Kabupaten Lampung Timur

Honey forest are one of beekeeping product that can developed by honey bees breeding method.In order to remain sustainable production of honey breeding, agood breeding management is significantly needed. The purpose of this research was to identify and evaluate the breeding management of Apis cerana Fabr. honey bee based onthe indicator and parameter assessment of technical requirement planning, the technique, the implementation, and the products of breeding. This research was conducted from February 2012 until April 2012 in the Buana Sakti Village, District of Batanghari, East Lampung. The method used in this research is field observations and questionnairy interviews. The analysis applied in this reseacrh is quantitative and qualitative method, comparing the data collection from the field to the criteria and indicator of breeding management assessment. The results of this research showed that the aspect of technical requirement planning and the breeding products are considered good, it is because it has accomplished the requirement. While the aspect of breeding technique and implementation are considered not good, it is caused by the limited competence of bee farmer and the breeding methods. Overally, the breeding management of Apis cerana Fabr. honey bee in Buana Sakti village for all aspects is considered good. The breeding management of Apis cerana Fabr. honey bee in Buana Sakti village needs to be well improved, particularly in term of technique and implemetation of breeding to obtain the maximum quality of honey bee breeding.

Keywords : Apis cerana Fabr., bee breeding management, bee conservation


Hutan karet yang merupakan habitat rayap dibuka dan dibersihkan sebagian untuk lahan permukiman. Dalam pembersihan lahan tersebut, sering meninggalkan tunggul dan tumpukan ranting-ranting pohon di atas atau dalam tanah yang menjadi sumber makanan berkelanjutan bagi rayap sampai bangunan rumah selesai sehingga akhirnya kehadiran rayap meluas ke struktur kayu bangunan rumah dan menjadi hama perusak.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeteksi kehadiran rayap pada bangunan rumah yang berada di Kawasan Hutan Karet Gundaling, juga di luar bangunan rumah (pekarangan rumah yang berbatasan dengan pinggir hutan karet) melalui tanda-tanda infestasi. Sebanyak dua puluh bangunan rumah disurvei.  Pemeriksaan visual tanda-tanda infestasi rayap dilakukan pada dan di luar bangunan rumah serta mencatat komponen bangunan dari bahan kayu yang rusak karena infestasi rayap. Sampel rayap dikumpulkan dengan metode penangkapan langsung dari tabung kembara dan sarang pada dan di luar bangunan rumah yang disurvei. Kehadiran rayap dari genus Nasutitermes ditemukan pada tiga bangunan rumah melalui tanda-tanda infestasi berupa tabung kembara, sarang karton, dan komponen bangunan kayu yang rusak, terutama pada dinding, daun jendela, dan tawing layar. Sementara di luar bangunan rumah, genus Nasutitermes ditemukan melalui tanda-tanda infestasi berupa tabung kembara, sarang karton arboreal dan genus Coptotermes berupa tabung perlindungan.  

Kata kunci : hutan karet, kehadiran rayap, bangunan rumah, tanda-tanda infestasi


Rubber jungle that is termites habitat is opened and partially cleared for settlement land. In the land clearing, often leave stumps and piles of branches of trees on or in the soil that becomes a sustainable food source for termites until the house is completed so that the presence of termites eventually extends to the wooden structure of the house building and becomes a destructive pest. The aim of this research was to detect the presence of termites in the house building located in the Gundaling Rubber Jungle Area, also outside the house building (the yard of the house adjacent to the rubber jungle edge) through signs of infestation. Twenty buildings were surveyed. Visual inspection of termite infestation signs was conducted in and outside the house building and noted the building components of wood damaged by termite infestation. The Termite specimens were collected by direct sampling method from mud tubes and nests in and outside the surveyed house building. The presence of termites from the genus Nasutitermes was found in three house buildings through signs of infestation, in the form of  mud tubes, carton nests, and damaged wooden building components, especially on walls, window shutters, and gable. Meanwhile outside the house building, Genus Nasutitermes was found through signs of infestation in the form of a mud tubes, arboreal carton nest and genus Coptotermes in the form of shelter tubes.

Keywords: rubber jungle, the presence of termites, house building, signs of infestation


422. Nilai Manfaat Hutan Lindung Register 21 Perintian Batu bagi Masyarakat Desa Bayas Jaya Kecamatan Way Khilau Kabupaten Pesawaran

Hutan lindung dapat memberikan manfaat baik dari produk hasil hutan bukan kayu maupun jasa lingkungan.  Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi nilai ekonomi kawasan dan produk hasil hutan, bentuk dan nilai jasa lingkungan serta tingkat ketergantungan masyarakat Desa Bayas Jaya terhadap kawasan hutan lindung Register 21 Perintian Batu.  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November hingga Desember 2018 di Desa Bayas Jaya Kecamatan Way Khilau Kabupaten Pesawaran.  Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara langsung (direct interview) terhadap responden yang dipilih dengan teknik random sampling.  Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif analitik.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai ekonomi Hutan Lindung Register 21 Perintian Batu adalah sebesar Rp.,-/tahun, sementara sampai saat ini belum ada produk hasil hutan yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat.  Bentuk kontribusi jasa lingkungan dari kawasan adalah air, dengan nilai kontribusinya sebesar Rp. 246.196.150,-/tahun.  Tingkat ketergantungan masyarakat terhadap kawasan hutan adalah sebesar 95%. 


Identification of land cover is the first step to seeing the distribution and type of cover on an island. The problem of accessibility and availability of high-resolution remote sensing data is the cause of the lack of research on small islands including the identification of land cover. This study aims to identify land cover using unmanned aircraft (UAV) technology that produces very high-resolution images. Classification and delineation are carried out using automatic segmentation methods and manual digitization. The results of the study showed that 14 cover classes were consisting of 8 cover classes in the vegetated category and 6 cover classes in the non-vegetated category. The forest cover of Mansinam Island has a proportion of 75.5% or an area of 302.4 ha and is evenly distributed in all parts of the island. If the details are made, primary forest cover has a proportion of 31.91% or 127.74 ha and secondary forest of 43.63% or 174.68 ha. The land cover classification of this study has an overall accuracy of 0.96 or 96% and a kappa coefficient of 0.94 or 94%. In the future, studies like this need to be tested for corrections using GCP points to improve the accuracy of orthophoto images.

225. Pengaruh Perubahan Lahan, Tingkat Kemiskinan Dan Pendapatan Beberapa Sektor Perekonomian Terhadap Indeks Pembangunan Manusia : Studi Di Provinsi Lampung

In each region that are transitioning from an agricultural economic activity to industrial economic activity has always faced deforestation or forest cover changes in Lampung Province. Changes in forest cover can affect the value of the Human Development Index(HDI). One of the cause of forest decline is a result of poverty sourced by low access to land resources. Furthermore, revenue in the sectors of the economy if hypothesized was also influenced by changes in the value of the HDI. This study aims to determine the impact of changes in forest cover and land, poverty, and income in the economic sectors of the IPM. This study was conducted in September 2015-January 2016, which consists of laboratory activity, namely the determination of land cover change in 2002, 2009, and 2013 through processing of satellite imagery data and then continued with field checks. Data of the poverty, income in the economic sectors and IPM obtained through the acquisition of data from the BPS. Multiple linear regression modelling applied to the response variable HDI with explanatory variables such as changes in forest cover and human welfare indicators. Optimization parameters used Minitab 11. The conclusions of the results of the regression modelling showed that the proportion of state forests (p value = 0.037), community forests (p value =0.009), fields (p value = 0.040), open land (p value = 0.307), poverty (p value = 0.595), disadvantaged families (p value = 0.034)and economic growth (p value =0.146) could decrease the performance of HDI next two years. While the land up (p value = 0.675), GDP in the transport sector (p value = 0.002), communications (p value = 0.071), services sector (p value = 0.067)and in others (p value = 0.066)can markedly increase the number IPM in Lampung province.

Keywords: Forest cover, HDI, Poverty, Sector of Economy.

426. Tingkat Ketergantungan Masyarakat Desa Ngablak Terhadap Hutan di Kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi

In general, the people living around the forest have a high dependence on the surrounding forests. This study aims to determine the level of community dependence on forests in Mount Merapi National Park. This research was conducted in Ngablak Resort Serumbung Village, Mount Merapi National Park from June to July 2020. To answer the above objectives, the method used in this study is a descriptive approach by conducting interviews, observation, and literature review. Data analysis was carried out by descriptive analysis. The results showed that the level of community dependence on forest areas in Mount Merapi National Park was in a high category (53.13%) and the level of dependence of community income on forest areas in Mount Merapi National Park was very high (84.38%). This illustrates that the community desperately needs forest land in the Mount Merapi National Park area to fulfill their household economic needs with various superior commodities such as salak, tubers, and vegetable business

615. Stakeholders Study on Handling Evidence of Forestry Crimes (Case Study of Timber Theft at BKPH Sengguruh KPH Malang)

In the case of forest wood theft in the Perum Perhutani area at BKPH Sengguruh KPH Malang, there is a case of wood theft where the evidence and the suspected perpetrator are still under investigation. The role of the Sumberejo Village stakeholders is also questioned if, in the case, the perpetrator is a resident of the Village. The research method used in determining the informants is purposive sampling. The results of the interviews in the form of data will then be analyzed using the stakeholder analysis method. The result is the flow of handling evidence for forestry crimes theft of wood. If evidence is found at the end of the handling process would be sales at the Perhutani store. The interests and influences of 8 stakeholders related to the handling of evidence of the crime of wood theft at BKPH Sengguruh KPH Malang are classified into four categories of stakeholders, namely: Key Players, consisting of the Deputy Chairman of the KPH Malang and Unit II of the Malang Resort Police and Criminal Investigation Unit; Subject, consisting of KBKPH Sengguruh, KRPH Rejosari, Head of TPK Rejosari KPH Malang; Context Setter, consisting of the Branch of the Malang Regional Forestry Service and the Headman of Sumberejo Village; Crowd, consisting of the Secretary of LMDH Gotongan Sumberejo Village. The form of relationship between stakeholders in the form of communication has a strong relationship. In contrast, the coordination and collaboration relationship does not yet cover all the stakeholders involved, so it is concluded that the latter is not strong enough.


In this research, biodegradation and fermentation of agricultural waste from rice straw, heaf, corn lump and pineapple sediment have been carried out by three local isolates. This study aims to determine the ability of local isolates to biodegrade agricultural waste and to know the biodegradation ability of local isolate fungi. The next is to improve the digestibility of nutrients in animal feed. This research phase includes the process of rejuvenating isolates, glucose standards, isolate growth, optimum activity, biodegradation by isolates and fermentation. The results showed that cell growth in OD (optical density) wavelength of 600 nm E-2-1 isolates was 3.00 at 48 hours incubation as superior isolates. S-5-19 isolates were 2.23, S-5-24 isolates were 2,81 each at 36 hours incubation. The enzyme activity of E-2-1 isolates was 2.50 U / mL at incubation at 48 hours as superior isolates compared to E-5-19 isolates of  2.33 U/mL and S-5-24 isolates of 2.22 U/mL at 36 hours incubation. Single culture biodegradation of E-2-1 isolates was 21.4%, S-5-19 was 27.3%, and S-5-24 isolates were 25.1% each on the 6th day incubation. Biodegradation of the isolate consortium on rice straw substrate by 41.3%,  heaf by 41.1%, corn lump by 41.5%, and pineapple sediment by 43.9%. each on the 6th day incubation.

333. Optimization Strategy of Implementation Fundamental Duty, Function and Authority Forest Ranger

Increasing disturbances in forest sustainability lead to the notion that the implementation of the main duties, functions, and authorities of the forestry police (polhut) is not optimal. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation and identify and find alternative strategies for optimizing the implementation of the main duties, functions, and authorities of the forest police in Way Kambas National Park (TNWK). Data retrieval is done by interview, observation, and documentation. The results of the study show that the internal elements of the polhut have the strength is the protection of laws and regulations that are strong enough by the legislation that applies so that the element of weakness is lack of financial support, facilities, and infrastructure. The external element of opportunity is the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 45 of 2004 concerning Forest Protection and Law Number 41 of 1999 concerning forestry, while the threat factors are poverty and unemployment. The choice of strategies found is maximizing and increasing the ability of the forest police, maximizing the infrastructure facilities and utilizing the opportunity to receive cooperation from partners. Optimization program strategy by maintaining and developing existing programs, developing the participation of local communities and indigenous peoples, and integrating all Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 45 of 2004 concerning Forest protection and Law Number 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry.

Keyword: strategy of optimalization, polhut, national park

133. Study of Nutrition Content Food Drop in Deer in PT. Gunung Madu Plantations

Increasing the number of individual deer in captivity indicates an increase in the deer population. One of the factors affecting the increase in the deer population is a drop in the quality of feed and nutritional value adequate for deer. Therefore it is necessary to investigate the type of feed and feed nutrient content in captive deer drop in PT Gunung Madu Plantations (GMP). Nutrient content of feed drop in deer obtained through the proximate analysis by taking a sample of 100 grams per sample feed. This type of feed given drop in manager consists of the main feed forage consisting of grass and leaves, in the form of rice bran concentrate feed, and feed the tubers were given every month. Based on proximate analysis that has been made known that the feed drop-in provided by the organizer captivity contains good nutrition, as seen in the high water content, extract ingredients without nitrogen (BETN) high, protein and fibers that do not differ greatly in value and fat content is not excessive.

Keywords: Drop in Feed Nutrition, Feeding Deer, Captive Deer PT. GMP

640. Menelaah Publikasi Pengelolaan Hutan Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pada Masyarakat Adat di Indonesia Tahun 2000-2021

Indigenous peoples are increasingly given space to manage customary forests with their local wisdom, especially with the existence of social forestry programs in Indonesia. There have been fewer studies of communities in forest management than other schemes, although the development of studies conducted in Indonesia. This paper aims to reviewing publication which relates between forest and local wisdom by indigenous people in Indonesia through literature study. There are 73 relevant publications related to indigenous peoples and their local wisdom with the three keywords "customary forest", "customary forest and ethnoecology", and "local wisdom and customary forest". Furthermore, screening was carried out and 43 publications were obtained that explicitly describe 40 local pearls of wisdom of indigenous peoples' groups in managing forests. This study indicates that most of the previous studies did not examine aspects other than socio-cultural aspects, such as economic aspects which can be studied in 381 other districts in Indonesia. Then, there are three elements of local wisdom that are also less studied: rituals, zoning, and sanctions from the local wisdom of indigenous peoples in managing their customary forests.


Masyarakat adat semakin diberikan ruang untuk mengelola hutan adat dengan kearifan lokal yang dimilikinya terlebih adanya program perhutanan sosial di Indonesia. Studi tentang masyarakat dalam mengelola hutan cenderung lebih sedikit dibandingkan skema lainnya, meskipun adanya perkembangan studi yang dilakukan di Indonesia. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menelaah publikasi terkait pengelolaan hutan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat adat dengan kearifan lokal di Indonesia dengan menggunakan studi literatur. Terdapat 73 publikasi yang relevan terkait masyarakat adat dan kearifan lokalnya dengan tiga kata kunci "hutan adat", "hutan adat dan etnoekologi", dan "kearifan lokal dan hutan adat". Selanjutnya dilakukan screening dan didapatkan 43 publikasi yang secara eksplisit menggambarkan 40 kearifan lokal masyarakat adat dalam mengelola hutan. Hasil studi ini menunjukan bahwa sebagian besar studi terdahulu kurang mengkaji aspek-aspek lainnya di luar aspek sosial-budaya, seperti aspek ekonomi yang dapat ditelaah pada 381 kabupaten lainnya di Indonesia. Kemudian, terdapat tiga unsur kearifan lokal yang juga kurang ditelaah yaitu ritual, zonasi, dan sanksi dari kearifan lokal masyarakat adat dalam mengelola hutan adatnya. Terakhir, terdapat tiga permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh oleh masyarakat adat yaitu pada ancaman semakin pudarnya kearifan lokal dan kurangnya dukungan untuk pengakuan keberadaan mereka.

218. Studi Wisata Pengamatan Burung (Birdwatching) Di Lahan Basah Desa Kibang Pacing Kecamatan Menggala Timur Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Provinsi Lampung

Indonesia have a wide wetland area, 21% of its lands area is a wetland comprising more than 38 million hectare. Kibang pacing village at east menggala district is one of the wetlands in the lampung province that have a plenty species of bird comprising 40 species of21 families (Triyanah, 2014). Further research was needed to determine the potential bird species that will be used as attraction bird (birdwatching) in terms of its conservation status and ecological status. This research was aimed to determine the potential bird that will be used as birdwatching object, compare the result with the former research result that has been done by Triyanah at 2014, determine the effect of habitat conditions and vegetation type to the existence and activity of the bird, and knowing society perception about birdwatching. This research was using point count method, rapid assessment, and semistructured interview. The research found 27 endemic species of birds and 13 species of birds categorized as protected. Habitat condition and vegetation type was affecting the presence and birds activity. Most of the birds was found in gelam vegetation because there was a plenty source of food. Society was fully support the development of birdwatching tourism in the kibang pacing village.

Keywords: Birdwatching, Kibang pacing, wetland

454. Potensi Pengembangan Wisata Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Taman Hutan Kota Langsa

Indonesia memiliki potensi yang sangat besar dalam pengembangan ekowisata. Salah satu daerah yang pemerintahnya sedang gencar melakukan pengembangan dan mempromosikan daerahnya adalah Kota Langsa. Daerah ini telah di nobatkan sebagai salah satu kota tujuan wisata di Propinsi Aceh. Salah satu objek wisata alam di Kota Langsa saat ini adalah wisata Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Taman Hutan Kota atau di kenal juga dengan sebutan hutan lindung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai potensi daya tarik Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Taman Hutan Kota Langsa. Dalam Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penilaian berdasarkan penilaian standar daya tarik alam dan konservasi alam PHKA 2003. Penelitian ini menggunakan pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner dan observasi langsung di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan skor nilai rata-rata 394,83 yang diperoleh dari RTH Taman Hutan Kota Langsa yang memperoleh skor B artinya RTH Taman Hutan Kota Langsa cukup potensial untuk dikembangkan.

473. Antimicrobial Activity of Ten Extractives from Toba, North Sumatra and Mt. Merapi National Park Regions, Indonesia

Investigating beneficial chemical compounds of plant extracts is one of the ways to prevent biodiversity loss. This study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of indigenous plant extracts from Toba, North Sumatra, and Mt. Merapi National Park regions against Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, and Candida tropicalis by calculating the zone of microbial growth inhibition. Among the plant extracts, T5 that identified asToona sinensisshowed the highestmicrobial inhibitionto the growth of C. albicans, B. subtilis, S. typhi, and E. coli with the diameter growth of approximately 2.00, 1.80, 1.33, and 1.33 cm, respectively. Based on those results, T. sinensis was thensubsequently fractionated using n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol, respectively.The resulted fractions also were evaluated for antimicrobial bioassay. All fractions have shown activity in inhibiting the growth of the microbes at 1% concentration. However, each fraction showedgrowth inhibition against certain microbes. The n-hexane fraction showed the greatest inhibitory activity for E. coli and S. typhi; ethyl acetate fraction for B. subtilis and C. albicans; and methanol fraction for E. coli and S. typhi. The results revealed that T. sinensis plant extract has great potential asan antimicrobial agent. Further investigation is needed to observe the mode of antimicrobial action of fractionated crude extracts of T. Sinensis. The exploring potency of Indonesian biodiversity opened up a new way for the utilization of plants for economic development and conservation.

Keywords: antimicrobial plants, indigenous knowledge, Toba-North Sumatra, Mt. Merapi

263. Tingkat Serangan Hama pada Tanaman Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.) di Desa Negara Ratu II Kecamatan Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan

Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.) is one of the selected trees as plantation forest in Indonesia. The constrain of jabon plantation is various species of insects which become the pests. Therefore, this research was aimed to discover the damage level of jabon plantation the consequence of the pest attack on jabon forest in Negararatu II village, Natar district of South Lampung. This study was conducted from July to September 2015. The sampling method is systematically multiple plot. The plot size is 20 m x 20 m and distance of each plots is 10 m, hence the amount of the plots are 18. The result showed there were some insects species wich become the pest of jabon such as bagworm (Mahasena corbetti), grasshopper (Locusta migratoria), leafhopper (Bothrogonia sp.), and stem borer (Zeuzera sp.) that inflict damage level about  30,4% - 62,4%.

Keywords: damage level, jabon, pest

177. Uji Daya Simpan Benih Jengkol (Pithecellobium Lobatum) Dengan Menggunakan Beberapa Media Simpan

Jengkol (Pithecellobium lobatum) is one of MPTs that is included of Fabaceae Family.  Jengkol seed is counted as recalcitrant, which is could not defend it is viability when it is stored at low temperature and humidity. The study aims were to determine the effect of storage time and storage media to storability of jengkol seed, storage media effective to maintain the jengkol seed viability, and the interaction between the storage media and the storage time to jengkol seed. The research design of factorial (3 x 4) in a completely randomized was employed as a research method. The first factor was the storage time (T) which was consisted of T0 (without storage), T1 (2 weeks of storage), T2 (4 weeks of storage), and T3 (6 weeks of storage). Second factor was storage media (M) which was consisted of M0 (without storage media), M1 (sawdust storage media), and M2 (rice husk storage media). For each combination treatment was repeated 3 times. Each unit of experiments consisted of 40 seeds. The observed variables were germinated seeds in storage, the number of germinated seeds, avarage day to germination and germination power. Bartlett test was used to figure out the homogenity of datas. Varians analysis was at least one used to see if there was at least one significant treatment. The smalles significant differences test was used as further test. The entire data were tested on 5% significant level. The results showed that storage of jengkol seed using rice husk for storage media with storage time of 6 weeks gave the best effect for maintaining the shelf life of the seeds. The most effective media to maintain the viability of jengkol seeds is rice husk which can defend the jengkol seeds viability up to 6 weeks of storage.

Keywords: jengkol, germination, storage media, storage time

37. Keberhasilan Hidup Setek Pucuk Jabon (Anthocephalus Cadamba) Dengan Pemberian Beberapa Konsentrasi Rootone-F

Kadam (Anthocephalus cadamba) is one types of three possible to develop in plantation forest or public forest to suply log necessity in Indonesia. However, the silviculture information on kadam development is still limited especially in providing nurseries. The objective of this research was to find out survival percentage, shooting ability, and rooting ability of kadam shoot cutting with some concentrations of Rootone-F addmited. This research used completely randomized design with four treatments and five replications. Treatments were soaking the bud of kadam shoot cuttings with some of the following Rootone-F concentrations: 0 ppm, 100 ppm, 200 ppm, and 300 ppm. Variables to observe were survival percentages, shoot lengths, shoot diameters, root lengths, and leaf numbers. The results showed that Rootone-F addmited with 200 ppm concentration resulted in the best shoot height, root length, and leaf numbers of kadam shoot cuttings compared with concentrations of 1 ppm, 100 ppm, and 300 ppm. The kadam shoot cutting with 200 ppm Rootone-F concentration had 96% survival, 20.47 cm shoot length, 19.60 root length, and 6.18 leafs. The conclusion was that the concentration of 200 ppm Rootone-F gives the best results.

Keywords: kadam, Rootone-F, shoot cutting

43. Upaya Perbaikan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jabon (Anthocephalus Cadamba) Dengan Pemberian Pupuk Kompos Kotoran Sapi Pada Beberapa Ketinggian Tempat

Kadam is one of short rotation plant species because it has a rapid growth. Kadam does not require special treatment to maintenance. General plant maintenance in the early planting was fertilizer. The organic fertilizer such as cow manure compost which added to soil could increase the nutrients substance. The objectives of this research to know the effect of cow manure compost, the best dosage of cow manure compost, and the best altitude for kadam growth. The research was conducted on June - October 2012 at community plantations forest area in West Lampung. The research was arranged in the Block Randomized Design (BRD) with 3 block and 6 treatment. The altitude as block were 124 m, 118 m, and 116 m above sea level. The dosage cow manure compost as treatment were 0 kg/plant, 2 kg/plant, 3 kg/plant, 4 kg/plant, 5 kg/plant, and 6 kg/plant. Bartlett test, analysis of variance, and least significant difference at 5% level were used to analysis of this data. The results of this research showed that dosage of cow manure compost had no significant effect on all variables. Where as the altitude had effect on numbers of leaves only.

Keywords: altitude, cow manure, fertilizer, kadam

60. Respon Pertumbuhan Bibit Jabon (Anthocephalus Cadamba) Dengan Pemberian Kompos Kotoran Sapi Pada Media Penyapihan

Kadam is one type of fast growing trees species. One of the factors that affect plant growth are nutrients, the use of organic fertilizer such as cow manure compost soil mix additive during planting can increase nutrient substances in the soil that plants need for growth. The purpose of this experiment was to study the growth response of kadam seedling at different mixing ratio betwen soil with cow manure compost at seedling growth media and the best comparison of soil mixed with cow manure compost where gave the best effect on the growth of kadam seedling. The experiment was conducted from March until June 2012 in the nursery PT Subur Anugrah Sejahtera, District of Kaur, Sub District Air Palawan. The method used in this experiment was randomized block design (RBD) with 5 groups and 5 treatments.  Treatment of this experiment were growth media consisted of top soil, top soil + compost (1:1), top soil + compost (1:2), top soil + compost (1:3) and top soil + compost (1:4). Each experimental unit consisted of 10 seedlings. Similarity variety tested with Bartlett test, then performed analysis of variance and comparison of average values between treatments with HSD test, all the tests done at 5% significance level. The results showed that composition of soil and cow manure compost significantly affect to height, seedling height, dry weight of root, and seedling quality index. Composition of soil and cow manure compost 1:2 resulted the best of high growth, seedling high, dry weight of root, and the best seedling quality index respectively 42.64 cm, 40.56 cm, 10.22 g, and 8.73 g. For further research recommended to conduct the same study by replacing the type by cow manure compost white chiken manure compost as a growth media seedling so, can obtain new knowledge about the type of compost with for growth media.

Keywords: compost, growth media, kadam

256. Populasi dan Pola Penyebaran Kantong Semar (Nepenthes gracilis) di Rhino Camp Resort Sukaraja Atas Kawasan Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (TNBBS)

Kantong semar (Nepenthes gracilis) classified as carnivorous plants which could be found within some forests area in Indonesia in various forms. The uniqueness from this plants is on its pitcher shape which constructed from its leaf as the defense mechanism, particularly to gain nutrition.  Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBSNP), particularly rhino camp, sukaraja atas resort has become one of its habitat, therefore this place is essential through its sustainability. Due to the fact that less data available about N. gracilis in that location, so that this research was need to be done. The research was conducted in February 2016 with the aims to determined the population and dissemination pattern of N. gracilis in rhino camp, sukaraja atas resort, BBSNP. The data was collected by line transects which placed purposively. The results shown that there was 2079 pitcher of N. gracilis disseminated on six transects. About 60% N. gracilis covered locations plot observations with highest quantitative parameter value was situated on 3rd transect with the density (D) 11, 08 pitcher/ha, relative density (DR) 26, 67%, frequency (F) 0,150%, relative frequency (FR) 25, 08% and the lowest was on sixth transect with the density (D) 1,200 pitcher/ha, relative density (DR) 28, 9%, frequency (F) 0,041%, relative frequency (FR) 6,85. The dissemination pattern included as assembled in the altitude 615-645 meters above sea level.

Keywords: Nepenthes, Population, Sukaraja Atas, BBSNP

606. Peran Para Pihak Dalam Mengimplementasikan Program Penghijauan Untuk Greenbelt Pesisir Pantai Di Yogyakarta International Airport

Kawasan bandara Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) terletak di kawasan rawan bencana pesisir pantai, baik abrasi maupun tsunami. Kawasan selatan Bandara YIA awalnya merupakan lahan tambak masyarakat yang saat ini berhasil diubah menjadi greenbelt. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran para pihak dan strategi yang digunakan dalam mengalihgunakan lahan tambak menjadi lahan greenbelt untuk mitigasi bencana pesisir pantai. Teknik pengumpulan data mencakup wawancara, observasi, dan studi pustaka. Dalam penelitian ini telah diwawancarai key informan sebanyak 36 orang untuk mengetahui kronologi pengalihgunaan lahan pertambakan masyarakat menjadi areal yang berhasil ditanam berbagai jenis pohon untuk greenbelt. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis jejaring sosial (Social Network Analysis) dengan pengukuran degree centrality, closeness centrality, dan betweenness centrality. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sejumlah Kementerian/Lembaga Pusat, BUMN (PT Angkasa Pura I), Pemerintah Daerah saling terkait dalam merencanakan dan mengimplementasikan grand desain mitigasi bencana Kawasan greenbelt YIA. Para pihak umumnya menggunakan pendekatan regulasi (coercion) dan mendominasi informasi kepada petani tambak sehingga mereka berhasil meninggalkan areal pertambakannya tanpa ganti rugi sama sekali. Sedangkan BPDASHL SOP dinilai paling berperan dan berpengaruh dalam merencanakan dan mengimplementasikan kegiatan penghijauan di lokasi greenbelt dan strategi yang digunakan cenderung menggunakan insentif program penghijauan dengan menyediakan bibit, upah penanaman dan pemeliharaan kepada kelompok tani.


Kegiatan praktikum (pendidikan) dan penelitian merupakan hal yang rutin dilaksanakan dalam suatu laboratorium pendidikan.  Dalam pelaksanaannya diperlukan peralatan dan bahan agar kegiatan tersebut berjalan dengan baik. Salah satu peralatan kategori 2 yang dimilki oleh laboratorium silvikultur dan perlindungan hutan adalah oven merk Memmert type UM 200.  Oven Memmert type UM 200 merupakan peralatan laboratorium yang sering digunakan untuk pengeringan seresah dalam penghitungan cadangan karbon.  Jumlah oven yang terbatas dan ukuran volume yang kecil, menimbulkan antrian penggunaan yang panjang.  Hal ini menyebabkan  sampel rusak dan membusuk.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis kemasan yang aman, mudah didapat, murah, dan lebih cepat dalam proses pengeringan.  Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan menguji empat bahan pengemas serasah, yaitu kertas koran, tompo (wadah yang terbuat dari sayatan bambu yang dianyam), alumunium foil, dan amplop kertas.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan pengemas tompo mampu mengeringkan serasah dengan berat konstan lebih cepat (36a jam) dibandingkan dengan bahan pengemas amplop kertas (40 ab jam), kertas koran (42 b jam) dan alumunium foil (48c jam).

Key words: Kata kunci : oven, seresah, nekromasa, berat kering

383. Kelimpahan Dung Beetle di Blok Lindung Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Universitas Lampung di Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman

Kelimpahan dan Kelimpahan relatif dung beetle berperan penting sebagai bioindikator kerusakan hutan dan habitat. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis kelimpahan spesies dan kelimpahan relatif spesies dung beetle di Blok Lindung Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Universitas Lampung Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode trap, kemudian data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan indeks kelimpahan dan indeks kelimpahan relatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat empat jenis dung beetle yaitu Catharsius molossus, Onthophagus sp, Aphodius marginellus dan Oryctes rinocheros. Kelimpahan Dung beetle termasuk sedang dengan nilai 3,53 yang menggambarkan keadaan Hutan Pedidikan Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman masih tergolong baik. Kelimpahan relatif seluruhnya termasuk tinggi dengan nilai di atas 20% hal ini karena jumlah setiap jenis dung beetle yang ditemukan tidak berbeda jauh.

354. Bird Conservation Status: Case Study in Cugung Village Forest Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung Model Rajabasa Rajabasa Regency District South Lampung

Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung (KPHL) Model Rajabasa has a potential habitat for wildlife. Cugung Village forest is intended to optimize forest resources utilization in KPHL Model Rajabasa. Birds are part of the wildlife and natural resources which are priceless, so its sustainability needs to be maintained. Information of protected bird species diversity in the area became the basis of this research. The study aimed to determine the birds conservation status in the Cugung Village forest of KPHL Model Rajabasa based on (1) PP No. 7/1999, (2) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)  and (3) International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List conservation status in November 2016. Induces Ponctuel d'Abodance method was used on the five observation points. The results based on (1) the protected status of PP No. 7/1999 found ten birds species of three families belong to the protected status: Accipiter trivirgatus, Haliastur indus, Spizaetus cirrhatus, Spizaetus alboniger, Ictinaetus malayensis, Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus, Spilornis cheela, Halcyon symrnensis, Todirhamphus chloris and Anthreptes simplex, (2) CITES status trade found seven species of birds in Appendix II category which are A. trivirgatus, H. indus, S. cirrhatus, S. alboniger, I. malayensis, I. ichthyaetus and S. cheela, and (3) IUCN Red List conservation status found one types Near Threatened category which is I. ichthyaetus.

Keywords: forest resources, birds conservation, wildlife

181. Studi Populasi Burung Famili Ardeidae Di Rawa Pacing Desa Kibang Pacing Kecamatan Menggala Timur Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Provinsi Lampung

Kibang pacing village with 83.55 Km2 areas , is located at the East of Menggala Timur sub district. This area is valley which most of the area has been used for coconut oil cultivation. The changed of this area made the vegetation cover this area changed from a multi stration area to the mono stration. This changed over the area caused the hampered of nature habitat component and the population of kinds of animals, especially Ardeidae water bird. To know the Ardeidae population in this research with use point count three method. This research done for 18 days effectively with stayed at the point and noted the birds founded. The result of research done analyze and can be used to count this population and distribution pattern of Ardeidae species. Based on the research showed the population is 64 birds blekok rice, 4 Cinnamon Bittern bird, 11 red cangak birds, 89 great egret birds, 333 little egret birds, 112 buffalo birds. The mean of all Ardeidae family was 613 birds. The lowest population of Ardeidae was 4 birds and the highest was 333 birds. The distribution patern of Ardeidae population at Kibang Pacing village is group pattern.

Keywords: Ardeidae, birds, Kibang Pacing, population

292. Study of the Milky Stork Bird (Mycteria cinerea) Population in Rawa Pacing, Kibang Pacing Village, Menggala Timur Sub-District, Menggala Timur Regency, Lampung Province

Kibang Pacing Village with an area of 83.55 km2 had converted that lead to a change of the vegetation structure from multistrata into monostrata that could threaten the wildlife such as the milky stork bird (Mycteria cinerea) that classified as a threatened species. The objectives of this study were to determine the number of individual and distribution patterns of milky stork in Rawa Pacing at Kibang Pacing Village, Menggala Timur Sub-District, Tulang Bawang Regency. Data collection was conducted through direct observation using point count method at 3 (three) point counts. The results observed 513 encounters of the milky stork, showing the most encounter at Point Count 3. The higher encounter occurred in the morning than in the afternoon which because diurnal bird species generally started their daily activities to find foods in the morning. The abundance of milky stork population in Kibang Pacing Village was 126 individuals, showing the highest number at Point Count 3. Illegal hunting and other human activities in Rawa Pacing could potentially cause disruption on natural habitat that may threaten the existence and sustainability of the milky stork bird.

Keywords: milky stork, Mycteria cinerea, pacing swamp, population.

302. Nature Tourism Potential in KPH Unit XIII Rajabasa, Way Pisang, Batu Serampok, Lampung Province

KPH Unit XIII Gunung Rajabasa, Way Pisang, Batu Serampok has several potential natural tourism objects including waterfalls and sulfur spring. However the visitors were still a few. This study aimed to assess the natural tourism potential in this area and to develop an appropriate development strategy for priority natural attractions. Potential assessment and determination of natural attractions priority were conducted using Operation Areas Analysis of Object and Natural Tourism Attraction (ADO-ODTWA) guidelines issued by the Director General of Forest Protection and Natural Conservation (PHKA) 2003. Development strategy of natural attractions priority was conducted by identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats using SWOT analysis. Result showed that among various natural tourism attractions in the area, Kecapi Waterfall plus Way Belerang Simpur Hot spring were selected as the most potential tourism spot. Based on SWOT analysis, this object is located among growing market area that makes this object in a favorable condition because they have a positive strength and opportunity in terms of natural tourism development. Strategies needed in order to create a developing plan are increasing the information spreading and promotion trough offline either online mass media.

Keywords: Potential Tourism Assessment, Natural Tourism.

543. Land Cover Change Analysis of Lake Siais Catchment Area, Tapanuli Selatan

Lake Siais Catchment Area is a water resource consisting of several types of land cover and land use located in Rianiate, Angkola Sangkunur, Tapanuli Selatan. Lake Siais catchment area has undergone changes in land cover and changed the size of Lake Siais's water surface area. This study aimed to obtain the type of land cover, and land cover changed Lake Siais catchment area in 1990-2018. Land cover classification obtained from Landsat 5 and Landsat 8 OLI images. Use supervised classification. The land cover identified of the Lake Siais catchment area were forest, plantation, bare land, paddy field, settlement, waterbody, shrub, and swamp. The research found the highest percentage of land cover from 1990 to 2018 was plantations with an increase of 3995.87%, while the highest decreased was paddy fields of 93.77%.

352. Perceptions of Tourists and Key Individuals on Ecotourism Management in Lampung Mangrove Center

Lampung has some spots of mangrove forests which one of them namely Lampung Mangrove Center (LMC). LMC has a potential resources for ecotourism development on the condition that the management is running well. This research aims to analyze the perceptions of key individuals and tourists about ecotourism management. Research location was in Lampung Mangrove Center, Margasari Village, East Lampung District. Snowball sampling interview and literature study was conducted in April 2017. This study resulted different perception of key individuals and tourists about ecotourism in Margasari Village. Key individuals assessed the management has been running well (100%), but the tourists rated the management is still bad (80%). The entire tourists (100%) requested the need for improvement for ecotourism infrastructure. The existing issues of ecotourism development in Margasari Village, according to tourists and key individuals were minimal access to public transport, less synergize between district government with the community for ecotourism management, and bad image of East Lampung district as conflict areas of sand mining.

Keywords: Margasari village, ecotourism, mangrove forest, perception.

330. Population and Distribution Pattern of Egretta alba in Lampung Mangrove Center

Lampung Mangrove Center (LMC) is a location model as a dedication Lampung University in mangrove forest management that can be used for ''Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi'', including research on greater egret (Egretta alba). Research conducted by large birds (E. alba) is important to do, as one of the conservation efforts in LMC. The purpose of this study was to determine the population and the distribution pattern of Greater egret (E. alba). The methods used in the three locations are Line Transect method, GIS method, and Literature method. The research analysis using population prediction, total population and bird distribution pattern with Morisita Index. Results of the study with a total of 1620 minute studies found greater egret (E. alba) on field locations 64 frequency, at pond location 66 frequency and at mangrove forest 8 frequency, so the total encounter of greater egret (E. alba) are 138 frequency. The distribution pattern of Greater egret (E. alba) life in LMC is the random distribution with a Morisita Index value is 0,27 and Hernowo population prediction of large egrets value is 8 individuals/ha and Nurhasanah total population is 12-13 individuals/ha.

Keywords: greater egret bird, distribution pattern, population

120. Motivasi Petani Dalam Mengelola Hutan Rakyat Di Desa Sukoharjo 1 Kecamatan Sukoharjo Kabupaten Pringsewu

Lampung Province is one province in Indonesia has deforestation for about 600 hactare in a year (Pusdaling, 2013). This leads to the decline of the quality and quantity of forest. That condition is inversely of Sukoharjo 1 Village Sukoharjo District Pringsewu Regency, the development in that village more than 200 hectar through the private forest development. The purpose of this research were to know the level of motivation farmers and the factors that influence the motivation farmers in managing private forest. The research was conducted on November 2014 in Sukoharjo 1 Village, Sukoharjo District Pringsewu Regency. The population in this research were the group of Ngudi Rukun with the number of 32 farmers, the method sampling of this research used census. Analysis method which used in this research was descriptive quantitative, it aimed to know the level of farmers' motivation by using the technique of determining likert, while to know the factors of influenced with the level of farmers' motivation in managing forest community used ordinal regression test. Based on the research's result, it can be known that farmers' motivation are in high category (53,15%). The factors which influenced farmers' motivation were age, revenue, farm experience, education, and the activities of farmer groups, extension activities and access of the information.

Keywords: private forest management, farmer motivation

23. Perubahan Tutupan Lahan Di Resort Pugung Tampak Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (TNBBS)

Land cover at Pugung Tampak Forest in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park changing rapidly where forested area has been declined widely. Human activities such as land clearing, illegal logging, and agriculture is the ultimate cause of such deforestation in the region of Pugung Tampak Forest. Remote sensing and GIS techniques were used to monitor and evaluate any changes in land cover during the period of 1973-2011. This study aims to determine land cover change in 1973, 1997, 2002 and 2011 and to find out the land's cover change occured in Pugung Tampak Forest. This research was heldin January-September 2012. The data were collected from USGS glovis, direct observation in the field, interviewed with respondents and literature study. The data were analyzed by using Erdas 9.1 and Arcview 3.2 software. It was identified that most of the land cover in the Pugung Tampak Forest has been changed. During the period of 1973-2011 primary forest decreased about 8,737.87 ha (61.5%). The most of primary dry land forest was changed into bare land as much as 411.53 ha (23.9%), so the bare land in 2011 has increased from 82.6 ha to 4,998.43 ha (29.2%). Secondary dryforest land decreased by 389.89 ha (27.5%), dry land farming is increasing wide spread 4,642.58 ha (32.7%) and no data 430.62 ha (3.0%).

Keywords: classification image, land covering change

217. Pengaruh Tutupan Lahan terhadap Insidensi Pneumonia pada Balita di Provinsi Lampung

Land cover changes caused ecological disturbance. Ecological disturbances increase the incidence of Pneumonia toddlers. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in land cover and land contribution classes on the incidence of Pneumonia toddlers. This study was conducted from March to December 2015 on the research area of Lampung Province. Landforest cover change detection using Landsat imagery in 2002, 2009 and 2014, resulted in the percentage of land cover. The impact of land cover change on the incidence of Pneumoniatoddler calculated by multiple linear regression model. Proved that there is a relationship between changes in land cover with an incidence of Pneumonia toddler. Land class variables that significantly affect the incidence of Pneumonia is a private forest with a p-value = 0,047,and developed land with a p-value = 0,004, open land with a p-value = 0,054, while the population density variable has a p-value = 0,000. In addition, state forest as one of landcover category does not have significant effects in this study.

Keywords: land cover, multiple linear regression, pneumonia incidence

48. Status Kesuburan Tanah Pada Dua Tutupan Lahan Di Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung (KPHL) Batutegi Lampung

Land cover changing would influence the availability of nutriens and others soil properties. In the forest areas, forest clearing would lead land degradation. KPHL Batutegi was catchment area for Batutegi dam. The ilegal logging that still occure in that area raising important question about the soil fertility status in that region. Its related to soil capability to the plant growth. The aims of this study was to get information about soil fertility status in two type of land cover, which was secondary forest and one year mixed coffee plantation. Soil sample was taking by purpose sampling on two type of land cover in KPHL Batutegi. One year mixed coffee plantation opened by illegal loging with fired.  Intact soil samples were taken using the ring samples, while for the disturbed soil was done by the composite. Parameters observed were nutrients contain (N, P, and C-organic), pH, CEC, soil thickness, total pores and textur. The result showed that there no different on nutrient status and chemical soil properties between two land cover type. It was important from this study obtained that about 10 cm soil lost after one year land clearing from secondary forest to mixed coffee plantation.

Keywords: forest, land cover, nutrient, soil fertility

185. Analisis Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Terhadap Karakteristik Hidrologi Di Das Bulok

Land use is one of the factors that have an effect on water system function of a watershed. The characteristic of hidrological condition at Bulok Watershed was degraded. This reaserch was carried out by analyzing data of rainfall, stream discharge, observation land use map, fluctuations of stream discharge and coefficient runoff at 2001, 2006, and 2011. The results of analysis were linked tabulated results with land use in descriptively. The results of this research showed by land use change, which were decreasing forests and mixed dryland farming area, increasing residential area and dryland farming area, which were decreasing forests and mixed dryland farming area, increasing residential area and dryland farming area was caused that the fluctuatoin of stream discharge in 2001 was to 12,45 and increased in 2006 was 51,27 and more increased in 2011 was 129,96. The coefficient runoff of Bulok Watershed has increased in 2001 was to 6% and increased in 2006 was 35% and more increased 2011 amounted to 41%. The increased fluctuation of stream discharge and coefficient runoff 2001-2011 showed that Bulok Watershed was degraded.

Keywords : hydrologic characteristic, land use, watershed

245. Identifikasi Jenis Tanaman Hutan Rakyat Dan Pemeliharaannya Di Hutan Rakyat Desa Kelungu Kecamatan Kotaagung Kabupaten Tanggamus

Land-use change into field becomes main problems namely soil fertility degradation, erosion, flood, drought, not to mention global environment changes. Agroforestry is one of the land management system that could be used as an alternative to overcome the problems that arise due to land-use change as well as to overcome the food problem.

The purpose of this study were to determine the social forest plant species on Kelungu village of Kotaagung sub-district , Tanggamus Regency  Knowing the plants maintenance activities on social forests in Kelungu village of Kotaagung sub-district, Tanggamus Regency. This research was conducted from September to October 2015 that was located in social forest areas of Kelungu village, Kotaagung Sub-district, Tanggamus Regency. The analysis that used was the density.

The results showed that about 22 species founded, with the highest density of cacao (Cacao theobrema) about 529.17 individuals/ha. the highest density of trees phase is durian (Durio zibethinus) about 73.61 individuals/ha. Maintenance activities carried out by the farmers in the Kelungu Village were fertilizing, replanting, soil loosening, weeding, branches and buds prunning, thinning, pest and disease control. From 36 farmers has done much treatment, there were 60% fertilizing, 77% replanting, 77% loosening, 100% do weeding, 93% branches prunning, 83% bud prunning, 7% thinning, and 57% pest and disease control treatments.

429. Analisis Rendemen Minyak Serehwangi (Cymbopogon nardus L.) yang Ditanam dengan Pola Agroforestri dan Monokultur pada Lahan Revegetasi Pasca Tambang Batubara (Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus L.) Oil Yield Analysis Planted with Agroforestry and Monoculture Patterns on Post-Coal Mining Revegetation Land)

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon nardus L.) is an economically valuable plant that produces citronella oil and could grow on marginal lands. This study aimed to analyze citronella oil yields planted with agroforestry and monoculture patterns in a post-mining revegetation area. The treatment consisted of 3 factors, namely planting pattern, fertilizer dosage, and plant spacing. The measured variable was the citronella oil yield. The study was conducted by planting two lemongrass varieties i.e., Sitrona 2 Agribun Variety dan G2 Variety in the agroforestry and monoculture areas. The study was conducted for 12 months with three harvest times, i.e., in the 6th, 9th, and 12th months. The results showed that planting patterns significantly affected the citronella oil yield. Planting pattern of Monoculture-Sitrona 2 Agribun Variety (P4) produced the highest oil yield (1.95%). Plant spacing and dosage of bokashi fertilizer did not significantly affect the citronella oil yield. The Monoculture-Sitrona 2 Agribun Variety (P4) significantly increased the oil yield compared to the Agroforestry- Sitrona 2 Agribun Variety (P2), Monoculture-G2 Variety (P3), and Agroforestry-G2 Variety (P1) with a respective oil yield of 1.95% (P4), 1.50% (P2), 1.01% (P3), and 0.99% (P1). Sitrona 2 Agribun Variety tended to produce a higher oil yield than the G2 Variety.

Keywords: agroforestry, citronella oil, lemongrass, oil yield, revegetation

98. Identifikasi Jenis Liana Dan Tumbuhan Penopangnya Di Blok Perlindungan Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman

Liana is one type of plant that becomes typical characteristic of a tropical rain forest ecosystem and its presence adds to the diversity of plant species in the forest ecosystem. The purposes of the study were to identify the species of liana, species of cantilever plant, and to know the number of liana species associated with the species of cantilever plant in the protection block of Wan Abdul Rachman Great Forest Park, especially in the area of Way Balau Sub watershed.

The research was conducted on September to Oktober 2013. The sampling method was used line terraced layer. The size of each sample plot was 20 m x 20 m with sub plots 10 m x 10 m, 5 m x 5 m, 2 m x 2 m. Liana and cantilever plants species were inventoried by 0.2% sampling intensity from 796.50 ha. Observed variables were the species and the number of lianas, spesies of cantilever plant and its number. The result of research were identified 8 species of liana and 35 spesies of cantilever plants. Liana density was 1,599 individual/ha and cantilever plant density was 1,594 individual/ha, and it had a good enough distribution because there was no dominant species. The plant that most liked by liana is dadap (Erythrina lithosperma) and liana that mostly found is rayutan (Paederia tomentosa).

Keywords: cantilever plant, liana, Protection Block of Wan Abdul Rachman GreatForest Park

443. Utilization of Lignin from the Waste of Bioethanol Production as a Mortar Additive

Lignin is the second most abundant biopolymer, exceeded only by cellulose, and comprises 15-25% of the dry weight of woody plants, with around 285,000 tons/year of production capacity globally. This study aims to utilize the lignin obtained from the waste of bioethanol production from oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) as a mortar additive. The use of mortar as a material for road construction is increasing, but its long time hardening is causing problems such as traffic jams. Lignin can be used as an additive to shorten the hardening time of mortar. Lignin was isolated at various NaOH concentrations and temperatures of OPEFB pretreatment for bioethanol production. The workability of the slump and compressive strength of mortars generated were further tested. Lignin from OPEFB can be used as a water reducer in the mortar with improved workability as much as 24.4% compared to controls. The addition of lignin could also increase the compressive strength at the mortar age of 7 and 28 days compared to the commercial lignosulfonate and control on the various water-cement ratios. The setting time of mortar with the lignin addition increased rapidly, reaching up to 80% at the 7 days, indicating that curing time is getting shorter. The most remarkable improvement of compressive strength with suitable workability and high-quality concrete was reached by 1% lignin addition and 0.45 water-cement ratio with compressive strength 38.81 N/mm2 at 28 days.

Keywords: compressive strength, lignin, mortar, OPEFB, water reducer

1. Produksi Seresah pada Tegakan Hutan di Blok Penelitian dan Pendidikan Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman Provinsi Lampung

Litter had an important function in a forest. The nutrients were derived from the litter is useful to improve the soil. The purposes of the research to determine the production of the litter, the analyse plants species and stands density, the correlation between litter production and stands density, the correlation between litter production and the number of plant species at research and educational block of Wan Abdul Rachman Great Forest Park. The research was conducted on October-December 2011 by using partition-line method. The litter was taken on a plot 1 m x 1 m in size systematically. The plants species found in the research area were avocado, palm, bisoro, cocoa, dadap, duku, durian, rubber, hazelnut, coffea, jackfruit, petai, betel nuts, rambutan, rosewood, and gnetum gnemon. The density of stands in research area dominated by cocoa trees. Based on the correlation analysis, forest stand density known influence the litter production. The high forest stand density increases litter production, whereas the correlation among litter production and the number of plant species is less influential, because not every plant able to fall out the leave easily.

Keywords: forest stands, litter, research and educational block


Logged-over natural forest has a different stand structure composition from Primary Natural Forest as a result of logging activities. In this study, the stand structure dynamics of  Meranti, Rimba Campuran, and Non-Komersial species groups will be studied in stands with and without treatment of logged-over forest by PT. Tunas Timber Lestari (TTL). The data used is a PUP (Petak Ukur Permanen) data series that was observed for 10 years (2005-2015). Data analysis was carried out by forming a stand structure model and calculating the rate of ingrowth, upgrowth, and mortality. The stand structure model for Meranti, Rimba Campuran and Non-Komersial species in stands with treatment has a significant R2 value between 0.899% to 0.979% and 0.786% to 0.991%. in untreated stands. The average of  ingrowth rate in the stands with treatment was smaller than without treatment. The value of upgrowth varied where upgrowth increased in diameter classes from 10-19 to 30-39 for stands without treatment and 20-29 to 40-49 for stands with treatment. The mortality rate in stands without treatment tended to be higher, especially in Rimba campuran and Non-Commercial groups, while in Meranti group, the mortality rate mostly occurred in the stands with treatment.

Keywords: Stand Dynamic, Stand Structure, Logged-over forest

545. Woody Species Stand Structure and Regeneration Status in Long Jack (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) Habitat in Batang Lubu Sutam Forest, Padang Lawas, North Sumatra

Long jack (Eurycoma longifolia) is a medicinal plant that has become a common target for exploitation, leading to a population decline in natural forests. This study aimed to determine the stand structure and regeneration status of E. longifolia tree habitat in Batang Lubu Sutam Forest, Padang Lawas, North Sumatra. The research was performed through vegetation analysis using a purposive sampling technique with a randomized sample plot based on the presence of E. longifolia. A total of 181 plots were established in this study. The results showed that the horizontal structure of tree species in the research area had an inverted J-shape pattern, indicating that the number of trees decreased as the diameter increased. The vertical structure showed that all strata were found in the research location, dominated by stratum C. This condition indicated that the forest was in good condition. The regeneration status of 48 species in the location showed different categories. Thirty species (62.50%) were classified as good regeneration, ten species (18.75%) as new regeneration, and four species (8.30%) as poor and no regeneration. The high proportion of trees with good regeneration showed that the forest community could survive despite environmental or anthropogenic stress.

Keywords: long jack (Eurycoma longifolia), regeneration, species composition, vegetation structure

191. Penyebaran Dan Kelimpahan Populasi Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca Fascicularis) Di Cagar Alam Sibolangit

Long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) can be found in Sibolangit Nature Reserves North Sumatera. This research was conducted to determine its group distribution and abundance of the population using concentration count and its habitat was observed by rapid assessment in 7 location. 2 group of long-tailed macaque was found, first group found in the southern part of a nature reserve with a group size of 18-25 individuals. Second group was found in the northern part of nature reserve with a group size of 15-20 individuals. The group distribution was affected by the location of sources of water, food resources, human and other animals. Food plant species consist of rambung merah (Ficus sumatrana), terap (Artocarpus elasticus), kayu ageng (Antidesma montanum), nanglit (Nauclea cyrtopoda), lateng gajah (Laporta sinuata), beringin (Ficus benjamina), jelatang (Toxicodendron radicans), aren (Arenga pinnata), riman (Caryota sp.), senduduk (Melastoma affine).

Keywords: sibolangit nature reserve, long-tailed macaque, distribution of population and abundance

531. Effects of Planting Medium on the Propagation of Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica L.) from Cuttings and Seeds

Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) has a great potential to be cultivated as a fruit crop in North Sumatra. In order to cultivate loquat, the availability of high-quality seedlings is becoming an essential factor. This research was aimed to determine the response of loquat's seed, stem, and shoot cutting on various types of medium. The seed, stem, and shoots cutting of loquat were collected from North Sumatra. Three types of medium, i.e., humus + roasted rice husk (1:1), raw rice husk + sand (1:1), and humus + raw rice husk (1:1), were used during the experiment in Cibodas Botanical Garden. The results show that the highest percentage of seed germination on the 10th week after the plantation was humus + roasted rice husk (91.18%) and followed by humus + raw rice husk (77.78%) and raw rice husk + sand (69.44%). The combination of humus + roasted rice husk gave a significant effect on plant high (9.178a cm), the number of leaves (5.51a), length of leaves (8.36a), and width of leaves (3.78a) on the 12th week after plantation. Moreover, there were no significant differences between shoot cutting and stem cutting propagation on parameters survival rate and the number of buds.

Keywords: cutting, Eriobotrya japonica, planting medium, propagation, seed

248. Kepentingan Dan Peran Aktor Dalam Pengelolaan Hutan Mangrove Di Desa Pulau Pahawang Kecamatan Marga Punduh Kabupaten Pesawaran

Mangrove forest has physical, biological/ecological and social-economics functions. Mangrove forest at Pulau Pahawang Village, Marga Punduh, Subdistrict Pesawaran has many functions which causes many interest of actors. This research was aimed to identify and maping the role of actors interest. This research was conducted on August until October 2015, by using key informant namely agencies village, local communities, public figure, related department and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO).

The result showed that there was six important aspect namely the existence of the green belt, kind of variety (biodiversity), education facilities, fire wood, non-timber forest product, and tourist facilities. Pulau Pahawang Village has three quadrant matrix interest, quadrant subject has State Ministry of The Environment. Quadrant keyplayers has Department of Forestry and Estate Crops, Mangrove Protected Area Management Agency (BPDPM), and Mitra Bentala as NGOs. Quadrant crowd has Development Planning Agency in Sub-National Level, Land Agency, Department of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs, Regional House of Representatives, and local.

Keywords: actor interest, mangrove forest, Pulau Pahawang, role of actor

555. The Estimation of Biomass in Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizophora mucronata in Tuamese Village, North Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province

Mangrove forest in North Central Timor Regency is dominated by Rhizophora sp. The highest number was found in Tuamese Village, namely Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizophora mucronata. The biomass productivity in mangrove forests varies according to age, dominant species, and locality. It shows differences in carbon uptake and storage at the level, type, and place of growth. This study aimed to analyze the carbon content and carbon uptake of R. apiculata and R. mucronata at the stake level to the tree level in two plots with the size of 2,000 m2 each. The method used was allometric equations, while the power discrimination test used an independent sample t-test. The result showed that R. apiculata and R. mucronata had the same potential in producing biomass and necromass as well as in storing and absorbing carbon. The total biomass was 77.21 Mg/ha, which can absorb and store carbon, respectively, 141.68 Mg/ha and 36.61 Mg/ha. This research data provides an overview of the potential of biomass in meeting carbon trading standards as an effort to succeed in mangrove conservation in Tuamese Village.

Keywords: Biomass, Carbon uptake, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata

301. Conservation Effort of Sonneratia caseolaris in Lampung Mangrove Center

Mangrove forest product like Pedada (Sonneratia caseolaris) can be processed into food however its conservation effort is limited. This research aimed to determine the conservation effort that Margasari villagers did related to the utilization of Pedada (Sonneratia caseolaris). This research was done in march 2017 in Lampung Mangrove Centre. The study used questionnaire method with the number of respondent was 97 women. The results showed that most of women in Margasari Village are housewives, and the rest work as enterpreneur, honorary in reading house snail hunter, fishmonger, farmer and net maker. Their jobs could help the economy of the villagers. The conservation effort performed by community in Margasari Village were incuding the direct and indirect, preservation through planting and nursery. The conservation effort that related to pedada utilization was by processing into pedada lemonade and ''pedada dodola''. The conservation effort consisted the aspects of protection, preservation, and utilization with the most conservation effort was utilization. The results showed that the important value index of pedada trees was 173%, Lamtoro trees was 75% and Buta-Buta trees was 54%.

Keywords: conservation, mangrove, Sonneratia caseolaris, villagers.

145. Nilai Ekonomi Komoditi Hutan Mangrove Di Desa Merak Belantung Kecamatan Kalianda Kabupaten Lampung Selatan

Mangrove forest was a tropical and sub tropical forests vegetation. It dominated by some of mangrove trees which it growed and developed in the tidal muddy along the coastal area. The mangrove forest of Merak Belantung of South Lampung had some commodities which it had a economic value and could benefits for the community. The economic value information aimed by interview the respondents. The economic comodities of mangrove were fishes namely: kakap (Lutjanus sp.), belanak (Valamugil seheli), gelodok (Periophthalus modestus), and varieties of seashells (tiram (Crassostrea gigas) and lukan (Geloina erosa)), crabs (Brachyura sp.), shrimp (Penaeus monodon), and sonneratia fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris). The economic value of commodities could discovered and calculated with assessment based on market valuation and willingness to accept payment (WTA) methods. Total economic value from mangrove forest commodities was IDR 754.090.000/year from 8 types commodity.

Keywords:  mangrove forest commodity, assessment based on market value, willingness to accept (WTA)

575. The Dynamics of Secondary Mangrove Forests in Bintuni Bay, West Papua after Harvested on the First 30-Year Rotation Cycle

Mangrove forests in Bintuni Bay, West Papua, Indonesia, have been managed for timber extraction since 1988 to produce wood chips using a 30-year rotation cycle. The first rotation cycle was completed, resulting in secondary mangrove forests with various stand ages (1−30 years). A large-scale forest inventory was conducted for all harvested blocks to recognize actual standing stock for the 2021−2030 management plan. A total of 434 quadrat plots (20 m x 20 m) covering 17.36 ha each were used to observe forest standing stock. The results present the dynamics of secondary mangrove forests after the initial rotation cycle. At the end of the first cycle (30-year-old stand), secondary mangrove forests provided a volume of 290.12 m3 ha-1 and potential extractable biomass of 203.03 ton ha-1 with mean diameter, basal area, and stem density of 16.91 cm, 29.18 m2 ha-1, and 1,370 stem ha-1, respectively. Annual increment of volume, biomass, and diameter were estimated to be 9.67 m3 ha-1 year-1, 6.77 ton ha-1 year-1, and 0.56 cm year-1, consecutively. The dynamics of secondary mangrove forests could provide significant information in the context of the management plan and implementation of the silviculture system to ensure the sustainability of utilization in managed mangrove forests.

Keywords: Forest regeneration, Silviculture, Standing stock, Sustainable management, Timber utilization

578. Valuasi Nilai Manfaat Ekonomi Hutan Mangrove di Pesisir Pantai Tlanakan, Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur

Mangrove forests specifically have three functions, namely physical, biological, and economic functions. The physical function of this mangrove forest is to guard the shoreline from abrasion to keep it stable, its biological function is as a spawning area, nursery area, and to forage for small fish. Meanwhile, the economic function of mangrove forests is as land for food production and wood production. Mangrove function will run well if humans are able to use it properly and sustainably. The facts that occur in mangrove forests in Indonesia show the opposite. The existence of mangrove forests in Indonesia has decreased in function and benefits from time to time. The main cause of such damage is human economic activity. Human economic activities tend to ignore the principles of nature and environmental conservation. Damage to mangrove forests has implications for rehabilitation efforts. The largest rehabilitation for non-forest areas in East Java took place in Pamekasan Regency, namely the Tlanakan Coast. Good rehabilitation is usually able to restore the specific functions of mangrove forests. This can be seen from the total economic value of post-rehabilitation mangrove forests. The total economic value of post-rehabilitation mangrove forest on the Tlanakan Coast is Rp. 22,287,023,305.64. This value is obtained from use value which consists of direct use value, indirect use value, and option value of Rp. 3,175,656,465.02, and from non-use value consisting of existence value and inheritance value of Rp. 19,111,366,840.62.


Mangrove forests specifically have three functions, namely physical, biological, and economic functions. The physical function of this mangrove forest is to guard the shoreline from abrasion to keep it stable, its biological function is as a spawning area, nursery area, and to forage for small fish. Meanwhile, the economic function of mangrove forests is as land for food production and wood production. Mangrove function will run well if humans are able to use it properly and sustainably. The facts that occur in mangrove forests in Indonesia show the opposite. The existence of mangrove forests in Indonesia has decreased in function and benefits from time to time. The main cause of such damage is human economic activity. Human economic activities tend to ignore the principles of nature and environmental conservation. Damage to mangrove forests has implications for rehabilitation efforts. The largest rehabilitation for non-forest areas in East Java took place in Pamekasan Regency, namely the Tlanakan Coast. Good rehabilitation is usually able to restore the specific functions of mangrove forests. This can be seen from the total economic value of postrehabilitation mangrove forests. The total economic value of post-rehabilitation mangrove forest on the Tlanakan Coast is IDR 22,287,023,305.64. This value is obtained from use value which consists of direct use value, indirect use value, and option value of Rp3,175,656,465.02, and from non-use value consisting of existence value and inheritance value of Rp19,111,366,840.62 namely the Tlanakan Coast. Good rehabilitation is usually able to restore the specific functions of mangrove forests. This can be seen from the total economic value of post-rehabilitation mangrove forests. The total economic value of post-rehabilitation mangrove forest on the Tlanakan Coast is IDR 22,287,023,305.64. This value is obtained from use value which consists of direct use value, indirect use value, and option value of Rp3,175,656,465.02, and from non-use value consisting of existence value and inheritance value of Rp19,111,366,840.62 namely the Tlanakan Coast. Good rehabilitation is usually able to restore the specific functions of mangrove forests. This can be seen from the total economic value of post-rehabilitation mangrove forests. The total economic value of post-rehabilitation mangrove forest on the Tlanakan Coast is IDR 22,287,023,305.64. This value is obtained from use value which consists of direct use value, indirect use value, and option value of Rp3,175,656,465.02, and from non-use value consisting of existence value and inheritance value of Rp19,111,366,840.62 Keywords: Mangrove Forest, Total economic value, Use value, Non-use value

76. Produksi Dan Laju Dekomposisi Serasah Mangrove (Rhizophora Sp.) Di Desa Durian Dan Desa Batu Menyan Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran

Mangrove litter leaf represent the organic substance supplier towards fertility of mangrove ecosystem, that able to support the mortal life within. The area of forest of mangrove represent the nursery ground, feeding ground, and area of spawning ground for various fish type, prawn and other biota sea and also as producer of amount of detritus for plankton as main foods source of the sea. The objectives of this research were to know production and decomposition rate of mangrove litter leaf in the mangrove ecosystem of Durian Village and Batu Menyan Village, Padang Cermin subdistrict, Pesawaran regency. Data was analysed by calculating the dry weight mean of litter leaf production and to counting decomposition rate was using the exponential rank function or from absolute decomposition percentage of litter leaf per day. This research was conducted in two place (station) based on the difference of substrate characteristic. The research conducted from October to December 2013. The productivity of mangrove's litter leaf in both places is 0.56 g/m2/day, where the leaf organ gave the higgest contribution, (66%), stick and branch (14%), flower and fruit (20%). Decomposition rate of mangrove litter leaf showed that at the second station ( 0.20 g/hr) was faster than the first station (0.19 g/hr).

Keywords: Decomposition rate, litter leaf litter leaf, mangrove, production

638. Role of Local Communities in Mangrove Conservation at the Mangrove Village of Patikang, Pandeglang Regency, Banten, Indonesia

Mangrove provides multiple functions as connector and balancer of land and sea ecosystems. The existence of mangrove in coastal areas is very important to reduce the impact of tsunami and tidal flooding. it is important to maintain and preserve mangrove forests. The role of local communities to conserve mangrove forest has not much been studied. This study aims to evaluate how participation of local communities to conserve mangrove forest in the mangrove village of Patikang, Citeureup Village, Pandeglang Regency. This study was carried out from December 2021 to January 2022. This study applies mixed method that combine quantitative and qualitative approaches. Primary data is taken directly from the local community by interviews using questionnaires and field observations. Secondary data collection was carried out by literature review on the topic of mangrove conservation and community development in coastal areas. Our study finds that the existence of local community through POKDARWIS "Putri Gundul" plays a very important role in increasing the local community awareness to conserve the mangrove forests. The local community bears knowledge on the biology of mangrove species and the ecology of mangrove restoration. Furthermore, the involvement of local communities in mangrove conservation and restoration can also increase the economy of the communities.


Mantangan (Merremia peltata) is the most important invasive alien species in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (TNBBS), due to its fast-growing feature that could cause a serious damage to biodiversity conservation. The objectives of the study were to determine biomass stock and biomass productivity of mantangan, as well as the nutrient content of mantangan biomass grown in various classes of canopy cover. A Stratified Sampling was employed as sampling method on three classes of canopy cover i.e: rare (light intensity > 70%); medium (light intensity 40 -- 70%); and dense (light intensity < 40%). A destructive method was used to collect biomass sample.  The biomass harvesting was carried out twice, first harvesting was conducted to determine the biomass storage and nutrient content; and second harvesting was carried out one month later to measure the biomass productivity. The macronutrient content (N, P, K, and C-Organic) of mantangan was analyzed at the Soil Science Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. The results showed that the biomass stock and biomass productivity were different in each canopy cover class. Respectifelly, the highest biomass stock was in rare canopy cover (192 kg/ha); medium (188 kg/ha), and dense (179 kg/ha). Biomass productivity, respectively, was highest in rare canopy cover (93 kg/ha/month); medium (79 kg/ha/month), and dense (83 kg/ha/month). Surprissingly the nutrient content and nutrient productivity of mantangan grown on medium canopy cover was higher than that of dense and rare.

264. Penggunaan Berbagai Media Tanam dan Inokulasi Spora Untuk Meningkatkan Kolonisasi Ektomikoriza dan Pertumbuhan Shorea javanica

Media is a decisive factor to succed the ectomycorrhizal colonization and plant growth. This study aimed to get the best planting media to increase ectomycorrhizal colonization and growth of Shorea javanica. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse for four months. The experimental designed by randomized complete design with four treatments upon the planting media: soil, sand, husk and cocopeat. Ectomycorrhiza given as spore suspension (Scleroderma columnare) of 20 ml each plant. Data were analyzed using the Bartlett test to determine homogeneity of variance followed by analysis of variance and LSD. The results shown that the sand provides the best results compared to another media to form ectomycorrhiza colonization; while sand and soil were the best media to support the growth of S. javanica with inoculation of S. Columnare.

Keywords: colonization, ectomycorrhiza, Shorea javanica, planting media

501. Increased Sugar Levels on Growth and Production of Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Var. Sakata Glamor

Melons have high nutritional value so they have high economic value. Melon is cultivated as a seasonal plant in Indonesia, however, in its cultivation, melons require special handling, one of which is by applying fertilizers and mulch so that the results can be optimal. (Cucumis melo L.) Var. Sakata Glamor. The purpose of this study was to determine the best results from the effect of KNO3 dosage treatment and kinds of mulch on the growth and production of melon (Cucumis melo L.) var. Sakata Glamor. Methods. This research was conducted using a factorial randomized block design (RBD), consisting of 2 factors and repeated 3 times, namely: mulching treatment (M) two levels, black plastic silver (M1) and rice straw (M2). This research was conducted using the Randomized Block Design (RBD) method, namely: Factor I: Mulch treatment with 2 levels. Factor II: Treatment Dose of KNO3 fertilizer with 3 levels. Results and Conclusion of the study concluded that there were significant differences in the treatment of KNO3 dose of 200 kg/ha on fruit diameter and fruit weight. And there is a very significant difference in the levels of sucrose in melon plants aged 56 hst. The optimum dose of KNO3 fertilizer is 200 kg/ha and the use of PHP mulch gives the best results on the growth and production of melon (Cucumis melo L) Var. Sakata Glamor


Keywords: KNO3, Mulch, Melon Sakata Glamor

45. Potensi Ekowisata Hutan Mangrove Di Desa Merak Belantung Kecamatan Kalianda Kabupaten Lampung Selatan

Merak Belantung village in Kalianda sub district of South Lampung regency is a village located in coastal area. This village has a big ecotourism potential especially in its mangrove ecosystem. Despite of Merak Belantung tourism resource potentials, no research has been conducted to study aspects supporting this area into mangrove tourism development, so that data and information about this village is too general. A tourism development of a particular area needs a deep study from various aspects. The objectives of this research were to find out potentials and attractiveness of mangrove tourism in Merak Belantung village and to estimate the values of beauty from these potentials so that this area could be developed into tourism area supporting natural preservation and improving people welfare around it. This research was conducted from April to Desember 2013. Data were collected with direct observations in the fields and direct interviews with respondents to give assessment to tourism beauty potentials. Data were analyzed using descriptive method and scenic beauty estimation (SBE). The results showed that potentials and attraction of mangrove tourism object in Merak Belantung village was the mangrove ecosystem, mangrove water flow, river downstream and beach, local dance art, and handy craft. Activities could be conducted were photography, swimming, bird watching, canoeing, mangrove walk and fishing. Mangrove potential and tourism attraction in Merak Belantung village based on scenic beauty estimation (SBE) were high with the following SBE values: beach was 42, mangrove water flow was 20, and mangrove downstream was 19.

Keywords: mangrove, tourism potential, merak belantung, scenic beauty estimation

146. Upaya Perbaikan Pertumbuhan Bibit Merbau Darat (Intsia Palembanica) Dengan Naungan dan Pemupukan

Mirabow (Intsia palembanica) is one of high quality tropical wood. The wood of mirabow is categorized in durable class I, II and strong class I, II. Mirabow has the straight wood fiber, can be used as plywood, panels, furniture, musical instrument and beautiful shiny wood surface. Among the factors that affect plant growth were shading intensity and nutrients. The purpose of the research were to figure out the effect of shading intensity and fertilization to the growth of mirabow. The Block Randomized Design (BRD) of 4 groups and 3 treatment was employed as research design. Group of the reseach was the provision of no shading (0%), shading intensity 55%, shading intensity 65%, and shading intensity 75%, meanwhile the dose of NPK fertilizer of 0 g/polybag, 2 g/polybag, and 4 g/polybag were employed as the treatments. The large of experimental unit were used 1 seedling. The variable that was observed were high accretion, diameter accretion, root length, number of leaves, crown root ratio, dry weight of crown, dry weight of root, total dry weight and quality index of seedling. Bartlett test was employed to figure out the homogenity of datas. Then, analysis of variance was used to the least significant difference. The entire data tested on 5% significant level. The results showed that 55% shading intensity, obviously increase the dry weight of crown, however the shading intensity more than 65% in fact, evidently decrease the dry weight crown and total dry weight of mirabow seedling. The dose of 4 g/polybag of NPK fertilizer, evidently the number of leaves, crown root ratio, dry weight of crown and total dry weight of mirabow seedling.

Keywords: mirabow, seed fertilisation, shading intensity

325. Cinta Bahari Women's Group Participation on Mangrove Forest Conservation

Most area of Margasari village was mangrove forests. Therefore, Cinta Bahari Women's Group, make mangrove forests as a source of life and their economic income. Cinta Bahari Women's Group was a group of women who always be active in the processing and the utilization of non-timber mangrove forest products namely jeruju leaf (Acanthus Ilicifolius) and pedada fruit (Sonneratia Caseolaris) to serve as processed food ingredients. The purpose of this research was to identify the activities which were undertaken by cinta bahari women's group of mangrove forest conservation. This research was conducted at Lampung Mangrove Center, Margasari Village, Labuhan Maringgai District, East Lampung regency by using purposive sampling method. The number of respondents was 41 people. Based on the result of research, the aspect of protection in the effort of conservation of mangrove forest was categorized good with percentage of 88% which was supported by the activities of plant protection jeruju (Acanthus ilicifolius) and fruit plants pedada (Sonneratia caseolaris) from disturbance of animals and human disturbance; preservation aspect was categorized good with percentage equal to 54% which was supported by the stitching and nursery activities of mangrove plants; utilization aspect was categorized good with percentage equal to 58% which was supported by the utilization of mangrove forests as processed foods, beverages and medicines.

Keywords: Margasari village, Mangrove forests, Cinta bahari women's group, mangrove forest conservation.

373. Analisis Kesesuaian Kawasan Mangrove sebagai Objek Daya Tarik Ekowisata di Desa Siahoni, Kabupaten Buru Utara Timur, Provinsi Maluku (Mangrove Suitability Analysis as an Object of Ecotourism Attraction in Siahoni Village, Buru Utara Timur Regency, Maluku Province)

Most of the area in East Buru Utara Regency, Maluku Province are categorized as coastal lowlands, especially the Teluk Kayeli area. This area has the potential to be developed into a destination area for mangrove ecotourism destination due to its natural and preserved mangrove. The purpose of this study was to analyze the suitability of mangrove areas as an object of ecotourism attraction in Siahoni Village, Buru Utara Timur Regency, Maluku Province. The research approach is descriptive quantitative, using the survey method. Primary data including thickness, density, biota, and type of mangrove were collected through field observation at four observation stations, while secondary data including geographical condition, village monograph, and tide data were collected through literature study. Vegetation data were analyzed by measuring the relative density of each plant species and tourism suitability was analyzed by using tourism suitability index (TSI). Also, a SWOT analysis was also conducted to determine the strategy for developing mangrove ecotourism. Mangrove species observed in mangrove ecosystem at Teluk Kayeli, Siahoni Village consisted of Avicennia lanata, Sonneratia caseolaris, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Ceriops tagal, Nypa frutican, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora stylosa, Scyphyphora hydrophyllaceae, dan Xylocarpus granatum. The results showed that the TSI of mangroves at the observation station 1, 2, 3, and 4 were 65%, 72%, 72%, and 69%, respectively, and corresponded to the S2 category (suitable). Efforts to improve the suitability index of the mangrove area as an object of ecotourism attraction could be done through rehabilitation and reforestation, hence the environmental attraction and ecological function of the mangrove area could be improved.

Keywords: ecotourism, Maluku, mangrove, tourism suitability index

512. Utilization of Wood Vinegar as a Natural Preservative for Sengon Wood (Falcataria moluccana Miq.) against Fungal Attack (Schizophyllum commune Fries)

Most wood supplied from forests currently has a low level of durability and vulnerable to wood-destroying organisms attacks. Sengon wood (Falcataria moluccana Miq.) is classified as low durable class wood (class IV-V); hence wood preservation is needed to protect from the attacks of wood-destroying organisms. One of the eco-friendly materials that can be used for wood preservation is wood vinegar. This study aims to analyze the influence of wood vinegar from tembesu (Fagraea fragrans) and rengas (Gluta renghas) on the durability of sengon wood against Schizophyllum commune Fries fungus. The results showed that wood parts and types of wood vinegar significantly affected preservative retention, absorption, penetration, and weight loss. Some of the chemical compounds contained in tembesu and rengas wood vinegar can inhibit the growth of fungi: (1) acetic acid (CAS) ethylic acid, (2) 2-propanone, 1-hydroxy- (CAS) acetol, (3) phenol, 2-methoxy- (CAS) guaiacol, and (4) phenol (CAS) izal. Preservation of wood using tembesu and rengas wood vinegar with a concentration of 70% could increase the resistance of sengon wood and improve sengon wood's durability into very resistant (durability class I) against S. commune fungus attacks.

Keywords: Falcataria moluccana, wood durability, wood parts, wood vinegar

47. Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung Di Hutan Pinus Dan Hutan Campuran Muarasipongi Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Sumatera Utara

Muarasipongi pine and mixed forests contribute greatly to the biodiversity wildlife. The study of bird species diversity in pine and mixed forests Muarasipongi, to support the preservation and protection efforts on biodiversity especially bird species. This research was conducted on August 2013 by the point count method on Muarasipongi pine and mixed forest then mark and record all the birds over a predetermined period of time before moving to the next point. The data obtained were analyzed and then used to calculate the index of species diversity equality, and community similarity were determined. Observations were made during six repetitions. There are 19 species pine forest, 24 species in the mixed forest and 5 types of birds found in both forest. Total birds found in Muarasipongi 38 species of 20 families. Diversity index (H ') (3.358). The equality index is 0.923, and has a (IS) or Similarity index is worth 0.277 which means that the similarity between the two species is different habitats.

Keywords: birds, diversity, index, preservation, protection

80. Analisis Pengembangan Obyek Wisata Alam di Resort Balik Bukit Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan

Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (TNBBS) is a nature conservation area which has a lot of potential, flora, fauna and natural attractions that have a high value of naturalness. One of the resorts that were recently developed tourist attraction is its natural Resort Balik Bukit. This study aims to: (1) determine the resource potential of nature in Resort Balik Bukit, (2) determine the potential of human resources that exist around the Resort Balik Bukit, (3) determine that management made in the development of natural attractions Behind Hill Resort, and (4) formulating development strategies of natural attractions Resort Balik Bukit TNBBS. The study was conducted for 3 months, from January to March 2013. Data collected through direct observation, interviews, and literature. Data analysis was done in 2 ways descriptive analysis and SWOT by calculating the weight and rating of EFAS and IFAS. The results showed Resort Balik Bukit TNBBS has tourism potential interest to visitors such as Waterfall, River Way Sepapa, Lower Mountains Forest Ecosystem, Flora and Fauna, Nature landscape, and Stone shaped beam. Potential around the Resort Balik Bukit that support community development activities is the ability to make crafts. Management of natural attractions Resort Balik Bukit performed by TNBBS ranging from planning, organizing, implementation, and supervision, but the development is still less than optimal conducted and no other parties are involved. Based on the research results of the most important strategies that can be applied to the Great Hall TNBBS is promoting potentials in Resort Balik Bukit to the tourist market and cooperated with the parties so that the development of natural attractions Resort Balik Bukit can be better.

Keywords: Potential of Nature Tourism, SWOT Analysis , Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan, Resort Balik Bukit

220. Pengaruh Perubahan Tutupan Hutan Dan Lahan Terhadap Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (Pdrb) Di Sektor Pertanian, Kehutanan Dan Industri : Studi Di Provinsi Lampung

National economic growth is an aggregate of regional economic growth. Economic growth in both national and local level is closely related to the performance of the productions of goods and services, which measured by massive increase in the amount of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Regional Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) for the region. Lampung province's economic growth performance is high enough but on the other hand had to be paid by land conversion. This study aims to determine the dynamic of changes in land cover and forest and its impact on agriculture, forestry and industrial earnings. Data collected consist of satelitte  image of lampung province  RGDP in agricultural sector, RGDP in foresty sector, RGDP in industrial sector and population density data. The result showed that there was a significant relationship beetwen changes in private forest cover by 11.055 (p= 0.062), rice field by 7.982 (p= 0.082), and population density by -8.676 (p= 0.000) to the RGDP in agricultural sector. RGDP in the forestry sector is affected significantly by the national forest cover by 1.160 (p= 0.00) and other land use by -0.803 (p= 0.061). RGDP in the industrial sector is influenced significantly by private forest -7.434 (p= 0.077), and plantation by 5.471 (p= 0.00).

Keywords: RGDB agriculture sector, RGDB forestry sector, RGDB industri sector

223. Permudaan Alami Hutan Di Satuan Pengelolaan Taman Nasional (Sptn) Wilayah Iii Kuala Penet Taman Nasional Way Kambas

National Park Management Unit (SPTN) Region III Kuala Penet Resort Margahayu is part ofthe National Park Way Kambas (TNWK). SPTN Region III Kuala Penet as the buffer area TNWK are maintained to keep a diversity of plants is very high in the composition of the structure and composition of a certain type. This study aims to determine the species composition, stand structure and condition of natural regeneration as a performance snapshot succession of stands in Region III SPTN Kuala Penet. The study was conducted from August to September 2015 with the activities of the vegetation analysis using sampling methods terraced lines as a way to obtain primary data, such as: the species stands, the number of species, stem diameter and a height of trees. The results showed that there are 32 species in the region Region III SPTN Kuala Penet Resort Margahayu. Importance ValueIndex (IVI), shows that there are plant species that is most dominant, berasan, kopen, sempu,sonokeling and tiga urat, whereas the type belimbingan, bungur, keteja, keruing mahoni,tutup, and waru have low mastery level. Horizontal stand structure indicate that in general stands dominated by plants with a diameter <10 cm and a diameter decreases to stand 10-<20cm to>60 cm. While the vertical stand structure indicate that the stratum C stands were dominated by as many as 28 species, followed by stratum D (22) types, stratum E (18) types, and the stratum B one types. The condition of Natural regeneration in SPTN Region IIIKuala Penet Resort Margahayu showed that the condition of the forest was normal because the density was dominated by the seedling phase, followed by phases of saplings and poleswith the curves shape resembles the letter "J" reversed.

Keywords: Assisted Natural Regeneration, Composition Type, SPTN, Stand Structure, TNWK

549. Anti-Termite Activity of Melia azedarach Extracts

Natural preservatives have been widely considered as non-synthetic materials that can prevent the biodegradation of wood due to subterranean termite attacks, namely Coptotermes curvignathus. Melia azedarach is a fast-growing species that has been widely studied for its antifeedant compounds and shows good potential to be developed as a biopesticide, especially as an anti-termite. This study aimed to identify the termicide and antifeedant properties of the wood, leaves, and bark extracts of Melia azedarach against subterranean termites and identify their bioactive compounds. The acetone extract from the three parts of the tree was fractionated. The most active fractions were selected from each part based on the percentage of termite mortality and antifeedant activity and analyzed for its bioactive compounds by pyrolysis GCMS. The ethyl acetate fraction of Melia azedarach bark exhibited strong toxic properties compared to other fractions. In the leaf section, the diethyl ether fraction showed the best termite repellent (antifeedant) properties. The anti-termite properties influenced phenolic compounds and organic acid that dominated the bark ethyl acetate fraction and leaf diethyl ether fraction. These findings show the great potential of bioactive compounds from biomaterials to be developed as a promising biopesticide.

Keywords: anti-termite, bioactive compound, Melia azedarach, natural preservative

365. Determining Factors of Flora and Fauna Diversity Change in Khilau Sub-Sub, Bulog Sub-DAS, Sekampung Watershed

Natural resources utilized in unsustainably management, lead to the extinction of biodiversity. The objectives of the research was to figure out the factors related to human activity in natural resources management at sub-sub watershed of khilau influenced to the change of biodiversity in the area. An historical analysis continued with the agrarian diagnosis was emploed as the research method. The result of the study showed that there ware four factors influenced to the biodiversity in sub sub watershed of khilau such as economic factor which is the increasing of commodities price; politic factor which is the occur of reformation lead to forest land occupation by the people; social factor which is the change of agricultur practice from subsistence to commercial products; and cultural factor which is influenced of ethnic in natural resources management. Before the exsisting of community, the area was covered by virgin forest with more than 32 species of flora and 25 species of fauna with the domination of endemic species, the exsistance of human activities lead to increasing of flora to 33 species with the dominance of commercial plants, but in other hand dicreasing fauna to 8 species.

Key words: biodiversity, Bulog Watershed, flora and fauna, Khilau Watershed

65. Ukuran Benih Dan Skarifikasi Dengan Air Panas Terhadap Perkecambahan Benih Pohon Kuku (Pericopsis Mooniana)

Nedun tree (Pericopsis mooniana) is one of commercial trees. The propagation of nedun tree generatively has an obstacle due to it's dormant character and the variety of seeds weight and the both factors are suspected influence the germanitaion. This research aimed to determine effect of seed weight for nedun seed germination and the best of seeds weight for nedun seed germination; the effect of soaking in hot water at beginning temperature 80oC by different soaking period on germination, and the best effect of soaking in hot water at beginning temperature of 80oC by different soaking period on germination. This research was compiled in a randomized complete block design, with 5 treatments and 3 groups. Seeds were catagorized in to three group of weight which were heavy, medium, and light. The treatments consisted of without scarification (as a control), soaking in hot water at beginning temperature of 80°C during 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, and 48 hours. Every experiment unit consisted of 100 seed. The observed variables were consisted of germination percentage, mean daily germination, germination value, and the ability to germinate. Data analysis methods were used variance homogenity, variance analysis and least of difference test at 5% significant level. Based on the analysis of variance showed that seeds weight significantly affected the mean daily germination, but had no effect on germination percentage, germination value, and the ability to germinate. Seeds weight had a mean daily germination 15,088 days to germinate. The medium seeds were germinated faster than heavy seeds and light seeds. Seed scarification gave effect on germination percentage and germination value significantly, but not significant on mean daily germination and ability to germinate. Seeds scarification with hot water at beginning temperature 80°C for 48 hours had germination percentage 28,000%, germination percentage was better than the scarification for 36 hours, 24 hours, 12 hours, and control.

Keywords: Pericopsis mooniana, scarification, seed size

86. Potensi Kayu Rakyat Pada Kebun Campuran Di Desa Pesawaran Indah Kabupaten Pesawaran

Nowadays, the demanding of wood is increased as the population grows while the amount of wood from state forest is decreased. Therefore, the state forest can no longer be relied upon as a supplier of wood for the community. At present, the wood supply is fulfilled by the folk wood as the biggest wood supplier in Indonesia. As one of wood supplier in Lampung Province, the potential of folk wood in mix garden of Pesawaran Indah is unknown. Therefore the objectives of this research are to identify the type of wood, the benefit and also to analyze the potential of folk wood in folk's mix garden. The research was conducted for two months from June until July 2011. The sample taken using purposive sampling methode which was from two types of sample: respondent and plot sample. The primary and the secondary data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results showed that there are 17 types of wooden folk, namely teak (Tectona grandis), medang (Litsea odorifera), chrysolite (Michelia champaka), hibiscus (Hibiscus macrophyllus), tangkil (Gnetum gnemon), Nutmeg (Myristica fragrant), petai (Leucaena leucochepala), julang jaling (Archidendron microcarpum), hazelnut (Aleurites moluccana), bayur (Pterospermum javanicum), coconut (Cocos nucifera), avocado (Persea americana), dadap (Erythrina sp.), mindi (Melia azedarach), cinnamon (Cinnamomum, spp.), durian (Durio zibethinus) and kedondong (Spondias dulcis). Those timbers were used as carpentry, light construction and firewood. The potential of the folk's wood in the village based on classification of young plants are 28 stems per hectare while the potential based on the classification tree is 156.6 m3 per hectare.

Keywords: the folk wood, wood potential, Pesawaran Indah Village, mix garden

132. Essential Oil Rendemen Analysis of Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) Seeds in Various Classes of Sunlight Intensity at Batu Keramat Village, Kota Agung Subdistrict, District of Tanggamus

Nutmeg tree (Myristica fragrans) is a spice tree with high economic value. Nutmeg fruit was contains essential oil as the results of secondary metabolism process. Adequacy of sunlight, the average distance of intersect trees, the tree species and numbers of intersect trees on photosynthesis and the results of secondary metabolism. The aimed of the study was to analyze the rendemen yield obtained from the nutmeg fruit based on differences sunlight intensity with the differences stratum canopy and determine the factors that influence the yield of nutmeg essential oil. The differences of sunlight intensity was used as a treatment there were three classes of sunlight intensity which were low sunlight intensity (0-25%), the moderate sunlight intensity (25-75%) and the high sunlight intensity (75-100%). The multiple linier regression was employed as data analysis method. The result explained that the best sunlight intensity was the moderate (25-75%) with essensial oil rendemen as much 198,2 ml/kg. The result test F shown that in all variable (the sunlight intensity (X1), the average distance of intersect trees (X2), the tree species (X3) and numbers of intersect trees (X4)), significantly influened the production of essensial oil. The results of multiple linear regression analysis deliver the equation of Y = 2,133 + 0.037X1 + 0.275X2 - 0.226X3 - 0.049X4, the equation show a positive value means direcly proporsional to the result of yield by nutmeg essensial oil and a negative value means the opposite. 60,2% coeficient determination value, which means that the equation could explain 60,2% the variables influence to the nutmeg essensial oil rendemen.

Keywords: essential oil, multiple linear regression, Myristica fragrans, sunlight intensity

554. Assessment of Lake Tourism Object as Ecotourism Destination in Merabu, Berau Regency, East Kalimantan

Nya'deng Lake, also called the blue lake, is located in the Sangkulirang Mangkaliat Karst landscape area and is included in the Merabu Village Forest area. Natural lakes with certain uniqueness and characteristics as Nya'deng Lake have become a tourist attraction in Indonesia. Therefore, assessing natural tourism in the lake is very important to develop environmentally friendly and responsible tourism. This research was conducted to explore and assess the potential of Nya'deng Lake as a lake tourism site. The study used a qualitative descriptive approach using a scoring method. Based on field observation, Nya;deng Lake is unique in terms of beauty, comfort, variety of activities, and environmental cleanliness. There are also other interesting objects such as tree houses and gazebos surrounding the lakeside. The results showed that the natural tourism object in Nya'deng Lake has very high criteria; hence it is very feasible to be developed as an ecotourism destination. The ecotourism development of Nya'deng Lake should follow the principles of sustainability and conservation because it is a protected geological area with prehistoric, cultural, and unique natural ecosystem values.

Keywords: blue lake, ecotourism Merabu Village Forest, Nya'deng Lake

522. Development Strategies of Oelsonbai Research Center Scientific Tourism in KHDTK Oelsonbai Kupang

Oelsonbai Research Center is one of the management instruments of Forest Area for Specific Purposes (Kawasan Hutan Dengan Tujuan Khusus) Oelsonbai to help promote research and development results bundled in scientific tourism package. The Oelsonbai Research Center development was still new, so this research aimed to determine development strategies of the Oelsonbai Research Center scientific tourism in forest area for specific purposes Oelsonbai. This research was conducted from June to July 2021. The research methods used were interviews using questionnaires on 33 respondents, field observation, in-depth interviews with the administrators, and Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats  (SWOT) analysis. The results indicated that Oelsonbai Research Center could develop into a tourism area. Therefore, strategies to develop the Oelsonbai Research Center are proposed in this research. The proposed strategies are: developing the potential of the area with better quality tourism objects, executing the created forest area and scientific tourism attraction planning, increasing socialization and promotion activities with digital media, increasing collaborative relations between researchers and other researchers and academics in education, research and scientific tourism, involving the community in tourism activities by establishing business institutions such as cooperatives and establishing cooperation with other parties in developing the Oelsonbai Research Center scientific tourism.

Keywords: Natural tourism, Oelsonbai Research Center, Scientific tourism, SWOT analysis, Tourism

117. Analisis Kesediaan Menerima Pembayaran Jasa Lingkungan Air Masyarakat Sekitar Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman (Tahura War) : Studi Di Desa Sumber Agung Kecamatan Kemiling Kota Bandar Lampung

One approach to conservation efforts on forest that has been converted to mixed farms in Tahura WAR which is also the upstream of DAS Way Betung is the application of Payment for Environmental Services (PES)of water. The value of water PES alleged to approach the value of the willingness to accept (WTA) payment to the upstream society as a provider environmental services. The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of the WTA from DAS Way Betung society especially water services and the factors that influence it, in addition to know the form of incentives that the public wants. The method used in this study is the analysis of Willingness to Accept (WTA), regression analysis and qualitative descriptive analysis. This research is held on April 2014 at Sumber Agung village, Kemiling, Bandar Lampung city. Based on the results obtained by the analysis of the value of the average WTA respondent is Rp 4,358.33 /tree/year. If the total number of trees on public land is 10,475 whole tree, then the total value of the WTA obtained is Rp 44,935,750.00/year. Factors that significantly affect the value of the WTA is the level of education, land area, and the number of trees. Form of incentives other than money the public wants is a fertilizer aid, rural development like transportation infrastucture, and help seed.

Keywords: DAS Way Betung, payment for environmental service, WTA

447. Struktur dan Asosiasi Vegetasi Mangrove di Hilir DAS Torue, Parigi Moutong, Sulawesi Tengah (Structure and Association of Mangrove Vegetation in Torue Watershed Downstream, Parigi Moutong, Central Sulawesi)

One important aspect needed in mangrove forest management was the data and information available regarding structure and associations. However, the structure and association of mangrove forests in the Torue watershed downstream had not been identified. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the structure and association of mangrove forests in the Torue watershed downstream. This research used the plot path method with a path and plot combination. Path placement was done by purposive sampling. The results showed that the mangrove forest structure of the Torue watershed downstream consisted of three canopy layers, i.e., Stratum C, D, and E, which were dominated by seedling and sapling growth rates. Stratum C was dominated by Sonneratia alba type, and Stratum D was dominated by Bruguiera gymnorizha and Bruguiera sexangula types. In contrast, Stratum E was dominated by Rhizophora mucronata and Rhizophora apiculata types. There was no association between mangrove vegetation and all species. However, three pairs of species had a positive association coefficient, namely: Sonneratia alba with Rhizophora apiculata with a coefficient value of 0.42, Rhizophora mucronata with Bruguiera gymnorhiza, and Rhizophora mucronata with Bruguiera sexangula each coefficient value of 0.06, which was not associated with five species, namely Sonneratia alba, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorizha, and Bruguiera sexangula. The results of this study could be the basis of the guidelines for sustainability in mangrove forest management.

Keywords: association, mangrove forest, vegetation structure, watershed

66. Perilaku Harian Burung Tekukur (Streptopelia Chinensis) Di Lapangan Tenis Universitas Lampung

One of nature conservation area in Indonesia is a Way Kambas National Park (WKNP). Ecotourism activities in TNWK located in Elephant Conservation Center (ECC), which success is determined by the satisfaction of visitors. The purpose of the study was conducted in May-June 2013 were to (1) determine factors of visitor satisfaction (2) determine the strategy of increasing visitor satisfaction at the Elephant Conservation Centre Way Kambas National Park. Survey methods used to conduct interviews with 98 respondents. The data used (1) characteristics of the attractions include service, cleanliness, facilities support and collection activities, (2) characteristics of visitors include visitor origin, sex, age, distance, duration of visit, number of visitors, education, motivation visit (tourist), the type of group (group), and the activity of visiting (see or ride an elephant). The model was used to determine the chances of qualitative factors that influence visitor satisfaction. Optimization parameters used software Minitab 16. The results showed that the significant factors of visitor satisfaction are distances, services, duration of visit and college and that does not include the effect is not real visitor origin, sex, age, number of visitors, motivation visit (tourist), the type of group (group), the activity of visiting (see or ride an elephant) hygiene, supporting facilities and collection activities. For visitor satisfaction improvement strategies by improving the attractiveness of the object ecotourism, ticket services, security, additional variations tourist attractions, and the addition of facilities and supporting infrastructure for the convenience of visitors. Tourist attractions, improvement and addition the facilities and supporting infrastructure for the convenience of visitors.

Keywords: elephant conservation center, guest satisfaction

293. Mitigation of Simpai (Presbitys melalophos) Disturbance on Agroforestry in Protection Forest Register 25 Pematang Tanggang, Kelumbayan, Tanggamus

One of the contents within the Government Regulation Number 6 Year 2007 is regulating permissions on how communities can sustainably utilize forest land exclude in protection blocks, for instance agroforestry. Disturbance by wildlife as simpai (Presbytis melalophos) is occurred in an agroforestry land located in the Protection Forest Register 25 Pematang Tanggang, Kelumbayan Tanggamus. The underlying repercussions from the disturbance particularly because agroforestry systems that managed by cummunities contains food sources of simpai such as juvenile leaves and fruits. The aims of this study were to analyze the intensity of disturbance based on activity range, type of crop, time of simpai activities and analyze the mitigation effort. Field observation and interview with communities were used as the research method. The results showed that the highest disturbance of simpai based on the activity range is on agroforestry area where feed resources are quite abundant. The type of plants that disturbed was mostly consisting of banana and cocoa. In addition, the intensity of encounter time predominantly at 5:00 to 7:45 am. Simpai was rarely seen in the afternoon and could be found again at 04:00 to 05:30 pm. The lack of the community knowledge on the conservation status of the wildlife has caused the practices of environmentally-aggressive control of simpai such as by trapping and even shooting. A more environmentally-friendly mitigation effort was performed through the protection of crop, for example by covering fruits before harvesting.

Key words: agroforestry, Presbytis melalophos, mitigation, simpai.

102. Peranan Ekosistem Hutan Mangrove pada Imunitas terhadap Malaria: Studi di Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai Kabupaten Lampung Timur (Role of Mangrove Forest Ecosystem in Immunity to Malaria: Study in Sub-District Labuhan Maringgai District East Lampung)

One of the ecological function of mangrove forests is a habitat for mosquitoes that cause malaria (Anopheles sp.). Epidemic of malaria could increased as a result of mangrove degradation. The damage of mangrove forests stimulate Anopheles sp. migrate to other habitats such as settlements, that become malaria vector. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of mangrove forest ecosystems both intrinsic and extrinsic factors in immunity to malaria. This research was conducted on June 2014 in the Muara Gading Mas Village, Bandar Negeri, Sriminosari, and Margasari, Sub-district Labuhan Maringgai, District East Lampung. The data were collected through interviews and survey/observations method. The impact of each variable used binary logistic regression models. Parameter optimization used software Minitab 16. The result of research have been demonstrated that there is influence both intrinsic and extrinsic factors in immunity to malaria in mangrove forest. Factors that increase resistance to malaria: (a) gender, male37.42 fold of female, (b) age, getting older every 1 year doubled to 1.17 times of originally, (c) education, the higher it is reduced to 0.001 times the originally, (d) livelihood, besides fisher 0,001 fold of fisherman, (e) the distance settlements to the health facility, each reduced to 1 meter doubled to 0.09 times the originally, (f) the distance home to mangroves, each increase of 1 meter doubled to 1,001 times the originally, (g) the dustbin, there are bins 239.71 better than none, (h) the malaria program, multiply 3.71E+05 originally than none, (i) extensive mangrove, increasing 1 m2 become 1,001 fold of originally, and (j) mangrove density, increasing 1 population/ha multiply 1.18 fold originally.

Keywords: Mangrove forest, immunity to malaria, Anopheles sp.

241. Kajian Pengetahuan Ekologi Lokal Dalam Konservasi Tanah Dan Air Di Sekitar Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman

One of the efforts of subsistence forest communities is through interaction with the forest. Experience and habit of managing forests form a system of knowledge of ecological knowledge of communities to manage and use resources wisely. Local ecological knowledge that is not yet known and well documented, so it needs to be investigated. The purpose of this study is to identify and obtain a description of local ecological knowledge about soil and water conservation in order to utilize Tahura neighborhood Wan Abdul Rachman by Wana Karya farmers group. Software used Agroecological Knowledge Toolkit 5 (AKT 5). The method used in the study sample was purposive sampling with 36 respondents. The data obtained were processed by the application AKT 5 to obtain a model of local ecological knowledge. Local ecological knowledge of farmer groups Wana forest managers work in soil and water conservation techniques is terracing and building rorak.

Keywords: AKT5,Great Forest Park, local ecological knowledge, maintenance, soil and water conservation

64. Motivasi Petani Dalam Budidaya Lebah Madu (Apis Cerana) Di Desa Buana Sakti Kabupaten Lampung Timur

One of the efforts to increase the production of honey bee (Apis cerana) is by giving motivate to farmer and their family, because it can be done by increasing the income can be taken by honey bee cultivation (Apis cerana) in Buana Sakti village. This research was done from January until March 2013 to know at the level of farmers' motivation and also the factors that has correlation and influence with the farmers' motivation in honey bee (Apis cerana) cultivation. Based on the result of some model simulations in test the motivation of the farmers in honey bee (Apis cerana) cultivation in Buana Sakti village has been become high classification with result 18,78, and factors that has influence of motivation to farmers in honey bee Apis cerana cultivation is an easy in honey bee cultivation 90,7%, an easy of market result honey bee cultivation 90%, frequency to follow socialitation 89,9%, farmer's income 85,9%, and a long of honey bee cultivation 78,8%.

Keywords: cultivation, honey bee (Apis cerana), motivation, SPSS

188. Infiltrasi Pada Berbagai Tegakan Hutan Di Arboretum Universitas Lampung

One of the important functions of the forest is as a provider of water through infiltration processes in the hydrological cycle. Green open space at Lampung University has a variety of tree stands, including Sengon Buto, Teak stands and mixed stands. The stand has the potential to increase infiltration and reduce run-off. The study aims to determine the rate of infiltration that occurs under a variety of stands by using Double Ring infiltrometer, and conducted during February - March 2015.The results showed a mix of stands have the highest infiltration rate of 56.60 cm/hour when compared with Sengon Buto, stands of teak, and free standing, each of which has a value of 51.60 cm/hour, 45.60 cm/hour, and 4.80 cm/hour. Based on the classification according Kohnke (1968), the infiltration rate contained under each of these stands belong to the classification very quickly, while on land classified as being free standing. Factors that affect the rate of infiltration directly that the initial soil water content, bulk density, soil porosity, and clay fractions. Tree density, density and canopy strata, as well as ground cover plants indirectly affects infiltration is to establish the physical properties of soil that can support increased infiltration.

Keywords: infiltration, double ring infiltrometer, the land under the stand

415. Jenis-Jenis Tumbuhan Asing Invasif di Resort Sukaraja Atas, Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (Invasive Alien Species Plants in Sukaraja Atas Resort, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park)

One of the problems encountered by the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (TNBBS) is the presence of invasive alien species. Invasive alien species are plants that grow outside their natural distribution and have the ability to cover the area; hence it could suppress the growth of the other plants. The presence of invasive alien species in the national park has been widely reported to cause negative impacts on the ecosystem, local biodiversity, socio-economic, and human health in the vicinity. This study was carried out in the rehabilitation zone of the Sukaraja Atas Resort of TNBBS that had shifted into open land. This study aimed to determine the species and dominance of invasive alien species that exist. The sampling method was used by laying plots consisted of the combination of the line and multiple plot methods with a total plot of 25 plots. Data analysis was performed by selecting invasive alien species observed based related-literature, while the dominance of invasive alien species was calculated by the importance value index (IVI). The results identified 121 species, of which 29 species or 35% of them were classified as invasive alien, which originating from 19 families. Three invasive alien species become the most dominating, namely: Clidemia hirta with an IVI of 22.61, Imperata cylindrica with an IVI of 18.03, and Calliandra calothyrsus with an IVI 17.96. The environmental conditions and species characteristics supported the three invasive alien species domination; hence it inhibited the growth of native species.

Keywords: Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, invasive alien species, rehabilitation zone

242. Evaluasi Pengelolaan Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HKm) pada Gabungan Kelompok Tani Rukun Lestari Sejahtera di Desa Sindang Pagar Kecamatan Sumberjaya Kabupaten Lampung Barat

One of the program to solved is the problem of society's activity through Community Forest (CF). Those program constructed to enhance society's income and job vacansy, so that every aspect within forest management element's (planning, organizing, actuating,
controlling or POAC) which strategically strong. The purpose of the study were to identify social and economics characteristic society and to evaluate HKm by local society. The research conducted on October 2015 in sindang Pagar Village, Sumber Jaya subdistrict, West Lampung Regency. The total samples were 42 respondents which chosen by proportionate stratified simple random sampling method, and analized descriptively. The results, overall: (1) Social and economic characteristics of society whom managed CF classified into productive in age to work, despite having a low education level, in addition respondents mostly have huge dependent upon their families, so that respondents has managed ample land and have a side job that's why respondents' income was quite high. (2) The evaluation results indicate that the activity on planning aspects included into medium category, organizational aspects included into mediocare category, while the implementation aspect included into good category and monitoring-evaluation aspects included into good category. Overall Community forest management included in good category.

Keywords: Community Forest, Farmers Group, Management Evaluation

26. Pengaruh Perendaman Benih Pada Berbagai Suhu Awal Air Terhadap Viabilitas Benih Kayu Afrika (Maesopsis Eminii)

One of the propagation problems in generative of umbrella tree was seed dormancy. To break the seed dormancy of umbrella tree seed, soaking at different initial temperatures of water was used. The objectives of this research were to find out the effect of initial temperature treatment to the germination percentage, the germination speed rate, and the ability to germinate, and also to find the optimum initial temperature for umbrella tree germination. The research has started February until May 2012 in PT. Anugerah Subur Sejahtera, Ulak Bandung Village, sub-districtofMuara Sahung, Kaur Regency, Bengkulu.This research used completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatment and 3 replications, each series of experiments used 100 seeds. The result shown that soaking treatment at different initial temperature of water has been significantly affected the germination percentage, and the umbrella tree seed without soaking gave the best result.

Keywords: germination, scarification, seed viability, umbrella tree

77. Kesediaan Menerima Pembayaran Jasa Lingkungan Air Sub Das Way Betung Hulu Oleh Masyarakat Kawasan Hutan Register 19 (Studi Kasus Di Desa Talang Mulya Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran)

One of the solution utilize to overcome damage of DAS Way Betung hydrology function is apply of Payment for Environmental Service (PES) for forest and land rehabilitation. PES is needs to be studied more in depth, especially the level of value willingness to accept payment by people as environmental service provider. The purposes of this research are knowing value of willingness to accept (WTA) the people regarding PES of upstream Sub DAS Way Betung and factors to influence it with knowing incentive forms who wanted by the people. Method used in this research are Willingness to Accept analysis, regression analysis and descriptive analysis qualitative. Based on the result, the average of WTA respondent in the location of research is Rp 8,552.63 per tree per year. If the number of trees in the mix community garden is 1,462 trees, then it will be obtained the total value of WTA Talang Mulya village is Rp 12,503,945.06 per year. Factors which significant influenced to WTA value that are level education, age and status of arable land. Incentive forms who wanted by respondent are cash money, rural development, seedlings and fertilizer donations and also farm animal.

Keywords: payment for environmental service, WTA, DAS Way Betung

614. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Oriented Flattened Bamboo Boards (OFBB) from Ater (Gigantochloa atter Kurz.) and Betung (Dendrocalamus asper)

Oriented flattened bamboo board (OFBB) is a composite board consisting of oriented structure sheets of flattening bamboo. This study aimed to analyze the physical and mechanical properties of the oriented flattened bamboo board from ater (Gigantochloa atter Kurz.) and betung (Dendrocalamus asper) bamboo. The difference between those two bamboos is mainly from the thickness of the walls, where the wall thickness of ater bamboo is thinner than betung bamboo. A three-layer flattened skin bamboo board using the isocyanate resin with a density target of 0.6 g/cm3 was applied in this study. Moisture content, density, thickness swelling and water absorption, as well as contact angle characteristics of the samples were tested as physical properties. Meanwhile, bending, internal bond strength, and compressive strength were determined for their mechanical properties. The study result showed that both physical and mechanical properties of the board made from ater bamboo were in higher values than those made from betung bamboo. Referring to CSA 0437.0 (Grade O-1) standard, those flattened bamboo boards met the quality of first grade of the Canadian Standard for OSB and waferboard, excluding the IB properties.

192. Analisis Kesediaan Menerima (WTA) Sebagai Proksi Pembayaran Jasa Lingkungan Air Di Pekon Datar Lebuay Kecamatan Air Naningan Kabupaten Tanggamus

Payment for Environmental Services (PES) incentive need be applied to ensure the promotion of soil and water conservation. It's pro conservation attitude should be soon adopted by sharecroppers in various protected areas. Likewise the sharecroppers in Protected Forest Management Unit (KPHL) Batutegi which their area has been degraded. Based on the paper plan of Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (UPTD) KPHL Batutegi (2014), there were critical area of 14405.10 hectares (24.77%) and very critical of 45.56 ha (0.77%). The value of the willingness to accept (WTA) for the water PES for upstream community as a provider of environmental services was necessary to be studied towards to increase willingness of people to apply soil and water conservation. The purposes of this study were to determine the water PES WTA value of Datar Lebuay Villages and establishment of influenced factors. The methods used in this research were WTA survey include gathering data as follows education, income, age, acreage (land tillage), number of trees and stay duration. The data was analyzed by double linear regression to examine the effect of these variables the WTA value. Based on the analysis, it could be concluded: a. The estimated water PES WTA value Datar Lebuay Villages was about 4119.05/tree/year averagely and the total water PES WTA value was Rp 14,033,050/year when the 3,682 trees belong to the communities, b. Factors that significantly affected the WTA value were age, stay duration and level of education. According to research results, it's suggested to scalling up this research to another village included add socio-economic factors such as gender, ethnicity and the other social variables.

Keywords: Datar Lebuay Villages, payment for environmental services, Way Sekampung Sub-Watershed, WTA

142. Potensi Wisata Alam Di Pematang Tanggang Desa Negeri Kecamatan Kelumbayan Kabupaten Tanggamus

Pematang tanggang has a lot of potential tourism resources. However there is no sufficient information about the aspects supporting the area to be developed as a tourist destination. The aims of the study were to examine the potential and natural touristic attraction in pematang tanggang, and to calculate the beauty value of those potential. Direct observation and interview were employed as the data collection methods, accidental sampling was used as the respondent determined. Scenic beauty estimation and descriptive analysis were emplayed as data analysis method. The results of the study shows that the potential and the natural touristic attraction in Pematang Tanggang are; Tanggang waterfall, Payung waterfall, view to the Lampung bay, and wolf tree. Activities could be done are encamped, photography, bird watching, primate watching, and rock climbing. Based on the scenic beauty estimation method the value of potential and natural touristic attraction in Pematang Tanggang from the higest to the are; Tanggang waterfall (33), Payung waterfall (20), view to the Lampung bay (4), and wolf tree (0).

Keywords: nature potential, Pematang Tanggang, scenic beauty estimation

413. Inventarisasi Jenis Burung yang Dipelihara Masyarakat Kecamatan Leitimur Selatan Kota Ambon.

Penangkapan burung liar dapat mengganggu populasinya di alam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menginventarisasi jenis burung yang dipelihara masyarakat di Kecamatan Leitimur Selatan Kota Ambon dengan menggunakan metode wawancara. Hasil Penelitian ditemukan 13 jenis burung dan 76 ekor yaitu Kakatua Koki (Cacatua gallerita) 11 ekor, Kakatua Maluku (Cacatua moluccensis) 5 ekor, Kakatua Putih (Cacatua alba) 1 ekor, Kakatua Raja (Probosciger aterrimus) 1  ekor, Kakatua Tanimbar (Cacatua goffiniana) 1 ekor, Kasturi Tengkuk Ungu (Eos squamata) 1 ekor, Kasturi Kepala Hitam (Lorius lory) 2 ekor, Merpati (Columba livia) 9 ekor, Nuri Bayan (Eclectus roratus) 3 ekor, Perkici Pelangi (Trichoglossus haematodus) 14 ekor, Nuri Maluku (Eos borneo) 24 ekor, Kasuari (Casuarius casuarius) 1 ekor, Kasturi Ternate ( Lorius garrulus) 3 ekor. Dari ke-13 jenis burung yang dipelihara  masyarakat ditemukan burung yang dilindungi dengan status terancam dan resiko rendah.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis pohon di Kebun Raya UHO. Riset bersifat jelajah  dengan pendekatan deskriptif yaitu pengamatan morfologi pohon  dilakukan dengan empat tahapan  yaitu  tahap persiapan dan pengumpulan data sekunder, tahap observasi, tahap pengumpulan data primer, dan tahap identifikasi dengan durasi waktu empat bulan yaitu pada bulan april sampai juli 2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 21 jenis  pohon yang terdiri dari 17 famili. Famili Myrtaceae termasuk famili yang mendominasi. Selain itu pada jalur tracking penangkaran angrek kebun raya UHO terdapat jenis pohon khas Sulawesi.

483. Stategi Pemanfaatan Lahan Hutan Rakyat Di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar Provinsi Sulawesi Barat

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi pengelolaan dan potensi hutan rakyat. Merumuskan strategi pemanfaatan lahan di bawah tegakan Hutan Rakyat untuk mendukung optimalisasi produksi di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar. Data yang diperoleh diidentifikasi dan dikaji, kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif melalui metode Force Field Analysis dan Analysis Hierarki Process. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat kurang lebih memanfaatkan lahan kawasan Hutan Rakyat. Adapun jenis tanaman yang dikembangan masyarakat antara 3 desa yang ada di kecamatan binuang yaitu jati putih, jati sengon meranti merah dan Jati super. Karatersikik ekonomi masyarakat Usia produktif dan usia non produktif menjadi faktor pendukung dalam mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan lahan hutan rakyat. Tingkat pendidikan masyarakat mempengaruhi cara berfikir seseorang dalam menganalisis suatu masalah dan mengambil suatu keputus an atau kebijakan. Semakin tinggi tingkat pendidikan seseorang maka akan memiliki kecenderungan semakin mudah menerima respon terhadap perubahan-perubahan. Faktor pendorong terdiri atas: Dukungan Pemerintah pusat dalam pengelolaan hutan, hutan rakyat model lahan kementrian, lahan dikelola cukup luas, alokasi pengunaan lahan di masyarakat, lsm mewadahi pendampingan dan kelembagaan dimasyarakat. Faktor penghambat terdiri atas: kordinasi antara pemda dan kelompok tani kurang penampingan, potensi konflik, kondisi lahan cukup beragam, rendahnya margin pendapatan petani dan mekanisme pasar kayu mengalami kekurangan dan sistem penjualan kayu juga masih kurang dan ketahan pangan dimusim kemarau mengalami kerugian. Strategi yang sesuai adalah strategi konsentrasi melalui integrasi horizontal dengan cara memperluas kegiatan di masyarakat dan mengembangkan jaringan informasi serta komunikasi antar daerah yang memiliki program sama.

434. PERTANIAN POLA TLAHAB DAN UPAYA KONSERVASI LAHAN OLEH PETANI DI LERENG GUNUNG SINDORO Tlahab Pattern And Land Conservation Efforts By Peasant In The Slope Of Sindoro Vulcano

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan sistem pertanian pola Tlahab dalam mendukung upaya konservasi lahan di lereng Gunung Sindoro. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan informan para petani, penyuluh pertanian lapangan, penyuluh kehutanan, dan tokoh masyarakat desa Tlahab. Wawancara dan observasi digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data primer, sedangkan dokumentasi digunakan untuk data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem pertanian pola Tlahab mendukung upaya konservasi lahan di lereng Gunung Sindoro. Dalam pelaksanaannya, sistem pertanian pola Tlahab berupaya menerapkan metode konservasi baik secara vegetatif fisika, maupun kimiawi. Metode vegetatif dilakukan dengan crop rotation, tanaman penguat teras, land covered, strip cropping, dan penghijauan. Metode fisika dilakukan dengan countur farming, pembuatan guludan, saluran pembuangan air, dan pengolahan tanah, sedangkan metode kimiawi dengan soil conditioning.



Kata kunci: pola Tlahab, konservasi lahan, petani


The purpose of this study was to determine the application of the Tlahab pattern agricultural system in support of land conservation efforts on the slopes of Mount Sindoro. This research method uses a qualitative approach, with informants from farmers, agricultural extension agents, forestry extension officers, and Tlahab village community leaders. Interviews and observations are used to collect primary data, while documentation is used for secondary data. The results showed that the agricultural system of the Tlahab pattern supported efforts to conserve land on the slopes of Mount Sindoro. In its implementation, the Tlahab pattern farming system seeks to apply conservation methods both vegetatively, physically and chemically. The vegetative method is carried out with crop rotation, patio reinforcement plants, land covered, strip cropping, and greening. The physics method is done by countur farming, making mounds, drainage channels, and soil processing, while the chemical method is with soil conditioning.



Keywords: Tlahab pattern, land conservation, peasant



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengelolaan persemaian di Kota Kendari dan Kabupaten Konawe Selatan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di persemaian Kota Kendari dan Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, berlangsung selama tiga bulan pada bulan juni sampai Agustus 2019. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan Metode sensus atau melakukan pengambilan sampel pada seluruh persemaian yang ada dalam populasi. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik pengelolaan persemaian yang terdapat di Kota Kendari dan Kabupaten Konawe Selatan yaitu tipe persemaian permanen dengan tujuan untuk penjualan bibit/keuntungan terutama dari pembibitan yang dikelolah oleh swasta. Karakteristik tenaga kerja persemaian yaitu tipe pekerja sewa dengan biaya sewa pekerja Rp. 50.000/hari (60%).  Produksi bibit dengan tujuan produksi pohon berkayu dan buah (36,3%). Produksi bibit pertahun yaitu sebesar 1.000 bibit (100%). Bibit yang di produksi adalah tanaman kehutanan (71,4%) dan perkebunan (28,5%).

316. Keanekaragaman Hayati Flora dan Fauna Di Kawasan Hutan Bukit Datuk Dumai, Provinsi Riau

Penelitian keanekaragaman hayati flora fauna telah dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2016 di kawasan hutan Bukit Datuk Dumai, Provinsi Riau. Luas kawasan hutan ini 57 ha berfungsi sebagai kawasan lindung yang termasuk dalam konsesi kilang minyak Pertamina seluas 360 ha. Struktur dan komposisi jenis pohon dengan diameter setinggi dada 10 cm, pancang dan semai diteliti  dari  petak ukur permanen berukuran satu ha. Dijumpai 32 jenis pohon berdiameter 10 cm dan berjumlah 354 pohon, tergolong dalam 22 suku, jenis terbanyak adalah Dipterocarpaceae. Jenis yang mendominasi tegakan tingkat pohon berturut-turut adalah keterung (Garcinia dioca L.) INP=39,67%, undal (Gironniera subaequalis Planch.) INP=30,39% dan para (Ochanostachys amentaceae Mast.) INP=30,26%. Belta: kelat putih (Hopea mengarawan Miq.), undal (Gironniera subaequalis  Planch.) dan meranti bunga (Shorea acuminata  Dyer.) dengan INP masing-masing 73,71%, 42,51% dan 35,24%, semai jenis selumar (Glochidion sp.) dengan INP 47,10%, kempas (Koompassia excelsa Taub.) INP 43,52% dan kelat putih (Hopea mengarawan Miq.) INP 24,62%. Jumlah jenis burung ditemukan 33 dengan indeks keragaman 2,63, indeks kemerataan jenis 0,75 dan indeks kekayaan jenis sebesar 6,52. 


Kata kunci : Struktur, komposisi, regenerasi, hutan rawa, fauna, burung

635. Penilaian Kesehatan Pohon di Jalur Hijau Jalan Kecematan Beji, Kota Depok dengan Metode Forest Health Monitoring (FHM)

Pohon tumbang merupakan masalah serius di wilayah perkotaan yang menyebabkan kerugian bagi masyarakat sekitar, terutama ketika badai dan angin kencang. Pohon tumbang dapat dicegah dengan melakukan penilaian kesehatan pohon untuk mitigasi kasus tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penilaian kesehatan pohon di jalur hijau jalan di Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok terhadap lima species (Mangifera indica, Nephelium lappaceum, Swietenia macrophylla, Swietenia mahagoni, dan Tectona grandis) dengan metode Forest Health Monitoring (FHM). Survei dilakukan pada 3 tipe jalur hijau jalan, yaitu jalur hijau jalan raya, jalur hijau jalan taman, dan jalur hijau jalan lokal/gang. Data lingkungan menunjukan bahwa mikroiklim di Kecamatan Beji dalam kondisi panas dan kering. Mikroiklim tersebut dapat menyebabkan stres bagi pohon.  Berdasarkan kriteria FHM, penelitian ini menemukan kerusakan lain-lain (kerusakan yang tidak terdaftar di metode FHM), yaitu kerusakan yaitu epicormic pada batang dan dasar tajuk, percabangan asimetris, percabangan menyatu, pohon miring, akar terbuka, dan malformasi. Lokasi kerusakan pohon yang ditemukan setiap jalur hijau jalan bervariasi. Jalur hijau jalan raya lebih dominan dengan kerusakan di tajuk dan percabangan. Jalur hijau taman lebih dominan dengan kerusakan di daun, kuncup, dan tunas. Jalur hijau jalan lokal tidak memiliki dominan kerusakan di lokasi tertentu pada pohon. Penelitian ini menemukan pohon di jalur hijau jalan Kecamatan Beji dalam kondisi sehat (67,57%), kerusakan ringan (30,41%), dan kerusakan sedang (2,03%) Kondisi tersebut disebabkan oleh stres lingkungan dan aktivitas manusia seperti vandalisme dan pembangunan infrastruktur.


594. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Oriented Strand Board Under Various Post-Thermal Treatment Duration

Post-treatment of bamboo-oriented strand board (BOSB) through thermal modification can be an alternative to improve BOSB quality. This study aimed to analyze the effect of post-thermal treatment duration on the physical and mechanical properties of BOSB. Three-layers BOSB with a target density of 0.7 g/cm3 was made with the core layer perpendicular to the surface and bonded with 8% phenol-formaldehyde resin. The BOSB produced was then thermally-modified at 160°C for 1, 2, and 3 h. The physical and mechanical properties of BOSB were determined based on JIS A 5908-2003 standard. The results showed that the physical properties of the thermally-modified BOSB increased while the mechanical properties decreased compared to the untreated BOSB. The moisture content (MC), water absorption (WA), and thickness swelling (TS) of BOSB decreased with the increase in post-thermal treatment duration. The decrease in MC, WA, and TS of the thermally-modified BOSB reached 38.60%, 11.92%, and 33.26%, respectively. In addition, the decrease in modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR), and internal bonding of the thermally-modified BOSB reached 19.18%, 23.15%, and 53.51%, respectively. The results showed that TS, MOE, and MOR of the thermally-modified BOSB still could meet the 0437.0 standards for commercial OSB (Grade O-1).

Keywords: bamboo-oriented strand board, Dendrocalamus asper, physical and mechanical properties, post-thermal treatment, treatment duration

537. Potential of Full Fruits and Rendement of Ripe and Full Nipa (Nypa fruticans Wurmb) Fruit Flour

Potential of Full Fruits and Rendement of Ripe and Full Nipa (Nypa fruticans Wurmb) Fruit Flour

412. Struktur Tegakan dan Serapan Karbon pada Hutan Sekunder Kelompok Hutan Muara Merang, Sumatera Selatan (Vegetation Structure and Carbon Stocks in Secondary Forests of Muara Merang Forest Complex, South Sumatera)

Primary natural forests generally have higher biodiversity and biomass compared to secondary forests. This study aimed to analyze the species composition, forest structure, biomass and carbon stock in the Old Secondary Forest (HST), Young Secondary Forest (HSM), and Old Shrub Forest (HBT) in Peatland Protection Area, Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatera Province. Forest inventory was conducted in measurement plots of 100 m x 100 m in the HST, HSM, and HBT. The results recorded 39 species of 20 families and 565 standing trees with a diameter of >= 10 in the HST, 48 species of 20 families and 430 standing trees in the HSM, and 2 species of 1 family and 4 standing trees in the HBT. Vegetation at the tree level in the HST was dominated by Eugenia sp., Alseodaphne insignis, and Adenanthera pavonina, while the HSM was dominated by Macaranga maingayi, Koompassia malaccensis, and Alseodaphne insignis, and the HBT was dominated by Acacia mangium and Acacia crassicarpa. The biomass and carbon stock of standing trees in the HST were 181,61 t/ha and 90,79 t C/ha, respectively; in the HSM were 117,04 t/ha and 58,51 t C/ha; while in the HBT were 1,33 t/ha and 0,66 t C/ha. The results revealed that carbon stock in the HST was higher than that in the HSM and HST.

Keywords: carbon stocks, carbon uptake, Musi Banyuasin, peatlands, vegetation structure

244. Kontribusi Hutan Milik Terhadap Kesejahteraan Petani Di Desa Sukoharjo I Kecamatan Sukoharjo Kabupaten Pringsewu

Private forest was forest that land ownership by the people with a minimum area of 0.25 ha. In Lampung province generally cropping patterns were applied to private forests is agroforestry. Agroforestry was one of land use form in multicrown. It was consisting of a
mixture of the trees, shrubs with an annual or plants often accompanied by cattle in one area. Agroforestry system contributed on ecological and economical to generate in farmers income. Especially in this village private forest contribution to the welfare of farmers  were not yet known. This study aimed to: (1) Know how much the contribution of private forests for income of farmers in Sukoharjo I Village Sukoharjo District Pringsewu Regency; (2) Know the poverty level of farmers from agroforestry; and (3) Know the welfare level of farmers from agroforestry. This research was conducted in the Sukoharjo 1 Village, Sukoharjo District Pringsewu Regency.

The samples of this research used simple random sampling. Selected respondents were 41 heads of families. The results showed that: 1) The contribution of private forest againts revenue was 83.27% or Rp 62,591,537.00 / kk / ha / year and non private forest was
12,573,171 (16.73%); 2) The level of poverty of family was rate of 7.32% included in the category of the poorest, 2.44% belong to the category of poor households, 2.44% belong to the category of poor households, and 87.80% of the respondents belong to the category
above the poverty line; and 3) The level of welfare of family was 12,20% of respondents, it included in the category of pre-prosperous: 19.51% included in the category of prosperous phase I, 14.63% included in the category of prosperous phase II, 46.34% included in the
category of prosperous phase III, and 7.32% included in the category of prosperous phase III Plus.

Keywords: agroforestry, the contribution of income, level of poverty, level of welfare

115. The Society's Participation of Partner Polhut at Effort of Protection and Forest Security at Way Kambas National Park

Protection and forest security base on the local society participation represent an effort to take care of to protecting and maintaining forest trouble loss. Management of Way Kambas National Park (TNWK) less be effective considering the broadness of forest area managed and the number of trouble problems to forest area. Society Partner of forest police (MMP) is society group about assistive forest police (Polhut) in execution of forest protection under coordination, construction and observation of instution builder. Objective of this research is to learn the storey level participation and factors which deal with participation MMP protection and forest security. Method of data intake use the method of census and survei. Population only amount to 64 people so that altogether taken as sampel. Analysed data with the correlation test. Age, education, old join at group, work tipe, conditions equipment, conditions equipment and maintenance have not relation which significan and education, work tipe, condition equipment and conditions equipment and maintenance have negative corelations with the participation of group MMP on protection and forest security in TNWK.

Keyword: group of community, forest protection, participate.

224. Keanekaragaman Spesies Burung Di Hutan Lindung Register 25 Pematang Tanggang Kabupaten Tanggamus Lampung

Protection forest is one of the habitats of various birds, however the increasing of forest exposureinto plantation and agriculture area distribution of bird populations surpressed. Protection ForestRegister 25 Pematang Tanggang located in Tanggamus regency has  3.380 ha areas. The purposeof this research is to identify the difference of birds species in the different of habitat. The methodthat used is IPA (Indices Point d, Abondance), with 6 points of observation. The observation wasdone for 5 effective days. Overall, the number of birds that found in Protection Forest Register 25Pematang Tanggang are 37 bird species that come from 16 family with total 985 individu. In eachdense, sparse and residential areas has 26, 29, and 12 birds species. Diversity and evenness of birds species in the Protection Forest Register 25 Pematang Tanggang are moderate (H'= 0,89)and stable (J = 0,80). The index value of the largest bird species similarity between bird species indense forests and sparse forests as big as(IS = 0.69). Overall of all bird species found, 12 birds species that enrolled in protected status PP No. , 7 In 1999, 9 birds species listed are registered in appendix II of CITES, and 1 bird species is enrolled in protected status of IUCN.

Keywords: protection forest, diversity of birds species, protected status.

247. Jenis Tanaman, Kerapatan, Dan Stratifikasi Tajuk Pada Hutan Kemasyarakatan Kelompok Tani Rukun Makmur 1 Di Register 30 Gunung Tanggamus, Lampung

Protection forests have a protective function as a basic life support system to regulate the water system, prevent floods, control erosion, prevent sea water intrusion and maintaining soil fertility. This research aims to; 1) determined the type of forest vegetation component plants based on groups of forestry and agricultural crops; 2) determined the density of each type of plant; and 3) knowing the stratification of the forest canopy. To determined the condition of the forest vegetation in the area of arable land of farmer groups Rukun Makmur 1, the researcher conducted a vegetation survey with terraced line method in order to obtain an overview of the forest vegetation is formed through the implementation of community forestry system. Observations were made with the creation of as many as 31 pieces of sample plots. This study found 36 species of plants consisting of jungle wood class 14 types, 10 types of jungle MPTS, MPTS agriculture 9 types, 3 types of annual agricultural crops, and there is no seasonal agricultural crops. Plant density for each class of plants namely class jungle wood 412.44 individuals / ha, MPTS jungle 44.28 individuals/ha, agricultural MPTS 25.40 individuals/ha, and the annual agricultural 1729.03 individuals/ha. Stratification canopy is formed consisting of five strata are strata A, B, C, D, and E.

Keywords: community forest, plant destiny, stratification canopy, type of plant


Pulai (Alstonia scholaris R.Br) merupakan salah satu vegetasi unggulan hutan tanaman. Selain menghasilkan kayu sebagai bahan baku kerajinan industri, juga mempunyai nilai hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK) yang tinggi antara lain sebagai pakan ternak, permen karet, mempunyai kandungan metabolit sekunder yang memiliki efek farmakologis sebagai obat.  Pemanfaatan daun pulai sebagai antidiabet telah banyak dilaporkan, tetapi penelitian kulit kayu pulai sebagai obat diabetes belum banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kandungan kimia, toksisitas, dan aktivitas inhibisi enzim ±-glukosidase ekstrak kasar etanol kulit kayu pulai sebagai obat diabetes. Ekstraksi kulit kayu pulai dilakukan dengan cara maserasi menggunakan etanol 96% dan menghasilkan rendemen sebesar 4.39%. Hasil uji fitokimia ekstrak kulit kayu pulai menunjukkan hasil positif pada uji flavonoid, saponin, alkaloid dan tanin. Uji toksisitas ekstrak kasar kulit pulai dengan metode Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) menghasilkan nilai LC50 sebesar 461 μg/mL. Pengujian aktivitas inhibisi enzim ±-glukosidase yang dilakukan secara in vitro menghasilkan nilai IC50 sebesar 152.99 μg/mL. Berdasarkan informasi tersebut di atas bahwa ekstrak kasar etanol 96% dari kulit kayu pulai memiliki bioaktifitas, dan kandungan flavonoid, alkaloid dan tannin diduga berperan terhadap aktivitas enzim ±-glukosidase.

366. Analyze of Benefits Recreation in Nature Park Punti Kayu (TWAPK) Palembang City Based on Characteristics of Visitor and Domestic Travel Costs

Punti Kayu Nature Park (TWAPK) is a conservation area that can provide various benefits, and still considering to be low because of the TWAPK which can not be measured.  An objective and quantitative assessment of a recreation benefits by calculating the cost of travel and willingness to Pay visitors, which in turn is useful as a consideration for determining the alternative development, construction and to fund conservation work at TWAPK.  The object of research are the respondents (visitors) in the TWAPK.  To understand the characteristics and travel cost visitors conducted interviews and questionnaires.  Data obtained in the form of tabulations and percentages, then analyzed descriptively.  Number of visitors samples in this study were 100 visitors. The characteristics of visitors and domestic travel costs against the benefits of recreation in mind that the largest percentage of the 100 respondents (visitors) is derived from the zone of the Palembang city (69%), with the level is high school (70%), and income level ranged from Rp 500,000.00 - Rp 750,000.00 (28%).  The average of travel cost ranges from Rp 44913.04 to Rp 172.000, 00.  The total amount paid by all respondents (WTP) for forest and land rehabilitation costs amounted to Rp 876,070,734.00/year.

Keywords: Garden Tours, Travel Costs, Willingness to Pay.

38. Pemanfaatan Limbah Teh, Sekam Padi, Dan Arang Sekam Sebagai Media Tumbuh Bibit Trembesi (Samanea Saman)

Rain Tree (Samanea saman) has ability to absorb the carbon dioxide from the air. Due to it's advantages, there was a need to know the propagation way. Using organic materials such as tea waste, rice husk and husk charcoal as a growing medium  diggested could increase the seedling growth. This study aims to: (1) determined the effect of tea waste, rice husk and husk charcoal as a growth media for rain tree seedling (2) determined the best composition of the media among soil mixture with tea waste, soil with mixture rice husk and soil with mixture husk charcoal. The research was conducted from September 2012 to December 2012, in the greenhouse, Faculty of  Agriculture, University of Lampung. The study was designed in completely randomized design (CRD) used 7 treatment with 5 replications, each consisted of 5 sample. Treatment consists of: 100% soil, soil + tea waste (75% + 25%), soil + tea waste (50% + 50%), soil + rice husk (75% + 25%), soil + rice husk (50% + 50%), soil + husk charcoal (75% + 25%), soil + husk charcoal (50% + 50%). Provision of tea waste, rice husk and husk charcoal was gave effect on canopy dry weight, stem dry weight, roor length, seed quality index  and did not give affect on height and diameter of seedling, the appropriate composite media for each type of mixture was a composite soil + tea waste (75% + 25%), soil + rice husk (50% + 50%), of the soil + husk charcoal (75% + 25%).

Keywords: organic material, rain tree , tea waste, waste, husk charcoal

297. Evaluation on the Growth of Reforestation Plants at the Compensated Land for Gold Mining of Natarang Mining Ltd.

Reforestation activities have been conducted by Natarang Mining Ltd. as obligation under a concessionary agreement with the government for mining activities. The research aimed to evaluate the success of reforestastion plants. This assessment focus on aspects of vegetation in order to know the extent to which the success of reforestation plants can fulfill the function of a forest area. The result were analyzed by descriptive and scoring using 25 m x 40 m plots. Total plot of 41 plots with a sampling intensity of 5%. The results showed that plant growth has been good with a diameter of 5-15 cm and height between 4-8 m. The number of plants reached 763/ha and the planting area reached 92.38. Percentage of plant growth for four of five types of reforestation plants also achieve >80%. The growth percentage of Mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla) reached 66.43% with healthy plants percentage of 71.49%. The status of reforestastion activities is success. Evaluation of reforestation success by scoring showed the total value of 82.93 which can be categorized as good accomplishment.

Keywords: compensated land, Natarang Mining Ltd, reforestation.

300. Durian Marketing Efficiency in Durian Tourism Village in Sumber Agung

Regional Forestry Office of Lampung Province has declared Sumber Agung Village as a Durian Tourism Village. In order to encourage the durian tourism village as a center of durian marketing, it is necessary to conduct a research which aim to know the efficiency of durian marketing to support the durian tourism village. The analysis used in this study were including the analysis of marketing channels, market structure, market behavior and marketing margin. The research showed that there were 4 durian marketing channels in Sumber Agung Village and the most efficient channel was from farmer through retailer and to final consumer. According to the market structure, market behavior and uneven margin distribution, the durian marketing has not been efficient and tends to be oligopsony.

Keywords: durian, efficiency, marketing, tourism village.

81. Peranan Sistem Repong Damar Terhadap Pendapatan, Asupan Makan Dan Status Gizi Balita : Studi Kasus Di Desa Pahmungan Kecamatan Pesisir Tengah Kabupaten Pesisir Barat

Regions Special Purpose or KDTI (Ministry of Forestry decree No.47/Kpts-II/1998) Repong Damar indigenous forest area of 29,000 ha which is a best practice community-based forest management in the western part of Lampung Province yet known about its capacity to ensure the sustainability of human resource development primarily critical starting at the age of five or its called toddlers. This study was doing from March to April 2014 in the village of Pahmungan District of the West Pesisir. The purpose of this research is: Knowing the linkage between population and income damar tree tenure, household food expenditure, protein intake toddlers, health status and nutritional status of toddlers. Data acquisition was done through interviews to collect data ownership damar tree population, income, food expenditure, health status and food intake (food recall) as the basis for determining the toddler nutritional status of children is calculated by the method of anthropometry (Ministry of Health, 2010). Parameter optimization using the software Minitab 16. The conclusions has proven there is a real link between the role of damar agroforest system to income, health status, and nutritional status of toddlers. Found relations or real relationship between income of damar agroforest [YI] with a population of damar tree with a model [YI]i= -0.1770 +0.023150[PHN]i. Furthermore simultaneously discovered the real relationship between food expenditure (YII) with [YII] as illustrated by the model [YII]i= 1.1546 +0438 [YI]. Further simultaneously discovered the real relationship between protein intake toddlers [YIII] with food expenditure [YII] with the model [YIII]i= 17 012 +3703 [YII].

Keywords: Repong damar, income, health status and nutritional status of toddlers

239. Potensi Lansekap Untuk Pengembangan Ekowisata Di Hutan Lindung Register 25 Pematang Tanggang Kabupaten Tanggamus

Register 25 is the forest area have located in the Tanggamus district with an area of 3,380 hectares and have landscape potentials such a natural landscape, waterfalls, biodiversity of flora and fauna that can be developed as an ecotourism location. Ecotourism is a tourism conception from environmental by the activities which related to the nature. This research have a purposed to take inventory and analysis landscape potentionn in Register 25 for ecotourism development. The method used on this research are observation, interview and documentation. The data have taken on December 2015 by wrote the location of the potential tourism used the GPS, the document retrieval of landscape objects which are seen as interest object used to be a trial to people who be the visitors of Pahawang Island, documentation and interview. The results were analized by descriptively qualitative and served as map of the tourist track. From this research have known that register 25, Pematang Tanggang the tourism potential there are view of Teluk Kiluan, Batu Suluh beach,Tanggang Mountain, and some waterfall that have the uniquely and beauty and biodiversity of flora and fauna that can be found along in the tourist track. The valuation of tourist about that tourism objects are 85,55%  is good, 13,89% is average, and  0,56% is bad. Based on that value the tourism objects there are in forest area Register 25 Pematang Tanggang, Tanggamus District included to potentially for the develop e a ecotourism.

Keywords: Ecotourism, Landscape, Potential, Register 25

143. Keanekaragaman Reptil Di Repong Damar Pekon Pahmungan Pesisir Barat (Studi Kasus Plot Permanen Universitas Lampung)

Repong Damar in Pahmungan village, West Coast Regency is a Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park buffers, plays an important role a national preservation zone. Reptile is one of fauna in Pahmungan, the research had to be done because there wasn't available data abaut reptiles. The research was conducted on June 2015, the aim of this study was to know the Biodiversity of Reptile Species in Repong Damar, Pahmungan village West Coast (University of Lampung permanent plot case study), The method in this research was used Visual Encounter Survey (VES) method. The result showed, there are 15 reptile species from 7 families (N=323) and biodiversity index H'= 2,008 which included as average category and Index of evennessJ'= 0,927 which included as stable. Reptile species often encountered was Tachydromus sexlineatus, Eutropis multifasciata, Dasia olivacea, Draco obscurus, Draco volans, Gecko gecko and Hemidactylus frenatus (n=72, 54, 42, 38, 28, 28,27).

Keywords: reptile, repong damar, visual encounter survey

123. Studi Kelompok Siamang (Hylobates Syndactylus) Di Repong Damar Pahmungan Pesisir Barat

Repong Damar in Pahmungan, West Coastal District is a buffer of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (TNBBS). Repong Damar is one example of the success of agroforestry systems managed by local community that is still very traditional. This area was identified as a component of siamang (Hylobates syndactylus) habitat. The absence of data and the latest information about the siamang groups in Pekon Pahmungan were reasons of this research. The purpose of this research was to determine the siamang groups in Repong Damar, used concentrated area methode. The research was done on April 2015. The results showed that the existence of siamang group in Repong Damar Pahmungan were 4 individuals/group. The distribution of age classes in the individual phases of adult siamang were 2 individuals and the individual of adolescent phase were 2 individuals. The sex ratio in the adult age class phase was 1:1 and at adolescent age class phase was 1:1.

Keywords: siamang, groups, repong damar

41. Keanekaragaman Spesies Burung Di Repong Damar Pekon Pahmungan Kecamatan Pesisir Tengah Krui Kabupaten Lampung Barat

Repong Damar is a management system in cultivated area by local community of Krui. It has great biodiversity and plays an important role as avian natural habitat. This research was conducted to learn the diversity of bird species in Repong Damar using concentrated
method in four different locations: area between padi field and forest, settlement area, opened damar forest, and damar forest. Three replications were done on each location. There are 16 birds species of 10 families (N=468). The highest diversity index was in
damar forest (H'= 1.082), and the lowest was in opened damar forest (H'= 0.502).

Keywords: bird, diversity index, repong damar

295. The Utilization of Cocopeat as Growing Media for Paraserianthes falcataria and Intsia palembanica

Rising urban development decreased the availability of topsoil for growing media. Therefore, it was necessary to study potential alternative media such as cocopeat. The objective of the study wasto know the optimum composition of cocopeat and soil for optimum growth of Paraserianthes falcataria and Intsia palembanica. The method used was a complete random design. Five treatments were applied to each seedling, included: A (100% soil), B (75% soil + 25% cocopeat), C (50% soil + 50% cocopeat), D (25% soil + 75% cocopeat) and E (100% cocopeat). Seedlings growth were analyzed using analysis of variance, followed by least significant different (LSD) test. Result showed that the 25% cocopeat compound was the most optimum composition for Intsia palembanica seedlings, while 25% and 50% of cocopeat composition was the most optimum for the Paraserianthes falcataria growth.

Keyword : cocopeat, growing media, Intsia palembanica, Paraserianthes falcataria, seedling growth.

261. Skarifikasi dengan Perendaman Air Panas dan Air Kelapa Muda Terhadap Perkecambahan Benih Saga (Adenanthera pavonina L.)

Saga (Adenanthera pavonina) has an orthodox seeds, that could be stored up to 8 months. The seeds have a hard structure, which was covered by wax on the seeds coat. The research aims was to determine the effect of scarification by immersion the seed in to hot water, with initial temperature of 100oC continued by immertion to young coconut water, that gives the best effect on germination, average days to germinate, and the germinating power of saga seeds. This research was conducted at Greenhouse in Integrated Field Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty, University of Lampung, on May 2016. Randomize complete design in 5 treat-ments was applied as research design. The treatments consisted of scarification by immersion to hot water temperature of 100° C, continued by immersion to fresh water temperatur (24oC) for 24 hours; immertion to hot water temperature of 100° C continued to young coconut water for 6 hours; 12 hours; 18 hour; 24 hours.  Bartlett examination was used to analyze data homogeneity. Analysis of variance was applied to figur out the effect of treatments given.  The results showed none of the treatments with young coconut water was increasing germination of saga seed.

Keywords: hot water, saga seeds, scarification, young coconut water

294. Study on the Productivity of Grass Forage as a Feed Source for Sambar Deer (Cervus unicolor) in Deer Captivity of PT. Gunung Madu Plantations

Sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) is one of the protected animals. However now the existence of sambar deer is increasingly threatened. Therefore, there is need for ex-situ conservation activities, one of the mis deer captivity in PT. Gunung Madu Plantations. An important component in the management of wildlife in captivity is the availability of food plants that need to be observed that aims to determine the productivity of forage as feed for sambar deer. The research method used a castle method by making the sample plots of grass. The results showed that there are two types of grass that feed the sambar deer in captivity. This type of feed consists pait grass (Axonopus compressus) and elephant grass (Pennnisetum purpureum). Pait grass (Axonopus compressus) has a productivity of 10,02 kg/m2/day, larger than the elephant grass (Pennnisetum purpureum) with a productivity of 3,94 kg/m2/day.

Keywords: Cervus unicolor, grass, productivity of grass forage, PT. Gunung Madu Plantations.

499. Community Structure of Seagrass on Harapan Island, Kepulauan Seribu Regency

Seagrass is an aquatic biota that is beneficial in ecology, economy and health. This study aims to determine the structure of the seagrass community in Harapan Island, Kepualuan Seribu Regency which has experienced ecosystem changes. The research was conducted by using purposive sampling method which was divided into 2 stations. Station 1 is an area adjacent to mangroves, while station 2 is a reclamation development area and ship berths. Seagrass data was collected using a quadrant transect measuring 1 x 1 m which was carried out during the lowest tide. Physical and chemical parameters of each station were taken as supporting data. The results showed that station 2 had the highest density of 220 individuals / m2 which was dominated by Cymodocea rotundata. However, the highest diversity index was found at station 1 at 1.15 (medium category), with the lowest dominance index 0.39 (medium category). The species found at the two stations have the same distribution pattern, except for Halodule uninervis which is grouped at station 1 and uniform at station 2. The Importance Value Index of Cymodocea rotundata at station 1 is 0.64, while at station 2 is 125.5. The low diversity of seagrass at station 2 is thought to be due to ecosystem changes at station 2 as well as other anthropogenic impacts that also affect the abundance and community structure of seagrass on Harapan Island.

620. Financial, Feasibility, and Its Problem of Many Types of Apiculture Practices in Acacia and Oil Palm Plantation in Riau Province

Selain kayu, salah satu jasa lingkungan yang disediakan oleh hutan tanaman ini adalah nektar yang kemudian dapat digunakan pada usaha ternak lebah madu sejak 2019. Permasalahan. Akan tetapi setelah dua tahun, euforia budidaya lebah madu menuju pada suatu titik jenuh yang berujung pada persaingan tidak sehat antar peternakan. Tujuan. (1) Mengevaluasi struktur biaya dan pendapatan produk dan (2) melakukan analisa finansial dan kelayakan pada beberapa tipe peternakan lebah. Materi dan Metode. Studi ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni s.d Desember 2021 yang berlokasi di kabupaten Siak. Wawancara terstruktur yang dikombinasikan dengan studi literature dilakukan untuk pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder. Data dianalisa berdasarkan struktur biaya, revenue, dan perbandingan keuntungan. Analisa sensitivitas dilakukan untuk menentukan tingkat kelayakannya. Hasil. Secara umum, ketiga tipe peternakan berada pada level layak usaha (memiliki kapasitas untuk menutup biaya produksi). Meskipun pada tahun pertama seluruh tipe peternakan mengalami kerugian. Persentase biaya variable pada tiga tipe peternakan memiliki nilai antara 65-82%, sementara biaya produksi tetap antara 28-35%. Peternakan yang mengelola dua rit memiliki nilai IRR, B/C ratio, dan BEP lebih baik dibandingkan dua tipe peternakan lainnya. Selain itu, diduga beberapa peternakan menurunkan margin keuntungan mereka level biaya produksi dan hal ini menyebabkan persaingan diantara peternakan tersebut menjadi tidak sehat.

642. Fungus Pathogenicity Test and Identification

Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen) is a fast-growing tree species and easy to obtain because it has been widely cultivated in Indonesia. Sengon plant propagation is carried out through nursery activities in nurseries. The study aimed to identify the fungus that causes leaf disease on sengon plants and calculate the extent and intensity of attacks by the fungus that causes leaf disease on sengon in the Dramaga Bogor Permanent Nursery. This research method carried out pathogenicity test activities, including field observations, Koch's postulates, and the identification of fungal species. The study used a Completely Randomized Factorial Design (RALF). The disease symptoms found on around two months of sengon leaves old at the observation site were leaf fall, leaf spot, and leaf blight. The results of identifying the fungus that causes leaf fall were Rhizoctonia sp.. This fungus that causes leaf spots is Colletotrichum sp., and the fungus that causes leaf blight is Fusarium sp..  Fusarium sp. resulted in the highest percentage of attacks, with a disease incidence of 67,34% and disease severity of 57,28%.

613. Effect of Dosage of Chicken Manure and Inorganic Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Shallots (Allium Ascalonlcum L.)

Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) is one of the most widely consumed horticultural commodities for human consumption as a mixture of cooking spices. One of the efforts to achieve optimal shallot yields is through the provision of organic matter. Utilization of chicken manure as an organic material used in fertilizing shallots can improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil. The application of chicken manure and inorganic fertilizers is expected to have a substantive effect on increasing the yield of shallots compared to the application of compound fertilizers. The purpose of this research is to increase the availability of organic matter and nutrients in the soil and to increase the yield of shallots on a field scale (wide). This research will be conducted from December 2020 to February 2021 at Pendem, Junrejo, Batu, East Java. The altitude is 550 masl and the soil type is Andosol, with air temperature 14o - 32o C. This research was carried out using a factorial randomized block design (RAK) with 2 factors and 3 replications. The first factor is chicken manure (K) consisting of 3 levels of treatment, namely: K0 = Chicken Manure 0 t ha-1, K1 = Chicken Manure 10 t ha-1 and K2 = Chicken Manure 20 t ha-1. While the second factor is inorganic fertilizer (nitrogen) which consists of 6 levels of treatment, namely: N1 = 120 kg ha-1, N2 = 160 kg ha-1, N3 = 200 kg ha-1, N4 = 240 kg ha-1 and N5 = 280 kg ha-1. Data analysis using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and testing using F table 5% level. If there is a significant effect, then it is continued with the smallest significant difference test (LSD). The results of this study showed that chicken manure 20 t ha-1 and inorganic fertilizer (Nitrogen) with a dose of 160 kg t ha-1 increased plant growth rate (LPT) aged 28-14 DAP by 90.62% compared to chicken manure 10 t ha-1 and inorganic fertilizer (Nitrogen) with a dose of 160 kg t ha-1. Chicken manure significantly increased plant length at 42 and 56 DAP, plant dry weight at 42 and 56 DAP, fresh root weight per clump (g), dry root weight per clump (g), and tuber dry weight per clump. clumps (g), tuber dry weight (sun) (kg m2) and yield (ton ha-1), but did not affect the growth components of shallot plants at the beginning of the observation. Inorganic fertilizers significantly increased the growth components, namely plant length, number of leaves, number of tillers, plant dry weight at the end of observation and dry weight (g clump-1) on shallot plants.

262. Studi Populasi Siamang (Simphalangus syndactylus) DI Hutan Lindung Register 25 Pematang Tanggang Kabupaten Tanggamus

Siamang (Simphalangus syndactylus Raffles, 1821) was the primates that protected by government regulation of Republic Indonesia number 7 in 1999. The existence of the siamang was important role in forest as pollinator and seed dispersers. Conversion land has increased into plantations and agriculture so that siamang population became descreased. Protected forest on Register 25 Pematang Tanggang Tanggamus Regency was bordered by community forest, thus vulnerable to land use that siamang population became descreased. The aimed of the research was to find the size of the group, the composition of age, the sexual ratio and the habitat of siamang in protected forest Register 25 Pematang Tanggang. The method used an area concentrated in 3 areal observation. Observations were 30 days effective. The results of this research showed that the Group of siamang found about 3 groups/7 individuals. The distribution of age classes in the individual adult phase of siamang about 6 individuals, adolescent phase about 1 individual and baby phase not found in this group. The sex ratio value in the adult age class phase was 1:1 and at adolescent age class phase was 1:0. According to siamang society does not interfere with human activities so that not harm for them and their habitat was quite adequate for a population of siamang.

Keywords: protected forest, population, siamang

580. Competitiveness and Determinants of Indonesian Plywood Export

Since 1998, Indonesia has been the largest plywood exporter in the world. However, at this time, Indonesia's position no longer dominates; even the plywood export volume and value tend to decline. This condition is determined by many factors and is closely related to the competitiveness concept. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the competitiveness, determinants, and export potential of Indonesian plywood. This study uses panel data from 11 major trading partner countries from 2004 to 2020. The data analysis method used in this study includes Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), gravity model, and trade potential analysis. The results show that Indonesian plywood has strong competitiveness in 11 major trading partner countries with a positive growth trend. The estimation of the gravity model shows that the importer population, economic distance, and the RCA index have a positive effect on Indonesian plywood exports. In contrast, Indonesia's real GDP, importers' GDP, exchange rates, and export prices are negatively affected. The population of importers is the most significant elasticity variable. Indonesia still has the potential to expand in 11 major trading partner countries because of the plywood under-trade current condition. So, development efforts on plywood exports should be aimed at under-trade countries and large populations.

Keywords: export, gravity model, panel data, Revealed Comparative Advantage, trade potential ratio

119. Telaah Faktor Sosial Demografi Terhadap Kesetujuan Masyarakat Pada Rencana Pengembangan Htr Di Kphp Gedong Wani

Since 2007 the Ministry of Forestry rolling the policy on the use of community-based forest production through the Minister of Forestry (Minister) Number. P.23 / Menhut-II / 2007 dated June 25, 2007 on Procedures for Application Permit Utilization of Wood in Forest Plantation in Plantation Forest, which was later replaced by Regulation Nomor.P.55 / Menhut-II / 2011. HTR development policy is open access to the public to manage production forests legally. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of demographic factors socio-cultural factors and accessibility of the program Plantation Forests (demographic, social, cultural, property, accessibility). This research was conducted in the village of Sinar Rejeki, Karang Rejo village, Budi Lestari Village, and the village of Tanjung Bintang Subdistrict Tri Mulyo South Lampung regency in Lampung province in August 2014. This study has shown that the level of agreement of respondents to the Forest Plantation development plan Level of agreement of respondents to plan the development of Forest Plantation influenced significantly by group variable property: (a) the vehicle has 2.14 times greater odds than on who does not have (b) but that the procurement of dry land and wet land over an area of 1 ha of acceptability be 0,001 times. And group demographic variables, social, cultural and accessibility do not significantly affect the acceptability of Plantation Forest development plan.

Keywords: community demographics, social factors, KPHP region

469. Analysis of Environmental Capacity and Tourism Carrying Capacity for the Sustainability of Mangrove Ecosystem in Kampung Blekok, Situbondo

Situbondo has a mangrove area that becomes a habitat for various type of wildlife. Blekok (Ardeola speciosa) which are found in Kampung Blekok tourism site has the potential to attract tourism over time. Ecotourism is a development of sustainable tourism concept to support in increasing community participation efforts within management; therefore local community can get economic benefit. As conservation and tourism area, management of Kampung Blekok must be able to harmonize the ecological value of this area and provide comfortable tourism site. This research was conducted in February - March 2020. The collection of research data used was descriptive qualitative and quantitative with the processing techniques using methods with physical carrying capacity (PCC), real carrying capacity (RCC) and effective carrying capacity (ECC) and analytical hierarchy process analysis (AHP) organize in a hierarchy (purpose). The results showed a physical carrying capacity of 5,458 people per day or 1,992,170 people per year, real carrying capacity of 1,970 people per day or 719,050 people per year and an effective carrying capacity of 174 people per day or 63,602 per year. This tourism site has a quite good accommodation and the capacities are not overload. Hence, tourist can visit comfortably and Blekok habitat is undisturbed.

 Key Words: Carrying Capacity, Environment Capacity

13. Dinamika Kepemilikan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Di Provinsi Riau Sumatra Indonesia

Smallholder's plantations represent 44% of oil palm in Indonesia, and they were known to have agronomic performance much lower than Estate ones. So there is large room for increasing the yield with sustainable cropping system. To better understand the heterogeneity of smallholder's plantations, an agricultural diagnosis has been implemented in a specific place, Riau Province of Sumatra. This study led to well characterize the dynamics of plantation in the region and the diversity of rationalities. Among eight existing types of smallholding plots, there were only three types with yield hardly lower than those of the estate plantations. This reinforced the interest to implement diagnosis through the nutritional status of palms using data from foliar diagnosis and soil analysis.

Keywords: dynamic of plantation, palm oil, smallholders, Sumatra

381. Modal Sosial Masyarakat Pengelola Hutan Kemasyarakatan di Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Batutegi (Social Capital of Community Forest Management in Batutegi Forest Management Unit)

Social capital has a role in the management of Community Forests (HKm) as a resource that could encourage individuals or groups to work together in achieving mutual goals. The objective of this study was to determine the social capital of the HKm management in the area of Batutegi Forest Management Unit, Tanggamus Regency, by farmers groups as Gapoktan Sinar Harapan and Gapoktan Mahardika. Data were collected in both farmers groups through structured interviews, unstructured interviews, observations, and literature review.  The social capital of the community was analyzed qualitatively using social capital elements, such as trust, social networks, and social norms. The results showed that social capital has a positive role in managing HKm to encourage the community to manage the forest in sustainable manners. The results also showed that trust in a group creates social networks.  Gapoktan Sinar Harapan implemented the three elements of social capital, such as trust, social networks, and social norms in their management. Gapoktan Mahardika only implemented trust and social norms, because the member of Gapoktan Mahardika was not only consisted of local people but also some immigrants. Hence, the implementation of social networks is needed in the management of HKm by Gapoktan Mahardika.

Keywords: community forest, social capital, social networks, social norms,trust

78. Analisis Finansial Dan Komposisi Tanaman Dalam Rangka Persiapan Pengajuan Izin Hkm (Studi Kasus Desa Margosari Kecamatan Pagelaran Utara Kabupaten Pringsewu)

Social forestry (HKm) is a state forest utilization primarily intended to empower local communities with a purpose sustainable forest and prosperous society. Margosari village currently proposing for HKm the work area permits the Minister of Forestry Republic of Indonesia. One of the requirements to HKm is composition of plants consists of the kind of forest plant, agricultural crops, and crops plantation. To supporting the HKm programs, it is necessary to assess the composition of the plants with in the candidate HKm area of Margosari Village and whether the results from the plant composition is financially suitable and capable of providing prosperity to the farmers of Margosari village. The research was conducted in the Margosari Village of Pagelaran Utara District, Pringsewu Regency in August 2013. Sampling was done using simple random sampling method. Data analysis was conducted using quantitative descriptive analysis method. The results of the showed that the plant composition already fill the HKm criteria is wooden plant more than 200/ha (400/ha) with forest plant species of 28.88%, agricultural crops of 14.63% of agricultural crops and crops plantation of 56.49%. The result from agroforestry HKm based on analysis in a financially Net Present Value (NPV) of Rp 69,088,522.37/ha, Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) of 1.96 and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 29%. However the level of Sajogyo (1997), income from agroforestry HKm don't providing prosperity to the farmers, because can still population with a category near poor of 51.52%.

Keywords: social forest, composition of plants, financial analysis, welfare

572. Evaluation of an Agroforestry System: The Growth of 14-Month-Old Solomon Sengon (Falcataria moluccana) and Rice (Oryza sativa)

Solomon sengon is a provenance of sengon that grows faster than other local sengon species. The species is often cultivated in an agroforestry system, which can be combined with rice as the staple food in Indonesia. Competition between those two components to obtain the sunlight and nutrients is getting higher as sengon grows. LIPI and IPB have discovered several rice varieties. However, there has not been much research done on agroforestry between Solomon sengon (Falcataria moluccana) and rice (Oryza sativa) varieties. This study aimed to analyze the growth of Solomon sengon at 14 months old and the productivity of several rice varieties. This study used a completely randomized factorial design with two factors, namely the tree spacing factor of Solomon sengon type F2 (1.5 m × 3 m and 1.5 m × 1.5 m) and the factor of upland rice varieties (LIPI Go 1, LIPI Go 2, and IPB 9G) also lowland rice (IPB 3S). Parameters observed were sengon growth and rice productivity. Data were analyzed statistically using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) test and the Duncan test with a confidence interval of 95%. The results showed that the 14-month-old Solomon sengon with a tree spacing of 1.5 m × 3 m has a higher diameter, height, and canopy area than a tree spacing of 1.5 m × 1.5 m. The rice varieties of LIPI Go 1, LIPI Go 2, IPB 9G, and IPB 3S planted under 14-month-old sengon with a tree spacing of 1.5 m × 3 m have higher productivity than rice planted under sengon with a tree spacing of 1.5 m × 1.5 m. Rice varieties significantly affected several rice growth parameters. IPB 3S has the optimum growth and production in this study. IPB 3S is the variety with the highest number of tillers per clump and the highest number of productive tillers per clump. IPB 3S is the variety with the highest number of tillers per clump and the highest number of productive tillers per clump.

Keywords: agroforestry, rice, Solomon sengon, tree spacing

574. Characteristics of Particleboard from Sorghum and Nypa Fruit Skin Fiber Bonded with Citric Acid-Sucrose Adhesive

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and nypa fruit skin fiber (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.) can be used as raw materials in the manufacture of eco-friendly particleboard (PB) using natural adhesives based on citric acid and sucrose. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of PB from sorghum and nypa fruit skin fiber using citric acid-sucrose adhesive and also to determine the optimum composition of raw materials and adhesives in the manufacture of PB. The PB panel was made by mixing raw materials and adhesives with variations in the composition of nypa fruit skin fiber:sorghum raw materials 100:0, 25:75, 50:50, and 0:100, and variations in the concentration of citrate-sucrose adhesive were 20% and 30%. The target dimensions and density of PB were 25 cm x 25 cm x 0.9 cm and 0.8 g/cm3, respectively. The PB was hot-pressed for 10 min at 200oC with a pressure of 11 MPa. The physical and mechanical properties of PB were determined using the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) A 5908:2003 standard. The results showed that the PB has average values of moisture content of 11.94%, density of 0.79 g/cm3, water absorption of 52.96%, thickness swelling of 13.21%, modulus of elasticity of 1029.55 N/mm2, modulus of rupture of 6.46 N/mm2, internal bonding of 0.18 N/mm2, and screw holding power of 43.12 N. Variation of raw materials composition has a significant effect moisture content, water absorption, thickness swelling, modulus of elasticity, and modulus of rupture. Applying 30% adhesive content significantly affected water absorption, thickness swelling, and screw holding power.

Keywords: citric acid-sucrose, nypa fruit skin, particleboard, sorghum

126. Tanda Keberadaan Tidak Langsung Kelelawar Pemakan Buah Di Sub Blok Perhutanan Sosial Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman

Study on fruit bats' food remains was conducted in Sub Blok Perhutanan Sosial Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman in December 2014 - March 2015. Direct survey was done for indirect signs and mist net for bat species. Three bats species found were family Pteropodidae, Cynopterus horsfieldii, Cynopterus sphinx and Macroglossus sobrinus. Seven food remains identified were six fruits and one leaf. The food plants are luwingan (Ficus hispida), duku (Lancium domesticum), jambu bol (Syzygium malaccense), jambu air (Syzygium aqueum), jambu biji (Psidium guajava), ketapang (Terminalia cattapa), and dadap (Erythrina lithosperma). Luwingan (Ficus hispida) is the most consumed.

Keywords: Fruit bats, indirect signs, hutan pendidikan konservasi terpadu, Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman

121. Kajian Interaksi Gajah Sumatera (Elephas Maximus Sumatranus) Dengan Masyarakat Kuyung Arang, Kabupaten Tanggamus

Study on the interaction and its effects between sumateran elephants and Kuyung Arang's local people, Tanggamus was conducted in October-December 2014, direct and indirect observation, by questionnaire was applied. Amensalism is the interaction found between sumatran elephants and local people of Kuyung arang. Negative impacts include harvest fail (29.58%; n=21), crop (60.56%; n=43), and hut (9.86%; n=7) destruction.

Keywords: Sumatran elephant, interaction, local people, Kuyung Arang, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park

170. Kajian Perilaku Dan Pakan Drop In Monyet Hitam Sulawesi (Macaca Nigra) Di Taman Agro Satwa Dan Wisata Bumi Kedaton

Sulawesi black monkey (Macaca nigra) is endemic animal in Sulawesi. Habitat of sulawesi black monkey are in tropical rain forest, primary and secondary forest. Sulawesi black monkeys are hunted for consumption, trade, and used as pets. The efforts of breeding and protection of the existence of sulawesi black monkey can be performed by insitu or eksitu conservation. For successful breeding, we need information about the behavior and food nutrient content , therefore the study was conducted. The aims of this study are  to determine the daily behavior and nutritional value of drop in food in the breeding cage. The research was done in Agro Animal And Garden Tours Bumi Kedaton (TASWBK). The research methods of daily behavioral used focal sampling and nutrient content of sulawesi black monkey food were analyzed by proximate and conversion methods of food composition. The results showed the highest proportion of daily activities of sulawesi black monkey is resting (34.22%), followed by eating (32.89%), moving (24.89%), and others (8%). The type of drop in food provided form muli bananas, carrots, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, kale, spinach, beans and corn.

Keywords: Sulawesi black monkey, daily behavior

107. Perilaku Menggaram Gajah Sumatera (Elephas Maximus Sumatranus) Dan Kandungan Garam Mineral Pada Saltlicks Di Resort Pemerihan Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan

Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) requires mineral salts to the body's metabolic processes which can be obtained from the vegetation feed. Mineral deficiencies in plants causes elephants seek other alternative sources such as lick and eat soil that contains salt. This research was done due to lack information about salting behavior and mineral salt content in the saltlicks. The aims of these research were to analyze the salting behavior of Sumatran elephants and to find out mineral salt content of the soil in the saltlicks. The research was done on January 2015 in TNBBS Pemerihan Resort. The research methods of salting behavior used descriptive analysis, mineral content analysis used Microwafe Plasma' Atomic Emission Spectrometer (MP-AES) supported by key person interview and literature studies. The results of this study indicate that salting behavior of Yongki (0.08%) of total daily behavior, the source of salt obtained from soil and mud on riparian, cliffs, primary forest, secondary forest and meadow. Salting was done by taking directly using trunk and put into the mouth. The results of the analyzed of mineral salt content in the soil there are Ca (0.190%), Mg (0.013%), K (0.158%). In the mud Ca (0,323%), Mg (0.405%) and K (0.233%). Elephant more prefer to the mud because mineral content in the mud is higher than soil.

Keywords: Sumatran elephants, salting behavior, saltlicks, mineral salt content of the soil, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park

40. Penyusunan Kriteria Domestikasi Dan Evaluasi Praktek Pengasuhan Gajah: Studi Di Taman Nasional Way Kambas Kabupaten Lampung Timur

Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus) is one of the many wild animals been domesticated, but so far there is no criteria for that propose. This research is a prelimenary effort in providing those criteria. This research began in April to May 2013. The first step was to establish the norm of Suitable range of as many as 17 variables required for upholding the elephant life domestication area. The Suitable norm range we determined through an exhausted study of previous researchs or literature available. The next step was to determined the Less Suitable and the Not Suitable norms range for those 17 variables employed, e.i. by deviating by 25% and by 50% from the Suitable norm range respectively. The second step, we employed a Delphi Method in order to validate and refinary the three catagorical norms range of the 17 varibles concerned by mean of asking to some elaphant experts in our country.  We, then applied the deemed criteria to evaluate a practice of ephants management at The Sumatra Elephant Conservation Center (PKG) and the Elephant Response Unit (ERU), Way Kambas National Park. The research results: (1) We obtained the prelimenary criteria as a rubric for Sumatran elephant domestication, and (2) The elephant nurturing practices at PKG and ERU were Suitable, except for the variables of population density, home range and elephant shading.

Keywords: domestication criteria, sumatran elephant, practices of elephant nurturing

259. Kontribusi Agroforestri Terhadap Pendapatan Petani di Kelurahan Sumber Agung Kecamatan Kemiling Kota Bandar Lampung

Sumber Agung community depend their life as a farmer with agroforestry management in Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman. Agroforestry system used has different characterics therefore have impact to farmers income. The purposes of the research is to analyze the amount of contribution farmers income based on condition of agroforestry characteristics cultivation. The research used revenue proportion method and K Means cluster. The variables that become consideration namely total area, total plants, plant spacing, farm distance and agroforestry income. The result showed that the agroforestry contribution reach out Rp 10.660.989/hh/month and if compared with minimum income standart of Bandar Lampung City, its value show that the farmers income are relatively high. Farmers can be divided into six groups with different characteristics. The highest farmers income was fifth group and the lower farmers income was first group, it shows the best management is the fifth group.

Keywords : Agroforestry, the contribution of income, K Means cluster, Tahura

141. Peningkatan Kualitas Dan Kuantitas Sumberdaya Manusia Pada Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung (Kphl) Batutegi Dan Kota Agung Utara Di Provinsi Lampung

Sustainable forest management aims to benefit maximum for the prosperity of the people. Achieving sustainable forest management, KPHL should pay attention to human resources (HR) managers. The purpose of the research was carried out in May-June 2014 is charting the quality and quantity of human resources in KPHL Batutegi and KPHL Kota agung Utara in the province of Lampung and drawing up recommendations for efforts to improve the quality and quantity of human resources needed by the KPHL. Data collected by direct observation in the field, interviews and analyzed quantitative and descriptive. Research results from the aspect of quality of human resources in KPHL Batutegi, of 39% has good quality and 61% of less quality as well as human resources in the KPHL Kota Agung Utara qualified 42% and less qualified 58%. The increase in the quantity human resources required 4 staff KPHL Batutegi general functional and 53 human resources functional position, while for KPHL Kota Agung Utara 16 staff of general functional human resources and 99 staff for certain functional position.

Keywords: quantity, quality, human resources, KPHL

124. Kajian Pengelolaan Hutan Mangrove Di Desa Pulau Pahawang Kecamatan Marga Punduh Kabupaten Pesawaran

Sustainable of mangrove forest management is a proper activity in land and forest product utilization at the coast area. This activity is decent step to relieve mangrove ecosystem demage and preserve it. The circumstances and the factors influenced mangrove forest still needs to be known for the continued in management. The purposes of this study were to determine how the mangrove forest management and development strategy of mangrove forest management. This study was conducted by interviewing the relevant agencies and key informans in the village of Pahawang island from January-April 2015. Datas processing was analyzed by SWOT and descriptive. Result showed that mangrove forest management in good enough with aggressive score (1,22 ; 0,73), which means this strategy gives priority to immediate action by exploiting chances and maintaining strength (growth oriented strategy).  Development strategy in the management have to support each other between relevant agencies, the managers, and society. Besides, tracking mangrove development has to be conducted considering the good forest potentials, with the existence of village regulations, and good response from society towards this plan. The strategy should be done by involving Mangrove Protected Area Management Agency and community to optimalize the development. Sustainability of mangrove forest management, should be accompanied with the advanced knowladge of management. Other priority development is by giving counseling, expert-accompanied training, and efficient technological development.

Keywords: SWOT, sustainability, strategy of development

360. Pendugaan Populasi Tapir (Tapirus indicus) di RPTN Margahayu SPTN Wilayah III Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK)

Taman Nasional Way Kambas merupakan salah satu taman nasional yang ada di Provinsi Lampung.  Taman Nasional Way Kambas dalam pengelolaannya dibagi menjadi beberapa Satuan Pengelolaan Taman Nasional (SPTN) dan masing-masing terdiri dari beberapa Resort Pengelolaan Taman Nasional (RPTN), salah satunya adalah SPTN III Kuala Penet, RPTN Margahayu. Taman Nasional Way Kambas juga menjadi habitat bagi mamalia besar yang salah satunya adalah tapir (Tapirus indicus).  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dugaan populasi satwa tapir (Tapirus indicus) yang ada di SPTN III Kuala Penet, RPTN Margahayu, Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK).  Dugaan populasi didapat dengan menggunakan analisis data lapangan berupa jejak kaki satwa dan kotoran dan yang didapat melalui transek jalur.  Hasil yang di dapat adalah jumlah tapir berdasarkan jejak kaki diduga sebanyak satu hingga tiga ekor dan berdasarkan kotoran sebanyak nol sampai dua ekor. 

75. Respon Perkecambahan Benih Asam Jawa (Tamarindus Indica) Terhadap Berbagai Konsentrasi Larutan Kalium Nitrat (Kno3)

Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is a multipurpose tree that can be developed either vegetative or generative propagation. Vegetative propagation of tamarind can produce abundant fruit if the plant organs derived from superior parent trees. However, due to the rare availability of natural tamarind stands now days, then the generative propagation by seed, can be the right choice for its cultivation. Generally, tamarind seeds are dormant, so it requires a pre-treatment to break its dormancy. One way to break it was using potassium nitrate (KNO3). This study aimed to determined the response of soaking treatment to the germination of tamarinds seeds with KNO3 solution at various concentrations and the most effective concentration of KNO3 solution to stimulate tamarind seeds germination. The experiment was conducted at the Greenhouse Seed Control and Certification Institute of Food Crops and Horticulture (BPSBTPH) Lampung Province, from July to August 2013. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with 5 treatment of KNO3 solution soaking (0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% and without KNO3) and 3 replications. Every unit of experiments consisted of 100 seeds. Observed parameters included percentage of germination, mean of day germination and percentage of germination seeds per day. Bartlett test was employed to figure out the homogenity of datas. Then, analysis of variance was used to analyse datas. Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) was used to the advanced analysis. The entire data tested on 5% significant level. The result showed that soaking of tamarind seeds in water (without KNO3) during 24 hours gave the best response to break its dormancy, and the most effective concentration to break dormancy of tamarind seeds was 0.4%.

Keywords: dormancy, germination, pottasium nitrate, tamarind

122. Nilai Ekonomi Jasa Wisata Pulau Tangkil Provinsi Lampung Dengan Pendekatan Metode Biaya Perjalanan

Tangkil island is one of the attractions in the province of Lampung is a relatively new development and the economic value is not known for many visitors. It is therefore necessary to research with the aim of determining the economic value of tourism services Tangkil Island and determine the effect of the characteristics of the visitors to the economic value of tourism services. Benefits of the research results can be used as a material consideration in determining management policies and the development of this attraction to the next. Research was conducted in December 2014-March 2015 with direct interview using questionnaires to 105 respondents. Determination of the results of the optimization parameters visitors travel costs were then tested by multiple linear regression method, using the software Minitab 16. The results reveal the total cost of the trip visitors Rp37,927,000/visit, the average cost of the trip visitors Rp 361,200/person/visit. The economic value of travel services is Rp10,888,284,096/year. The variable level of education at the level graduated from high school, the type of work to employers, additional employment, income, dependents in the family, the origin of visitors, visiting times when the Chinese New Year, Christmas and New Year, as well as the way of a visit has a Pvalue<0.1 so that the independent variables these have a significant influence on the economic value of tourism services Tangkil Island. The amount of standard deviation (S) is 77.20, while simultaneously influence the independent variable (R-Sq) is 78.6% and R-Sq (adj) is 70.2%.

Keywords: Tangkil Island, cost of travel, economic value of tourism services

72. The Effect of Storage Periods of Teak (Tectona grandis) Bud in the Sheath of Banana to the Succesfulness of Budding

Teak (Tectona grandis) is one of comercial plant which has good quality of wood and has high economic value. The enhancement and improvement of teak cultivation techniques was need to be done to fulfill the demands of teak wood. Budding was one of cultivation technique that combine the generative and vegetative propagation technique, so that the benefits of both technique could be obtained at once. The obstacles of budding technique were about the buds storage and distribution. The aim of the experiment were to determine the effectiveness of banana sheath in maintain the viability of teak buds and to determine the maximum periods of teak buds storage. A randomized completely block was employed as an experiment design with two groups and four treatments. The first group was the storage out of banana sheath bag, and the second group was the storage inside of with banana sheath bag. Four periods of storage were used as treatment consist of 0 day of storage (Y0), 2 days of storage (Y1), 4 days of storage (Y2), and 6 days of storage (Y3). Data were analyzed using ANOVA with further testing using LSD on the level of significance 5%. The result showed that the storage of teak buds inside the banana sheath bag and stored up to six days were be able to maintain the percentage of budding for 66,67%, and the storage up to four days were be able to maintain the bud viability, the percentage of budding life, the average days of the bud to sprout, and the number of leaves that as well as the buds which is budding without stored.

Keywords : banana sheath, budding, teak

144. Penggunaan Air Kelapa Untuk Setek Batang Jati (Tectona Grandis)

Teak plant was a tree which timber has durability class I and strong class I. It has many benefits, from roots to leaves. Various benefits of teak causing to do cultivation, one of propagation activities that often carried out was vegetative. Vegetative propagation of plants can be done by stem cutting, root cutting and shoot cutting. Using of growth regulator with coconut water immersion is expected to spur the growth root of teak stem cutting. This study aimed to determine the effect of using coconut water to increase the success of teak stem cutting growth, and to determine the best dose of using coconut water for teak stem cutting growth. This treatment used Completely Randomized Design(CRD). This research consisted of five treatments that used coconut water treatment 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. Each treatment consisted of five teak stem cuttings with repetition as much as 5 times. Amount of material plants required 5 x 5 x 5 = 125 teak stem cuttings. The results showed by using coconut water as a growth regulator could increase the growth of teak (Tectona grandis) stem cutting in 50% - 100% concentration and the best dose of coconut water as a growth regulator was 100%.

Keywords: coconut water, cutting, dose, growth regulator, teak


The aim of this study was to determine the most effective combination concentration of soursop and lemongrass leaves extraction as a vegetable biopesticide against the death of leaf caterpillar (Plutella xylostella) on mustard plants (Brassica juncea (L) and leaf caterpillar (Spodoptera plusia hymenia) on spinach plants (Amaranthus spp). This research was an experimental study using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 1 factor, namely the combination concentration of soursop and lemongrassleaves with 3 treatments. They were P1 (100 soursop leaves + 100 grams of lemongrass leaves), P2 (leaves 75 pieces soursop + 50 gram lemongrass leaves) and P3 (50 sheets soursop leaves + 150 gram lemongrass leaves), which were replicated 3 times on mustard and spinach plants. If there was a real difference, it would be followed by a T-test on 95% and 99% confidence levels. The results showed the success of combination concentration of soursop and lemongrassleaves for the P1 treatment was higher due to the death of leaf caterpillar (Plutella xylostella) as many as 25 tails then P3 with the death of 14 leaf caterpillars and the lowest was P2 treatment with the death of 13 leaf caterpillars.Meanwhile, the death of leaf caterpillar (Spodoptera plusia hymenia) for P1 treatment was higher i.e. 25 tails while for P2 treatment and P3 were the same namely the death of the caterpillar leaves 14 each.

608. Development Strategy of the Bird Nest Adoption Program in the Community Forest of Jatimulyo Village, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta

The bird nest adoption program in Jatimulyo is one of the activities to protect birds from extinction. This activity is carried out by keeping birds that are breeding in nests in community forest habitats. The development of this concept was expected to protect the birds and increase the economic value of the community-owned forest from the non-timber sector that supported environmental sustainability. However, the program is not yet implemented in the whole area of Jatimulyo Village. This study aimed to determine the strategy for developing the bird nest adoption program in Jatimulyo Village. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with expert respondents with extensive experience and knowledge of the studied problems. The data that has been collected was analyzed using SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis results showed that an offensive strategy is needed to develop the bird nest adoption program, which can be carried out by utilizing strengths to seize opportunities. There are five alternative strategies, i.e. (1) increase the number of nest findings to be adopted to increase people's incomes; (2) take advantage of the attention of the government and other institutions to strengthen farmer groups and support the management of adoption programs; (3) opening access to birdwatching special interest tours by involving the community as local guides; (4) encourage bird protection in the Jatimulyo area and jointly promote bird nest adoption program; and (5) expanding the adoption area in Jatimulyo Village.

Keywords: bird nest adoption, community forest, development strategy, SWOT analysis

237. Respon Masyarakat Terhadap Implementasi Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu Di Kelompok Tani Makmur Desa Totoprojo Kecamatan Way Bungur Kabupaten Lampung Timur

The Capability level of knowledge about the implementation of the Timber Legality Verification System (TLVS) at this point is still very limited, as well as TLVS gains and losses for farmers TLVS community forests farmers. Tani Makmur Group response to the implementation and importance TLVS policy is not yet known, led to this important research to be done. This research aimed to measure the knowledge, attitudes and behavior towards the implementation of TLVS in Tani Makmur Group, Totoprojo Village, Way Bungur Sub District, East Lampung District in December 2014. The research was conductedby the method of in-depth interviews and a question naire. The level of public knowledge of the implementation of TLVS is in good category (82,35%), the public attitude towards the implementation of TLVS is in good category (50,00%), and the disagreed behavior of people towards TLVS implementation (41,18%).

Keywords: Response, Tani Makmur Group, Community Forests, TLVS, East Lampung.

359. The Strategy of Private Forest Development in Bandar Dalam Village Sidomulyo District South Lampung Regency

The community forest is an alternative solution to the problem of the pressure of forest resources. The benefits obtained by the community depend on the management carried out by community forest farmers. This study aims to see and analyse the strategy of developing community forests in Bandar Dalam Village. The study was conducted in May 2015. The data collected is the potential data of wood analysed quantitatively. Measurement of wood potential data was carried out using a 10m x 10m square measuring plot with a sampling intensity of 1.3%. Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats was carried out to determine the right development in the community forests of Bandar Dalam Village. The community forest development strategy that needs to be implemented is the maintenance of trees, reducing the weakness of knowledge about forests by increasing knowledge about the benefits of forests and reducing threats by using simple technologies such as the use of complete agricultural tools and fertilisation.

Keywords: forest products, wood private forests, the development strategy

385. Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Konflik Manusia dan Gajah Sumatra (Elephas maximus sumatranus Temminck 1847) di Taman Nasional Way Kambas (Community Perception on the Conflict between Human and Sumatran Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus Temminck 1847) in Way Kambas National Park)

The conflict between humans and elephants can cause disadvantages for both humans and elephants in the form of property and loss of life. The objective of this study was to determine community perceptions of the conflict between humans and elephants. Data were collected through interviews with thirty respondents by using a questionnaire as guidance. The respondents were randomly selected from Tegal Yoso Village, Purbolinggo District, East Lampung Regency, which is one of the buffer villages of the Way Kambas National Park (TNWK). The results showed that 100% of the community declared elephants as plant destroyers, and 97% of plant consumers. The results also revealed that 100% of the community has a positive perception by considering elephants as an endangered species and has the potential to become tourist attractions, while 97% or the community considered elephant as a charismatic animal, beautiful, having a strong memory, and sensitive. The community showed awareness of the conservation of Sumatran elephants. It was shown from their attitude in dealing with the elephants that enter the agricultural area by reporting to the authorized officer. The Elephant Response Unit (ERU) in Tegal Yoso and the community need to increase safeguards to reduce conflicts between elephants and humans in the buffer zone of TNWK.

Keywords: elephant, community, conflict, mitigation, perception

97. Partisipasi Kelompok Masyarakat Dalam Pelestarian Hutan Mangrove Di Desa Margasari Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai Kabupaten Lampung Timur

The damage of mangrove forests as a green belt in the east coast of Lampung was very concerning. This research was conducted on April 2014 in Margasari village Labuan Maringgai District of East Lampung regency. The participation of villagers community that included Margajaya Utama community, Margajaya Satu community, Environmental Education (PLH), Shrimp Paste (terasi) processing group, Farmers group, Fishermen group, and fish processing group give impacts of mangrove conservation. The purpose of this research were to determine the type of institutional participatory and the level of participation society groups of mangrove forests conservation. The method used descriptive quantitative by administering a score in each category answers and descriptive qualitative to present the type of participatory institutional which has definition as participation of each institution member to develop a better institution. Result of the research found that the level of participation of the community in mangrove forests conservation had been very good and Margajaya community was the best one which has mobilisasi swakarsa as type of participatory institutional. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the type of participatory institutional consists of passive participation in the group of farmers, fish processing group, shrimp paste processing (terasi) group and fishermen groups, participation in consultative is community of environmental education and mobilization swakarsa of participation, consists the group of margajaya. The level of participation of community groups in the preservation of mangrove forests on the highest category is 73.68% that is supported by the margajaya group and community of environmental education, then medium category is 19.74% that included farmers group, fish processing group, and fishermen group, then 6.58% of low category is farmers group and shrimp paste (terasi) processing group.

Keywords: Mangrove forest, community group society, conservation

103. Pengaruh Ukuran Berat Benih Terhadap Perkecambahan Benih Merbau Darat (Intsia Palembanica)

The demand of mirabow wood is increasing nowdays, where as the existence species in the nature is getting reduced. Therefore, it's preservation efforts are urgent to be done. Seed size was correlated with it's vigor, where heavy seeds relatively have a better vigor, compare to the light one. The research was aimed to determine the effect of seed size to percentage of germination, average days to germinate, germination value and germination power of mirabow seeds. The research was conducted in greenhouse of Agriculture Faculty Lampung University on November 2013 to January 2014. The research was arranged in Complete Random Design (CRD), with 3 treatments and 4 replications. Seed are classified based on the weight of seed is heavy weight, medium weight, and light weight. Each unit of experiments was used 100 mirabow seeds. The observed variables were consisted of germination percentage, average day to germination, germination value, and germination power. Data analysis methods used were homogeneity of variance, variance analysis, and least significant of difference test at 5% significant level. The results showed that seed size of mirabow has a positive effect to the germination. The heavy weight of seed (> 3.49 grams) gave a better response for germination percentage 80.250% and germination value 1.595 %/day compared with the medium weight (2.36--43.49 grams) and light weight (< 2.36 grams).

Keywords: germination, mirabow, seed size

425. Pemanfaatan Maltodextrin Singkong untuk Perekat Ramah Lingkungan dalam Pembuatan Papan Partikel dari Bagas Sorgum (Utilization of Cassava Maltodextrin for Eco-friendly Adhesive in the Manufacturing of Sorghum Bagasse Particleboard)

The development of natural adhesives derived from non-fossil resources is very important for the future. This research aimed to develop natural adhesive from maltodextrin and compare it with other natural adhesives such as citric acid and malic acid for particleboard production. The effect of the adhesive raw materials on the physical and mechanical properties of the particleboards was investigated. The sweet sorghum and those natural adhesives were used in the manufacturing of particleboard. The resin content of the natural adhesive was 20 wt% base on air-dried particles. The dimension and density target of the boards were 30 x 30 x 0.9 cm3 and 0.8 g/cm3, respectively. The particleboards were prepared by hot pressing at 200°C for 10 min. The physical and mechanical properties of particleboards were evaluated based on Japanese Industrial Standard for particleboard (JIS A 5908-2003). The results showed that the density, moisture content, modulus of elasticity, and modulus of rupture met the requirements of the JIS A 5908-2003 standard, while the thickness swelling, water absorption, and internal bond did not meet the standard requirements. The results of FTIR analysis indicated the establishment of ester linkages due to the reaction between the natural adhesive and sorghum bagasse that contributed to the excellent physical and mechanical properties of the particleboard.

Keywords: cassava, maltodextrin, natural adhesive, particleboard, sweet sorghum

216. Tingkat Kenyamanan Di Hutan Kota Patriot Bina Bangsa Kota Bekasi

The development of urban area was accured quickly and lead to many environmental problems such as the rising of temperatures and decreasing of environmental quality. Greenopen space (RTH) was needed to overcome those problems. The objectives of the researchwere to figure out the characteristics of vegetation in Patriot Bina Bangsa Urban Forest (including the species, density, broad canopy coverage), to figure out comfort index ofPatriot Bina Bangsa Urban Forest and to find out the visitor's perception about comfortsvalue of facilities. The analysis of vegetation was employed as the method of data collection senses method was used as the sampling method, and temperature humidity index (THI) wasused to determine the comfort level. Interview techniques with random sampling method wasused to determine the visitors perception. The result showed that the vegetation characteristics of Patriot Bina Bangsa Urban Forest took effects to temperature andhumidity. High density of tree could decrease the air temperature and increase the humidity, where dense canopy class had air temperature at 27.6oC and humidity at 80.1%; moderate canopy class had air temperature at 29.1oC and humidity at 73.2%; sparse canopy class hadair temperature at 30.1oC and humidity at 70.5%. Based on the temperature humidity index (THI), Patriot Bina Bangsa Urban Forest was categorized as uncomfortable, with THI values >26. Most of visitors (77.72%) believed that the facilities wich exist in Patriot Bina BangsaUrban Forest ware categorized good.

Keywords :Patriot Bina Bangsa Urban Forest, urban forest comfort, city

337. The Availability of the Basic Vegetation Materials for the Bird Nest of Paradisaea minor jobiensis in Yapen, Islands Papua

The existence of cendrawasih (Paradisaea minor jobiensis Rothschild 1897) has been endangered due to destruction its habitats and wild hunting, hence conservation of its habitats is urgently needed. The objective of this study was to determine the availability of vegetation materials for creating the nests as an effort for the conservation of P. minor jobiensis in Imboriawi Forest, Barawai, Yapen Islands, Papua. Data were collected using the method of line compartment. Vegetation at seedling, sapling, pole and tree levels were measured and analyzed to determine the availability of plant species as the materials for creating bird nest. The results of vegetation analysis revealed 60 species at seedling level, 43 species at sapling level, 68 species at pole level, and 74 species at tree level with high diversity index values (H') of 3.68, 3.32, 3.87, and 3.87 for seedling, sapling, pole, and tree levels, respectively. The results also revealed that vegetation used as a materials of nest of P. minor jobiensis in Imbowiari Forest is Bidens spilosa, Macaranga mappa, Timonius timon and Ficus septica. The four species at seedling, sapling, poles, and tree levels have low diversity index values (H'= 1) but can be used as indicators of making a nest in a sustainable way.

Keywords: bird nest, conservation, Paradisaea minor jobiensis, vegetation analysis

482. Estimation of Indonesia Wooden Furniture Export Demand Function

The export value of Indonesia's wooden furniture was sharply decreased by about 31.9% over the period in 2007-2018. On the other hand, global wooden furniture export was increased by 5.8% during the same period. Understanding the behavior of the demand side of Indonesia's wooden furniture exports that is reflected by its relative price and income elasticities is needed for the policy development of Indonesia's wooden furniture industry in the future. The objective of this study was to estimate the export demand function of Indonesia wooden furniture using a panel data regression model. Three types of panel data models, such as pooled ordinary least squares model, fixed-effects model, and random effects model, were investigated. The results showed that the export demand function of Indonesia wooden furniture could be well estimated using the fixed effects model. Relative price elasticity and income elasticity were -0.45 and 0.8, respectively. The adjusted R2 value obtained was 0.99.

Keywords: export demand function, panel data regression, wooden furniture

114. Vandalisme Dalam Kegiatan Wisata Hutan Di Taman Kupu-Kupu Gita Persada Bandar Lampung

The Gita Persada Butterfly Park is one of the examples of a region that can be selected as an object of forest tourism which is located near city areas. This kind of tourism has own interest, so make enthusiasts of the travellers to visit this forest tourism. The travellers who visiting this park were assumed would create the negative impacts such as vandalism. The goals of this research are to identify the forms of the tree's vandalism and the group of ages from the travellers who did the vandalism, and than knowing the perceptions of the travellers against the vandalism. This research was done in January-February 2015 by using an observation method and interview. The plant's percentage that suffered vandalism at the location that used as a tourism activity is 8.91%. The plant's percentage that suffered vandalism at the location that not used as a tourism activity is 10.91%. Generally, the visitors have perceptions these vandalism activities damage trees and the beauty of the tourism object as well as they are needed the prevention acts by the orginizer of Gita Persada Butterfly Park about vandalism activities.

Keywords: forest tourism, vandalism, gita persada butterfly park

226. Estimasi Karbon Tersimpan Pada Hutan Rakyat Di Pekon Kelungu Kabupaten Tanggamus

The increasing rates of forest degradation and deforestation has been decreasing carbonstocks of forest. Pekon kelungu is one of the village that developing the community forest using agroforestry system that is also has a function as a carbon stock. The research was conducted to determine the dominant vegetation and to predict the amount of above groundcarbon stock at the community forest in Pekon Kelungu. The Important Value Index (IVI) was calculated to measure plants domination. Allometric equation was used to measure carbon stored for living and dead tree, volume formulas for necromass and Biomass ExpansionFactor formula for litter and seedlings. Durian, cacao and campaca is the dominat tree pole and seedling, respectively. The total carbon of above ground biomass of community forest in Pekon Kelungu is amounted to 101.61 ton/ha. Carbon stored on tree component is amounted to 99.92 ton/ha, necromass is amounted to 0.81 ton/ha, litter is amounted to 0.87 ton/ha and seedling is amounted to 0.02 ton/ha.

Keywords: carbon stock, community forest, IVI,

255. Vegetation Diversity in Utilization Block, Integrated Conservation Education Forest, Wan Abdul Rachman Great Forest Park, Lampung Province

The Integrated Conservation Education Forest (ICEF) of Tahura Wan Abdul Rahman (Tahura WAR) with the total area about 1.143 preserved  floras and faunas habitat hold the roles as a nature conservation area with main purposes as education, research, cultivation, culture, tourism, and recreation activities. ICEF of Tahura WAR devided by many blocks preservation block which used as protect the plants and faunas, in addition the affect of exploitation activity and utilization or social forestry block which used as community forest models that managed by people which have the structure and composition of vegetation. The research was conducted from November to December 2015 in utilization block of Tahura WAR with the purpose to identified the composition, structure, and vegetation diversity. The method used in the research was survey, and the methods of sampling was random sampling about 19 plots. The result of the study showed there were 728 species of plants consisted by 275 species of under plants, 97 species of seedlings, 137 species of saplings, 76 species of poles and 143 species of trees.

Keywords: composition, structure, great forest park Wan Abdul Rachman

317. Sustainable Social Forestry in Bali (A Case Study at Hutan Desa Wanagiri)

The limited access to land, particularly for the community around the forest contributed to deforestation in Indonesia. This problem drives the emergence of social forestry. In fact, the implementation of social forestry in some cases could not be done sustainably. The research was conducted to identify the determinants of sustainable social forestry and analyze the implementation of sustainable social forestry in Hutan Desa Wanagiri, Bali. The analysis is carried out using Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The study was conducted from December 2017 - May 2018. Based on the results of the study, three main principles were used to evaluate the management of Hutan Desa Wanagiri, namely the principle of sustainable environment (environmental aspects), improvement of community welfare (socio-economic aspects), and improvement of forest governance (institutional aspects). Based on the AHP results regarding the three principles, the level of sustainability of Hutan Desa Wanagiri for the environmental aspects is 49,9%, and then 62,7% for socio-economic aspect and 51% for institutional aspects. Overall, the level of sustainability of Hutan Desa Wanagiri is equal to 54,4% and classified as 'moderate sustainable'.

Keywords: environment, Hutan Desa, institutional, socio-economic, sustainability

197. Pengaruh Karakteristik Rumah Tangga Terhadap Tingkat Kemiskinan Masyarakat Sekitar Mangrove (Kasus Di Desa Sidodadi Kecamatan Teluk Pandan Kabupaten Pesawaran)

The mangrove forest ecosystem is one of the coastal resources that give an important role in social, economic and ecological aspects. In fact, there are many coastal communities in poverty conditions. This study intended to analyze household poverty line and influence of household characteristics on poverty line. This study has conducted from January to March 2015. Determination of respondents was done in simple random sampling and was obtained 71 respondents. Data collection method was used structural interview to respondents. The results showed that partly of communities were categories in the poverty line. Poverty line was not affected by age, work types, health, ethnic and houses condition. Household characteristics that have an influence on the poverty line were education, income, number of working family members and houses facilities. Households have less alternative source of income from mangrove forests caused by lack of knowledge about utilization of non timber forest products from the mangrove.

Keywords: Household characteristics, mangrove, poverty line

593. Identification of Key Stakeholders and Their Opinion in The Role of Achieving Successful Mangrove Rehabilitation DKI Jakarta for The Capacity as Support Base Sustainable Regional Development Goals

The northern coast of Jakarta is a mangrove habitat that has existed so far. The mangrove forest area has many direct and indirect benefits. Seeing the benefits of mangrove forest areas in their function as supporting the success of sustainable development, this study was conducted to identify the attitudes of stakeholders in DKI Jakarta towards the existence of mangrove areas on the coast of the northern coast of Jakarta, attitudes towards development plans and utilization of potential areas that have not been planted with mangroves. and find a description of the convergence, divergence, and ambivalence relationships between these stakeholders, which are useful in mapping and determining appropriate policies for the development of mangrove areas in coastal areas of DKI Jakarta as supporting the success of sustainable development in DKI Jakarta province. Research and data collection was carried out through focus group discussions and interviews. Data analysis was performed using the Mactor method. The results of the study determine seventeen strategic variables in sustainable development which are grouped into the following typology: (1) determinant variables (2) relay variables (3) autonomous variables and (4) dependent variables and five policy objectives in the development of mangrove areas, namely: Area utilization Potential areas that have not been planted with mangroves for the development of business areas or infrastructure, Utilization of potential areas that have not been planted with mangroves for property development, Utilization of potential areas that have not been planted with mangroves for planting mangroves (total), Utilization of potential areas that have not been planted with mangroves for planting mangroves (partially), Utilization of potential areas that have not been planted with mangroves for national strategic interests. This research also produces a priority scale order of the attitudes of these stakeholders which is very useful for policymakers in directing policy focus to ensure the successful development of mangrove areas on the north coast of Jakarta in a sustainable manner.

342. Eksplorasi Jenis Burung Di Danau Aur Kabupaten Musi Rawas

The number of tourists visiting Lake Aur tourism will disrupt the native habitat of the birds at Lake Aur. With this research, it is hoped that it can become an information and consideration material for the government, so that the development of Lake Aur tourism also considers aspects of biodiversity, especially birds. The purpose of this study is to record and identify birds that are in Danau Aur, Musi Rawas Regency. This research was conducted using field observation techniques. The method used is a method of exploration that is done by roaming, that is by exploring each corner of the location on Lake Aur. Based on the results of bird studies that were successfully observed in Lake Aur, Musi Rawas District consisted of 11 orders, 21 families 28 genus 32 species. The conclusion of this study is that the species of birds found in Lake Aur are: Dendrocygna javanica, Collocalia esculenta, Leptoptilos javanicus, Geopelia striata, Treron fulvicollis, Streptopelia chinensis, Halcyon smyrnensis, Todirhamphus chloris, Alcedo coerulescens, Centropus bengalensis, Spizaetus cirrhatus, Amaurornis phoenicurus, Passer montanus, Lonchura leucogastroides, Lonchura punculata, Lonchura leucogastra, Dicaeum trochileum, Dicaeum trigonostigma, Orthotomus ruficeps, Aegithina tiphia, Pycnonotus aurigaster, Pycnonatus goiavier, Zosterops palpebrosus, Hirundo rustica, Delichon dasypus, Anthreptes malacensis, Nectarinia jugularis, Prinia familiaris, Ixobrychus cinnamomeus, Egretta alba, Egretta garzetta, and Turnix suscitator.

645. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Cross-Laminated Timber Made of a Combination of Mangium-Puspa and Polyurethane Adhesive

The objective of this study is to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of cross-laminated timber (CLT) characteristics from woods of mangium, puspa, and their combination using polyurethane (PU 1.2) adhesives. The manufacture of CLT begins with basic adhesive characterization and thermo-mechanical analysis. Basic properties of wood material were also tested with its response to the PU 1.2 wettability. The CLT (100 x 30 x 3.60) cm3 was manufactured with 160 g/m2 glue spread, at a pressure of 0.80 MPa for 200 minutes. The CLT panels was characterized refers to JAS 3079 (2019) standard. The results show that PU 1.2 had a gelation time of 182.1 minutes at 25 °C, able to form urethane groups, and experienced an increase in storage modulus at 35 °C. Mangium and puspa woods have different physical and chemical properties. Puspa CLT panel has a higher density than mangium, but lower dimensional stability. The bending properties of hybrid puspa-mangium-puspa CLT was able to match puspa CLT and have one of three samples of shear strength that met JAS 3079 (2019) in both grain directions. Therefore, hybrid puspa-mangium-puspa CLT has the potential to be developed to improve its dimensional stability and mechanical properties.

519. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Oriented Strand Board from Three Species of Plantation Forests at Various Resin Contents

The objective of this study was to determine the physical and mechanical properties of oriented strand board (OSB) from three wood species of plantation forests, i.e., Afrika (Maesopsis eminii), mangium (Acacia mangium), and sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) at various resin contents. OSB was made with a shelling ratio (face:core:back) of 1:2:1 and a target density of 0.6 g/cm3. Methylene diphenyl di-isocyanate (MDI) adhesive was used with 3%, 5%, and 7% resin contents. The physical and mechanical properties were evaluated based on JIS A 5908:2003 standard and the values were compared with CSA 0437.0 (Grade O-1) standard. The results show that the physical and mechanical properties of the OSB were improved as the resin content increased for all wood species. OSB prepared from Afrika and mangium wood strands with 7% resin content showed better physical and mechanical properties than the other OSBs. Thickness swelling of OSB prepared from three wood species had met the CSA O437.0 (Grade O-1) standard. All OSBs produced in this experiment met the standard for MOR parallel and perpendicular to the grain. OSB from three wood species with a 5% and 7% resin content met the standard for MOE perpendicular to the grain. Only mangium OSB with a resin content of 7% met the standards for MOE parallel to the grain. Afrika OSB with 5% and 7% resin content, mangium OSB with 5% resin content, and sengon OSB with 3% and 7% resin content met the standard for the internal bond.

Keywords: Acacia mangium, Maesopsis eminii, Methylene diphenyl di-isocyanate, Oriented strand board, Paraserianthes falcataria

532. Effects of Strands Pre-treatment and Adhesive Type on the Properties of Oriented Strand Board Made from Gmelina (Gmelina arborea) Wood

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of steam treatment of strands on the physical and mechanical properties of oriented strand board (OSB) from gmelina wood (Gmelina arborea) bonded with two types of adhesive. Strands of gmelina wood were steamed at 126°C and pressure of 0.14 MPa for 1 h. OSBs were prepared with a 0.6 g/cm3 target density using two types of adhesives, namely methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) and phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resins. The resin content used was 5% for MDI and 10% for PF. The physical and mechanical properties of the OSB were evaluated referring to the JIS A 5908-2003 standard, and the values were compared with CSA 0437.0 (Grade O-1) standard. The results showed that the steam treatment improved the dimensional stability of OSB, as shown from the decrease of water absorption and thickness swelling. Steam treatment also increased the mechanical properties of the OSB, such as modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, internal bonding strength, and screw holding power. The results revealed that gmelina wood OSB bonded with MDI adhesives produced better OSB than bonded with PF resin.

Keywords: gmelina, methylene diphenyl diisocyanate, oriented strand board, phenol-formaldehyde, steam treatment


560. Influence of Activated Charcoal Addition on the Adhesion, Emission, Physical, Mechanical, and Biological Properties of Particleboard

The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of bagasse-activated charcoal for reduced formaldehyde emissions and their effect on the physical, mechanical, and biological properties of particleboard. Activated charcoal was made by carbonizing bagasse at 300°C for 2.5 h, followed by carbon activation using a 0.1M HCl solution for 24 h. Particleboards were made of a mixture of bagasse and wood particles with a ratio of 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100. The concentrations of activated charcoal used in manufacturing particleboards were 2, 4, and 6% based on the dry weight of the particles. Particleboards were made with a target density of 0.7 g/cm3 and hot-pressed at 140°C for 10 min with a pressure of 35 kg/cm2. The observed parameters were formaldehyde emission levels, physical properties, mechanical properties, and biological properties of particleboards. The results showed that the more activated charcoal added in the manufacture of particleboards decreased formaldehyde emissions of the panel. Based on the SNI 5008.2:2016, the overall formaldehyde emission value of particleboard in this study with activated charcoal is in the F* category. The addition of activated charcoal improved the physical, mechanical, and biological properties of particleboards in terms of increased density, decreased water content, water absorption, and thickness swelling, increased modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, internal bonding, and screw withdrawal, as well as increased resistance to termites. The particleboard with the addition of 6% activated charcoal showed better mechanical, physical, and biological properties. All physical and mechanical properties of particleboard met the JIS A 5908-2003 Type 8 standards, except for the modulus of elasticity.

Keywords: Activated charcoal, bagasse, biological properties, formaldehyde emission, mechanical properties, particleboard, physical properties

520. Effects of Resin Content on the Characteristics of Bamboo Oriented Strand Board Prepared from Strands of Betung, Ampel, and Their Mixtures

The objectives of this research were to evaluate bamboo-oriented strand board (BOSB) characteristics made from betung (Dendrocalamus asper), ampel (Bambusa vulgaris), and their mixtures at two different contents (3% and 5%) of methylene diphenyl di-isocyanate (MDI) adhesives. The strands were steam-treated at 126°C for 1 h under the pressure of 0.14 MPa. Three-layered BOSBs with a target density of 0.7 g/cm3 were made with the size of 30 cm x 30 cm x 0.9 cm and a shelling ratio of 1:2:1 (face:core:back layers). The physical and mechanical properties of BOSB were evaluated following JIS A 5908 (2003) standard, and the results were compared with the CSA 0437.0 Grade O-1 standard. The results show that BOSB from the mixtures of betung and ampel bamboo strands has higher dimensional stability as shown by the decrease in water absorption and thickness swelling and higher mechanical properties than single BOSB. All BOSBs with 5% resin content have higher dimensional stability, MOE, and MOR than BOSB with 3% resin content. The physical and mechanical properties of all BOSB manufactured met the CSA 0437.0 Grade O-1 standard. This study proved that BOSBs from the mixture of betung and ampel strands have the potential to be developed due to having better physical and mechanical qualities than a single BOSB.

Keywords: ampel (Bambusa vulgaris), bamboo oriented strand board, betung (Dendrocalamus asper), resin content, strand mixtures

596. The Mangrove Density, Diversity, and Environmental Factors as Important Variables to Support the Conservation Program of Essential Ecosystem Area in Muara Kali Ijo, Pantai Ayah, Kebumen

The planning of wetland essential ecosystem area (EEA) conservation and preservation activities is important to support ecosystem stability, including the mangrove ecosystem. These activities should consider the ecological, economic, and social aspects. This study aimed to analyze the indicator of the mangrove ecosystem to support the planning program of  EEA conservation in Muara Kali Ijo, Pantai Ayah, Kebumen. The research method used the mapping and planning analysis of the EEA conservation program using the indicator of mangrove density, mangrove diversity, and environmental indicators. The results showed that mangrove density in Muara Kali Ijo was 1,500-4,300 trees/ha (moderate to very dense) and was dominated by Rhizophora mucronata and Rhizophora styllosa. The potential of total dissolved solids, water salinity, potential hydrogen, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, and nitrate had a good condition to support the mangrove's life and growth. The ecosystem essential planning also had activity to conserve and preserve the Crocodylus porosus. The planning of ecosystem essential was developed in 18.5 ha, divided into five zones: mangrove preservation area of 5.90 ha, mangrove utilization area of 6.40 ha, mangrove arboretum of 4.40 ha, mangrove rehabilitation area of 1.30 ha, and specific utilization area of 0.5 ha. The wetland EEA in Muara Kali Ijo has important value in preserving the area from coastal disaster and increasing economic value with tourism and other activities.

Keywords: Crocodylus porosus preservation, essential ecosystem conservation, mangrove zonation, Muara Kali Ijo, wetland conservation

84. Densitas Pohon Dewasa Dan Permudaan Pulai (Alstonia Scholaris) Dan Suren (Toona Sureni) Dalam Blok Koleksi Tumbuhan Di Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman

The plant collection block is a part of the Great Forest Park of Wan Abdul Rachman that contains varie of plant species, either pristine plant or not and rare or not rare which are needed to be protected and preserved. The plant collection block condition has been changed to be cultivation land. This condition is feared can interfere the existence of rare plants species such as devil tree (Alstonia scholaris) and cedar (Toona sureni). This research was done at the plant collection block in Great Forest Park of Wan Abdul Rachman on September - October 2013. This research is aimed to determine the density, distribution, condition, and coordinates position of devil tree and cedar. The data was taken by used checkered lines method with 0.1% sampling intensity. The sampling area was about 8,455.4 m2, then divided into 20 plots. The distance between lines was 200 m and plots was 100 m. The result showed that the devil tree density was higher amount of 15 stems/ha than cedar density of 7 stems/ha in a row. The frequency of devil tree was found in observation plots about 0.25 stems/ha that was higher than cedar frequency which only of 0.15 stems/ha. Cedar grown by 5 stems, that amount the criteria of main tree as many as 1 stem in the 20th plot. Devil tree grown by 4 stems, that amount the criteria of main tree as many as 1 stem in the 19th plot.

Keywords: plant collection block, parent tree, rare tree

517. Estimation of Tree Carbon Stocks in the Green Open Space of the Faculty of Forestry, Tanjungpura University

The presence of green open space containing vegetation in urban areas plays a vital role in absorbing and storing carbon in biomass. Tanjungpura University (Untan) Pontianak has a green open area in the New Building of the Faculty of Forestry. This study aimed to describe carbon reserves stored in biomass above ground level (vegetation) in green open areas around the New Building of Faculty of Forestry Untan Pontianak. Data were collected using an inventory survey by non-destructive sampling, which includes recording with fully enumerated data collection on the type and diameter of trees with a continuous line plot system. The data were then analyzed using allometric equations to obtain biomass values. The results found as many as 56 species of trees with a total of 558 individuals dominated by Litsea garciae and Hevea brasiliensis. The results showed the amount of carbon stored at the tree level of 59.06 tons/ha (76.18%), pole level of 13.94 tons/ha (17.99%), and sapling level of 4.52 tons/ha (5.83%), with an average carbon stock of 77.52 tons/ha. Thus, the green open area could store 148.53 tons of carbon in tree biomass. Although it is a small area, this peatland ecosystem could accumulate peat in organic soil and its vegetation and should be managed as peatland forests. Therefore, proper management is essential, and hydrology management is needed mainly due to its nature.

Keywords: allometric equation, biomass, carbon stocks, green open space

303. The Development of Timor Deer Breeding in Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman Lampung

The presence of National Forest Park (Tahura) Wan Abdul Rachman is an opportunity to be developed into ecotourism if it is well-managed and have support from stakeholders especially the local community. The purpose of this study is to know the potential of human resource, management capabilities, community support in Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman and to formulate priority development strategy of captive breeding timor deer into ecotourism. This research was conducted during February to April 2017. Data was collected by observation and interview. The data was analyzed descriptively using SWOT analysis. The result showed that the existence of captive timor deer in Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman can be developed into ecotourism because of the support from society and other stakeholder. Management Unit in Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman was implemented the functions of management such as planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. A main priority of strategy to maintain and develop the ecotourism potential based on deer breeding is by improving coordination and cooperation between UPTD Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman as the organizer of deer breeding unit with local Goverment of Lampung Province, private party and community.

Keywords: deer breeding, ecotourism, human resource, management.

105. Pengelolaan Hutan Rakyat Oleh Kelompok Pemilik Hutan Rakyat Di Desa Bandar Dalam Kecamatan Sidomulyo Kabupaten Lampung Selatan

The private forest is one of the alternative solutions to the pressure of forest resources. The benefits to be gained from private forests management includes fulfill the needs of wood, increase public revenues, and increase the productivity of land.  The benefit has received by the public depends on the management carried out by private forest owners. The purposes of this study were to determine the social and economic characteristics of people who participate in managing private forests, and to determine the level of private forest management covers all aspects of planning, organizing, actuating, evaluation and monitoring. The research was conducted on August till September 2014 in Bandar Dalam village Sidomulyo District of South Lampung. The numbers of samples were 38 respondents by simple random sampling method. Data analysis methods used qualitative descriptive analysis. The results,were it can be concluded that: (1) the social and economic characteristics of the people who manage private forests mostly included in the productive age work and have a second job, amount of family burden is only a bit, and private forests land that they manage quite extensive so that their income quite high, although most low level of education; and (2) private forest management consisted of the planning aspect in medium category, organizational aspect in medium category, planting implementation aspect in both category, implementation of maintenance aspect in medium category, harvesting implementation aspect in both category, marketing implementation aspect in poor category, and monitoring-evaluation aspect are in medium category. Overall level of private forest management is medium category.

Keywords: Private forest, forest management, private forest owners

647. Influence of Puspa Wood and Coconut Trunk Combination on Characteristic of Cross Laminated Timber Bonded with Polyurethane Adhesive

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the characteristic of cross laminated timber (CLT) made from puspa (Schima wallichii) wood, coconut (Cocos nucifera) trunk, and their combination using polyurethane adhesive. The manufacturing of CLT begins with the characterization of the adhesive and wood materials used in this study. The CLT panels are made with dimensions of 100 cm × 30 cm × 3.6 cm. The laminate was organized into three layers with the face/core/back, namely puspa wood (PPP), coconut trunk (CCC), and their combination (PCP and CPC), perpendicular to each other using polyurethane adhesive with a glue spread of 160 g.m-2. The physical and mechanical properties of the CLT were assessed according to the JAS 3079 (2019) standard. The results showed that the polyurethane adhesive used in this study was able to curing optimally at a temperature of 30 °C for 200 minutes. Puspa wood and coconut trunk had different physical and chemical properties but had similar wettability to polyurethane adhesives. The physical and mechanical characteristics of coconut CLT were better than puspa CLT. Based on the overall test results, the puspa hybrid CLT is better than the single wood species of the CLT. In contrast to coconut hybrid CLT, the single CLT of CCC was better than its hybrid CLT.

67. Perubahan Tutupan Hutan Mangrove Di Pesisir Kabupaten Lampung Timur

The purposes of this study were: (1)to describe the change of mangrove forest cover along the coast of East Lampung Regency using Landsat data for 1973, 1983, 1994, 2004, and 2013; (2)to determine triggering factors that occur in the coast of East Lampung Regency during the years 1973-2013 related to the mangrove forest change. The methods used in the study are spatial analysis and qualitative descriptive method. The study was conducted along the coast of East Lampung Regency over period of October 2013-March 2014. The result shows that: in 1973-1983 increased by 2,541.22 ha, in 1983-1994 decreased by 4,903.54 ha, in 1994-2004 decreased by 6,377.11 ha, in 2004-2013 decreased by 3,059.23 ha. The related factors that occur in there were changes in the status management area is happening in Way Kambas National Park (TNWK), there were people migration into Labuhan Maringgai that cutting mangrove, there were fishermen activity in TNWK, transmigration program in Labuhan Maringgai, and land clearing into ponds in Pasir Sakti, the local government issued a regulation: Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Lampung Timur Nomor: 03 Tahun 2002 (Rehabilitation of Coastal, Coastal and Marine in East Lampung regency), and many mangrove conservating program organized by Lampung Mangrove Center (LMC) in Labuhan Maringgai and mangrove conservator group (Mutiara Hijau I) in Pasir Sakti.

Keywords: mangrove, land cover change, GIS, coast of East Lampung Regency

326. The Role of Rural Forest Women in Increasing the Household Income

The role of women in managing natural resources is needed to help their husband to increase the economy level of the family. Besides a role to manage the household, women also have a task to get income, and it called double-role in the family. The role of women in work productively holds an effect in fulfilling household needs. This research aims to identify the productive women activities and women role against increasing of the family income in Sidodadi Village Teluk Pandan Sub District Pesawaran District in Lampung Province. The samples taken using cluster and purposive sample methods were 73 samples. Data analysis method used in this research was qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The result showed that the Sidodadi productive women activities to increase the family income were the trader, farmer, agricultural laborer and officer. Trade was a productive activity of women who have the highest income contribution. The contribution of women towards the total income of the family was low (30%), so the role of women in economic activities.

Keywords: women role, productive activities, income, household.


The Sago palm plays a vital role in the Papuan indigenous community's social, economic, and cultural life. It is used as a source of staple food, household income, and embedded cultural values. This research aims to determine the extent of sago palm habitat spread, using spatial data. The classification method and multispectral imaging by employing satellite imagery (Landsat 8 and quick bird) as well as Field Survey were used. The sago forest coverage in Yapen Islands was 87.73%, located between 9-50 m asl, covering 9,456.26 ha. Meanwhile, 43.53% of the habitat lies in the inclination of 2-8% (extreme gentle slope), covering 4,692.45 ha. Sago forest is found in a gleysol soil type with a precipitation of 3,000-3,100 mm. The sago forest distances of 0 − 250 m, and 251 - 500 m to the coastline showed that the habitat covers the area of 153.87 ha and 368.19 ha. The preferable area in this category is Raimbawi Subdistrict, followed by Kosiwo, and the less suitable area, or the marginal land, is in Windesi Subdistrict.

438. Kekuatan Kopling Sistem dalam Pengembangan Hutan Rakyat (The Power of System’s Coupling in the Development of Smallholder-Private Forests)

The smallholder-private forests initially developed through various catalysts, particularly the government's greening program. The various functions of smallholder-private forests in economic, social, and environmental life has encouraged the forests as an integral part of community life. This condition is termed as a status of adjusted to each other (couple state) between the forests and community life. The couple state needs to be studied to help in improving community lives through the development of smallholder-private forests. A systems approach is required in learning the couple state. The main topic of research was the system's coupling between smallholder-private forest systems and livelihood systems. The degree of the system's coupling was measured using the value of the coupling coefficient (R). This study aimed to determine the degrees of coupling in three main farmer livelihoods. The study began by developing the causal loop diagram (CLD) of the coupling of the two systems. Samples of 72 head of the family that work as full farmers, part-time farmers, and non-farmers were taken purposively in Semoyo Village, Gunungkidul Regency. Data of farmers conditions were obtained through interviews by using questionnaires, and the conditions of smallholder-private forests were obtained through tree measurements. The results found that there was a dynamic coupling of the community forest system with community life in the three main livelihoods studied. The highest order of coupling degrees was full-time farmers, part-time farmers, and non-farmers, respectively. The difference in degrees of coupling in the three main livelihoods can be used as a basis for stakeholder intervention in formulating regulations, policies, and coaching to improve the quality of life of the community.

Keywords: system's coupling, Gunungkidul, smallholder-private forests, systems approach

623. Carbon Stock Potential of Vegetation in KPHP Production Forest, Makbon Sorong Regency

The study aims to identify the potential of carbon stock in saplings, poles, and tree levels in the KPHP production forest, Makbon, Sorong Regency. In the forest, there is an occupation area for settlement and farms, so that inside the forest, there is open land, formerly used for farming, unproductive and dry agricultural land areas. This biophysical condition can change the carbon stock. The study was performed with a non-destructive sampling technique, and data was collected in situ. Data from sampling were analyzed using an Allometric equation to calculate the biomass of natural forest. Based on data from field observation in the KPHP production forest, Makbon, Sorong Regency, the numbers of saplings, poles, and trees were 1140, 2824, and 779, respectively. The total carbon stock of saplings was 7.225 ton/ha, and the highest biomass total was found in track 5 (375.211 Kg) with carbon/kg content =  176,339 kg and carbon ton/Ha = 2.822 ton/ha or 39.054 %, and the lowest one found in tract 2 with biomass total of 102.694Kg, and carbon/Kg (48.266 Kg), carbon ton/ha (0.772 ton/ha) or 10.689%. The poles contained total carbon stock of 9,796 ton/ha, and the highest biomass total was found in track 5 5 (1592.505 Kg) with carbon content / kg =748.477 kg and carbon content ton/Ha = 2.994ton/ha or  30.562% while the lowest was in track 2 with the biomass total (682.843 Kg), carbon/Kg (320.936 Kg) and carbon ton/ha (1.284 ton/ha) or 13.105%. And in trees, the total carob was 18.909 tons/ha, with the highest biomass total in track 5 (14256.932 Kg) containing carbon/Kg (6700.758 kg). The carbon content ton/Ha was 6.701 ton/ha or 35.436 %, while the lowest one was found in track 4 with the biomass total of 5625.738 Kg, containing carbon/Kg 2644.097 Kg) and carbon ton/ha (2.644 ton/ha) or 13.983%.

389. Pengaruh Periode dan Media Simpan terhadap Viabilitas Benih Kenanga (Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson forma genuina) (Effect of Periods and Media Storage on Viability of Cananga Seed (Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson forma genuina))

The suitable seed storage method is important to maintain seed viability. This study aimed to examine the effect of periods and media storage on the viability of cananga seed (Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson forma genuina). The treatments used in the seed viability test were 0, 2, 4, and 6 weeks as period storage and cocopeat, ash, and charcoal as media storage. The seeds were stored in the plastic at room temperature (± 25°C). The variables observed in this study were seed moisture content, percentage of germination, maximum growth potential, average days of germination, T50, germination value, and the number of seeds that germinate during storage. The percentage of C. odorata seeds germination without storage is 54%. The seed storage for 2 - 6 weeks in ash and charcoal hush caused their viability was drop. The seeds storage of C. odorata up to 6 weeks in cocopeat could maintain seeds viability with a percentage of germination that has no significant difference compared to control. In general, cocopeat can be used as one of the storage media in the seed storage of C. odorata before sowing.

Keywords: Cananga odorata, cocopeat, germination percentage, seed, viability

355. The Dynamic of Habitat Carrying Capacity Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus Sumatrensis) in Development Area Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary Way Kambas National Park

The Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary is the only place where semi-Sumatran rhinos in Indonesia have been conservation, located in Way Kambas National Park which has never been revealed through systematic research on its capacity to support its function as a conservation site for rare species such as the Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis). This study was conducted in August 2015 which aims to determine changes in the type and potential of natural feed, palatability of feed, potential water availability, and the cover of Sumatran rhinoceros habitat. This study uses a sample plot method. Data on carrying capacity of the collected habitat are data on the potential of feed plants, the level of rhino preference for feed types, water availability and habitat cover. The results showed that the number of feed species in the understorey phase increased, in the liana phase, seedlings, stakes and poles decreased, whereas in the tree phase there was no change because the number of species found was the same. Palatability of food has changed, in 2001 the rhinoceros favoured was a species of Psychotria sclerophylla while in 2015 it was a species of Planchonia valida. Changes occur in the potential for water availability, in 2001 14 water sources were found while in 2015 8 were water sources. In environmental factors, there is an increase in the intensity of light in the puddle, under the canopy, and the river, but in the swamp, there is a decrease in the intensity of sunlight, the average air temperature increases, and the average air humidity decreases.

Keywords: development areas, habitat carrying capacity, sumatran rhino, Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary.

179. Modal Sosial Pada Pengelolaan Dan Pelestarian Hutan Mangrove Di Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai Kabupaten Lampung Timur

The sustainability of mangrove forest management was required social capital. Social capital was society capability to made relation each other and built the power that very important not only for economic life of the community but also other social existantion. This research aimed to know the social economic characteristic and social capital communities that managed and conserved the mangrove forest in Labuhan Maringgai district of East Lampung Regency. The study used quantitative and qualitative analysis. The method used descriptive and scoring method. The results showed that social economic characteristic atMargasari village had much in common with the majority of Muara Gading Mas village and the social capital in Margasari dan Muara Gading Mas village community groups was low. Social capital group of mangrove in Margasari and Muara Gading Mas village were (a) group and network was low in 93% and 100%, (b) trust and solidarity was low in 85% and 76%, (c) aspects of collective and cooperative was low in 80% and 94%, (d) information and communications was minimum in 67% and low in 53%, (e) aspects of cohesion and inclusion was low in 63% and 94% and (f) actions of empowerment and political was low in 96% and 100%.

Keywords: social capital, social economic characteristic, mangrove forest, community group

650. Structure and Composition of Lower Plants in the Lower Mountain Zone of Malagembol Block, Gunung Tilu Nature Reserve, West Java

The understorey is one type of tropical forest vegetation that contributes to the complexity of the forest structure. The habitat of the understorey is closely related to the condition of the vegetation. This study aims to determine the structure and composition of the understorey to support the ecological function and habitat in the Malagembol Block, Gunung Tilu Nature Reserve. The sample collection was carried out using the sample plot method. A total of three main plots measuring 10x100 m2 were divided into ten subplots with a size of 5x5 m2. The understorey observed included herbaceous plants and saplings with a height of less than 1 m. The data analysis included the calculation of frequency, density, individual dominance, and significant value index using heterogeneity index (Shannon-Wiener), richness index (Margalef), and evenness index. A total of 186 species and 66 understorey families were recorded in the observation plots. Based on their stature, they were grouped into 26 species of climbing plants, 43 species of herbaceous plants, and 116 species of saplings. The species richness was high and more diverse. In addition, the species found were evenly distributed in each observation plot and the plant community was relatively stable. The Gunung Tilu Nature Reserve has an important contribution of understorey plants in compiling the ecosystem so that it becomes a further consideration for the management of the area around Gunung Tilu Nature Reserve.

246. Kenyamanan Hutan Kota Linara Berbasis Kerapatan Vegetasi, Iklim Mikro Dan Persepsi Masyarakat Di Kota Metro

The urban forest is part of public green open space which is formed by trees alliance that affect the temperature and humidity and reduce the wind speed so could provide convenience for the surrounding population. The aim of this research was to identify the species of the trees, to know the convenience based on THI and the public perception. Trees vegetation data inside urban forest were collected by census methods, temperature and humidity data were collected by measurement. Perception data were collected through interview using questionnaire. Descriptive analysis was used to analyzed the trees vegetation and visitors' perception. The comfort level were analyzed by using Nieuwolt's comfort index. The results showed the influence of the density of vegetation to temperature and humidity affected the level of comfort. The dense canopy area had the air temperature at 29,43oC and humidity at 78,02%. The rare canopyarea had the air temperature at 30,49oC and humidity at 75,23%. Based on the THI, Linara Urban Forest was classified uncomfortable with values > 26. The perceptions of visitors to the Linara Urban Forest was in comfort categories.

Keywords: the comfort level, urban forest, vegetation's density.

222. Pengembangan Potensi Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu Oleh Kelompok Sadar Hutan Lestari Wana Agung Di Register 22 Way Waya Kabupaten Lampung Tengah

The utilization of forest products for the welfare of rural communities surroundings the forest must be maintained its sustainability. The development of NTFP was expected to increase the diversity of forest products. Research was aimed to analyze the factors that affecting the potential development of NTFPs by Kashuri Wana Agung. This research was conducted in October 2015 at Sendang Asri and Sendang Mukti villages, Lampung Tengah regency. Research was using observation and interviews method with questionnaires, and analyzed using SWOT. The result showed that the potential NTFPs in Wana Agung namely petai (Parkia speciosa), pinang (Areca catechu), alpukat (Persea gratissima), jengkol (Pithecellobium lobatum), and aren (Arenga pinnata). Factors to affecting the development of NTFP namely limited area, Kashuri's creativity, and the market price. Based on SWOTsmatrix, NTFPs development can be done by supporting of government and related parties(NGOs and Kashuri's). The support can be in extention education and training to develop Kashuri Wana Agung creativity to manage, process, and market the NTFPs product.

Keywords: Kashuri, NTFP potential, SWOT

59. Nilai Ekonomi Total Hutan Mangrove Desa Margasari Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai Kabupaten Lampung Timur

The utilization of non timber forest products that represent potential mangrove forests lack of consideration of various products and services that can be produced.  Conversion of mangrove forest to other uses deemed more profitable than explored the potential. The purpose of research that was conducted in April-May 2013 were to calculate the total economic value of mangrove forest in Margasari village sub district of Labuhan Maringgai district of Lampung Timur. Respondents are 43 mangrove forest communities selected by purposive sampling. Data were collected by direct observation and interviews, the analyzed using the formula total economic value (TEV). The results showed the total economic value of mangrove forests of Rp 10,530,519,419.00 of year consisted by (1) direct use value of Rp 1,877,440,000.00 of year of utilization of fuel wood, leaves and mangrove fruit, (2) indirect use values of Rp 8,915,036,479.00 of year of natural food provider for the marine life, (3) option value of Rp 103,425,000.00 of year of biodiversity and (4) existence value of Rp 1,580,000.00 of year of society's willingness to pay.

Keywords: mangrove forest, total economic value, use value, non use value

599. Changes in Chemical Composition of Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) after Alkali Immersion Treatment under Various Immersion Times

This research aimed to analyze the change in chemical composition of the betung bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) strands after alkali immersion treatment under various immersion times. The bamboo culms were converted into strands with the target length, width, and thickness of 70, 25, and 0.5 mm, respectively. Strands were alkali immersion-treated with 1% NaOH solution for 1, 2, and 3 h. Preparation of powder for chemical component analysis refers to the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI) standard T 264 cm-07 regarding the preparation of wood test samples for chemical analysis. Structural and non-structural bamboo strand chemical components such as holocellulose, alpha-cellulose, hemicellulose, klason lignin, and extractives were analyzed. The results showed that alkali immersion treatment decreased the hemicellulose content from 21.55% before treatment to 20.30% after 3 h immersion. Thus, it changed the holocellulose and alpha-cellulose composition. Alkali immersion treatment also changed the extractive substances dissolved in cold water, hot water, 1% NaOH, and ethanol-benzene solution. The decrease in hemicellulose, molecular weight lignin, and extractive substances would be beneficial for bamboo-oriented strand board manufacture to improve strand adhesion, dimensional stability, mechanical properties, and durability against biological agents attack.

Keywords: alkali immersion times, alkali immersion treatment, bamboo, chemical components, pre-treatment

68. Daily Behavior Turtledove (Streptopelia Chinensis) In The Field Tennis University Of Lampung

This research was conducted in the area of green open Lampung University, to determine the daily behavior of doves (Streptopelia chinensis) in the presence of human activity. The experiment was conducted in September- October 2013 at the University of Lampung tennis courts. The experiment was conducted using focal animal sampling methods and methods of direct observation. Time data collection performed in the morning at 6:00 to 08:00 pm and afternoon at 4:00 p.m. to 18:00 pm six repetitions with no conditions and no human activity of human activity. Data were analyzed descriptively to determine why the behavior of doves and turtledoves are still active on the tennis court, while there are many human activities. The results showed that the daily behavior of doves on the tennis court Lampung University include : perch, moving, flying, silent, eating, resting, incubating eggs, feathers browse, and make a nest. Activity that most people do is sit with the frequency and percentage of 36.47 % and a 9.3 times when there is human activity, 7.8 times and 30.11 % when there is no human activity. Activity that is at least eat the frequency and percentage of 0.1 times and 00:39 % when there is human activity, 0.3 times and 1:15 % in the absence of human activity. Doves keep doing the activity on the tennis court for tennis has a good habitat conditions for rest , a place to sleep, breed, and safe from threats and harassment.

Keywords: human activity, daily behavior, turtledove (Streptopelia chinensis), University of Lampung

634. Production of Natural Dyes for Ecoprint Leather from Three Forest Crops

This study aimed to determine the potential of mangrove (Rhizophora mucronata), tegeran (Maclura cochinchinensis), and tingi (Ceriops tagal) extracts as a dye on ecoprint leather. The variables measured were color values (L*, a*, and b*), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis, and ecoprint leather color fastness. The results showed that mangrove extract produced a brownish-red color with a value of L*= 17.53, a* = 36.27, b* = 30.19. The identification of FTIR spectrophotometer obtained spectrum at wavenumber 1243 cm-1 until 3198 cm-1, while tegeran wood extract produces a color towards brownish yellow with a value of L* = 34.59, a* =31.87 and b* = 58.61. It also obtained spectrum at wavenumber 1161 cm-1 until 3225 cm-1, while tingi wood extract produced a reddish-brown color with a value of L* = 2.36, a* = 6.80 and b* = 4.06. Furthermore, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectrophotometer identification obtained a spectrum at wave number 1122 cm-1 until 3204 cm-1. The color fastness of wet rubbing showed that mangrove and tingi woods have value of 4 indicating a good category, while tegeran wood has a value of 5 with excellent category. This showed that the extracts of mangrove, tegeran and tingi wood can be used as crust leather coloring with the ecoprint method.

530. Struktur, Riap Diameter, dan Daur Tebang Tegakan Tinggal Di Hutan Bekas Tebangan Di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur

This study aims to determine structure, diameter increment, and cutting cycle estimation of residual stand for commercial species at log over forest managed with selective cutting and line planting system (TPTJ) at PT Balikpapan Wana Lestari in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The residual stand parameter (tree amount, diameter, and increment) measurement is conducted at log over area for 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years at between the line in TPTJ block from 3 PUP (Permanent measuring plot) which each with a size of 100 m x 100 m (1 ha).  Result presents residual stand structure at between the line based on diameter class in the 'J' upside down form indicates the bigger diameter class, the smaller tree amount. The average diameter increment of residual stand at between the line for commercial is 1.04 cm/yr and non-commercial is 0.65 cm/yr and the estimated cutting cycle is 19 years for commercial species with a cutting diameter limit of 40 cm up.   Potential of stands in between the line can be expected to produce logging at the end of the cycle, besides of stand in planting line which is including of superior species and having big increment.

558. Structure, Diameter Increment, and Cutting Cycle of Residual Stand in Logged-Over Forest in East Kalimantan

This study aims to determine the structure, diameter increment, and cutting cycle estimation of residual stand for commercial species at log over forest managed with a selective cutting and line planting system (TPTJ) at PT Balikpapan Wana Lestari East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The residual stand parameter (tree amount, diameter, and increment) measurement is conducted at log over area for one year, two years, and three years at between line in TPTJ block from 3 PUP (Permanent measuring plot) which each with a size of 100 m x 100 m (1 ha).  The result presents residual stand structure at between line based on diameter class in the 'J' upside-down form indicates the bigger diameter class, the smaller tree amount. The average diameter increment of the residual stand at between line for a commercial is 1.04 cm/yr, and non-commercial is 0.85 cm/yr. The estimated cutting cycle is 19 years for commercial species with a cutting diameter limit of 40 cm up.   The potential of stands in between line can be expected to produce logging at the end of the cycle, besides the stand in the planting line, including superior species and having considerable increment.

6. Nilai Ekonomi Air Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Way Orok Sub Das Way Ratai Desa Pesawaran Indah Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran

This study aims to know the public perception of water usage and to determine the economic value of water from any use of and willingness to pay for forest and land rehabilitation.This research is held on March-Mei 2012 at Pesawaran Indah village, Padang Cermin, Pesawaran.To predicted the total economic value of water resources were used WTP method. The results of this study showed the total economic value of water is as much as Rp 1.705.844.764,-/year.These show that the public has higher willingness to pay of the total value, so it can be concluded that assess a community resource, Pesawaran Indah village has a perception of the water use is still low. One of factor is the exceeding availability of water resources, the community habit as free rider. It needs a policy of water management to maintain and conserve the water resources.

Keywords: economic values of hydrologic, WTP (willingness to pay)

15. Studi Pendahuluan Pengolahan Air Payau Menjadi Air Bersih Dengan Metode Kombinasi Elektrokoagulasi Dan Adsorpsi Menggunakan Karbosil

This study was carried out to investigate treatment of brackish water using a combination of electrocoagulation and adsorption using carbosil prepared from rice husk with pyrolysis method. Electrocoagulation was applied with the aim to remove natural organic matter in the sample, using aluminim as electrodes, with the particular purpose to study the effect of potenstials. For this purpose, electrocoagulation experiments were conducted at potential of 4, 6, and 8 volt at fixed contact time of 60 minutes. The performance of the method was defined in term of absorbance reduction at the wavelengths of 254 and 285 nm, since the absorbance at these two wave lenghts was found to correlate well with the amount of organic matter in the water samples. The treated water was then subjected to adsorption process at different contac times of 5. 10, and 15 minutes, and the performance of the process was evaluated in term of electrical conductivity reduction. The results obtained indicate that for electrocoagulation process, the higest reduction of natural organic matter content was achieved using potential of 8 volt, and adsorption porcess of 15 minutes was found to result in reduction of electrical conductivity from 15.13 mS/cm to 10.10 mS/cm. Characterization of the carbosil using SEM/EDX technique revealed that the carbosil has practically homogeneous surface and able to adsorb salt and several other elements from the brackish water.

Keywords: adsorption, brackish water, carbosil, electrocoagulation

11. Pengolahan Limbah Cair Hotel Dengan Kombinasi Metode Elektrokoagulasi Dan Adsorpsi Menggunakan Karbosil

This study was carried out to investigate treatment of hotel wastewater using a combination of electrocoagulation and adsorption using carbosil prepared from rice husk with pyrolysis method. Electrocoagulation was applied with the aim to remove natural organic matter in the sample, using aluminim as electrodes, with the particular purpose to study the effect of potentials. The treated water was then subjected to adsorption process at different contact times and the performance of the process was evaluated in term of the reduction of the absorbance at maximum wavelength. The performance of the method was defined in term of absorbance reduction at the maximum wavelength of 226 nm, which was determined by scanning the original sample at the wavelength ranging from 200 to 700 nm. According to literature, the maximum wavelength of 226 nm is commonly assigned to benzene structure, most likely from the Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate (ABS) used in detergents. The results obtained indicate that for electrocoagulation process, the highest reduction in the absorbance was achieved using potential of 10 volt. Adsorption process was found to result in the diminish of peak at 226 nm, reflecting that the organic pollutant associated with this wavelength has been completely removed from the water. Characterization of the carbosil using SEM technique revealed that the carbosil has practically homogeneous surface morphology, supporting its ability to adsorb the pollutants from the wastewater.

Keywords: adsorption, carbosil, electrocoagulation, hotel wastewater


Timber harvesting activities generally use heavy equipment which has an impact, that is damage the soil. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of forest harvesting on the biological properties of soil in FPR Sengguruh RFMU Malang FMU. The random sampling of soil samples, random sampling of earthworms by hand sorting method and isolation of fungi and bacteria using agar plates. The Research was found that there was a decrease in soil organic matter content on the land after harvesting from the rather high to low grade, found three types of worms, namely Pheretima, Pontoscolex, and Microscolex which decrease in individual density at post harvesting from 39,54 individuals/m2 to 16,87 individuals/m2. The total of fungi and bacterial colonies post-harvest experienced a decrease in fungal colonies from 2.54 x 104 CFU / ml to 0.88 x 104 CFU / ml and to bacterial colonies from 22.58 x 105 CFU / ml to 17.6 x 105 CFU / ml. The results of the calculation of carbon estimates stored are expected to serve as a basis for calculating carbon estimates in Teak Forest Vegetation on a National Scale.

516. A Decrease in Carbon Absorption Potential Due to Timber Harvesting in Natural Forest

Timber harvesting is an activity in producing wood to supply the lumber industry. However, timber harvesting brought consequences such as decreasing carbon sequestration potential of natural forests. This study aimed to determine the reduction in the potential for carbon sequestration due to timber harvesting in natural forests. Data were collected using non-destructive methods through stand inventory before felling for all tree species, cruising results report, and tree distribution maps. Biomass was calculated using the existing allometric, and carbon stocks were calculated using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change method. The results showed that there were 238 trees (65.29 m3) of stands in the study area (6 ha) based on stand inventory before felling. Potential biomass and carbon storage before trees felling were 16.12 ton ha-1 and 7.58 ton ha-1, respectively. Potential biomass and carbon storage after tree felling were 5.15 ton ha-1 and 2.42 ton ha-1, respectively. Carbon absorption before and after tree felling is 28.37 ton CO2eq ha-1 and 4.44 ton CO2eq ha-1, respectively. Carbon emissions during tree felling was 18.93 ton CO2eq ha-1 (81.00%). The application of environmentally friendly wood harvesting shall be carried out appropriately to minimize a decrease in carbon absorption from timber harvesting. 

Keywords: biomass, carbon emission, timber harvesting

62. Pemanfaatan Limbah Serbuk Gergaji Dan Arang Sekam Padi Sebagai Media Sapih Untuk Cempaka Kuning (Michelia Champaca)

To support the cultivation of yellow cempaka (Michelia champaca) intensively, high quality seedlings was needed. One of the factors that affect the growth and quality of seedling was growth media. The objectives of the research were to (1) determine the effect of saw dust and rice husk as growth media than the top soil for yellow cempaka seedlings; (2) obtained the best composite media between top soil with saw dust and rice husk as media for growth media for yellow cempaka seedlings. The research was conducted in greenhouse, started from January to April 2013. The experiment used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 3 replicates, every experiment unit consisted of 6 yellow cempaka seedlings so the total number amounted to 108 seedlings. The treatment were number of medias (1) top soil; (2) saw dust; (3) rice husk; (4) top soil + saw dust 1:1; (5) top soil + rice husk 1:1; (6) top soil + saw dust + rice husk 1:1:1. Observed variables include high growth, diameter, number of leaves, root length, top root ratio, total dry weight and seedling quality index. The results showed that growth media of rice husk gave a good growth of yellow cempaka same as media top soil. Composite growth media that had a better growth of yellow cempaka seedling was composite growth media top soil + rice husk 1:1.

Keywords: organic matter, rice husk, growth media, saw dust, yellow cempaka

106. Keragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Obat Di Hutan Pendidikan Universitas Sumatera Utara Kawasan Taman Hutan Raya Tongkoh Kabupaten Karo Sumatera Utara

Tongkoh Great Forest Park has an excellent site factor for various types of medicine plants. The research about the medicine plants spesies diversity in Tongkoh Great Forest Park was needed because there was the lack of information about the types of medicine plants in the area. The purpose of the study was to determine the diversity of species and it's abundance, in the area of utilization block area Tongkoh Great Forest Park, Karo District, North Sumatra Province. This research was conducted on August 2014 in the utilization area of Tongkoh Great Forest Park, Karo District, North Sumatra Province by inventory method was employed using the terraced lines method that arranged systematically and started with purposive sampling, based on the presence of medicine plants that had known by local communities in around area. The distance between the pioneer lines were 200 m and the distance between the plots and the path lines were 100 m. The results of the research show that there are 25 species of medicine plants which are divided into 21 families. The most dominant species was pegagan (Centella asiatica) with density about 9,500 individu/hectare and frequency at 0.26 and tree species which have the highest relative density was pine (Pinus merkusii) with frequency was 0.2 and the density was 60 individu/hectare.

Keywords: medicinal plants, diversity

118. Analisis Potensi Dan Daya Dukung Sepanjang Jalur Ekowisata Hutan Mangrove Di Pantai Sari Ringgung, Kabupaten Pesawaran, Lampung

Tourism is a potential sector that being developed in the province of Lampung. Mangrove forest in Sari Ringgung Beach (PSR) has a potential to be developed into ecotourism because it has a rich flora and fauna diversity that characterized by the increasement of visitors number. An increasing number of visitors be fearful could damage the mangrove forest. The aim of these research were to analyze the carrying capacity in mangrove ecotourism track and it is was conducted in February - March 2015. These research used survey method and data collection techniques used exploration method. Carrying capacity of ecoutourism area counted by DDK formula = K x Lp/Lt x Wt/Wp. The results of these research show that value of the carrying capacity was 87 visitors/day with potential in the form of 20 types of mangrove and fauna in the form of six species of birds.

Keywords: ecotourism, carrying capacity, mangrove, sari ringgung beach

27. Penilaian Jasa Wisata Kebun Binatang Bumi Kedaton Resort Di Bandar Lampung Dengan Pendekatan Metode Biaya Perjalanan

Tourism object Bumi Kedaton Resort (BKR) is one of the tourist attractions that can be found in the Province of Lampung and opened to the public in 2009 so that the unknown diversity of attitude necessary for a visitor management strategy from BKR to be able to attract visitors because of competition in the world tourist attractions then increasingly need to give satisfaction to the visitor so that visitors wishing to come back. Therefore need to do research to find out the value of tourist services BKR and economic characteristics of visitors. Economic value of tourism services can be found using the method of travel expenses.

The research was carried out in December 2014-February 2015 by doing the interview and questionnaire distributed directly to the respondent as much as 99 people. Sampling of respondents do with inccidental sampling methods respondents who happened to be there on site research with sampling techniques in a non random sampling because not all individuals in the population earn the same opportunities to provide samples. Sampling is done starting at 09:00am-4:00 pm WIB each day and by the time the school holidays, christmas, new year and chinese new year.

The results of the determination of the cost of travel of visitors then tested with the method of multiple linear regression using software Minitab 16. The research results showed that travel costs averaged visitors amounted to Rp. 109.176,26/people/visits for all zoning are examined. Calculation based on research data obtained economic values of tourism services BKR is Rp. 24.559.199,69/year. Characteristics that give visitors a real influence against the economic value of tourism services BKR i.e. time visiting when the Sunday school holiday, Chinese new year, christmas and new year, as well as the distance that has value P Value < 0.1. The influence of the dependent variables simultaneously (R-Sq) was 96,6% and R-Sq (adj) is 95,4%.

Keywords: Demographic, economic value, tourism services, travel cost.

441. Dampak Penyaradan Kayu dengan Traktor terhadap Keanekaragaman Semut (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) di Hutan Produksi Alam, Kalimantan Tengah (Impacts of Tractor Logging on the Diversity of Ground Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Natural Production Forest)

Tractor logging in tropical forest concession disturbs the life of soil surface organisms, including ground ant. Ground ant has an important role in determining soil fertility. The study aimed to analyze the impact of tractor logging on the diversity of ground ant (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the natural production forest. Two transect lines of 100 m length and 200 m distance between lines were placed in four different cutting compartments, i.e., currently logged, one month after logging, two months after logging, and unlogged. Ground ant was collected using a pitfall trap. The environmental factors (density of understorey plants, canopy cover, soil compaction, litter thickness, temperature, and humidity) were measured at the setting location of pitfall trap. Analysis of variance (ANOVA)  was used to determine the mean difference between treatments. Pearson correlation test was used to determine the correlation between insect abundance and environmental factors. The results of the study indicated that there was a significant difference in the abundance of the ground ant after logging and before logging. The abundance of ground ants after logging was lower than before logging.  The abundance of ground ants among skidded plots was not significantly different. Soil compaction due to tractor logging, litter thickness, and temperature did not significantly affect the abundance of ground ants. The ground ant composition did not change due to tractor logging.

Keywords: environment impact, forest conservation, forest disturbance, forest ecosystem

570. Tree Health Monitoring of Risky Trees in the Hotel Open Space: A Case Study in Rancamaya, Bogor

Tree health monitoring of risky trees is necessary, especially in areas with a high level of accessibility, such as in hotels and tourist areas. The increased accessibility of hotel visitors and the green space require increased awareness of the risk of falling trees. This research aimed to estimate the amount of internal decay and damage of living trees, with special attention to the large tree in the open space of R Hotel Rancamaya. Tree health monitoring was carried out using two approaches, namely visual observation Sonic Tomography method. The visual parameters were observed following the standard method of the International Society of Arboriculture. A total of 8 trees consists of four types of plants such as Melia azedarach, Durio zibethinus, Falcataria falcata, and Ficus subcordata. The eight trees visually showed no significant damage to their organs. The results of internal trunk inspection by PiCUS-3 Sonic Tomograph also showed a similar result with decay or weathering ranges ranging from 1-3% in healthy trees, except for the stem base of tree 7 (M. azedarach) with weathering of 18%. Handling that needs to be done on six trees at the green area hotel is through light pruning and installing warning signs so that visitors and staff are careful in the tree area. Substantial pruning is recommended specifically for tree 7 because there is significant weathering, and it could be dangerous if the tree is not appropriately handled. The assessment showed that mitigation, warning signs, and physical handling are essential to prevent any unpredicted fallen trees, especially for tree 3 (D. zibethinus) and tree 7 (M. azedarach).

Keywords: hotel open space, risky trees, Sonic Tomography, tree health monitoring, visual observation

533. Status Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan keanekaragaman hayati; penurunan keanekaragaman hayati dan faktor-faktor penyebabnya; upaya konservasi keanekaragaman hayati yang telah dilakukan; dan permasalahan dan tantangan dalam pelestarian keanekaragaman hayati yang dihadapi Indonesia.  Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode penelusuran pustaka.  Data dikumpulkan dari lembaga-lembaga yang kompeten dan dianalisis secara deskriptif.  Indonesia memiliki keanekaragaman flora dan fauna yang tinggi.  Dari 1.812.700 spesies yang telah dipertelakan di dunia 31.750 (1,75%) spesies terdapat di Indonesia, bahkan kelompok lumut melebihi 10%.   Untuk fauna, Indonesia menempati kekayaan fauna nomor dua setelah Brazil, sekitar 12% mamalia, 16% reptil, 17%  burung dunia terdapat di Indonesia. Sementara dalam jumlah mamalia dan amfibi Inonesia menempati peringkat kelima dan keenam.  Indonesia juga terkenal dengan keanekaragaman ekosistem pesisirnya, yang mengandung 18 persen terumbu karang dunia, lebih dari 70 genera dan 500 spesies karang, 2.500 spesies ikan, 2.500 spesies moluska, 1.500 spesies crustacea, dan berbagai biota laut lainnya.  Akan tetapi, Indonesia juga dinilai sebagai Negara dengan penurunan keanekaragaman yang tinggi.  Indonesia memiliki 583 sepesies yang terancam punah, diantaranya mamalia 191 spesies dan burung 160 spesies.  Sebagai upaya pelestarian keanekaragaman hayati, Inonesia telah menetapkan Kawasan konservasi seluas 46.279.090,10 ha, terdiri atas   27.134.394,79kawasan konservasi terrestrial dan 19.144.695,28 kawasan konservasi laut serta melindungi 904 spesies, teridiri atas 787 fauna dan 117 flora.   Data keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia sebagian besar (23,98%) diperoleh badasarkan hasil eksplorasi di Jawa yang luasnya hanya 6,76% dari luas Indonesia, sehingga dengan eksplorasi yang dilakukan secara ektensif di luar Jawa diperkirakan keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia akan semakin meningkat

436. Identifikasi Hak, Kewajiban, dan Peluang Masyarakat dalam Peraturan Penyelenggaraan Kehutanan

Undang-Undang nomor 41 tahun 1999 tentang Kehutanan beserta peraturan turunannya. mengatur sejumlah kewajiban dan hak-hak masyarakat dalam penyelenggaraan kehutanan.  Selain berisikan kewajiban dan hak-hak, juga terkandung peluang bagi masyakarat desa hutan untuk meningkatkan kesejahterannya.  Hingga sejauh ini, tulisan yang mengidentikasi kewajiban, hak-hak dan peluang bagi masyakarat dalam penyelenggaraan kehutanan di Indonesia belum ada.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kewajiban, hak-hak dan peluang bagi masyakarat tersebut. yang akan digunakan sebagai landasan legal untuk menyusun peraturan desa tentang kehutanan. Berdasarkan cakupan jenis peraturan yang dianalisis, penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan undang-undang (statute approach), sedangkan untuk mendalami pesan-pesan yang terkandung  peraturan yang berkaitan dengan isu yang diteliti, digunakan metode analisis isi (content analysis). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat diidentifikasi kewajiban, hak-hak dan peluang bagi masyakarat tersebar luas dan menyeluruh, mulai dari aspek asas dan tujuan penyelenggaraan kehutanan, penguasaan hutan, perencanaan hutan, pemanfaatan hutan, rehabilitasi, perlindungan, pengawasan, penelitian, pengembangan, penyuluhan kehutanan, hingga ke aspek peran serta masyarakat.

534. Agarwood Tree Characteristics based on Different Growing Habitat and Ecophysiological Attributes in the Papuan Tropical Forests

Understanding tropical forest characteristics, including forest derivative products such as agarwood, is pivotal. This study focused on perceiving an ideal habitat of the lowland tropical forest ecosystem of West Papua for agarwood-producing tree species. In further, this study identified a close association of biotic and abiotic characteristics to underpin agarwood-producing tree growth. Six sites in three different locations were established to ascertain forest composition and the associated insects. Soil samples were collected to analyze their physical and chemical properties using the Kjeldahl, the Walky and Black, and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). In addition, temperature, relative humidity, and light intensity were measured. The results noticed two agarwood producing species, Gyrinops caudate and Aquilaria sp., found at an altitude of 400−402 masl in Manokwari, 200−300 masl in Teluk Wondama, and 167.7 masl in Teluk Bintuni. There were no significant differences in temperature, relative humidity, and light intensity. The soil cation exchange capacity was moderate in Manokwari, but it was low in Teluk Wondama and Teluk Bintuni. Total C-organic content in three research sites was classified as high. However, total N content in the three research sites was in the moderate category. The ideal habitat for agarwood in the West Papua forest is from the lowlands to the highlands. Environmental conditions that support the growth of agarwood are moderate temperature, high humidity, and moderate light intensity. Soil fertility also affected the natural growth of agarwood trees.

Keywords: abiotic, agarwood association, lowland tropical forest, soil characteristics

198. Kajian Iklim Mikro Di Bawah Tegakan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Universitas Lampung

University of Lampung has quite extensive green open space with the diversity of vegetation. The presence of green open space consider to have benefits to control the temperature and humidity. This research was aimed to know the influence of vegetation on the green open space to control temperature, humidity, the degree of comfort and aesthetics. This study used randomized group complete design model with purposive sampling techniques and interviews which conducted on February 2015. The results of this research showed that the highest air temperature in the morning, noon and evening were in the football field. The lowest temperature in the morning, noon and evening were in mixed forest stands. The highest humidity in the morning was in Ficus benjamina stands, while in the afternoon and evening were in Enterolobium cyclocarpum stands. The lowest air humidity in the morning, noon and late afternoon were in thefootball field. Based on the temperature and humidity index (THI) the football field, Enterolobium cyclocarpum stands, Ficus benjamina stands and mixed forest stands were included in the uncomfortable category. Based on perception of repondens towards the comfort level and green open space aesthetic, the football field categoried as uncomfortable and less aesthetic. While, Enterolobium cyclocarpum stands, Ficus benjamina stands and mixed forest stands categoried as comfortable and aesthetic.

Keywords: comfort, micro-climate, open green space

331. Coal Mining Institution in Private Forest

Unlicensed Mining (PETI) conducted by community groups in private forest area is rife in Muara Enim district which causing environmental degradation. The purpose of this study is to find out the institutional forms associated with illegal coal mining activities. The study used a qualitative approach that illustrated how unlicensed mining (PETI) still able to operate despite violating the law. The result of this study indicates the existing formal institutions did not run so well which lead to the creation of non-formal institutions who permits illegal activities. There are few technical requirements that PETI could not provide if they were legalized to be public mining. Good coordination and teamwork between government and law enforcers along with mining corporation are desirable to control the development of PETI and the impact it brings, especially in private forest.

Keywords: private forest, institution, environmental damage, unlicensed mining, coal mining


Upaya pemuliaan dan perlindungan tanaman jahe salah satunya dilakukan dengan melengkapi deskripsi morfologi dan genetik tanaman. Sebanyak 14 genotipe lokal jahe merah diobservasi morfologi daun dengan mengamati jumlah, panjang, dan lebar stomata, serta jumlah kloroplas. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan peranti lunak IBM SPSS versi 25 dan PAST 3.25. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 14 genotipe jahe lokal koleksi pada 4 karakter pengamatan sitologi menunjukkan bahwa rerata panjang stomata, lebar stomata, dan jumlah kloroplas berbeda nyata.  Sementara karakter rerata jumlah stomata tidak berbeda nyata antar genotipe jahe merah. Analisis lanjut dilakukan dengan metode DMRT, terlihat bahwa panjang stomata pada genotipe Ziof-110 (60,1μm) berbeda nyata dengan Ziof-68 (66,3 μm). Pada karakter lebar stomata secara statistik Ziof-108 (66,7 μm) berbeda nyata dengan Ziof-69 (70,3 μm) dan Ziof-70 (69 μm). Karakter jumlah kloroplas Ziof-72 (30) berbeda nyata dengan Ziof-13 (46) dan Ziof-115 (43). Dendogram kekerabatan dan analisis komponen utama membagi 14 genotipe jahe merah lokal menjadi 2 kelompok. lebar stomata dan jumlah kloroplas merupakan karakter yang berkontribusi terhadap keragaman jahe merah dengan nilai PC1 0,70 dan PC2 0,73. Komponen utama 1 dan 2 memiliki nilai eigenvalue > 1 dan dapat menjelaskan keragaman total jahe merah sebesar 65,24%.

541. Understanding Resident Intention and Behavior toward Water Conservation Initiative in the Upstream of West Java, Indonesia

Upstream areas have long been targeted as the priority of water conservation initiatives. While earlier studies often considered underlying socio-psychological factors determining residents' intention and behaviors in water conservation, studies that focused on the resident's intention and behavior in upstream areas, where water is abundant, remain underexplored. The current study used socio-psychological constructs of the theory of planned behavior (TPB), i.e., subjective norm, attitudes toward behavior, and perceived behavioral control, to analyze the determinants of water conservation intention and behavior in two villages upstream of West Java (i.e., Cibeusi and Sanca villages), Indonesia. A total of 200 usable questionnaires were retrieved. Structural equation modeling was used to determine the linkages and strength of relationships among constructs. There was evidence that residents perceived behavioral control exerted the most significant influence on residents' water conservation intention and behavior. Moreover, perceived behavioral control was an effective mediator of the linkage between attitude and residents' intention and behavior. The findings confirmed the suitability of TPB in explaining interrelationships among determinant factors that explain residents' intention and behavior, albeit with different mechanisms and effects. The study implied that increasing awareness of the value of water conservation would significantly affect residents' attitudes, which subsequently increased their willingness to perform water conservation efforts.

Keywords: attitude, Cipunagara watershed, theory of planned behavior, Subang

369. Analysis of the Urban Forest Status in Bandar Lampung City

Urban forest is one form of green open space. Urban forests play an important role in maintaining the sustainability of ecological functions in a city. This role could only run optimally with the availability of urban forests. The purpose of this study is to analyze the status of land ownership and analyze the efforts that can be made in maintaining urban forests. This study used image analysis, interviews, and field observations. From the results of this study, the status of urban forests based on the Mayor of Bandar Lampung Decree in 2010 had different statuses at each location. The urban forest ownership does not exclusively belong to the government. Of the 5 locations, only 1 location owned by the Bandar Lampung City Government, with 1 location that is not recognized (problematic), 1 location did not have a certificate of rights yet, and 2 other locations were private locations. The best effort that could be made to maintain the existence of urban forests is to control urban forest land as ownership in the name of the City Government with the support of certain regulations that can be done.

Keywords: land status, urban forest, Lampung

621. Uji Perkecambahan Beberapa Benih Pohon Kehutanan pada Media Lumpur Settling pond dengan Pemberian Kompos

Various obstacles are often experienced by mining companies in carrying out revegetation activities on post-mining land, one of the obstacles faced is related to the deficit of topsoil stock. Procurement of topsoil stock is not always possible, especially for small-scale mining companies and mining companies that are constrained in terms of cost. Procurement of new materials can be suppressed by utilizing materials that are already available in the mining area. Settling pond sludge is waste that is routinely dumped into disposal areas and has the potential to accumulate, but also has the potential to be used as material for other activities. The purpose of this study was to identify the potential use of settling pond mud as a planting medium to replace topsoil by testing the germination of seeds and the viability of sprouts planted by direct seeding method on settling pond mud media added with compost. This experiment used a completely randomized design with 4 levels of compost treatment applied to several types of revegetation plants, namely Acacia mangium, Senna siamea, Falcataria moluccana, and Albizia saman. The results show that the settling pond media has the potential to be used as a medium for growing revegetation plants. The addition of compost had a significant effect on the germination parameters and the viability of the sprouts. In general, the media with the addition of 50% and 75% compost gave the best germination response and germination viability.

Keywords: seed germination test, direct seeding, settling pond mud, compost, revegetation    

219. Studi Daya Dukung Ekowisata Air Terjun Wiyono Di Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman Provinsi Lampung

Wan Abdul Rachman (WAR) Great Forest Park is a conservation area in Lampung Province. It has good natural biological and non biological and also can be developed for ecotourism activity. One of objects in WAR Great Forest Park can be used as ecotourism is WiyonoWaterfall. During this time, the waterfall area used for picnic and camping activity. As one of areas with potential to develop ecotourism, it is necessary to study about the carrying capacity area to know ability in receiving tourists while maintaining environment quality in Wiyono Waterfall ecotourism area. This research was conducted in Desember 2015 to determine carrying capacity, flora and fauna potential as well as tourists and local communities perception. The method was based on the Cifuentes (1992) formula consists of physical carrying capacity, ecological carrying capacity, and real carrying capacity. The physical carrying capacity was implemented to obtain the tourists saticfaction. The ecological carrying capacity was implemented to maintain the ecosystem balance. The real carrying capacity was implemented to maintain the comfort and safety of tourists. The data was collected by field survey, questionnaires, and interviews method. The result showed that the physical carrying capacity by 759 people/day for picnic and 122 people/day for camping, ecological carrying capacity by 248 people/day for picnic and 165 people/day for camping ,and real carrying capacity by 51 people/day for picnic and 9 people/day for camping. Thebiodiversity flora was included good category with 28 species and fauna was very good category with 23 species. The tourists and communities perception supported fully the development of ecotourism.

Keywords: carrying capacity, ecotourism, Wiyono Waterfall

327. Economic Value of Water for Domestic and Rice Farms in Surrounding Wan Abdul Rachman Forest Park

Wan Abdul Rachman Forest Park (Tahura WAR) has a useful hydrological function for the surrounding community, especially for the household and rice farmers. Tahura WAR condition that changed function, causing water supply is reduced. The economic value of water needed to be known, so the community can support the sustainability of Tahura WAR. The purpose of this study is to estimate the economic value of water from Tahura WAR which is a source of water for the surrounding households and rice farmers. The economic value of water is approached by an assessment of the willingness to pay of the community in Batu Putuk urban village that borders directly with Tahura WAR. This research was conducted in August 2017 with the number of respondents is 47. Sampling technique by using purposive sampling and proportionate stratified random sampling. The results showed that the domestic economic value of water is Rp.9,602,428,308/year, while the economic value of rice farming water is Rp.1,050,000/year and willingness to pay from the community and farmers of rice fields is Rp.411,513,920/year. Total economic value of water utilization around Tahura WAR is Rp.10,014,992,228/year. The value proves that the forest could give high benefit to the community from the hydrological function. Therefore, the existence of the upstream community dependence on Wan Abdul Rachman Forest Park.

Keyword: water economic value, total economic value, Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman, willingness to pay

322. The Interaction of Community around the Forest towards Land Use Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman

Wan Abdul Rachman Forest Park (Tahura WAR) has experienced the fluctuations in land cover changes in each year. It caused by the interaction of community in utilization of Tahura WAR. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of interaction by the community around Tahura WAR and the influenced factors of it. The product moment correlation analysis was used to see the real relation between the independent variables (the level of interaction) and the dependent variable (land area, income, and the number of family dependents). The result showed that the interaction of the community in the Tahura WAR was moderate. It included the activity of community-related in utilization, preservation and forest protection. The level of interaction was influenced by the land area and the income level of the respondents.

Keywords: interaction, Tahura WAR, land area, income.

194. Komposisi, Struktur, Dan Keanekaragaman Jenis Vegetasi Di Jalur Wisata Air Terjun Wiyono Atas Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman Provinsi Lampung

Wan Abdul Rachman Grand Forest Park has a potential of natural resources that can be used as natural attractions. One of the tourism potential is The Waterfall of Wiyono Atas. In addition, plant diversity found around the waterfall also has a potential to support the tourism.  The aims of the research was to figure out the composition of plant species, structure of vegetation based on the density of each growth phase, and diversity of plant along the tourism track. The research was conducted in May - June 2015. Vegetation analysis with aterraced plot was employed as sampling method, that was consisting 44 plots which were 22 plots for left track and 22 plots for right track, and the distance between plots was 80 m. The analysis of density, frequency, dominance, important value index, Shannon diversity index, and canopy stratification were used as data analysis. The results showed that the plant composition along the tourism track was made up of 28 species in the left track and 31 species in the right track. The vegetation density of tourism track was classified as high on seedling phase for 11,600 individu/ha, sapling phase 1,880 individu/ha, and it was classified low density on pole phase for 350 individu/ha, and tree phase for 63.64 individu/ha on the left track, while on the right track, vegetatation density was classified as high on seedling phase for 10,900 individu/ha, sapling phase for 1,140 individu/ha, and classified low density on pole phase for 309.09 individu/ha, and tree phase for 86.36 individu/ha. The vegetation former, consist of 5 stratum, ranging from stratum A, B, C, D, and E. The diversity in the tourism track was classified as low, with the value of diversity in the left track of 1.197 and the right track of 1.189.

Keywords: composition, diversity, Grand Forest Park, structures

451. Gender Based Waste Management Model in Sei Sembilang, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatera Province

Waste is one of the major problems in Sei Sembilang, a hamlet located in the Berbak-Sembilang National Park (BSNP) area. The area is difficult to reach, and to date, there is no effective waste management system applied. Waste management cannot be separated from the involvement of men and women; hence, a model that can accommodate the community's interests and how gender plays a role in that model is needed. This study aims to develop an appropriate gender-based waste management model to overcome these problems. The study was conducted using mixed methods of Sequential Explanatory. Quantitative data were analyzed through 3 stages: editing, coding, and tabulation in tables and diagrams. Qualitative data were analyzed descriptively through 3 stages, that are reduction, presentation, and verification. The results showed that the community's knowledge and attitudes, both men and women, were relatively high, but not accompanied by their behavior. Women tend to have a higher level of knowledge, attitudes, and behavior than men. The waste management model that can be developed is an integrated waste management model that can accommodate all society levels. This model divides roles between the community, government, and the private sector. In this model, women have a more significant role in separating waste and recycling plastic waste into handicraft products. Men play a role in transporting and processing plastic waste into economically valuable plastic raw materials.

Keyword: Berbak-Sembilang National Park, gender, waste management model

639. Regional Public Water Company Business Plan for Sustainable Economic in Makassar City, Indonesia

Water is an essential need for humans, especially to meet daily needs. As many as 63.64% of the population of Makassar City choose Perumda as the fulfillment of water needs in Makassar City. The total water demand of Makassar City residents in 2025 is 2,819 liters per second. The research was conducted using a real needs survey, a field activity carried out to record the behavior of prospective customers and the management of state-owned enterprises. The analysis was carried out to obtain valid information related to the behavior of customers, potential customers, and management of the Makassar City drinking water public company. Good corporate governance is a process and structure used by corporate organs to improve business success and corporate accountability. They are increasing the company's contribution to improving the regional economy in Makassar City in a sustainable manner. The company's business management by prioritizing business ethics and the implementation of work ethics within the company is intended so that every member of the company can behave, behave, interact and carry out work processes both inside and outside the company. Every organ in the company, namely the owners of capital, the supervisory board, and the board of directors can interact with each other and manage the company as well as possible while taking into account the interests of various parties and adhering to the principles of good corporate governance and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

323. The Economic Values of Utilizing Water Services Way Betung Watershed

Way Betung watershed is a source of raw water supply utilized by the Talang Mulya community for various purposes, such as for household needs, irrigation of paddy farming and micro hydro power plant. Water availability is closely related to the existing forest presence in the area, the forest land management should be in balance on behalf of maintaining water availability. This study aimed to determine the perception of the community and to analyze the economic value of water for household needs, irrigation of paddy farming and micro hydro power plant. This research also calculated the Willingness to Pay of forest and land rehabilitation costs by community. Primary data collection were conducted by interviewing 106 respondents. The results showed that the community appraisal of water resources in Way Betung watershed were good since 88% of respondents are willing to pay for forest rehabilitation. The total economic value of water utilization in Talang Mulya Village was Rp 2,963,540,390/year and the value of willingness to pay for forest rehabilitation costs was Rp 5,833,608/year with average willingness to pay was Rp 22,948/year.

Keywords: watershed, total economic value, the economic value of water, willingness to pay

20. Peran Siamang (Hylobates Syndactylus) Sebagai Pemencar Biji Di Resort Way Kanan Taman Nasional Way Kambas Lampung

Way Kambas National Parklocated inLampung Provinceis habitat for gibbon (H. syndactylus), frugivorous primate which plays a role as seeds dispersal process in tropical rainforests with its activities. Purpose of the research is to determine the gibbon's role as seeds dispersal. It was conducted in August 2012 in the Way Kanan Resort of Way Kambas National Park. The method used is exploration and feces analysis. Based on the research, there are 37 samples of gibbon's feces and 7 spesies of seed plant dispersed by gibbon include Polygonum chinense, Grewia paniculata, Ficus sp, Bouea macrophylla, Dacryodes rostrata, Aporosa aurita, and Aplaia palembanica. Seeds are distributed by gibbon using endozoochory process without destroying seeds and can be dispersed far from the parent trees.Distance of the seed dispersed by gibbons ranges 0-385 meters. Defecation activity of gibbon is done after waking, feeding activity, and when moved to other tree with frequency of defecation between 3-6 times a day. The composition ofgibbon's feces is seeds and leaves. The highest attendance of seeds in feces is Polygonum chinense seeds (42,12%) and the lowest is Aporosa aurita seeds (1,18%). The mean seeds in feces is 7,38 from 273 seeds.

Keywords : gibbon, seed dispersal, Way Kambas National Park

82. Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung Di Lahan Basah Way Pegadungan Desa Rajawali Kecamatan Bandar Surabaya Kabupaten Lampung Tengah

Way Pegadungan wetlands is a wetland closure difference between the two riparian communities. One of the wetlands is converted into paddies fields, while the other is a natural wetland which are still overgrown with trees. To determine diversity differences in bird species between two wetlands research communities, the point count method (IPA) and line transects were used. Observations made by the stationary point count and record the birds found. Each community was taken 6 points count and observed for 3 days. Research encountered 41 species of birds included in the 17 families with a total of 796 individual in paddies fields and 46 birds species with total of 655 individuals from 17 families of individuals in natural wetlands. Natural wetlands diversity index was 3.44 with equality index of 0.90, this value is higher than the wetlands changed into paddies fields with a diversity index of 2.91, and in a stable condition with equality index of 0.78. Both wetlands communities have the same identical species approach (IS = 1) with a similarity index of 0.73.

Keywords: birds, diversity, wetlands, Way Pegadungan

448. Larvicidal Activity of Brugmansia candida against Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae)

We investigated the larvicidal activity of crude extracts derived from leaf and flower of Brugmansia candida against the second larval instar of Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus. The larval mortality was observed at 24 and 48 h exposure of both leaf and flower extracts, at the concentration of 100, 250, 500, and 1000 ppm. The 24 h exposure of both extracts at the concentration of 500 and 1000 ppm resulted in larval mortality rates that were significantly lower than those of 48 h exposure. However, the mortality rate was not significantly different at the lower concentrations of crude extracts. The results also suggested that there was no significant difference in the larvicidal effect between leaf and flower extracts at 24 and 48 h exposure for all concentration units. The LC50 values at 48 h exposure for leaf extract were 789 and 791 ppm for Ae. aegypti and C. quinquefasciatus, respectively, whereas for flower extract were 772 and 780 ppm for Ae. aegypti and C. quinquefasciatus, respectively. Overall, B. candida showed larvicidal activity against Ae. aegypti and C. quinquefasciatus.

36. Pengaruh Lama Waktu Perendaman Dengan Air Terhadap Daya Berkecambah Trembesi (Samanea Saman)

Well germination process of rain tree seeds will rised the percentation, capacity, and rate of germination. Nevertheless, there are still some obstacles on the germination process due to it dormancy period. Water is one of medium which could be used to break the dormancy period. This research was conducted at Lampung University green house on March 2012. The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of water submerged time to rain tree germination. This research was arrange on Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatment and 4 repeatization. The treatments was the submerging time which was 24, 48 and 72 hours. Test of the similarity range were done by Bartlett test while the analysis by analysis of variance, furthermore the comparison of average values were done by the different test (BNJ) with a 5% confidence interval. The results of this research showed that the effect of submerged time of seed rain tree. The effect of submerged time of seed rain tree for 72 hours was the best percentation of germination and germination of seed rain tree at 68,75% and 80,25%. The submerged time did not effect to rate of germination seed rain tree.

Keywords: dormancy, germination, rain tree, scaryfication, submerged

178. Perbandingan Populasi Burung Cekakak (Halcyonidae) Di Lahan Basah Desa Sungai Luar Dan Lahan Basah Desa Kibang Pacing Kecamatan Menggala Timur Kabupaten Tulang Bawang

Wetland as one of natural habitat for wild animals in Indonesia have been changed a lot. Wetland at Sungai Luar and Kibang Pacing are the nature habitat for settler birds diversity and place to stop over for migratory birds. The purpose of this research is to know, the population of kingfisher (Halcyonidae) and population ratio at two research location. Method used in this research are the IPA method (Indicates Pountuele d'Abudance-Abudance Index On the Point) and the distributing model. This observation was done by staying at the point count and making a note for every founded birds. For each community has three point count with each 18 days observation. To calculate population ratio of the kingfisher  (Halcyonidae) birds at two research locations ware used the formula of Yuniar (2007), that is P= X +/- Se.t. The result showed that from the two locations have been founded just one species from Halcyonidae that is the white-throated kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis). The population have been founded in Sungai Luaras many 18 birds. The population in Kibang Pacingwetland as many 12 birds. Population ratio of White-throated kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis) in Sungai Luar and Kibang Pacing wetland are1.5:1 bird (60% :40%). Distribution model of the bird at two locations research is systematic.

Keywords: halcyonidae, population, wetland, sungai luar, Kibang Pacing

611. The Level of Beef Cattle Farmers’ Readiness for Livestock Intensification Program Surrounding Baluran National Park Area

Wild grazing is the main problem faced by Baluran National Park (BNP) management. Sidomulyo Hamlet contributed to wild grazing by the cattle number of 2,220 heads. The research aims to assess the community readiness for the intensification program to reduce wild grazing in BNP and formulate alternative strategies to program successfully. The study was conducted in Sidomulyo Hamlet, Sumberwaru Village, Situbondo Regency, from June to October 2021. The location was chosen purposively, considering that it is one of the hamlets directly adjacent to the BNP. The method used a qualitative approach using Community Readiness Model by interviewing 12 key informants, consisting of the representative of BNP management, local government, and local farmers. Data were collected through interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire under Community Readiness Model Handbook. Data were analyzed using Community Readiness Assessment. The results showed that the community readiness score related to the livestock intensification program was 4.43. The level of beef cattle community readiness at the preplanning stage, the program is still in the initial planning stage, aiming to increase awareness of the farmer community with ideas that can reduce the problem. Alternative strategies that should be carried out are: introducing information about the problem, communicating with community leaders, reviewing the efforts made to determine targets and success rates, conducting focus group discussions to discuss the problem and develop strategies, and increasing media exposure.

Keywords: Baluran National Park, Community Readiness Model, conservation, wild grazing

515. Anti-Termites Properties of Liquid Smoke from Bintangur Wood

Wood and wood-based products are very vulnerable to termite attacks. One of the methods to control termite attacks is using chemical insecticide. However, the use of chemical insecticide is considered a negative effect on the environment. The aim of this research was to determine the anti-termite properties of liquid smoke against Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren. The liquid smoke derived from bintangur wood pyrolysis at 370°C, 400°C, and 430°C was assessed as an anti-termite activity. Anti-termite activities against C. curvignathus were conducted by using liquid smoke with the concentration of 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% (v/v). Simple linear regression was used to measure the effect of liquid smoke concentration against C. curvignathus. The results showed that the liquid smoke concentration of 6% and 8% at the three pyrolysis temperatures effectively controlled the subterranean termite's attack and resulted in 100% termites mortality. The chemical content of bintangur wood vinegar has contained phenol (1.231.65%) and acid (4.336.68%).

Keywords: acid content, antitermitic activity, bintangur wood, phenol content, wood vinegar

318. Management Strategy for Private Forest development in Rancakalong District, Sumedang Regency

Wood is one of the natural resources needed by humans. The high growth rate of the human population causes an increase in demand for wood. Currently, one of the largest timber producers in West Java is private forests. Fulfillment of high demand for wood should be balanced with good management, so that is not to threat private forest sustainability. One of the areas with the private forest that is still actively undertaking private forest management activities is in Rancakalong District, Sumedang Regency. This study aims to identify the current management practice of private forests and to formulate sustainable development strategies. The data was collected through questionnaires and interviews, field observation, and secondary data collection. The respondent number of private forest farmers was 98 respondents. Snowball sampling techniques were used to interview government officials, middlemen or wood dealers. The analysis results at the input have an internal total score of 2.7, which shows the condition is at the medium stage and external total score of 3.17, which shows the public response to threats and opportunities are strong enough. At the matching stage, the result is that the management of private forest is the second quadrant, which means that the private forest is entering the growth stage. The study result shows that the first priority to be implemented in the Rancakalong private forest is to establish farmer organizations.

Keywords: private forest, management, strategic, Rancakalong

25. Respon Setek Cabang Bambu Kuning (Bambusa Vulgaris) Terhadap Pemberian Aia

Yellow bamboo is one of the bamboo species which used for industrial and house-hold materials, because it has a thick trunk outer layer, length of fiber, and beautiful shape. The success of cuttings grown yellow bamboo branch was lack. To increase the success of the yellow bamboo branches grow cuttings used growth regulators. Therefore, the research was conducted by giving indole acetic acid on yellow bamboo branch cuttings. The objective of this research was to known the growth of yellow bamboo branch cuttings by giving indole acetic acid and known the concentration of the indole acetic acid were the best influence on the growth of yellow bamboo branch cuttings. The research was designed with complete randomized design (CRD) with five treatment, five experimental units, and five branch cuttings for each experimental unit. The concentration of indole acetic acid (IAA) was 0 ppm, 100 ppm, 200 ppm,300 ppm, and 400 ppm. To test the homogeneity range done with Bartlett test, the data will be tested by analysis of variance and then further tested with honestly significant difference test. Yellow bamboo branch cuttings growth by percentage of life parameters, number of shoots, shoot length, shoot diameter, and a significant number of leaves is known, whereas for root length parameter is not significant. 

Keywords: branch cutting, indole acetic acid, yellow bamboo

444. Ekstraksi Senyawa Aktif pada Serbuk Kayu Yopo (Anadenanthera peregrina)

Yopo (Anadenanthera peregrina) merupakan tumbuhan endemik wilayah Karibia dan Amerika Selatan. Beberapa penelitian menyatakan bahwa bagian dari pohon yopo (biji-nya) telah dikenal memiliki sifat halusinogenik (hallucinogenic properties) yang banyak dimanfaatkan dalam acara ritual maupun upacara adat masyarakat suku Indian. Sifat halusinogenik ini menandakan bahwa biji pohon yopo mengandung senyawa aktif, seperti misalnya alkaloid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah dalam serbuk kayu yopo juga terdapat kandungan komponen senyawa aktif melalui uji fitokimia, pemisahan fraksi dengan Kromatografi  Lapis  Tipis (KLT),  Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT), pengujian kandungan logam dengan Atomic Absorption Spectrofotometry (AAS), serta pengujian menggunakan FT-IR. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bawa pada kayu Yopo ditemukan positif mengandung alkaloid dan sedikit steroid-triterpenoid. Rendemen ekstrak sebesar 9,67 %, dengan eluen terbaik dari kloroform : metanol : n-heksana (8,5 : 1,5 : 1). Konsentrasi ekstrak kayu Yopo untuk LC50 adalah 116,58 ppm. Pengujian dengan AAS menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kayu Yopo mengandung Fe sekitar 46,74 ppm dengan absorbansi 0,128. Hasil pengujian FTIR menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kayu Yopo setidaknya mengandung 15 jenis gugus fungsi yang berbeda.


Kata kunci: Yopo (Anadenthera peregrina), serbuk kayu, halusinogenik, senyawa aktif, alkaloid

314. Kontribusi Pola Tanam Agroforestri Terhadap Pendapatan Petani

Sidodadi villagers rely on farming with an agroforestry system in the Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman area.  The agroforestry cropping pattern applied by each farmer is different so it affects income.  This research has a purpose to know the agroforestry planting pattern that gives the highest income for farmer and farmer prosperity level in Sidodadi Village of Teluk Pandan Sub District of Pesawaran Regency.  The calculated variables include agroforestry receipts, production costs, non agroforestry revenues and agroforestry farmer expenditures.  The results showed that the highest agroforestry contribution was found in the second cropping pattern with the main crops of banana and cocoa which had an average income of Rp 21.640.777/KK/year.  The most prosperous farmers are in the third cropping pattern with an average income of  Rp 9.449.525/capita/year.
Keywords: agroforestry, planting income, welfare.

466. Dinamika Kebijakan Pengelolaan Kawasan Hutan Carita: Adakah Jaminan Kepstian Hak Kelola Masyarakat?

Keberadaan masyarakat dalam kawasan hutan merupakan sebuah fakta sebagai bagian yang tidak terlepaskan dari praktik pengelolaan hutan.   Pelibatan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan hutan menjadi sebuah pendekatan yang realistis sebagai upaya untuk mendorong terwujudnya kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan tetap menjaga fungsi ekologis hutan.  Kawasan Hutan Carita sebagai kawasan pelestarian dan lingkungan hidup dijaga pemerintah untuk tetap berfungsi utama sebagai sumber pasokan air.  Saat ini ada tiga pemangku pengelola areal di KHC yaitu Balai Tahura sebagai UPT Dinas Kehutanan dan Perkebunan Provinsi Banten, Badan Litbang dan Inovasi KLHK, dan Perum Perhutani Unit III Jawa Barat.  Di sisi lain terdapat keberadaan masyarakat di sekitar KHC yang sistem penghidupannya bersumber pada KHC.  Tulisan ini menyediakan pengetahuan tentang fenomena perubahan pemangku dan alihfungsi KHC dan dampaknya terhadap interaksi masyarakat dengan KHC.   Hasil penelitian adalah keberadaan tiga pengelola hutan di KHC dengan kewenangan berbeda berimplikasi terhadap operasionalisasi pengelolaan hutan, juga   memengaruhi hubungan antara pengelola dengan masyarakat terkait dengan pengelolaan KHC.  Pendekatan kolaboratif antara pengelola kawasan hutan di KHC dengan masyarakat lokal merupakan alternatif yang sebaiknya ditempuh untuk menjamin hak kelola masyarakat dan keberlanjutan KHC

485. Efektivitas Pengelolaan Hutan Mangrove Melalui Skema Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HKm) di Desa Busung dan Kuala Sempang, Kabupaten Bintan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh pelaksanaan HKm dalam menjaga kelestarian hutan mangrove dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di sekitar kawasan hutan mangrove. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada HKm desa Busung dan Kuala Sempang, Kecamatan Seri Kuala Lobam, Kabupaten Bintan. Jumlah sampel yaitu 58 reponden kelompok tani yang diperoleh menggunakan metode sensus (sampling jenuh). Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi dan wawancara terhadap kelompok tani pengelolah HKm. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif serta teknik skoring untuk melihat efektivitas HKm melalui aspek kelembangaan, ekologi, ekonomis dan sosial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan hutan mangrove melalui skema HKm di desa Busung dan Kuala Sempang berada pada kelas efektif dengan total skor 58,1. Berdasarkan keempat aspek yang dievaluasi terdapat tiga aspek mempunyai kisaran skor atau berada pada kategori efektif yaitu aspek kelembagaan dengan skor 33,31 (sangat efektif), aspek ekologi dengan skor 6,59 (efektif) dan aspek sosial dengan skor 15,67 (efektif). Untuk aspek ekonomi berada pada kategori tidak efektif dengan skor 5,53.


Abstract. Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman (Tahura WAR) has experienced the fluctuations in land cover changes in each period. The change in area and function of the Land use forest was largely happened because of the community interaction inland forest management in Tahura WAR. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of interaction and factors of interaction by the community around Tahura WAR. The product moment correlation analysis was used to see the real relation between the independent variables (the level of interaction) and the dependent variable (land area, income and number of family members). The result of this research shown that the interaction of the community in the Tahura WAR land utilization was moderate, it was showed by the people activity related to utilization, preservation and forest protection. The level of interaction that occurred was only influenced by the area of arable land and  the income level of the respondents.
Keywords: interaction, Tahura WAR, land area, income.

182. Cover Jurnal Sylva Lestari Vol. 3 No. 3, Januari 2015

Cover Jurnal Sylva Lestari Vol. 3 No. 3, Januari 2015

183. Cover Jurnal Sylva Lestari Vol. 3 No. 3, Januari 2015

Cover Jurnal Sylva Lestari Vol. 3 No. 3, Januari 2015

233. Daftar Isi Edisi Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2017

Daftar Isi Edisi Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2017

234. Teknik Penulisan Jurnal Sylva Lestari Edisi Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2017

Edisi Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2017

235. Barcode Jurnal Sylva Lestari Edisi Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2017

Edisi Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2017

236. Tim Redaksi Jurnal Sylva Lestari Edisi Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2017

Edisi Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2017

402. Isolasi Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat Genus Pseudomonas dari Tanah Masam Bekas Areal Perkebunan Karet di Kawasan Institut Teknologi Sumatera

Fosfor (P) merupakan unsur hara yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tanaman. Ketersediaan unsur ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh pH tanah. Pada jenis tanah ultisol yang digolongkan sebagai tanah masam, sebagian besar dari P di tanah dalam bentuk tidak tersedia dan berikatan dengan Fe dan Al. Pseudomonas pelarut fosfat merupakan mikrob tanah yang dapat memperbaiki ketersediaan P pada tanah masam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan Pseudomonas pelarut fosfat indigenous dari tanah masam bekas lahan perkebunan karet di kawasan Institut Teknologi Sumatera. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April sampai Juni 2018 yang meliputi analisis kimia tanah, isolasi bakteri genus Pseudomonads pada medium spesifik, uji kemampuan pelarutan fosfat pada medium Pikovskaya padat serta uji patogenitas sederhana pada umbi kentang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanah sampel bersifat masam dengan pH 4.09 dengan P tersedia sebesar 0,78. Dari sampel tanah diperoleh empat isolat potensial yang diperoleh merupakan genus Pseudomonas yaitu GSP 01, GSP 13, GSP 15 dan GSP 06, dengan indeks pelarutan fosfat berturut-turut sebesar 0.885, 0.639, 0.619 dan 0.568. Isolat memiliki indeks pelarutan fosfat terbaik pada hari ke-4 hingga hari ke-7. Keempat isolat potensial tidak bersifat patogen sehingga mampu dijadikan sebagai isolat yang dapat digunakan untuk memperbaiki ketersediaan unsur hara tanah terutama fosfor yang dibutuhkan oleh tanaman.

345. Sikap Masyarakat terhadap Kegiatan Pertambangan Batu di Kelurahan Sukamenanti, Kecamatan Kedaton

Global warming is a problem that must be faced by living things, one of the causes is the existence of rock mining activities that cause reduced land so that carbon stocks are reduced. The objectives of this study are (1) to describe the characteristics and attitudes of the community towards rock mining (2) to analyze the relationship between the level of knowledge and perceptions of community attitudes (3) to analyze the value of willingness to pay the community for land improvement. The sampling method used was simple random sampling with a total of 93 respondents consisting of 35 miners and 58 non-miners. Data collection uses observation techniques, interviews and literature studies. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that the attitude of the community refused mining activities as much as 66.5% because they thought that rock mining activities caused damage to the surrounding area. The level of knowledge and perception has a positive relationship to the attitude of the community rather than the miners, but has a non-significant negative relationship between the level of knowledge and the attitude of the mining community. The average value obtained from willingness to pay is Rp. 57,688.17 / person / month so that the total value of willingness to pay the community for environmental improvement is Rp. 89,185,648 / month.

232. Kata Pengantar Edisi Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2017

Kata Pengantar Edisi Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2017


Kegiatan praktikum (pendidikan) dan penelitian merupakan hal yang rutin dilaksanakan dalam suatu laboratorium pendidikan.  Dalam pelaksanaannya diperlukan peralatan dan bahan agar kegiatan tersebut berjalan dengan baik. Salah satu peralatan kategori 2 yang dimilki oleh laboratorium silvikultur dan perlindungan hutan adalah oven merk Memmert type UM 200.  Oven Memmert type UM 200 merupakan peralatan laboratorium yang sering digunakan untuk pengeringan seresah dalam penghitungan cadangan karbon.  Jumlah oven yang terbatas dan ukuran volume yang kecil, menimbulkan antrian penggunaan yang panjang.  Hal ini menyebabkan  sampel rusak dan membusuk.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis kemasan yang aman, mudah didapat, murah, dan lebih cepat dalam proses pengeringan.  Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan menguji empat bahan pengemas serasah, yaitu kertas koran, tompo (wadah yang terbuat dari sayatan bambu yang dianyam), alumunium foil, dan amplop kertas.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan pengemas tompo mampu mengeringkan serasah dengan berat konstan lebih cepat (36a jam) dibandingkan dengan bahan pengemas amplop kertas (40 ab jam), kertas koran (42 b jam) dan alumunium foil (48c jam).

35. Kelimpahan Dung Beetle di Blok Lindung Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Universitas Lampung di Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman

Kelimpahan dan Kelimpahan relatif dung beetle berperan penting sebagai bioindikator kerusakan hutan dan habitat. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis kelimpahan spesies dan kelimpahan relatif spesies dung beetle di Blok Lindung Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Universitas Lampung Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode trap, kemudian data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan indeks kelimpahan dan indeks kelimpahan relatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat empat jenis dung beetle yaitu Catharsius molossus, Onthophagus sp, Aphodius marginellus dan Oryctes rinocheros. Kelimpahan Dung beetle termasuk sedang dengan nilai 3,53 yang menggambarkan keadaan Hutan Pedidikan Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman masih tergolong baik. Kelimpahan relatif seluruhnya termasuk tinggi dengan nilai di atas 20% hal ini karena jumlah setiap jenis dung beetle yang ditemukan tidak berbeda jauh.

321. Valuasi Ekonomi Jasa Ekosistem: Kasus di Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan (KPH) Bandung Utara, Jawa Barat

KPH Bandung Utara merupakan salah satu unit pengelolaan di bawah Perum Perhutani yang memiliki tugas untuk mengelola hutan yang berstatus Hutan Produksi (HP) dan Hutan Lindung (HL). Sejak tahun 2009 telah terjadi perubahan penetapan sehingga sebagian besar fungsi kawasan hutan di KPH Bandung Utara yang berstatus HP menjadi HL, sementara sumber utama pendapatannya adalah dari hasil penjualan log kayu yang berasal dari HP. Untuk mengatasi kerugian yang dialami akibat menurunnya pendapatan dari hasil penjualan log kayu, diperlukan identifikasi terhadap potensi lain yang dapat dimanfaatkan dari hutan. Beberapa potensi dari hutan yang saat ini belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal adalah jasa ekosistem penyimpanan air, penyimpanan karbon, pelestarian biodiversitas, dan wisata. Hal ini menjadi peluang KPH Bandung Utara untuk menjadikan jasa ekosistem tersebut sebagai sumber pendapatan baru bagi perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan nilai ekonomi jasa ekosistem. Pada penelitian ini, valuasi ekonomi dilakukan melalui penentuan nilai/harga melalui pendekatan sosial dengan menggunakan harga yang tertera pada peraturan pemerintah dan pendekatan manfaat dengan menggunakan metode contingent valuation method (CVM) dan travel cost method (CVM). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, nilai ekonomi jasa penyimpaan air, jasa penyimpanan karbon, jasa pelestarian biodiversitas, dan jasa wisata di KPH Bandung Utara tahun 2018 secara berurutan adalah sebesar Rp 21.682.492.048,- ,Rp 1.863.970.813,- , Rp 525.753.750,- , dan Rp,-. Nilai total dari keempat jasa ekosistem tersebut adalah sebesar Rp 1.142,160,104.611,-.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami perencanaan komunikasi dalam pengembangan pariwisata ramah lingkungan di Palembang. Hal ini didasarkan oleh realitas bahwa selama ini sektor pariwisata di Palembang belum tergarap maksimal, di sisi lain persoalan lingkungan hidup juga banyak dirasakan seperti banjir, sampah dan kekeringan. Metode penelitian menggunakan cara-cara kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Dikarenakan masa pandemi, secara metode penelitian ini dilakukan banyak dengan mencari referensi dan mengamati langsung objek wisata. Wawancara diminimalisir karena beresiko kesehatan. Teori yang digunakan adalah Teori SOSTAC. Hasil riset menunnjukkan bahwa memang tidak tampak menonjol perencanaan komunikasi lingkungan dalam mengemas pariwisata di Palembang. Sektor wisata hanya dikemas secara sederhana, tidak menggunakan perencanaan komunikasi yang matang, serta tidak memperlihatkan aspek lingkungan hidup secara maksimal.

464. Pengaruh Komposisi Kimia Kayu

Pengaruh Komposisi Kimia Kayu

34. Cover Jurnal Sylva Lestari Vol. 2 No. 1, Januari 2014

Redaksi Jurnal Sylva Lestari

87. Redaksi Jurnal Sylva Lestari

Redaksi Jurnal Sylva Lestari

88. Redaksi Jurnal Sylva Lestari

Redaksi Jurnal Sylva Lestari

89. Kata Pengantar

Redaksi Jurnal Sylva Lestari

128. Redaksi Jurnal Sylva lestari

Redaksi Jurnal Sylva Lestari

129. Kata Pengantar

Redaksi Jurnal Sylva Lestari

130. Daftar Isi (Table Of Contents)

Redaksi Jurnal Sylva Lestari

131. Petunjuk Penulisan

Redaksi Jurnal Sylva Lestari

134. Petunjuk Penulisan (ManualScript)

Redaksi Jurnal Sylva Lestari

135. Petunjuk Penulisan (Manuscript)

Redaksi Jurnal Sylva Lestari

428. Spatial Analysis for Landcover Changes on management zonation in Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park using Landsat Imageries

Taman Nasional Bukit Tiga Puluh merupakan salah satu Kawasan Pelestarian Alam yang penting di Sumatera bagian tengah karena memiliki ragam jenis flora dan fauna yang dilindungi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengamati laju perubahan tutupan lahan dalam periode 2002-2016 di Taman Nasional Bukit Tiga Puluh. Penelitian menggunakan teknik pengindraan jauh dengan memanfaatkan data citra satelit untuk menghasilkan data tutupan lahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode klasifikasi citra terbimbing (supervised classification), dimana kelas-kelas citra didefinisikan dengan training area berdasarkan data lapangan berupa titik-titik groundcheck yang ditandai dengan GPS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perubahan tutupan lahan dari tahun 2002-2016 dimana hutan primer mengalami penurunan luasan sebesar 5.422,80 ha atau dengan laju rata-rata 387,34 ha/tahun, hutan sekunder mengalami peningkatan sebesar 103,00 ha atau dengan laju rata- rata 7,35 ha/tahun, lahan terbuka mengalami peningkatan sebesar 2.243,13 ha atau dengan laju rata-rata 160,22 ha/tahun, pertanian lahan kering mengalami peningkatan sebesar 1.929,69 ha dengan laju rata-rata 137,83 ha/tahun, pertanian lahan kering bercampur semak mengalami peningkatan sebesar 641,32 ha atau dengan laju rata-rata 45,80 ha/tahun, dan semak belukar mengalami peningkatan sebesar 505,66 ha atau dengan laju rata-rata 36,11 ha/tahun. Hasil klasifikasi pada zona pengelolaan, zona inti didominasi oleh hutan primer dan hutan sekunder sedangkan di zona rimba sudah ada penutupan selain hutan seperti pertanian, semak belukar dan lahan terbuka sebesar 0.05%%.


Tapir (Tapirus indicus) merupakan salah satu dari lima megasatwa di Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK) yang memerlukan upaya konservasi. Upaya tersebut dilakukan dengan meningkatkan produktivitas tumbuhan alami sebagai sumber pakan. Sehingga keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan yang menjadi sumber pakan tapir dapat diketahui. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode transek garis (line transect). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah tumbuhan yang teramati sebagai pakan tapir di RPTN Way Kanan yaitu 15 spesies yang termasuk dalam 9 familli dengan total 1288 individu. Indeks keanekaragaman jenis pakan tapir yaitu H=2,59 yang menunjukkan sedang (1<H<3). Nilai kelimpahan pada tiap jenis pakan tapir memiliki nilai yang berbeda, apit dan Antidesma tetrandrum memiliki nilai kelimpahan tertinggi yaitu N=1,30 dan nilai kelimpahan terendah yaitu Cinnamomum sp N=1,08. Kategori kelimpahan tumbuhan pakan tapir termasuk jarang atau kadang-kadang (N=1-10).

231. Tim Redaksi

Tim Redaksi Jurnal Sylva Lestari Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2017


To date, remote sensing technology has developed significantly. Remote sensing has used in various cases, one of these case is in land cover classification. The Tree Algorithm is one of the digital classification methods that can be used in classifying remote sensing images to classification classes. This study aims to classify land cover on sentinel-2A satellite images using tree algorithm method and to identify the level of accuracy of the method. The study was conducted on sentinel-2A satellite images by creating a tree algorithm to be used in the decision tree as a separator for each land cover class. One of the algorithm parameters used in determining class separation is NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). In addition to NDVI, to create class separation algorithm also using  calculations combination of pixel values on the sentinel-2A satellite bands. The classification of land cover based on Tree Algorithm conducted 6 class of land covers, cloud 6.99 Ha (0.16%), water 7.59 Ha (0.18%), agriculture fields 2.75 Ha (0, 06%), developed area 4.33 Ha (0.10%), medium density forest area 3.258.82 Ha (76.38%) and high density forest area 985.99 Ha (23.11%). Overall Accuracy value of Tree Algorithm method with ground checking obtained accuracy level of 60% from 15 sample points.

313. The Study of Carrying Capacity Watershead Antokan

Watershed (DAS) is a land area which is a unity with the river and its tributaries. Currently, land use conditions in the Antokan watershed area are under considerable pressure as a result of the development of Agam Regency. The purpose of this research is to know the study of carrying capacity of Antokan watershed in Agam Regency. The research method used is descriptive quantitative using field survey assisted by secondary data and its population is a society which is in Antokan watershed. The results of the sum of the values of each criterion obtained the condition of the carrying capacity of Antokan watershed for 80.00. Land condition with value 35, water condition value 16, socioeconomic condition value 16,50, the condition of investment of water building value 7,50 and condition of area space utilization value 5,00. Thus the classification of the carrying capacity conditions of the Antokan watershed belongs to either category (70 <DDD90). This condition identifies that Antokan watershed requires a better improvement of watershed management especially in handling critical land levels, erosion rates, flow regime coefficients and water use indexes.